JSP :: IFrame Content From Servlet Page Is Not Displayed

Mar 28, 2014

In my servlet page I call one xml response from third party server and make write it in file using filewriter and store it in local,after that

response.setHeader("Refresh", "1; URL=test.jsp");

Using this code i goes to test.jsp page ,in that test.jsp file ,i place iframe tag like <iframe src="file:///D:/sample/result.xml" /> but it does not show the content what can i do?

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JSF :: XHTML Page - Access To Content Of Dynamic Page?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a xhtml file that initialization it with ui:repeat tag in realtime.all tags of this page placed under ui:fragment tag.

<ui:repeat value="#{graphInfoBean.edges}" var="edge" varStatus="indexVar">
<edge id="#{indexVar.index}" source="#{edge.source}" target="#{edge.target}"

[Code] ....

When i access to this page and save it as xml in realtime, the tags in xml file saved is empty while it is initialized and everything is working properly.


How can i access to content of this xhtml page and save it on disk?

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JSF :: Blank Page Displayed With Facelet

Jun 11, 2014

I am getting blank page only. I created sample JSF project with Facelet in Eclipse. The source code contains basic page with header, content & footer. I refer the site Support-Eclipse . I deployed war into Tomcat. I am unable to find the problem.

Project Name: JSF-Facelet-Startup
Project coding structure
|-->JAX-WS Web SErvices
|-->Deployment Descriptor
|-->Java Resources
|-->JavaScript Resources

[Code] .....

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Page Is Not Displaying The Content?

Sep 14, 2014

One of my official site is not disaplying the content in machine#1 IE10 browser.And the same site is showing data in another machine#2. I compared the both machines JRE and JDK settings but no difference found.

how to link the JRE to browser.

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JSF :: Page Content In OUTLOOK Body Not Getting Breaks

Jun 3, 2014

I have a requirement. I got a JSF page(parent page). When a button(say SEND EMAIL) is pressed, an email window (OUTLOOK) will be displayed as a popup. I have to populate whatever the text data of parent page as the body of the mail.

I am using mailto method : eg :

Here is my code:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest origRequest = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
context.getExternalContext().redirect(String.format("mailto:"+mailTo+"?subject=" + subject +"&body=" + body + "&cc="+mailCc+""));

till here it is fine..

My problem is body part is not getting breaks. I have tried
, ,
, <br>, <br></br> etc.. what ever stuff i found in google..

E.g. my email body looks like below.. it consists of url link also.


This is to inform you etc... ,

Please follow this Hyperlink link to navigate to your page.. etc.



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Servlets :: Content Type Is Getting Text / Plain When Double Click On Page Not In First Time

Dec 14, 2014

we have deployed application on web sphere server and using servlets and jsp only.

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JSF :: Multiple Tool Tips To Be Displayed On Same Page When Click Multiple Image Links

Dec 8, 2014

I have i am trying to implement tooltip through javascript, like when we click on an image link tooltip should be displayed and it should have close button/ close image to close that tooltip.like the same way i will have multiple images on page, when ever i click on the images all tooltips should be displayed on the page when ever i want to close that then only it should close through close button on tooltip.can we do it through java script or will go for jquery.

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JSP :: Call A Servlet Variable In Page Text Fields

Feb 20, 2015

I want to call a servlet variable in jsp page textfields.Actually in servlet I fetch a jasper report properties in servlet variables and then this variable call from jsp page and after changing properties values this report saved.my servlet code is:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
JasperReport jasperReport=null;
Connection con=null;
JasperDesign jasperDesign=null;


so how to fetch servlet variable from jsp page textfields on load page and after edit that values then again save this values in jasper report on save button.

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Servlets :: HTML To Servlet And Come Back To Same Page With Field Values

Apr 11, 2014

i have one html page ,inside html radio button and 3 textboxes and one submit button ->action->SampleServlet.java-> from here again come back to html page with checked radio buttton value and text box value. I dont want to click back button in this case, html page to servlet->here i have to call back to my html page with checked radio button and text box value .

I tried response.redirect(original.html)-->i cant able to display checked radio button and textbox value also tried requestdispatcher forward/include,html page comes newly from starting but i dont want it,i want to view in html page with checked radio button and text box value.

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Java Servlet :: Set Global Error Page For Every Exception Occurred At Server Side

Aug 16, 2013

I am very much new to jsp and servlet. I want to set global error page for every exception occured at server side. I am trying with following code , but something is going wrong and I am not able to c error page.
package com.web;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Show Word Document Using IFrame

Mar 31, 2014

I need to show word document such as java.docx file in my jsp page using iframe

<iframe src="java.docx" style="border: 1px" ></iframe>

This code is downloading the document but not displaying. What to do.

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Java Servlet :: Showing Error While Compiling Servlet

Jan 23, 2013

I am a beginner want to compile servlet with following path

javac -classpath Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5commonlibservlet-api.jar;classes:.-d classes srccomexamplewebBeerSelect.java

Problem arises as follows:

javac: invalid flag: FilesApache
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options

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JSP :: Extracting Information About Previous Page From Where Current Page Came

Jan 31, 2015

I have to implement a system where I have to do almost same processing on a jsp page. The slight differences on the present page is based on whether the current page came from page 1 or page 2. So how can I do this?

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Objects Being Displayed On Top Of One Another?

Dec 15, 2014

I am making a game in java and for the game board i want to fill the screen with blocks. to do this i stored objects of a class that displays squares into an array list and displayed the array list. however, when i do this all of the squares are drawn on top of anther at the final squares coordinates and i dont know why.

here is the code

// code for adding the squares into the array
nt x = 0;
int y = 0;
int size = 10;
static ArrayList<Map> map = new ArrayList<Map>();
//static ArrayList<Items> items = new ArrayList<Items>();


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Why Is Output Not Being Displayed

Jan 14, 2015

I am writing this program for my Java level 1 class. I am able to get it to compile and run, however nothing is outputted. Below are the instructions and the code that I have written.


Write an application that calculates and displays the amount of money a user would have if his or her money could be invested at 5 percent interest for one year. Create a method that prompts the user for the starting value of the investment and returns it to the calling program. Call a separate method to do the calculation, and return the result to be displayed.

Below is the code that I have written

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Interest
//main method
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

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JSP :: How To Open Page Inside Another Page

Apr 1, 2015

I have two jsp page one is demo1.jsp and other is demo2.jsp on a click of a particular link on demo1.jsp I want to opwn demo2.jsp inside demo1.jsp without changing layout of demo1.jsp..I tried to use <jsp;include but that doesn't work for me.But how to do this simply on a single link click on a big page?

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JSF :: Some RowSet Info Not Being Displayed?

Apr 22, 2015

I am reading from a database(SQL Server 2012) and storing that information in a ResultSet. I am then trying to display that information using a DataTable.

Here is my managed bean

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package clientspage;
import java.io.Serializable;


The ID and the commandLinks are being displayed but the Client is not.

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JSP :: Formatting Amounts To Be Displayed

Mar 26, 2004

How to go for formatting amounts to be displayed using JSP?

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Changing JList That Is Already Displayed

Nov 5, 2014

I have a empty JList in which I hit a button LOAD DATA which should load all the data. but once I load data i try to fill in the List but I keep getting errors.

String[] aos = new String[itrList.size()];
//JList listFAIL = new JList(aos);
//list = new JList(itrList.toArray());
JScrollPane s = new JScrollPane(list);

I have tried doing setListData and i get a error;

And if i do new Jlist it doesn't change the data.

The List does fill as i have a checker for that.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Image Not Being Displayed In Jpanel

Feb 19, 2014

Trying to get an image to display in a GUI.

try {
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(
BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO

[Code] ....

But nothing is happening in the GUI. I have stepped through and bufferedimage contains the data, but its not being displayed. Whats happening is, an image is being transmitted to serial port of laptop, so i'm taking it in and storing it in a BufferOutputStream and then trying to open it in my GUI class.

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Formatting The Way Array Information Is Displayed

Mar 21, 2015

import java.util.*;
public class TrafficIncidents {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in);
// Array for days
String [][] days = {{"Sat"},

[Code] ....

This is my output:

5 1 1 2 4 1 0

Basically I want to align the AM traffic incidents under the heading "AM" but am not sure how to accomplish this. I am using separate arrays for all three of these types of information and need the info to line up with their respective titles.

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Trying To Get Data From Previous Assignment To Be Displayed In New One Using GUI

Apr 26, 2014

I am trying to get items to display that would display in a command prompt now into a GUI. I am freaking lost at the moment, probably because I've been staring at this code for over a week now. I have included all the files that are necessary to run the program as an attachment for your own testing purposes. Should I be using a TextField to display the data from the CSV files? How do I get the data to be displayed? How would I get it to be displayed based on the different files Staples (newSTPL.csv), Apple (newAPPL.csv), and Microsoft (newMSFT.csv)?

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* DataAnalyzer Class
* This class instantiates the methods from the ReadFiles Class and Calculations Class.


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List Particular Row In Matrix Should Be Displayed Using For Loop

Apr 3, 2015

Code in java in which if i want to list particular row in matrix it should be displayed using for loop.

For example in 3 X 3 matrix:

1 2 3
1 1 1
1 0 1

If i want to see only 1st row i.e. 1 2 3 then how to do i do this ?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Radio Button Not Getting Displayed

Mar 5, 2014

For the following code.When I run it ,I am getting the image and Login written along with it , but not getting the preselected radio button

import javax.swing.*;
public class MyJFrameWithJRadioButton extends JFrame
JRadioButton rdButton;
public MyJFrameWithJRadioButton()
setTitle("This is a JFrame");
setBounds(0, 0, 200, 200);
rdButton =new JRadioButton("Login",new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("Login.png")),true);


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JLayeredFrame - Components Not Displayed According To Z Order

Jun 30, 2014

Just some sample code:

Java Code:

mainPanel.add(background, new Integer(10));
cards.add(king[0] = new Card(200, 200, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, 0, 0)); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Then, when a card is created, it calls:

Java Code: Main.mainPanel.add(this, new Integer(1)); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Yet for some reason, the background is always painted OVER the card UNLESS I set the background to -1.

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JSP :: Result Displayed With Display Tag Library

Apr 21, 2014

I have html code that use form and the result displayed with display tag library the form forward to servlet page but when I use a javascript to change value of hidden after returning to html page the value of hidden input deos not change

<form name="form" method="get" action="Text" >
<input type="checkbox" dir="rtl" ID="CheckBox2" value="check" onclick="All(this,'all','_chk');">
<td> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="حذف"></td>
<div align="center">


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