JSF :: How To Update Primefaces Picklist Dynamically On Button Events

Feb 1, 2014

I am new to JSF, trying to customize the primefaces picklist, I want to update the picklist Source List dynamically on certain events like onclick or change?

I tried to write an Listener and populate the dualModel, the call is going to the method and List is getting updated but in UI, the old list is only maintained . I have also asked this question in stackoverflow ,

Refer this link for further details : stackoverflow [URL] .....

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Writing A Program To Dynamically Update XML File To Add

Feb 8, 2014

I'm writing a program to dynamically update an xml file to add, delete, and edit entries in the file. I've run into an issue with the add method because when I write into the file, a random letter is added before the line. EX:

I want to add "<item> ..." to the end of the list of entries, but when it is added, this is what is added "Z <item> ..."The spacing for the <item> is correct, however, I don't see where or why the Z is added.

public static void insertItem(Item i)
try {
String insert = " <item>";
String text = "";
Scanner in = new Scanner(file);


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Handling Button Events In Eclipse Standard 4.4 / Java?

Jul 20, 2014

package button;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Actions extends JFrame implements ActionListener
JPanel pnl = new JPanel();

[Code] ....

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
The type Actions must implement the inherited abstract method ActionListener.actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
event cannot be resolved
event cannot be resolved
at button.Actions.<init>(Actions.java:4)
at button.Actions.main(Actions.java:9)

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JSF :: Primefaces Command Button Is Not Working

Oct 2, 2011

<p:commandButton> of primefaces is not working but that same code working with <h:commandButton>Login bean is present with all valid getter and setter with loginAction

public String loginAction(){
return "success";
} else {
return "login";


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add Buttons Dynamically In A New Jpanel On Click Of A Button

Jun 20, 2014

Am trying to add buttons dynamically in a new Jpanel on click of a button. i am getting new Jpanel but not able to see the buttons.

btnNewButton_1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if((!(playerFirst.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("") ||playerSecond.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(""))&&(!playerFirst.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(playerSecond.getText())) ) ){
//unoGameController.playGame(playerFirst.getText(), playerSecond.getText());
CardLayout cardLayout=(CardLayout)(frmUno.getContentPane().getLayout());


prepareHandsForGuiCode is

public UNODeckMain prepareHandsForGui(UNODeckMain unoDeckMain){
JButton[] btnArr =new JButton[50];
for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
btnArr[i]=new JButton("hi");
}return unoDeckMain; }

Am i skipping something ?

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How To Fill Contents To Jtable Dynamically On Button Click

Dec 17, 2014

this is my code

private void showresultsActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEv ent evt) {
Object dbs=db.getSelectedItem();
Object colls=coll.getSelectedItem();
String distances=distance.getText();
String skillss=skills.getText();
DefaultTableModel tb=new DefaultTableModel();
MongoClient m = null;


i have added the columns but how could i show up the change??

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Creating A Dialog That Add TextField Dynamically Based On A Radio Button

Dec 12, 2014

What would be the simplest way of creating a Dialog that can add TextField dynamically based on whether a radio button option from the dialog box is selected. I thought of JOptionPane.showMessageDialog and adding a JComponent though I would not be able to add a TextField on the fly and I would not be able to add ActionListeners. The dialog would initially contain some radio buttons, labels and textfields.

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File Handling - Dynamically Update XML File As It Is Being Edited

Feb 11, 2014

I'm writing a program that dynamically updates an xml file as it is being edited. It needs an add function, delete, and save, and so far, I've gotten only the add function working properly. I've got a delete method that works when I run only that method, but not when I run the program as a whole. I don't get any exceptions or errors and I'm trying to edit the file via printwriter. It creates a new temporary file with the new xml with the deleted section and then overwrites the current .xml file. It runs flawlessly when I run only the delete method, but not when I run the program as a whole.

public static void removeFromFile(String file, String lineToRemove) {
try {
System.out.println("Removing: " + lineToRemove);
File inFile = new File(file);
if (!inFile.isFile()) {
System.out.println("Parameter is not an existing file");

[Code] ....

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How To Get JList To Update When Refresh Button Pressed

Mar 15, 2015

I am able to update the array holding the items but I don't know how to refresh the JList to include all the new items in the array.

Code for GUI:

import java.awt.ScrollPane;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ListView extends JFrame{
HobbyList stuff = new HobbyList();

[Code] .....

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How To Update JLabel Or ImageIcon Anytime On Press A Button

Apr 15, 2014

I am trying to do a program about a contact agenda, now, I have one JPanel that contains three sub panels (GridLayout(1,3)) where I have in the left the picture of the Contact, the middle one is not important, but the right one contains 4 JTextFields with information of the contact and one JCheckBox that indicates if the contact is a favorite or not. The thing is that I am only able to show the first contact, but I want to be able to scroll between the contacts with a Button that I have in another panel. I think I am actually scrolling among the contacts, but the panel with the information from the contact is not updating the information...

public class PanelInfoContacto extends JPanel{

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructores
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Construye el panel. <br/>
* @param contacto - es una referencia al contacto que muestra. contacto != null.
public PanelInfoContacto(Contacto contacto){
setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));

[Code] .....

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How To Use Single Button To Insert And Update In Java While Using MySQL Database

Oct 29, 2014

I am developing my first Java application and the database I use is MySQL. I have created two separate buttons; one to insert new data into my database and the other to update the database when changes are made.

Each button is working perfectly, but I now want to combine both functions into just the save button. Thus, whether I am entering new data or modifying existing data, the save button should use an IF ELSE condition to decide whether to use the INSERT or UPDATE command.

My problem is, how do I write this IF ELSE statement? What should be the condition? For example;

IF(what? ){
  String sql ="Insert into Table1 (classID,className,counselorID,startDate,endDate) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
  String sql2 = "update Table1 set classID = '"+value1+"',className='"+value2+"',counselorID='"+value3+"',startDate='"+value4+"',endDate='"+value5+"'
where classID = '"+value1+"'";

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JSF :: Populate PickList - Value Is Not Valid Message

Jan 16, 2015

I am creating a JSF 2.0 project, and I am facing a problem when using the rich:pickList (richfaces 4) component with a custom converter.

I can populate the picklist left column rightly. But, when I move some item from left list to the right (by clicking in the pickList "add" button) and I try to submit the form that contains the pickList, I receive the following error message:

"mainForm:picklist: Validation Error: Value is not valid"

I have already overridden the methods equals and hashCode in my model class (Pessoas.java), but the problem remains.

<rich:pickList id="picklist" converter="ApresentadorEventoConverter" value="#{CadastroEventoBean.pessoasSelecionadas}" var="pessoa" sourceCaption="Pessoas disponíveis" targetCaption="Pessoas selecionadas" listWidth="365px" listHeight="250px" orderable="false">
<f:selectItems value="#{CadastroEventoBean.pessoas}" />

[Code] .....

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Java Array Update Without Using ArrayList - Add Values And Update Size?

Feb 9, 2015

I am trying to create an array list without using the built in arrayList class that java has. I need to start the array being empty with a length of 5. I then add objects to the array. I want to check if the array is full and if not add a value to the next empty space. Once the array is full I then need to create a second array that starts empty and with the length of the first array + 1.

The contents of the first array are then copied into the new array without using the built in copy classes java has and then the new array ends up containing 5 elements and one null space the first time round. The first array is then overwritten with the new array containing the 5 elements and the null space. The process then starts again adding values until the array is full which will be 1 more value then recreating the second array empty and the length of the first array + 1. This is my attempt at creating this but I have run into multiple problems where I get only the last value I added and the rest of the values are null:

public class MyArrayList {
public Object arrayList[];
public MyArrayList(Object[] arrayList) {
this.arrayList = arrayList;


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JSF :: Update Action Does Not Update Bean Attribute

May 14, 2014

I have a strange behaviour when trying to update a bean. Here is the edit page:

<h3>Edit Post</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="small-3 columns">
<label for="right-label" class="right inline">Title</label>

[Code] ....

Here is the bean class:

package com.airial.controllers;
import com.airial.domain.Post;
import com.airial.service.PostService;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMapping;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMappings;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;


postToUpdatet is always NULL. Why the title property is not binded ? What is wrong here ?

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Events Associated With JMenuItems

Apr 24, 2015

So I am trying to finish this assignment I am not sure how to approach the last part of it. Basically, I need to give the drop down menu functions. For example if you press tennis it will give explanation about tennis lessons.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
public class JMenuFrame extends JFrame implements
ActionListener {
private JMenuBar mainBar = new JMenuBar();

[Code] ....

Attached image(s)

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Multiple Key Events?

Feb 5, 2014

Can you have multiple key events? by that I mean say you press the right arrow key, or a number on the numeric pad, then you press the letter c. does the second key event get fired? and i can catch both events?

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How To Use Events In Place Of For Loop

Jun 30, 2014

I have two questions:

1. I read somewhere that instead of looping through every player (below), you use could Events to do it for you:

for (Player player : this.getPlayers()) {
if (player.getLocation().getX() == 10) {

I'm not sure as to how to use Events in place of a for loop. I've been thinking on this for days, but I'm still stuck. Any example of using an Event instead of a for loop?

2. Is there any way to accept multiple connections on a server without using a while loop? Maybe use Events to handle the acceptance of connections?

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Testing Events Within Inner Class Using JUnit?

Apr 17, 2015

How do you test the events within an inner class using JUnit

// File: : events/SomePanel.java
// Purpose: Show use of named inner class listener.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class SomePanel extends JPanel {
private JButton myGreetingButton = new JButton("Hello");
private JTextField myGreetingField = new JTextField(20);
[Code] .....

Code extract taken from: Java: Inner-class Listeners

Taking the above example, do I need to use myGreetingButton.doClick to trigger this event to test the respective variables/values being used ? Also the Actionlistener inner classes is private so doubt I can access this from JUnit Test class.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Gesture Events In JFXPanel

Jun 30, 2014

I'll try to catch gesture events (ZoomEvent, SwipeEvent, etc.) from fx controls (e.g., an ImageView) that are embedded in a JFXPanel. However, no gesture events are thrown for the embedded fx controls.

I've read How to integrate javaFX gesture management in a complex Swing application? and it seems that "there is no gesture recognition in a JFXPanel".
But I've also tried this code SwingHtmlDemo - Pastebin.com that embedds an fx WebEngine in a JFXPanel. In this example, I can Zoom and Swipe the google map displayed in the WebEngine.
My Questions are:
How does the gesture recognition in the WebEngine work?
Can I reuse the gesture recoginition of the WebEngine for other fx controls embedded in a JFXPanel?

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I/O / Streams :: Continuously Reading Watch Events

Dec 6, 2014

I'm trying to synchronize two folders and their sub directories between a client and a server. I have a modified version of this class which I've posted below. In my Client class, I create a WatchDir object and call its processEvents() method in an infinite loop. The method returns a myTuple object (a struct containing the event type and a path object) if an event is registered and null if not.

The problem is that this only seems to work for the first event to happen in the directory (i.e. if I add a file to the watched folder, my WatchDir object.processEvents() returns one Tuple with an ENTRY_CREATE event and never returns another Tuple for other file additions/deletions/modifications that happen after). I'd like for processEvents to be continuously called (hence the infinite while) returning a Tuple each time some event occurs.

My modified WatchDir:

import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.*;
import static java.nio.file.LinkOption.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Java Server Sent Events Not Working Correctly

Oct 10, 2014

Code structure :

Server : Java Servlet
Client : Simple JSP
Communication : Server Sent Events every 1 second
Here is the problem.

My code needed the server to send updates every one second to the client as stated above. Hence, I added a while loop with a sleep of 1000 milliseconds in the servlet code as shown below. The following strange behavior is observed:

- While the server is sending updates to the client, and the client window closes by mistake, the server does not stop sending updates It continues sending the data.
- When the client is re-opened, it sends data much faster (almost double). For example, the server sends 60 seconds worth of updates (60 updates) in just 25-30 seconds. The server sends faster updates not only for this round of updates, but also for any subsequent updates.

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
PrintWriter writer = null;


This server behavior is much unexpected. Am I writing the server side code wrong? I have looked around a lot and only found while loop method for modifying the server update interval. Is there any other method which I am missing?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Using Events For Additional Mouse Buttons

Mar 14, 2015

Is there a possibility to use events for additional mouse buttons, like the next or previous mouse buttons, in javafx? If I use the setOnMousePressed event on a node, it only throws an event for the "PRIMARY" "SECONDARY" and "MIDDLE" buttons.
node.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {   
      @Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
          System.err.println("mouse button: " + mouseEvent.getButton());
If I use this java application [URL] .... it is also possible to throw events for the next or previous mouse buttons of the mouse. But not in my javafx application.

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Capture OS Event And Reproduce Sequence Of Events

Feb 10, 2014

Need to develop a Java application to listen to all user events occurring in the (initially only Windows) operating system to record some kind of record and to reproduce the sequence of events below ...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Paint Application - Mouse Events In Same Class

Apr 15, 2015

I have my paint application, i use the following mouse event to draw my shapes (mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseDragged). Now after the user paint a circle for example, he must be able to drag the shape; to be able to do this. i think i must again implement the different mouse Events. I have done it and the drag is not working. How can i achieve this. can we implement multiple (mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseDragged) in the same java class??

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Cater For Multiple Special Events Of Life

Jan 15, 2014

My program has the following requirements.

Several kinds of celebration dates are displayed.

Say Marriage, a new baby is born and so on. Such special dates are not fixed to be once or twice.

Such that a person can have a marriage and a new born baby celebration or both. One of my thoughts was to used several (up to 3). JLabels and JDateChoosers, but it is quite limiting.

How should I design such a component so that it can accommodate several major events of life.

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Receive Input Events From A MIDI Interface Device

Sep 9, 2014

Using JVM under OSX 10.9.4?:

Receive input events from a MIDI interface device.

This has suddenly stopped working for me after years of using the Java MIDI software.

I have tested this on two different macbook pro's.

I have a variety of MIDI interfaces from different manufacturers. I can find the devices using MidiSystem.getMidiDevice. But I cannot get them to see any input MIDI events.

I can create events in code and send them to output devices and have them seen by those devices. It's just the input that seems to be broken.

I have tried using previously working software I having been developing for years and I have tried with a very simple test program.

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