JSF :: Rich Faces Skin Not Applied

Aug 11, 2014

I am retrieving data in <rich:datatable> , but the default skin color is not being applied in my page. My web.xaml is as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0">

[Code] ....

I am using tomcat 7.0 and Richfaces 4.0

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JSF :: Rich Faces Pagination Not Working

Nov 28, 2014

I am using jsf rich faces to dispay the page. Pagination is not working in the same page.Problem here is i am able to see the first page only for the pagination functionality.

Below is the part of the code from xhtml.

<rich:dataTable value="#{selectedBean.bean.attributes}" var="attribute" iterationStatusVar="it" id="table" rows="20">
<f:facet name="caption">
<h:outputText value="#{selectedBean.bean.name}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Attributes" />

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Rich Faces Always Show GMT As TimeZone

Oct 31, 2014

<f:facet name="header">
value="#{msgs.viewErrorSearchCriteria_createDateTime}" />

[Code] .....

Above code is always showing date as "31-Oct-2014 10:28:57 AM GMT". I want to display this in "31-Oct-2014 10:28:57 AM EDT".

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Set Default Skin With ComboBox

Aug 4, 2014

I would like to change the default skin of JavaFXapplication during runtime. How I can do this using ComboBox? Now I use this code to change the value:
Is there a way to change the skin in a run time?
Ref Set default skin in JavaFX with ComboBox - Stack Overflow

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JSF :: How To Pass A Value Inside Rich Element

Mar 3, 2014

using richface 4.

showing syntax error.How to pass the value #{id.No} inside rich:element

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JSF :: 2.0 - How To Show Dialog Without Using Any Faces

Mar 19, 2014

How can I display a modal dialog in JSF 2.0 without using any faces like primefaces, icefaces...

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JSF :: Display Just A Datatable Is Faces Request?

Jun 5, 2014

1. If we have and xhtml page and we just have a datatable to show some records through a managed bean, I think there is no validation phase, apply request values phase... so it would be a faces request but not with the lifecycle of a jsf request, right?

2. In the previous case because the normal phases of a jsf request are not going to be called, the method that will be called in the backing bean to get the records, could be called more than once although its not a normal faces request?

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JSF :: Printing Only Part Of Prime-faces Page?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a print button as below

<p:commandButton id="printit" value="Print" type="button" icon="icn-print">
<p:printer target=":topForm:data" />

when i click print button only top half of the page is getting printed and bottom half is pushed to next page. How do i fix this issue.

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JSF :: Similarities Between Faces Flows And Spring Web Flow

Aug 8, 2014

URL....In the mentioned project in this blog I used Spring Web Flow to satisfy some requirements but now that development of the Spring Web Flow stopped I like to check what Faces Flows can present to satisfy the same requirements.From a quick look similarities between Spring Web Flow and Faces Flows are obvious but there is one specific point I like to ask.In SWF it is possible to define flowing element at the beginning of an flow.

<evaluate expression="CustomerSearchSM.resetStateMachine()"/>

which will trigger an event when you will start executing a flow, I look to the Faces Flows flow descriptors but I can see an element that fullify similar requirement.similar functionality built into the Faces Flow or not?And is there a way to configure Faces Flows that it reacts to events from the users like the following.

<transition on="onStartCustomerSearch" history="invalidate">
<evaluate expression="customerSearchInputBB.searchCustomer()"/>
<transition on="onCustomerAuthenticated" history="invalidate">
<evaluate expression="customerSearchAuthenticationBB.customerGivesAuthentication()"></evaluate>

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JSF :: Unable To Set Prime-faces Data Table Column FilterMatchMode In Managed Bean

Nov 13, 2014

I have a requirement where in my primefaces datatable ,the filterMatchMode attribute(like any part of field,whole field) needs to be selected by the user by select menu .

To achieve this i have declared a variable in my viewscoped managed bean as filterCriteria and set the filterMatchMode attribute as filterMatchMode="#{beanName.filterCriteria}".The bean variable is getting set in the managed bean on submit but the filtering is not happening,i am getting empty message.

Also when i remove the keyed in value from filter box the data table is not restored which otherwise must be restored in normal situations. I have used and modified the example code given in primefaces showcase here.The code snippet is as below

<h:form id="tblFrm">
<h:selectOneMenu id="filterOptions"
value="#{dtFilterView.filterOption}" required="true"
requiredMessage="You must select an option!">
<f:selectItem id="hd1" itemLabel="Select" itemValue="#{null}" />


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Constructor In A Class Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Feb 13, 2015

This code works

public class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator {

public RedShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape) {

Below results in an error

public class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator {

protected Shape decoratedShape;
public RedShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape) {

this. decoratedShape=decoratedShape;


So I am guessing that if you extend class, you should use super to pass objects?

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Netbeans - Method Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Sep 23, 2014

Here is my code:

import java.util.*;public class DebugSix {
public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String>products = new ArrayList();

[Code] ....

I am using netbeans and getting errors for display(); and size(); it is telling me the errors are :

for the display error, "method display in class DebugSix cannot be applied to given types;
display();" and for the size() is : "cannot find symbol System.out.println("
The size of the list is " + size());"

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Form Initialization - Method Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Apr 21, 2015

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.

package BaiVeNha;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

[Code] ....

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Error Constructor Class Cannot Be Applied To Give Types

Jun 12, 2014

I'm getting an error on line 51 and don't know what it means?

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package million;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;


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Sort Strings In Alphabetical Order - Method Not Being Applied

Jan 21, 2014

I'm doing an exercise we're you're supposed to sort strings in alphabetical order, without importing anything , not using the Arrays.sort() method.

I think I got the method down partially right, or it is on the right track, but it is completely not being applied to my answer. All it prints out in the console is the actual String array twice, without sorting anything.

public class arrayofstrings {
public static void sort(String[] a) {
String temp= "";
int min;
int i= 0;
for (int j=0; j<a.length-1; j++) {

[Code] ....

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Method GetRadius In Class Circle Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Sep 15, 2014

I am getting an error with my code. How to fix it.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
* FileName: Circle.java

public class Circle {
private double PI = 3.14159;
private double radius;
public Circle()
radius = 0.0;

[Code] ....

This is the error i am receiving:

Circle.java:78: error: method getRadius in class Circle cannot be applied to given types;
System.out.println("A circle with a radius of " + circle.getRadius() + " will have an area of " + circle.getArea() + " , a diameter of " + circle.getDiameter() + " and a circumference of " + circle.getCircumference());
required: double
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
1 error

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Method Setradius In Class Circle Cannot Be Applied To Given Types

Sep 7, 2014

I'm new to programming and I have an assignment due in java class. Here is the error code:

TestCircle.java:10: error: method setradius in class Circle cannot be applied to given types;
circle1 = inputCircle.setradius();
required: double
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

And here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestCircle
public static void main(String[] args)
double circle1;
double circle2;
double circle3;
Circle inputCircle = new Circle();

[Code] ......

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I/O / Streams :: Escaping Double Quotes Be Applied To Reading From A File?

Sep 26, 2014

If I'm using an xml file and the piece of data I want from the file looks like Staff id ="Test";

Is it something like this? Only seen two examples of it but I'm not sure they were reading from a file like myself.

Staff id = """ + Test + """;

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Combobox - Visible Count Row Not Applied And Doesn't Change

Oct 15, 2014

I have noticed a strange behavior of Combobox element. The number of visible rows is not the same established by setVisibleRowCount() method. It happens when changing the items list dynamically. The following example reproduces it. I think it is Javafx 8 bug. I have tried unsuccessfully to trigger some event indirectly to refresh the combobox drop down.

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class TestComboBox extends Application {
    private int count;

[Code] .....

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Declaring Class In Main Class - Constructor Cannot Applied To Given Types

Aug 1, 2014

So i declared a class in main class but it seems there's error when i compile:

constructor xx in class xx cannot applied to given types

This is my java class:

public class trainer extends person{
String classType;
public trainer(String name, String gender, String address, int id, String classType) {

[Code] ....

And this is the way i declared in main class:

trainer tr = new trainer();

And what i want to do is:


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Constructor Jframe In Class Jframe Not Be Applied To Types

Jun 22, 2014

So I have this line of code...

ioexception11.addChoosableFileFilter(new Jframe());

And when I compile it gives me...

error: constructor Jframe in class Jframe cannot be applied to given types;
ioexception11.addChoosableFileFilter(new Jframe());

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