JSF :: Primefaces Sorting Not Working Properly With Live Scrolling

Dec 15, 2013

I have datatable with live scrolling enabled.The columns are not getting sorted fully.When one of the columns is sorted,for example "insured" in the image shown below, all the records seem to have sorted but when i reach the end of scroll and next set of records get loaded i see other records in unsorted order as indicated in the image ,when i try to see the column in descending order.So because of this i am not getting the sorting feature accurately done(All records are not getting sorted at a single stretch)

My JSF code snippet

<p:dataTable id="workSpaceList" var="data"
value="#{workSpaceBean.lazylpId}" widgetVar="multiSelection"
selection="#{workSpaceBean.selectedRows}" resizableColumns="true"
liveScroll="true" scrollRows="15" scrollWidth="100%"
scrollHeight="75%" styleClass=".ui-datatable-hor-scroll"

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Primefaces Live Scrolling Taking Long Time With Large Dataset

Feb 21, 2014

I have a primefaces datatable with about 52000 records to be fetched.Since it is a large dataset,i tried using live scrolling feature of primefaces with scroll rows equal to 20.THe number of columns is 53.The table also has filtering and sorting feature on its each column.Still i am not satisfied with the performance of the table.It takes about 15 secs for the page to load,worst thing is that it takes about 65 secs for the next set of 20 records to be loaded on reaching the end of scrolling.

Just for testing i reduced the total number of records to 25000 and the preformance improves with scroll time of 29 secs.I am really not able to understand why it is taking this much time when i am displaying only 20 records at a time.The total number of records should not have affected the performance.

My JSF code snippet

<p:dataTable id="arcRecList" var="data"
tableStyle="table-layout:auto; width:80%;" styleClass="datatable"
scrollable="true" scrollWidth="84%" scrollHeight="69%"
columnClasses="columnwidth" liveScroll="true" scrollRows="20"

[Code] ....

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Tile Scrolling Engine Won't Render Properly

Oct 5, 2014

So I can only get 1 tile to render Okay so now it's no tiles Nvm.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
import javax.swing.JFrame;


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JSF :: CDI With Primefaces Charts Not Rendering Properly

Jun 3, 2014

I have 4 Primefaces bar charts which sometimes renders, sometimes not. In one of them, I inject a http user session attribute and use it to render the chart (the idea is to show only the data that corresponds to the (logged in) user department).

There are 4 session beans which I'm using the javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped. Sometimes, the Glassfish destroys the instance as expected, but sometimes not.Based on Exception below, how can I resolve it?

The xhtml below shows the main code for only 2 of the 4 bar charts:

<p:tab title="Horas de Treinamento (por Funci)" closable="true" >
<p:barChart id="horasBars" value="#{chartHorasFunci.modelHoras}"
seriesColors="AA5555, 00438F"
xaxisLabel="Horas" yaxisLabel="Funcis"
title="34 Horas de Treinamento (Orçado/Realizado) por Funci"

[Code] .....

The Exception:

SEVERE: Error Rendering View[/capacitacao/capacitacao/index.xhtml]
javax.el.ELException: /WEB-INF/include/capacitacao/capacitacao/List.xhtml @145,38 value="#{chartHorasFunci.modelHoras}": org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-000049 Unable to invoke private void br.com.bb.upb.diage.atb.capacitacao.beans.ChartHorasFunci.initialize() on br.com.bb.upb.diage.atb.capacitacao.beans.ChartHorasFunci@3e9c727c
at com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(TagValueExpression.java:114)

[Code] .....

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JSF :: PrimeFaces Fileupload Not Working

Dec 23, 2012

i am having issues using the primefaces file upload, i have it set up, very much the same as the example version but it does not work, i never get the successful message and also where does it store the file once uploaded ?

heres my code so far :

<filter-name>PrimeFaces FileUpload Filter</filter-name>


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OnItemLongClickListener Not Working Properly

Apr 19, 2014

I created a dialog file:

Java Code:

package com.example.classorganizer;

import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;


When I long click item in the list nothing happens. I get no errors at all and I believe that either I put the code in the wrong place or I missed something else that stops Dialog from starting.

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JSF :: Primefaces Command Button Is Not Working

Oct 2, 2011

<p:commandButton> of primefaces is not working but that same code working with <h:commandButton>Login bean is present with all valid getter and setter with loginAction

public String loginAction(){
return "success";
} else {
return "login";


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Getting Primefaces Data List Working

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to get a primefaces data list working and not sure I'm doing this correctly, having a problem with getting this view to display. Here is my xhtml .

<p:scrollPanel id="cclist" header="CCList" styleClass="cc-log">
<p:dataList value="contactController.contacts" var="contact" type="ordered">
<f:facet name="header">
Call List
#{contact.firstName}, #{contact.lastName}


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JSF :: 2.2 - Not Working Properly With AJAX And File Uploads

Feb 27, 2014

I'm having problems with using the h:inputFile tag with JSF 2.2 and Glassfish 4.0 on Eclipse. The file uploads work when the enctype is set to "multipart/form-data" in the h:form tag, but AJAX will not work. When I leave out the encType (defaults to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") AJAX works but the uploads do not work, and in fact Glassfish crashes and generates the message:

The request content-type is not a multipart/form-data

Likewise I'm having the same problems with the PrimeFaces file upload tag p:fileUpload. In a JSF 2.0 it works correctly, but with JSF 2.2 it's giving the same problems and generates the message above.

When I start up Eclipse it tells me that Mojarra 2.2.0 is installed. Is this the source of the problem, and if so, how do I install a later version of Mojarra?

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart Session Is Not Working Properly

Jan 4, 2015

I am adding my shopping cart in session like bellow in servlet

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60*30); // 30 minutes
if (session.getAttribute("cart") == null){
session.setAttribute("cart", new ShoppingCart());
cart = session.getAttribute("cart");

I seems if more than one person accesses it from server, if they items in the shopping cart, all the product is added to a single session. I mean if i added 4 items first and other person adds 2 items, second person sees 6 products in his cart. Where am I going wrong?

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JSF :: Primefaces In-cell Editing Not Working With Viewscoped Managed Beans?

Nov 17, 2014

I have an in-cell editable data table with a viewscoped managed bean.I found that the control never goes to the ajax event method onCellEdit when the scope of the bean is @Viewscoped but it works when the scope is changed to request scope.how to get this feature work with viewscope.Below is my code snippet

xhtml snippet

<p:dataTable id="workSpaceList" var="data"
value="#{workSpaceBean.lpInfoList}" widgetVar="multiSelection"
scrollable="true" rowIndexVar="index" editable="true"


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Servlets :: Dojo Progressbar Not Working Properly With Commons FileUpload

Sep 22, 2014

I have been trying different examples on showing progress bar for file upload progress for couple of days.

Some of the different example were using libraries like Dojo,jQuery and just using plain AJAX with iframe method.

But unfortunately, however i try i'm not able to show the progressbar thingy at all although the upload part is working good.

Following is the example with Dojo[dojo-release-1.0.3]

I'm using Servlet 2.5,commons fileupload libs, TomEE-plus-1.7. 0 & ant for building tool in ubuntu 12.04 as the platform with firefox 32.

Here is the code (as it was in the site)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="upldEx6" basedir="." default="clean">
<!-- Properties start-->


If i choose a file of size 68MB, on page load the progressbar is seen but stays at 0% all the time even after submttting the form.

On debugging, cant find error/bug here.

P.S This code can be seen CodeGuru: FileUpload Example

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Mail Reading Functionality Is Not Working Properly Using POP3 Protocol

Mar 17, 2014

My Mail reading functionality is not working properly using POP3 protocol. Actually I can read the mail but the status is not changed as read.

Java Code:

public static void main(String arg[]) throws MessagingException, IOException{
String host = "pop.test.net";
String user = "test@beq.com";
String password = "abc10";
String protocol = "pop3";


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Traverse Binary Tree In Post Order - POIterator Not Working Properly

Apr 17, 2014

I have a Java Code:

POIterator mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

class that implements an Iterator.

A new instance of the Java Code:

POIterator mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Class is supposed to traverse a binary tree in Post Order. But when I attempt to test a

Java Code: POIterator mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Object in my main class, it doesn't work as its supposed to. I might be implementing it wrong.

Java Code:

public PostOrderIterator<E> implements Iterator<E>{
Deque<BNode<E>> somestack = new LinkedList<BNode<E>>();
BNode<E> position;
public POIterator(BNode<E>root){
somestack = new LinkedList<BNode<E>>();

[Code] ....

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Sorting Ascending / Descending Methods Not Working On Double Linked List

Sep 12, 2014

I wrote displayAscending() and displayDescending() methods to this double linked list and it is not working at all. Logically it seems fine to me. I positioned the head in the beginning in the ascending method; created a variable named data1 as an auxiliar variable so it can store the values that are going to be moved; and moved the values. Same thing for the descending method but instead of the head I put the tail and move left the list, instead of right.

import java.util.*;
class node {
int data;
node left;
node right; 
node(int d, node l, node r) {
data = d;


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JSP :: Develop Live Score Webpage?

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to develop a live score webpage using ONLY JSP.

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Live Video Streaming From CCTV Camera In Application?

Dec 26, 2013

I am developing some application in Java. The need is to continuously do a video streaming in the software. I am new to this and want to know how to do it.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: HTTP Live Streaming M3u8 Example Not Playing

Jul 15, 2014

I was testing my JavaFX2.2.7 based media player code in a current Java 6 application when I discovered that HTTP Live Streaming does not seem to work.  I can play a local file of the supported format (Sintel trailor mp4 h264) but when I try and use an HTTP Live Stream instead, nothing plays. (for example [URL] ).  I end up with a blank player, and no exceptions or errors.
private static final String MEDIA_URL = "http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/products/javafx/JavaRap/prog_index.m3u8";
Media media = new Media(MEDIA_URL);
MediaException ex = media.getError();
if (ex != null){
System.out.println("Media Error" + ex.getMessage());
} else{
System.out.println("No Media Error");
Program console output: "No Media Error"
I thought it was something wrong with my player code, so as a last resort, I went to JavaFX 2 - Ensemble and copied the source and put it directly into my application and ran it... Unfortunately the same result occurs. The player runs, but simply shows a blank video window.  The controls are available, but no video plays.
Based on the Release notes for Java 2.2.7 I was under the impression that HLS was supported.  Am I incorrect?
I cannot upgrade to Java 7 as I am firmly stuck with Java due to project constraints.

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Live Bytes For Object Instance In JVisualVM Increase On Every Operation

May 5, 2014

Whenever i perform any operation in my application Live Bytes of a particular Instance of a class increases by 1000.Although i perform the same operation everytime it always increases by 100 or 1000.Is this a memory leak or does these instances increase everytime we perform an operation.

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Scrolling In Panel Won't Work

Oct 9, 2014

I've got a panel which an arbitrary number of text fields may be added to at run time. I've got it set up so that the window's height, and the height of the panel in which the fields appear will never exceed the height of the screen.What I don't have is a way to make the panel scroll to access the fields that are being visually truncated. I'm setting the autoscrolls on the panel to true, but when I run the program, the fields are simply truncated.


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JTable Not Scrolling With Scrollpane

Apr 20, 2015

I am making a table that is dynamically made but it isn't working with scroll bars. The scroll bars show but don't work. Here is the code:

JPanel pList = new JPanel();
Component pListl = new JLabel("Here you can view and search for players.");
tabbedPane.addTab("Player List",pList);

[Code] ....

Yes I am spamming entries into the result object, this is so I can test the scrolling as right now I don't have enough data for overflowing entries but will do soon.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JScrollPane Getting Full But Not Scrolling?

Mar 1, 2014

I am trying to create a JScrollPane with buttons in it, but I noticed that when I try to scroll, the items all move into ONE row at the top of the JScrollPane. How do I have them vertical? Is there something wrong with the way I am setting up the JScrollPane?

private static void addScrollPane() {
jScrollPane = new JScrollPane(new JPanel());
((JPanel)jScrollPane.getViewport().getView()).add(new JButton("First Button"));


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How To Make A Scrolling Background In Java

Nov 1, 2014

i am trying to make a platform game in java and to do this im trying to make a scrolling bacground. i can get the background image to scroll. However, i cant get the image to scroll forever, here is the code.

GamePanel class ( the jpanel )
public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
static ArrayList<BackGround> store = new ArrayList<BackGround>();
public GamePanel(){
Timer time = new Timer(5,this);
store.add(new BackGround(0,-200));

the problem i have is that i want the bacground to loop. however, once the first instance of the background is done scrolling it freezes and doesnt load anymore. here is the code for adding a new background to the list

if(store.get(a).getX() <= -950 ){
GamePanel.store.add(new BackGround(-951,-200));

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JScrollPane Programmatic Scrolling

May 24, 2014

I have Implemented a user control / component that allows zooming in and out of a displayed BufferedImage, for discussion's sake, 3rd party libraries are excluded and everything must be from scratch.I have an image rendered on a JPanel, the JPanel is contained within a scrollbar.

Zooming inout etc works perfectly.The Scrollbars are rendered correctly on Zoom In and disappear when I zoom out.I want to add the functionality of focusing on a specific quarter of the displayed image via four dedicated buttons, each send an int (1-4) to a method, that controls the scrollbars.

public void zoomToQuarter(int i)
double width = (currentBufferedImage.getWidth()*2.2)+1;
double height = (currentBufferedImage.getHeight()*2.2)+1;
JScrollBar vertical = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
JScrollBar horizontal = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();


And resizes the image whilst scrolling the scrollbars accordingly,The method works as expected, and the scrollbars go to the desired location, But there's a catch:The first click on any of the above buttons does not work, but from the second click and on, everything works great!

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Tandem Scrolling Of JTables

Jun 14, 2014

I would like to have one horizontal scrollbar control the scrolling of two JScrollPane objects (each of which contains a JTable with similar models). The line of code that I hoped would give me what I want is this:


It does exactly what I want, except that the scrollbar appears on-screen in the spUpper JScrollPane, while the spLower JScrollPane no longer displays a scrollbar at all. That's the opposite of what I expected. Apparently, spUpper's setHorizontalScrollBar is "stealing" spLower's scrollbar.

An alternative is just to have each scrollbar use the same model, like this:


This links the two scrollbars such that either will control both JScrollPanes (and also the other scrollbar), but it leaves them both visible, which is not what I want. I would have thought this line would make one of them invisible:


However, it seems to have no effect.

The full code using the first approach is below. My questions are these:

Am I correct that setHorizontalScrollBar not only sets which JScrollBar will control a JScrollPane, but also determines where it appears on the screen?If so, what happens to the original JScrollBar? Is it replaced or am I drawing one on top of the other (or something else)?Why doesn't setVisible(false) make the scrollbar disappear (and how can I do that)?

package tandemtables;
public class Main extends javax.swing.JFrame
public Main()


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2D Slide Scrolling Game - Character Cannot Jump

Mar 31, 2014

There is a problem in my 2D slide scrolling game where the character can't jump until he reaches the enemy.

The Boards class-

package OurGame;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener, Runnable {

[Code] .....

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