JSF :: ReRender Specific RichFaces TreeNode

Dec 9, 2014

Currently after a treenode is edited using the editCustomerItem component, the entire RichFaces tree is updated and reRendered. Is it possible to only reRender the specific TreeNode that was edited instead of the entire Tree? The tree gets very large and we're looking to optimize the reRender process.

I've looked and attempted the nodeSelectListener attribute of the tree combined with the ajaxKeys/ajaxNodeKeys attribute, but they always failed with the

'java.lang.IllegalStateException: No tree element available or row key not set!
at org.richfaces.model.TreeDataModel.isLeaf(TreeDataModel.java:296)
at org.richfaces.component.UITree.isLeaf(UITree.java:534)
at org.richfaces.renderkit.NodeRendererBase.initializeLines(NodeRendererBase.java:156)
at org.richfaces.renderkit.html.TreeNodeRenderer.doEncodeBegin(TreeNodeRenderer.java:101)'.

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Tree Structure - Cannot Use Richfaces And Primefaces

Apr 9, 2014

I am new to jsf i have been given a task to create a tree structure in jsf but cant use richfaces and primefaces. I need a complete project for reference as i am to totally new to this.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Subclassing Default Mutable TreeNode Class?

Jul 10, 2014

I have defined a subclass of DefaultMutableTreeNode Class in java :

public AccountsTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {

in this class I have a recursive method called getsorted(ArrayList list_) , which accummulated the list_.

In this method, I have to call this.children() which returns the children of the node, but the children are all of type "DefaultMutableTreeNode". I have to call the method getsorted on these children,but since the getsorted is a mehtod of AccontsTreeNode, it gives me runtime cast error.

Should I convert children to AccountTreeNode type by overriding the children() method?

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Write A Specific Byte Sequence To A Specific Memory Location On A Removable Storage Drive?

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to write a specific byte sequence to a specific memory location on a removable storage drive. Does Java allow me a way to do this? I know the dangers in accessing memory, but the memory location of the data that will be written will never change.

how to assign a variable a memory location.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Move Focus From Specific Jcombobox To Specific Jtextarea?

Nov 5, 2014

How do I move focus from a jcombobox to a specific component say a jtextarea.

My attempt below seems to be moving to a random component not the desired jtextarea.

takenByCombo.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB ) {
dayJTArea.requestFocus(); // focust not moving dayJTArea

I applied the above logic to move focus from a specific jtextarea to another jtextarea as seen below and it works as desired.

dayJTArea.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB ) {

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Changing Value In Specific Point Of Specific Line In TXT File

Feb 9, 2015

So here we go with my problem:

- from the main class will arrive three variable (String name_used, int level_choose, int level_result)

I have a .txt file with this kind of formatting:

mario 1 1 0 1 0 1
carlo 0 0 0 1 1 0

Where I use 1 and 0 in the main for write if the level (you see that the numbers are always sixr? are egual to six level existing) BEFORE is done correct or wrong

- when in the main a user make a level a feedback coming back from the class level saying if the user made the count correctly or wrong. and i wanna replace the value (1 or 0) in the txt file with the new level result.

So i have all what i need as parameters i think.

name_used to look for the correct line in .txt file with .indexOf
level_choosed to go throught the correct index of that line
level_result (1 or 2) to be replaced with the existing one

Java Code:

public void salvaRisultati(String name_used, int level_choosed, int result_of_level) throws FileNotFoundException{
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Check Specific Value From A Specific Line From TXT File

Feb 8, 2015

I have some problem to understand the way to make this:

In my main class a user can save his name in a txt file (and the system initially will add 6 value equals to 0) than he can choose between 6 level and make it.

example of .txt file data:

mario 0 0 0 0 0 0
carl 0 0 0 0 0 0

AT THIS MOMENT i just made other class and they work, is this new one that is hard for me. I'm trying to make a class that:

1- (first method called verificaRisultati) take name_used and level_choosed from the main and go to check in the .txt file if that level before was done right(1) or wrong(0)

and return something like "before you made this level properly" or "before you made this level incorrectly" AND THEN let the user start with the level.

2- (second method called salvaRisultati) at the end of the level i wanna pass the result (correct/incorrect) to another method of this class that will save the value (1 or 0) associated to the user in the right position.

This is the class that i'm writing:

Java Code:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
public class ResultUsers {

[Code] ....

I really need some hint and some code example because I'm stuck. How I can take exactly the line with the user name? How I can correctly split the line in an array and then read/modify the value for that level?

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I/O / Streams :: Get Specific Value From Txt File

Sep 22, 2014

I know that it's possible to retrieve a line from a txt file but say for example my file looked like this:

staff id = 1

staff id =2
firstname Kate
surname Hollar
age 33

staff id =3
firstname Daniel
surname Hong
age 21

It is possible to retrieve just the staff id's?

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How To Read Something Specific Of A Web Page

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to have a program go on one of the stock trading websites and read the number a stock or currency is at and display or save it. I have it reading and displaying the binary code but I don't see how to have it find the numbers I would like to get.

On the site you would have to go on the page and click some tabs to trade and maybe the stock you would like, it doesn't really matter what one it returns as this is more just an idea. Although I would like to have it search out a selected stock eventually to take it to the net level. I think my biggest problem is I can't see how to access the stock numbers in the code. I looked for different click events but don't see how to have a program do this.

I do not intend to have it display all the code like it is now. I just did it like that to see what I was getting. I will just have a small toolbar with options and a display.

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
public class StockTracker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
[Code] ......

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Splitting Array By Specific Value

Jan 15, 2014

How do you split an array by a specific value.

For instance this is my array: "4*6*9*89"

How can I take out "*" and therefore split up all the values like this: "4" "6" "9" "89"

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Using Loops To Create A Specific Design?

Sep 10, 2013

I am completing the exercises in Java How To Program 8th Edition by Harvey and Paul Deitel.There are two optional exercises GUI and Graphics Case Study Exercises on page 141 Chapter 4.

I have to use loops and control statements to draw lines thereby creating two designs.I am trying to create the design on Fig. 4.20. The lines do not line up correctly.The lines should fan out from all corners. Individually, they look exactly like it should.

Example of one corner.

int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
// upper-left corner
int startX = 0;
int startY = 0;
int endX = 0;

[Code] ....

For the other corners I have different starting and ending positions.To draw upper-left corner I have a starting position of 0,0 and ending position of 0,height.I then move ending position up one vertical step and right one horizontal step. I repeat this fifteen times.

To draw upper-right corner I have a starting position of width,0 and ending position of width,height. I then move ending position up one vertical step and left one horizontal step.

To draw bottom-left corner I have a starting position of 0,height and ending position of 0,0. I then move ending position down one vertical step and right one horizontal step.

To draw bottom-right corner I have a starting position of width, height and ending position of width,0. I then move ending position down one vertical step and left one horizontal step.

For the second design Fig. 4.21 all my lines line up correctly no matter the direction I resize it. Both designs frame size is 250,250. Both designs are divided into fifteen steps.

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Comparing Specific Elements Of Two Arrays

May 5, 2015

I’ve been working on this problem for a couple days already but I came to a point where I don’t really know what to do. Basically I’ve got two arrays filled with int values (0, 1, and 2), which I get from Class B through their respective getMethods.

1 stands for black and 2 stands for something else.

The program counts how many times the value 1 (if chosen color is black) occurs in both arrays and then compares the both counts. If it detects any difference the program does something else, otherwise it waits.

public class A {
private static boolean finished;
public A() {
B objectClassB = new B();
int[] numbers = objectClassB.getNumbers();
int[] numbers2 = objectClassB.getNumbers2();
String color = objectClassB.getColor();

[Code] ....

Here the class B.

public class B {
private int[] numbers = new int[] { 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1 };
private int[] numbers2 = new int[] { 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 };
private String color = "black";
public B() {
public int[] getNumbers(){

[Code] .....

this would be the Output:

[2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1]
[2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]
number of black tokens of first array: 8
number of black tokens of second array: 7
the number of black tokens has changed

The actual problem is that I will be getting one array at a time (meaning: the array int[] numbers from Class B updates itself and might change its values). I just declared and initialize both arrays for illustration purposes.

That would mean I need to hold the array’s values the first time I get them in a temporary variable until I get the values of the updated array. Then I could use them in the method –numberOfRelevantElements- and check if any changes have occurred.

What would be the best approach for doing this? I though of inserting the different counts that I get into a queue and then comparing these values one after the other. But I’m not really sure if that would work.

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Removing Specific Characters From A String

May 7, 2014

I just need to write a simple program/function that replaces certain letters from a string (i.e. censor( "college", "aeiou" ) returns "cllg"). I'm trying to get the code right first, and then write a function for it.I basically just thought that I would iterate over the first string, and once I had the first character, I would then iterate over the second string, to see if the character exists. I'm getting a "dead code" error on my second loop because I put the second "break."

public class ap {
public static void main(String [] args){
String s = "Hello";
String s2 = "aeiou";


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Copy Specific Array Data?

Dec 4, 2014

if there was a way to copy specific array info into a temp array with more concise code?

This is the code I have for instance:

tempList[0] = myCube.orange[2];
tempList[1] = myCube.orange[5];
tempList[2] = myCube.orange[8];
tempList[3] = myCube.blue[6];
tempList[4] = myCube.blue[7];
tempList[5] = myCube.blue[8];

But isn't there any way I could just condense it to be like:

tempList[0,1,2] = myCube.orange[2,5,8];

It would save me from 72 lines of code down to 24 if I could rock it all on one line.

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Terminate Scanner At Specific Integer

Jan 18, 2015

I have the following code:

while (scan.hasNextInt()) {
list.add(scan.nextInt()); }

It asks the user to input integers and passes them to an ArrayList of integers named list. Without any termination it works fine, but I am not sure about how to terminate the scanner at a specific value. I am trying to terminate the scanner once the user enters 0. Is there a method in the Scanner class that terminates at a specific value?

I've been trying while (scan.hasNextInt() && scan.nextInt() != 0 ) but it seems to only work on the second zero entered. For ex, if I enter 2 3 6 8 0 0 it stops on the second zero, not the first

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Read / Write From Specific Line

Mar 17, 2014

I have a question for the read and write method in file.In my code for writing i m using PrintWriter and for reading Scanner.So i m saving data to file and when is need it i m reading from the file.but i also have to delete specific data from it.Is there a way to delete a specific line from the file?When i google my problem i found that is better to save your data to temporary file and then to the final.

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Search For Specific Content On A Website?

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to make a program to go on a stock website find the value a particular stock is at and display it to the user. Then repeat at your selected timeframe.

I can get my code to read the entire source of the page or open a page but I cannot seem to get it to find something within the source.

What It would do when completed. Get input from the user on what stock and sight to search and how often to check it. Once the run button is clicked I would like it to take the input from the user and run in the back ground going on the website searching the stock and display the numbers back to the user. I have only been able to have it display the entire source code though, not just the stock numbers.

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;


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Updating Specific Value In Linked List

Feb 18, 2014

I create and populate someLinkedList with '*' characters as soon as a gameLinkedList object is created, so my class is something like

private int size;
public class gameLinkedList{
private CharNode game;
public gameLinkedList(String someWord){
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){CharNode aNode = new CharNode('p');

[Code] .....

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JTable Specific Cell Selected

Jun 6, 2014

I want perform some calculations whenever a specific cell block is focused in JTable, I've tried using focusListener on JTable but looks like my table isn't triggering the event. I don't know why, what to do?

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Formatting Integer Into Specific Format

Oct 3, 2014

I have this bit of code and I'm trying to have the outcome display in format 00.00 format but for some reason it comes out as 0.0.0 format. How to get it formatted to xx.xx format to get the total amount of hours from the calculation of endtime-starttime? it doesn't seem to be taking into account if more than one day passes by either .

String stime, etime, sdate, edate;
double distance = 0;
Date sdt = null, edt = null;
Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);
sdate = this.launchdate.getText();
stime = this.launchtime.getText();
edate = this.receivedate.getText();
etime = this.receivetime.getText();

[Code] .....

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How To Create JSP Page That Can Be Seen By Some Specific Users

Jun 6, 2014

What should i do to create a JSP page that can be visible to some specific user's.

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Polymorphic Reference Doesn't Seem To Be Specific

May 18, 2015

Is there a short term that means: "using an object reference with the datatype of a supertype to refer to an object with the datatype of a subtype"?

Saying "polymorphic reference" doesn't seem to be specific enough because ALL references other than those with the Object datatype are polymorphic. I saw one post that referred to these reference variables as a "supertype reference." In the absence of any other (more official) term, I may just use that term because calling a reference a "supertype reference" implies that there is a subtype. It sure beats what I was thinking about using: "sub-as-super." Which, when the inevitable mispronunciations occur, would lead to all kinds of off-color jokes.

Is there an "official" term that all of the dozens of Java books I have read seem to have missed? Or does everyone stumble along, spelling things out with a nearly sentence-long phrase.

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Cutting Out Specific SHAPE From IMAGE

Apr 9, 2014

I'm making my 2D Java game, in my own style, in my own way. I'm trying to make it as code efficient as possible and compact, it usually is easier to change that way. I'm going to use BufferedImage subdivision on tilesets to take out tiles that I need, rather than creating multiple images with a tile each. Now, I've made multiple water tiles, for how they would be arranged differently.

So let's say you have a single water spot, it will be circular, you have two water spots, you have a tile-thick line with circular ends like two little water spots connected, this makes the game look more advanced, better, more realistic and good in many other ways. But, I found that an avarage amount of shapes needed is 25. I thought, how could I make this more efficient?

Could it be possible to use like shape cutting tools or something that would take out a specific shape of a single water tile to leave out all the different shapes, this is a good idea because I could use these tools for all kinds of different tiles in order to make specific features. By tools I mean simple black shapes which will remove the unwanted parts of the tile to form the wanted shape.

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JSoup - How To Get Text From Specific Class

May 14, 2014

I'm trying to get some text from a class but there are more then one classes with the same name and it gives me the text from all the classes... how do I get text from a specific class?

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Time Conversion From One Specific Timezone To Another

May 2, 2014

I would like to know how to convert a time from one specific timezone to another specific timezone. The code does not convert the time correctly. But if I replace Date

date = sdfAlien.parse("16:00:00"); to Date date = new Date();

then conversion works but that's not what I want as my input will be supplied by users with time in HH:MM:SS and Java supported timezone.

In below case, we can say "16:00:00" and "Asia/Singapore" will be supplied by the user and I need to convert it to America/New_York time.
SimpleDateFormat sdfAlien = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");SimpleDateFormat sdfLocal = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");sdfAlien.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Singapore"));
try {Date date = sdfAlien.parse("16:00:00");String alienTime = sdfAlien.format(date);
String localTime = sdfLocal.format(date);System.out.println("Local Time:" + localTime + ", Alien Time:" + alienTime);
} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();} 

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JSP :: Displaying Different Menu According To Specific User On Same Page

Sep 24, 2014

i am beginner in java and i am making an application in which i want to display menu for 3 different types of users. like when we login i want to check which type of user is this and which menu to show them. for ex. if there is a employee the menu bar has a dropdown which shows activities like fill nomination, see details etc. if it privileged user he is shown a diff menu and if its the admin the dropdown shows some different activities. i want to make it through simple jsp and servlet. i have a table in data base which has types of user predefined with an id how to display that menu according to a specific user.

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