JSP :: Choose A Value From List Item?

Feb 11, 2015

I need to choose the value of a list item in jsp. There are many employees in various departments and i need to choose that employees in department wise.

Example. I have two list items in jsp

1. Select dept_no,dept_name from departments
2. SElect emp_name from employees, departments where emp_dept_no=curr_dept_no and curr_dept_no = dept_no

These two are the list items. When i choose the department from the first list item i need to display the employees in that particular department in the second list.

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Writing A Program Using Switch Statement - Allow Users To Choose Item Of A Menu

Oct 5, 2014

Write a program using switch statement to allow users to choose an item of a menu. For example, the menu looks like the following.

File menu
1. Open
2. Close
3. Save
4. Exit
Enter your choice:

If you type 1, then your program should print out "Open is selected" (double quotes not included).

(1) Using Scanner to get user choice;
(2) If the number user input is not in {1,2,3,4}, your program should let user know that.

Here's what I have:

public static void main (String[] args) {
int user = 1
switch (1) {
case value: 1
System.out.println ("Open is selected");

[Code] .....

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List Only Appends One Item

Feb 23, 2014

Node inside a linkedlist

SomeInterface has an

Java Code: addLast() mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Method that should add a node at the end of the list

Java Code:

public sizeCount=0;
public LinkedList<T> implements SomeInterface<T>{protected class Node<T>{
privateT data;
private Node<T> head,tail;
protected Node(T data,Node<T>tail){

[Code] ....

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How To Insert New Item In Doubly Linked List

Oct 26, 2014

How can I insert a new item at the middle of a BookList . I have also got a Book class represting Book objects and a inner class BookNode referencing them.

public void add(Book newBook)
{ BookNode newNode = new BookNode(newBook);
if (firstNode == null){
// no nodes in the list so add newNode at start
firstNode = newNode;
tempNode = newNode ; }

[Code] ....

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How To Select Item From A List And Add It To Display Java GUI

Apr 28, 2014

I'm making an application that will allow users to view several displays simultaneously. I'm trying to make it so that the user should be able to select one of the items from a list then hit a radio button add them to the display. And there will be a second button to remove them from the display. Oh and there will always be alteast one display.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Create A Sub Menu For Every List Item In A Jlist

Oct 8, 2014

I would like to create a sub menu for every list item in a Jlist. I need the UI like avast interface. If we hover over an list item, its sub menu should be shown. I attempted to put an sub menu but didn't work. Is this possible in Swing?

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Linked List - How To Insert Removed Item Into Buckets

Jan 8, 2014

//Add three red items to the list
LinkedList red= new LinkedList();

//create abc bucket to red items.
LinkedList abcred= new LinkedList();

//So how to insert removed item into abc buckets (similar to stack data structure)

I want to remove all red items and after that add to "abcred" using one by one. So, how to do that?

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Adding Stars After Each Item In The List - For Loop Isn't Working?

Feb 26, 2014

This is supposed to be a method that adds stars after each item in the list.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ClientProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

[Code] ...

I'm guessing it's because list.size() changes, though but it should only find that value in the beginning, so it shouldn't be a problem?

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User To Select Item From Printed Out Array List

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to have a user select from a printed out array list, instead of having the user type in the "bill type" each time there is a bill to avoid user error as much as possible. For example I would like to have it print out like this:

"Select bill type from list:

1. Rent
2. Car
3. etc..."

and I would like the user to choose a number and not type in the "bill type". I don't want to use "Switch case" because it would need to be an expanding and I don't think "switch case" can do that.

Here is the code:

package homebudget;
class Spending
//Do i need a totalAmount variable?
String type;
double amount;
int year, month, day;
public Spending()

[Code] ....

case 2:
//Give option to enter a new expense or pick from list.
//How to do this? If Statement that doesn't list duplicates, or a while search?

resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the type of expense:");
type = resp;
resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the amount of the expense:");
amount = Double.parseDouble(resp);

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Modifying Item In Observable List Doesn't Update ListView

Oct 3, 2014

I am using:

Java:..... 1.8.0_20JavaFX:... 8.0.20-b26 

I have this class:
public class Person {
    private SimpleStringProperty name;
    public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty(){
            this.name=new SimpleStringProperty();

[Code] .....

I have this:

lista = FXCollections.<Person>observableArrayList();
lista.addAll(new Person("uno"),new Person("due"),new Person("tre"));

The problem is if I add /remove an item all is fine, the listView refreshes correctly:

Person p = new Person(tfld_textAdd.getText());
lista.add(0, p);
But if I change a value on an item into the observable list it doesn't:

lista.get(0).setName("new value");
I also have a table linked in the same way and the table workd correctly after I updated my Java version...

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How To Choose The Right Collection

Feb 14, 2015

I have small project to be implemented in Java, which, expected the management of a parking.

The project has a class abstract Vehicle, whence derive three classes: Car, Motorcycle, Heavy Vehicles; the cost estimated time for the 3 types of vehicles are: 2€ for Cars, 1€ for Motorcycle and 5€ for H.V.

In addition, in class Ticket will be stored the arrival time of the customer and the characteristics of his vehicle.

Finally, in the class Parking(which provides 80 places available), here it should be added the various types of vehicles.

Now, I though of using an Collection, as Set.. So that they can not, two Vheicle with same license plate.

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Servlets :: Which Framework To Choose

Aug 11, 2014

I have good knowledge of servlet,jsp. I've also worked on mvc pattern and now looking to learn a web framework but i'm not sure which to choose between spring mvc OR struts.Should i first do struts and then go for spring or can i choose spring directly?

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JSP :: Choose / Display Image Path

Mar 15, 2014

I want to do the followings:

-When i press "choose the Image Path" a window open like a picture 2.
-I want also satisfy the condition written in red.

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Guessing Game Always Choose Same Number

Jan 4, 2015

I am using eclipse for this project. Every time I run this program the choose method will always choose 0. Ignore the Sleep.sleep() method, there is another class in the program that performs it.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class gamestart {
public static int num;
public static String name;
public static String diff;
public static String choice;

[Code] ....

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Recursive Program - Choose K Objects Out Of N

Apr 20, 2015

I recently wrote a simple recursive program that chooses K objects out of N (I was asked to use the variables N choose the R, however) total objects. Here is the code:

int n = 0;
int r = 0;
//the total number of objects defaults to 0
String nChoice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many objects are there to choose from?");
String rChoice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many object are to be chosen from this group?");
try {
n = Integer.parseInt(nChoice);

[Code] ....

It works fine, however in my class we were given two different formula to implement into our code. I used the one above, obviously. However, the second formula we were given was:

C(n,R) = n!

I had to get the spacing right.

How do I read this formula? How could it be implemented? What are the benefits (if there are any) from using one method over the other? Which method of calculating N choose K (or, in my case, N choose R) would be more widely accepted?

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Choose Option To Get Contact Details - Not Getting Output Expected

Feb 20, 2015

When I run my program and choose option 2 to get contact details I am expecting it to display as follows (First Name, Last Name): Contacts how have been entered:

0) John Doe
1) George Smith
2) Nancy Davis

Please enter the number corresponding to the contact you would like to view:

Instead for a personal contact it is displaying as follows:Contacts who have been entered:

0) Doe 1 F St. (last name, address)

Please enter the number corresponding to the contact you would like to view:

Instead for a business contact it is displaying as follows:Contacts who have been entered:

0) 1 F St. jd@gmail.com (address, email)

Please enter the number corresponding to the contact you would like to view:

Then when I enter the number to display the contact for personal it is returning me only first name and business is only returning me first and last name. It should be returning the full contact info that was put in during the add contact step. I thought I programmed everything properly but it isn't displaying what I want to seeMy code is listed below.


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package contactlist;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: DateTimePicker - Option To Choose Date And Time?

Jun 6, 2014

JavaFX 8 has a DatePicker which is very nice. Does it have an option to chose a date and a time?

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HiLo Game In Java - User Can Choose Up To 3 Different Levels With 3 Methods

Apr 25, 2014

I will try to explain what i want to code , a HiLo game where the user can choose up to 3 different levels(1-10, 1-100, 1-1000) with these 3 methods

public static void main(String[] args) {...}
public static int playGame(int maxNumber) {...}
public static void giveResponse(int answer, int guess) {...}

with no Random , i will use the:

int number = (int)(Math.random() * max) +1; to generate numbers

I have tried so many times , but i don't get it ....

My code so far :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HL{
public static void main(String[] args ){
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

[Code] ....

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Modified Cash Register - Allow User To Choose Preferred Bills

Feb 5, 2015

I am trying to create a slightly modified cash register. The user will enter the amount of the item, the payment received, calculate the change/refund, and then allow the user to choose the preferred bills.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Register {
private static Scanner input;
public static void main(String[] args) {
input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("*****CASH REGISTER*****" );
System.out.print("Item Amount: " );
int amount = input.nextInt();

[Code] ....

I will try to clarify the code, to make things a little easier to interpret. in the refund method, I have set up a 2-d array to exist and function as an excel sheet. The refund amount is passed to the method and compared to each bill of the array. Once the refund is determined to be greater than a bill, the user is prompted to enter the preferred bill type. This is where my problem is...I would like the program to then calculate the number of bills and keep a tally of those bills in the 2nd column and then determine the new refund amount at which point the user will be prompted again to determine the desired bill.

Then print out the array of bills that are not equal to 0.

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Sort Linked List Through The Nodes Of List - Data Of Calling Object

Feb 14, 2014

I have some class called sorted to sort the linked list through the nodes of the list. and other class to test this ability, i made object of the sort class called "list1" and insert the values to the linked list.

If i make other object called "list2" and want to merge those two lists by using method merge in sort class. And wrote code of


How can the merge method in sort class know the values of list1 that called it as this object is created in other class.

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How To Append New Entry In A List Of 100,000 Names Without Iterating List Each Time

Apr 22, 2015

I have a list of 100,000 + names and I need to append to that list another 100,000 names. Each name must be unique. Currently I iterate through the entire list to be sure the name does not exist. As you can imagine this is very slow. I am new to Java and I am maintaining a 15+ year old product. Is there a better way to check for an existing name?

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Unable To Filter A List And Then Assign Results To New List

Dec 30, 2014

I receive a java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""DepDelayMinutes"" error when trying to filter a list and then assign the results to a new list.

I have edited the code so it is an int that throws the exception so it isn't the presence of a string that is causing the error - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""0914"" .

I believe the issue is because of the two sets of double quotes but I do not understand how they came about. The original dataset does not have any quotes whatsoever.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class FilterObjects extends Thread{


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Iterating Over List And Inserting Each Element From List Into BST?

Jul 5, 2014

Suppose i have given a List<Intervals> list; I am iterating over list and inserting each element from list into BST, if time require to insert into BST is logn then what is the total time require to insert all the elements into tree ?

logn or nlogn ?

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Linked List Implementation Of List Interface?

Oct 5, 2013

So we have an assignment regarding a linked list implementation of a given list interface.

In my list interface, the method contains(T anEntry) is defined.

In the LList implementation, contains is already implemented as part of getting the core methods in.

Now I am being tasked with the following:

Provide a second implementation of the method contains2(T anEntry) that calls a private recursive method

Private boolean contains (T anEntry, Node startNode) that returns whether the list that starts at startNode contains the entry anEntry.

I've written the private recursive method already. That's not an issue (at least not right now).

But what I don't understand is how startNode is supposed to be populated when this private contains method is called from the public contains2 method? contains2 only takes one parameter: anEntry. the private method takes two parameters: anEntry and startNode. How am i supposed to provide startNode when I am calling contains2?

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How To Insert Item Into Array

Mar 1, 2014

I don't really get the concept of how I "insert" an item into an array. I get a cannot find symbol error when I try to. I think its because I'm losing focus. What sort of code would "insert" an item into an array? I just want a goal of conceptually how I would do it.

Anyways, here are the instructions for the exercise:

Write a new class method, insert, for the Item class that takes three arguments - an Item[] array, an Item newItem, and an int k - and inserts newItem into array at index k, discarding the last item of the array (that is, the item originally at index array.length - 1).

Here is the uneditable code:
public class Item {
private int myN;
  public Item( int n ) {
myN = n;

public String toString()

[Code] ....

I get a cannot find symbol error, but I thought I was doing as I was supposed to. I thought you had to have an ArrayList to be able to insert or delete an item from an array. How can you take a primitive object, like an array, and insert something into it. My idea of it was a[i] would be replaced with a[i + 1]. I know I'm getting this concept wrong because that's what I tried to do.

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Remove Item From Table?

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to make a calendar that, when you click on the date, the result are stored in a map and visualized in a table that refers to a container.

I successfully created the map mechanism, but I have a problem on the list....

I add the rows in this way:

Object newItemId = container.addItem();
Item riga = container.getItem(newItemId);
How can I delete a row in the list, when all I have in input is the "Timestamp" information, in a Long value?

BTY, I'm using NetBeans with Vaadin extension

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