JSF :: View Layer And Handling Business Logic - Hibernate Without Spring

Jun 30, 2014

I am going to develop a new web application of medium complexity. Right now i am somewhat comfortable with JSF and hibernate. I have never used JSF and hibernate together before.I just wanted to ask if it is good practice to use JSF (for both view layer and handling business logic) and hibernate(for persistence) without spring as a middle layer. The reason why i am asking this is i don't know anything about spring framework.

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Spring MVC3 With Hibernate

Oct 10, 2014

My requirement is to display a table containing multiple rows and multiple columns. and row headers must be link type and that table should be retrieved dynamically from db where the values entered by the admin. this is the user view. and am new to spring. unable to implement this. my demo is on monday and i need to show the demo to survive in this job. I had given the link. but am unable to implement by seeing that also because it has no complete code which is my actual requirement. Code should be written in controllers, pojo, dao's, jsp's etc... URL....

In my code am unable to get in one table. So I went with alternative that to come each row and 3 columns in one table... 4 rows 4 different tables I did... but it was not my requirement. I used embedded to get that...in my pojo I wrote

@Embedded private BaseCost baseCost;
@Embedded private OtherCharges otherCharges;
@Embedded private PreferentialLocationalCharges preferentialLocationalCharges;
@Embedded private CarParking carParking;

and each embedded one i have created 4 pojo's where i wrote column headers. get it all in one table view with 4 row headers and 3 column headers but this is not my requirement...

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Jasper Report Is Only Showing Code (source View) Instead Of Design View

Mar 23, 2014

I am building a room management system in Java (Netbeans) and Ms Access. The jasper report is only showing code (source view) instead of design view. The GUI JFrame and Login JFrame are not displaying records in the database and the buttons are not working. Also the labels and text fields are not neatly arranged. The connection to the database is not displaying records.

Connection to the database. COIRMS.java

package Login;
import java.sql.*;
public class COIRMS {
Connection con;
Statement st;
ResultSet rs;
public COIRMS ()

[Code] ....

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Is Handling Instance Of Error Or Its Subclass Is Also Called Exception Handling

Mar 7, 2014

I have studied about the hierarchy of exception classes in which Throwable class comes at the top and two of its direct subclasses are Error and Exception..I just want to ask if in some code snippet we throw an instance of Error or its subclass within the try catch block then will that be also called "exception handling" ? I am asking this because Error class is not a child class of Exception therefore cant be said an Exception, therefore handling the same should not be called exception handling

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Business Application - Get Input From User And Converts It Into A String

Apr 24, 2014

So this application gets input from the user and converts it into a string. It then uses various methods to set instance variables of this class and ends up printing those classes to display information to the user about that products.

package javaapplication5;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class Product
private String product;
private String description;
private double price;
[Code] ....

I am getting a logical error. My output is this:

Enter a product for information. Choose either Java or C++
Prduct: null Description: null Price 0.0

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Java EE SDK :: MVC - Where Is Database Layer

Jan 6, 2012

In MVC, M is the model, V is the view and C is the controller. But whatever projects I have made till now, I have a separate layer called data layer where I do all the database operations. In MVC, are we saying that the database operations are within the controller layer? That's quite a little mismatch! Separation of layers yet merge of controller & database operations!!

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Not Showing Lower Layer Of JlayeredPane

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to create a simple game for that I want to move the ball over a background image. So I am using JLayeredPane. I have added a image with lower layer and ball with above layer. But only ball is being displayed. Here is my code.

Main Class

package game1;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Game1 extends JPanel{
Ball b= new Ball(this);

[Code] .....

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Separating Web And EJB Layer And Deploying On Different Servers

May 12, 2013

Web Layer - JSP/Servlets
Business Layer - EJB 3

I want to develop separate projects for web layer (.war) and for Business layer (.jar). I want to deploy these layers on different Glassfish servers.

Here is my Approach -

1. Create a separate module for remote interfaces (.jar), use @remote annotations
2. Create a Web module using JSP/Servlets (.war) and use this remote interface jar in it.
3. Create a EJB module (.jar) and implement these remote interface in it.
4. Use JNDI in Web layer to access the EJB methods.

I want to know if this is the correct approach?

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Write A Java Application To Display Layout Of Information In Typical Business Card Order

Jun 25, 2014

ABC is a company that designs and prints personal business cards. The company has asked you to write a Java application to display the layout of the information in a typical business card order. Data items in a typical business card include the customer's name, address, city, state, postcode, home phone number, and work phone number.

Write, compile, and test a Java class that displays these data items in a command window. Alternatively, you could also create it using a dialog box. Please include appropriate comments in your class.

Please named your class BusinessCard(LIM).java. (eq. BusinessCardLIM.java)

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Hibernate Core Interfaces

Jan 8, 2015

In Interview many times Interviewer ask a simple question "Hibernate core Interfaces ?".The five core interfaces exposed by Hibernate. But he not satisfy, Why?...

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Web Services :: Requested Resource Is Not Available Using Hibernate

Mar 23, 2015

I don't seem to be hitting my RESTful webservices. I am using Hibernate and checked and all my entity classes are working. I've even retrieved data from the database but I cannot hit the web service. I am using Tomcat 7 and Eclipse IDE.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

[Code] .....

I have a web xml but there is really nothing in it. The url i am wanting to hit is [URL] ..... Is this a correct URL?

I also tried changing my Path to "/service" and that did not work either. I am getting a Http Status 404 "The requested resource is not available.

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JSF :: Hibernate On Tomcat 7- UI Is Freezing After Uncertain Time

Jan 31, 2014

Currently we are facing a problem in application developed in JSF, Hibernate on Tomcat server 7. The UI is getting freezed after uncertain time. Sometimes it worked for 2 to 5 hours and sometimes it hangs out within 10 mins, too.

Session time out in web.xml is -1

Before, we were getting memory leak logs in catalina, so we implemented ClassLoaderLeakPreventor in the application. When problem occurs, below log is printing in catalina.out.

INFO: Reloading context [/SHRWeb241213]
Jan 31, 2014 12:42:36 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
INFO: Reloading Context with name [/SHRWeb241213] has started
ClassLoaderLeakPreventor: com.cosmos.leakPrevention.ClassLoaderLeakPreventor shutting down context by removing known leaks (CL: 0x19a37a)
ClassLoaderLeakPreventor: Removing 47 classes from Mojarra descriptors cache

[Code] ....

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Java Servlet :: Implementing JPA Hibernate Simple Application Using One To Many Relationship

May 8, 2012

I am implementing JPA hibernate simple application using one to many relationship.

Relation ship is Comapny (1)----------- Department(*)

Company.java is as follow :

package com.web.pojo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

[Code] .....     

What I am doing is , I am adding new department to existing company. After execution above code

Table created are :

1. Company table with id and name
2. Department table with deptId , deptName , compId.

so at the time adding department , it does not threw any exception but updates records in department as

1(Id),Development(DeptName),null(compId) .

I am not getting why it is not updating compId column.

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Null When Saving Or Updating Ticket Request On Flex With Java Hibernate

Nov 26, 2014

users are trying saving or updating incident request on website they are able to see fault string =Java.lang.stackoverflow : null when saving or updating ticket request on flex with Java hibernate.

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How To Import A Spring Application

Apr 21, 2015

I have imported several maven projects but I am trying to import a spring project via eclipse and it is not displaying. I did the following file->import->Existing maven projects->browse (found my project)->finish..... The project does not display and I cannot find it. I tired to do it again and the project cannot import because I cannot select it meaning it is already installed.

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Error In Spring Using JDBC

Aug 7, 2014

public class StudentJDBCTemplate implements StudentDao

above class giving error as

The type StudentJDBCTemplate must implement the inherited abstract method


Interface is as below

import java.util.List;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
public interface StudentDao {
public void setDataSource(DataSource ds);
public void Create(String Name,Integer age);
public void getStudent(Integer id);
public List<Student>listStudents();
public void delete(Integer id);
public void update(Integer id,Integer age);

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Spring Integration Test

Nov 18, 2014

In my integration test, I tried to use resttemplate to send a Get request to a dummy server created by MockMvcBuilders. However I got an error:I/O error on GET request for `"http://localhost:8080/test"`:Connection refused:(In the function testAccess(), url is `"http://localhost:8080/test"`). My code is as below:

public class MyTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc = null;


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Custom Annotations And Spring MVC

Jan 23, 2015

I'm running spring MVC on a tomcat server and am fiddling around with beans and annotations.

First, I have a class Library, with a registerBook(<T> Book) method. This one is annotated with @BookRegistry

Next, I have an Interface Book, which basically is a bean with some custom methods.

I will create different types of books that implement my Book interface and annotate them with @LibraryBook

Now, I want to have spring to check for all beans with @LibraryBook at server startup and run registerBook for each and every one.

How do I accomplish this?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Spring Layout Odd Sizing

Mar 12, 2015

I create a spring layout like so

Container contentPane = this.getContentPane();
JLabel characterLabel = new JLabel("Character: ");
JComboBox<String> characterComboBox = new JComboBox<String>();

[Code] ....

and I have attached an image of the results.

Why are the drop down boxes not stretched to the right all the way and why are they so tall?

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Spring MVC - Java Based Configuration

Aug 16, 2014

For some time i've been trying to rewrite my XML configurated webapp into one that has Java Based cofiguration. Unfortunately ,even after going through many tutorials i've been unable to do so.

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If / Else Expression Logic

Oct 12, 2014

The program i am working on is to take string from the user which should be a phone number then it will return true or false based upon the method that checks to see if it meets the criteria of a certain format if does not it will return false otherwise return true. I am working on a if/else structure that will print this number is valid if it meets the criteria of the method i previously mentioned or return the number is not valid if it is false. the logic of the expression i put in the parentheses of the if/else statement. This is what i have so far:

System.out.println("The phone number is valid");
else {
System.out.println("This isn't a valid phone number");

Do i need to compare it based upon the method that checks if it is true?

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JAMON Spring Unable To Monitor Exceptions

Jul 12, 2014

I am currently working on integrating JAMON version 2.76 in our existing application

following are details of environment
JDK 1.5
Server weblogic 9.2
OS windows
Spring version 2.5

first we have added following entry for jamon monitor

<bean id="jamonPerformanceMonitor" class="org.springframework.aop.interceptor.JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor">
<property name="useDynamicLogger" value="false"/>
<property name="trackAllInvocations" value="true"/>

then added this interceptor as preinterceptor in existing

<bean id="applicationBO" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref bean="transactionManager"/>


currently we can able to monitor all calls given to this class but whenever any exception thrown in this class hierarchy we are not able to track it on exceptions.jsp of JAMON

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JSF :: Similarities Between Faces Flows And Spring Web Flow

Aug 8, 2014

URL....In the mentioned project in this blog I used Spring Web Flow to satisfy some requirements but now that development of the Spring Web Flow stopped I like to check what Faces Flows can present to satisfy the same requirements.From a quick look similarities between Spring Web Flow and Faces Flows are obvious but there is one specific point I like to ask.In SWF it is possible to define flowing element at the beginning of an flow.

<evaluate expression="CustomerSearchSM.resetStateMachine()"/>

which will trigger an event when you will start executing a flow, I look to the Faces Flows flow descriptors but I can see an element that fullify similar requirement.similar functionality built into the Faces Flow or not?And is there a way to configure Faces Flows that it reacts to events from the users like the following.

<transition on="onStartCustomerSearch" history="invalidate">
<evaluate expression="customerSearchInputBB.searchCustomer()"/>
<transition on="onCustomerAuthenticated" history="invalidate">
<evaluate expression="customerSearchAuthenticationBB.customerGivesAuthentication()"></evaluate>

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Accessing Spring Property Placeholder From JavaScript In JSP

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to find a way to make a URL that is used during a background AJAX call to log a user out more flexible. Currently, I have it as a static value, as below:

var logoutURLTest = "https://test.myorg.com/cas/logout";
...AJAX stuff that uses the logoutURLTtest variable...

However, if that URL was to change for any reason, I would have to modify one or more JSPs if they were affected, instead of just changing it at a single point in the Spring environment context. It would be more desirable to expose the value using a property placeholder; however, the Spring documentation isn't exactly clear on whether this is possible.

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JSP :: Doesn't Display Message See Code Spring Mvc

May 10, 2014

in my ui i will i will select enabled or disabled then it will go in controller , i already debug it and it goes on the right controller based on what i select on ui my problem is when i select disabled it dont display the message but when i select enabled it displays the message, then i check the databases status is change based on what i select but when i change into disabled doesnt display any message.if select enabled will go in controller then change status into true then update the status then will see the message in ui

@RequestMapping(value = "/viewEnabled/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView viewEnabled(
@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
ModelAndView mvc = new ModelAndView();
Supplier supplier = supplierService.retrieveSupplier(id);
mvc.addObject("showEnabled", true);
mvc.addObject("supplier", supplier);


The main functionality of enabled /disabled is both working it just dont display the message if i change it into disabled,.

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How To Pass Java Object Into Spring Controller

Jan 7, 2014

When I hit the url at the first time my call goes to the spring controller and sets the userDetails objects in the modelAndView.addObject("userDetails", userDetails.getUserDetails()) and returns the userDetails.html page. if I click any link in the same page i want to pass same (userDetails) object thru javascript or jquery and calls the another(controller) method and returns the same (userDetails.html) page.

It means how can I pass the java object thru javascript or jquery and calls the controller. If I get the same object in my controller i can avoid calling the db again.

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