JSP :: How To Detect If Any Exe Application Is Installed On Client Machine Through Browser

Aug 20, 2014

I am working on SpringMVC web application. Is there any way to detect from browser(jsp page) that any (exe) application is installed or not on client machine? And if not installed then show user the Popup to download that Application or Software . And if the user rejects to download that application then not allow him/her to login ....

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Load Jars From Client Machine?

Apr 2, 2014

My application loads some 15 Jars from the server, which slows down the entire process.
I need to Load the Jars from a local machine. I want to store the Jar files in the client machine and not in the server.
So that every time when a client need to run my application by a URL specified, the Jar file stored in his system should load.

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Creating Application Which Detect Image And Process It?

Oct 24, 2013

i want to create an application which detect an image which took from camera and to process it so that it can be verified ..for example number plate of the vehicle ..if i need to extract the numbers from the image ..

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Create Application Which Detect Image Taken From Camera

Apr 7, 2015

I am new to java and i want to create an application which detect an image which took from camera and to process it so that it can be verified ..for example number plate of the vehicle ..if i need to extract the numbers from the image ..

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Running Program From Server On Client Machine

Aug 9, 2014

I had some questions about a theoretical java program. Say you had a java program on a linux server/pc that referenced a folder on that server. And say you had a Client PC (Windows) that had a share folder to that java program.

If that windows client PC tried to run the program would it run (with a GUI if it had one) and would the main directory of the java program still be on the linux server or would it be on the windows computer since that is the computer that is running the program?

Basically I have a program I am trying to find the best way to run it remotely on a windows computer but it references files on the linux server it is located at and needs to put files it creates there as well. I am just trying to make sure I understand my theory here on how the program will run if it IS run remotely.

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Caching Downloaded Classes On Client Machine

Sep 30, 2014

Does the following code, which gets a class from a remote server, caches the class on the client machine?
URL u = new URL("");
InputStream input = u.openStream();
DataInputStream data = new DataInputStream(input);
byte classBytes[] = downloadByteCodesFromURL(data);
Class c = defineClass("MainClass", classBytes, 0, classBytes.length);
[Code] .....

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Download Image (stored As Blob) From Database To Client Machine?

Jul 2, 2014

We have web based application (Oracle DB, Weblogic middle tier) and a applet based application running on the browser.

We have a requirement to Load images from the database (stored as blob) to the client browser and the users can do the lookup on images when needed.

We need this to perform well, so there is no delay for the user experience. We have 2 options:

1. Load the images from the database to the Application Server and keep it. When the client request from the browser comes, download it from the application server.

2. Load the images (asynchronosly) when the user logs into the application and download them to the Client machine? Is this possible? Especially give that it is stored in the database as binary objects?
And then load for the user from the client box itself, upon request.

If 2nd option is possible, which once is recommended?

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Swing Application - Java Browser API

Oct 21, 2014

I was using jdic api for the embedded browser in my java swing application but its not working good anymore so i want to use a better reliable and of course free api ..

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Using Enterprise Application Client?

Jan 5, 2015

Say I have a EAR file. Inside, it has a EJB jar, web war and app client jar file. The (enterprise) app client here is a desktop GUI calling the EJBs accordingly. Now if this EAR is deployed to some app server like JBoss or Glassfish, to access the app client, users will basically use java web start/ JNLP to run the client.

Given this is the case, I'm wondering if the effect is the same as separating the app client (not part of the EAR), have that EJB jar in its library path, and deploy the GUI app as a jar. Hence users not use web start. The only disadvantage I can think for separating the app client is if the EJBs get changed, the client's version will be outdated. But other than that, are there any justification for using an enterprise app client?

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Client / Server Socket Based Application

Sep 16, 2014

Any example of client/server socket based application using Spring and Maven where application do the following

Client sends a request with a path to any file on the server
„h Server reads the file and responds back with the content
„h Client outputs the content to the console
I am trying to follow this [URL] ....
I am using java 6

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Servlets :: How To Track Client IP Address From Where User Requested To Application

Jan 28, 2014

I need to track the client IP address from where user requested to my application.

I tried following:

String ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();

In which InetAddress is giving my local machine IP when i run my application in localhost, but I mapped localhost:8080 with IIS server then InetAddress not giving exact IP address. How can we resolve this?

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Develop Application For Client Server Play Video On Demand

Feb 27, 2014

I want to develop an application for client server play the Video On Demand (VOD).i am new for working on video player. Which library will suitable for this and what methods have to fallow.

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Authenticate Client Java Application Using ADFS Enabled Sharepoint Server

Feb 21, 2014

I need to authenticate my client java application using ADFS enabled Sharepoint server.

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Networking :: Connecting To Remote Windows Machine From Local Machine Using SSH2

Apr 11, 2014

I have developed a code to connecting remote windows M/C from local M/C by using SSH2 (ganymed-ssh2-build209.jar) API. when I run the code its giving below error. Is there any other way to connect remote windows system using java code.
java.io.IOException: There was a problem while talking to <host name>:22
  at ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection.connect(Connection.java:642)
  at ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection.connect(Connection.java:460)
  at Connect.RemoteServer.ConnectWindowsServer.runCommand(ConnectWindowsServer.java:55)
  at Connect.RemoteServer.ConnectWindowsServer.main(ConnectWindowsServer.java:27)
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

[Code] ....

import ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection;
import ch.ethz.ssh2.Session;
 public void setAuthenticationInfo(String hostname, String username,String password) {
       this.host = hostname;
       this.userid = username;
       this.password = password;      
       this.recentCommand = "";     
       System.out.println("setting authentication info completed for host=" + host );
[Code] .....

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Java Code To Access Windows Machine From Unix Machine

Feb 28, 2014

I have a requirement where I have to send a file from a local system to unix box(present on client side) using java code.I have developed a code that is successfully sending the file from local system to client side unix box (I am connecting to client side unix box using VPN) provided I run the code in my eclipse IDE present in local system. But when I am running the same code in the unix box it is throwing null pointer exception.Might be the unix system is not recognising the local system. Please find the code.
package abc;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel;

[Code] ....

Error on unix box which I am getting is :-
Inside sftpConnection method
Connection Successfull
Channel Connection Succesfull
Inside findFile method
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at abc.TranferFile.sftpConnection(TranferFile.java:58)
        at abc.TranferFile.main(TranferFile.java:21)

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Browser Automation / Embedding Into GUI / Attaching To Existing Browser Window

Aug 7, 2014

What best API or whatever you call for browser automation? I mean clicking links, filling forms, gathering sources and other info. I already tried selenium WebDriver. It have all needed functions but there is no feature like attaching code into already opened browser so even doing google search it opens new browser window (opening takes ~5-10secs). Also I believe that there is no way that I could embed that browser into GUI.

Also tried WebSpecs and old Watij but also didnt found any way to attach or embed browser into my GUI.

So what I need is that I could create GUI with embeded browser and bunch of buttons. I click buttons then embeded browser clicks links, gets info etc.

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Does JVM Gets Installed Automatically

Oct 12, 2014

1. Is this the JVM ?
2. If so, it uses Java version 7. Who uses Java 8 ?
3. If we install Netbeans, does the JVM gets installed automatically?

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Running Java Program Without Jdk Installed

Jan 25, 2014

I want to know is there any way to run java program without installing jdk.

I want to run my code on system which dnt have jdk installed on it. is it possible??

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Java EE SDK :: WebLogic - How To Get List Of Installed JCA Adapters From App

Aug 1, 2011

I would like to know how I can get the list of installed JCA adapters from my application which deployed onto WebLogic server. Is there any WebLogic api available for that?

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Comparing Sample Client With Real Time Client - Transport Error 404

Jan 23, 2015

I have tried each and every thing in all the other answers. Like setting chunked to false, changing parameters, changing http1.1 -1.0. I am just writing a sample client to compare it with my real time client. Following is the code of client:

package com.webservicemart.ws;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import com.webservicemart.ws.USZipStub.ValidateZip;
public class UsZipClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

And Following is the error :

[INFO] Unable to sendViaPost to url[http://www.webservicemart.com/uszip.asmx]
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.handleResponse(HTTPSender.java:310)
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.sendViaPost(HTTPSender.java:194)
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPSender.send(HTTPSender.java:75)

[Code] ....

I have tried with other geoIP service and weather forecast too. I get the same error.

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How To Detect When Program Is Ending

Feb 24, 2014

I have java program that I am debugging with NetBeans. In it I open a serial com port. It seems that if I exit the program the serial port is not closed so I cannot get the port the next time I start the program.

Is there a way I can detect that either the user clicked the "X" in the upper ight of the GUI or I clicked the "Stop Button" in NetBeans?

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Program To Detect Number 7 And Its Multiples

Apr 25, 2015

I just started learning Java, I was asked to write a simple program that prints a message if it encounters the number 7 or its multiple.

This should be achievable using simple loops and simple operations...

Here is my attempt:

Java Code:

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
int i, j, temp;
i = scan.nextInt(); // Awaiting user input
j = scan.nextInt(); // Awaiting user input
if (i > j){ // i = 10 j = 0
temp = i; // temp = 10


Now it works fine for numbers that are less than 70...

Example for output with i = 15, and j = 25:

Java Code:

25 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I am not sure what to do in case if for example 'i' and 'j' are very big numbers

I mean, I need it to detect the 7s even if it in the thousands place, actually - no matter how big is the number... So far I only made it to work for numbers that are less than 70...

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Try / Catch Into ActionListener - Detect Characters Other Than Alpha

Dec 8, 2014

I'm trying to place a try/catch into a Actionlistener that will detect other characters other than alpha.

private class printbuttonHandler implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//Object src = namesinput;
//String message = "Insert Message Here";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, notesinput, "Receipt",

I'm not even sure if I'm trying to place it in the correct area in the code. However I like to perform this prior to the receipt being displayed so if there a issue the user can correct this before the final receipt has been sent .......

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Servlets :: Detect Keystroke In JSP Textarea And Keylistener

May 22, 2014

i can use this current code to change it so that it use TextArea in jsp and the keylistener code in servlet. i know i have to take out the JFrame,JTextfield and ContentPane but still i could not do it.


import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.io.IOException;


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I/O / Streams :: How To Detect USB Drives And Search For Images

Sep 29, 2014

I am working on a project, how I can detect an usb drive and search and extract images from the drive.

I know there is loads of API out for detecting usb in java application. But, I cannot seems to find out how do you run the API. [URL]...

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Grading System Where In Can Detect If Notepad Has This Input

Sep 25, 2014

on my note pad the 00 means that it is an excused absent while 0 is the unexcused:this one is the readfile saved on .txt

Bruce Wayne
9 9 00 19 49
10 0 10 9 9
87 87
some of the code:

if (inFile.next() == 00){
System.out.print("student has an excused absent how would you like to proceed");

grade = inFile.nextDouble();
qsum += grade;

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