JSP :: Update Database Values?

Jan 4, 2015

I am trying out jsp and servlets now for the first time. I have to insert two data, car code and car name into a mysql table. I got those details using jsp but if I use form, it redirects to another page for insertion. I want the data to be inserted and still remain in same jsp page. I am thinking of using onClick from javascript but as I googled this many places have said it is a bad idea to use jsp inside javascript. If so how can we insert data to mysql table without redirecting to another page?

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Java Array Update Without Using ArrayList - Add Values And Update Size?

Feb 9, 2015

I am trying to create an array list without using the built in arrayList class that java has. I need to start the array being empty with a length of 5. I then add objects to the array. I want to check if the array is full and if not add a value to the next empty space. Once the array is full I then need to create a second array that starts empty and with the length of the first array + 1.

The contents of the first array are then copied into the new array without using the built in copy classes java has and then the new array ends up containing 5 elements and one null space the first time round. The first array is then overwritten with the new array containing the 5 elements and the null space. The process then starts again adding values until the array is full which will be 1 more value then recreating the second array empty and the length of the first array + 1. This is my attempt at creating this but I have run into multiple problems where I get only the last value I added and the rest of the values are null:

public class MyArrayList {
public Object arrayList[];
public MyArrayList(Object[] arrayList) {
this.arrayList = arrayList;


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Send / Receive Mass SMS And Update Database

Aug 4, 2014

I have just taken it upon myself to attempt to develop an application using java that will implement several features for my aircraft maintenance unit. I've taken a few courses in Java and I am a computer science major, so I wanted to use this as a way to improve my coding skills while also improving the effectiveness of my unit.

Anyway my application needs to have these key features:

1. Access a recall roster that is in Excel format and read the names/phone numbers of up to 200 members. The application also needs to be able to update this information and save it.

2. The application also needs to be able to initiate a recall to some or all of the members on the recall roster via text message.

3. The application needs to be able to receive messages back and display them under each name from the recall roster.

My current plan is to set up a GUI that expands JButtons in a scrollable window as members are read in from the excel document. Upon clicking any of the buttons the person will be contacted individually via a custom message that can be typed in via a popup window after clicking it. Alternatively you can check a box next to any persons button to add them to the list of people to be contacted and then click a button that says "Contact those checked" or something along those lines. Finally there will be a button that just says initiate total recall and it will contact everyone.

As for the interface I want each button to be highlighted red until a response has been received from the person associated with that button, which will then be recorded under their contact information.

I've attached an extremely rough picture...

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JSF :: How To Update Datatable After Registering User In Database

Apr 11, 2014

I have requirement, in that I am showing a Datatable, above that table i have form in that i can register a employee, after clicking on submit employee data have to be saved in the database aswell as i have to update datable, so that I can see that registered employee in that Datatable, how can i full fill this requirement. I am using jsf 2.0, ejb3.0,jpa 2.0.

public List<Employees> getallEmployees() {
System.out.println("all employee fetched");
return (List<Employees>) em.createNamedQuery("Employees.findAll").getResultList();

In managed bean I am calling this service as fallow in init method, and i am binding same this. employee list to UI

public String getAllEmployeesfronHr() {
this.employees = customerservice.getallEmployees();
System.out.println(this.employees.size() + "=================size of employee");
return "";

For every submit button click i have to query database or is there any mechanism to update List / can we use entity manager in anyway so that we can update Employee List....

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How To Use Single Button To Insert And Update In Java While Using MySQL Database

Oct 29, 2014

I am developing my first Java application and the database I use is MySQL. I have created two separate buttons; one to insert new data into my database and the other to update the database when changes are made.

Each button is working perfectly, but I now want to combine both functions into just the save button. Thus, whether I am entering new data or modifying existing data, the save button should use an IF ELSE condition to decide whether to use the INSERT or UPDATE command.

My problem is, how do I write this IF ELSE statement? What should be the condition? For example;

IF(what? ){
  String sql ="Insert into Table1 (classID,className,counselorID,startDate,endDate) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
  String sql2 = "update Table1 set classID = '"+value1+"',className='"+value2+"',counselorID='"+value3+"',startDate='"+value4+"',endDate='"+value5+"'
where classID = '"+value1+"'";

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Update Observable List From Database At Certain Time Intervals Using Threads?

Dec 9, 2014

i have a table UI and want it to be to be in sync with tabledata in the database... How can i go about it?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Update JTable Cell Values Inside A Loop

Jan 5, 2015

I have a program where i want to indicate the user when i have completed a task which i am running inside a for loop. Below is my code.

for(Map.Entry<Double,SimplestCopyInstance> entry : myList.entrySet()){
double key = entry.getKey();
SimplestCopyInstance scp = entry.getValue();
Copy cp = new Copy();
cp.putLocations(scp.getSrc(), scp.getDes());

[Code] ....

I have used netbeans to build my app. So there creating jTable is out of my control as that part was inside auto-generated code. I have just used the jTable.setValue().

My problem is, above method is inside a button click event. Updated values not displaying until the loops ends.

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Getting ID Of Column Values From Database

Jun 9, 2014

How can I get id from db table for each column values with java or oracle query? I did get before each column content from file and now i need get the id of this column values from db. I read csv files from folder and then load the data from these files into subfolder, and here with line li = line.split(","); I get the values that i have in csv file and split them and become in li the value name, and then in else block i create a P objekt where i set this values from csv files, and with [I]p.setLid(li); I set the value for all valuenames, and then get these valuenames in separate column with other content from this csv.

My question is, i need to do this with db, and write these csv file values to the table in db (it will be done with another java class), what i need, that to write the ids of these values into the table in db, instead of valuename, and while there is no ids for valuenames in csv files, i need to get the id from the table in db where these are already listed with sequences, and i don't know how can i write in data table the id of this valuenames and other content, this data table should contain the ids of valuenames timestamp values and the ids of the csv files name, i don't know how to do this with the ids, i must get the ids from the db table and then set these on [I]p.setLid(li); where i set early the valuenames, instead of valuenames i should set ids, that will set ids automatically for all these valuenames.

Java Code:

try {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (lc == 0) {
li = line.split(",");

[Code] ....


Java Code : li = line.split(","); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I got the values that then will be given to [I]p.setLid(li); and iterate, but now i want to get id from the table in db where this values stored with id instead of this column values, how can i do it?

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Get Values From Database And Set Them In Text Fields?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a button in which I need to do the following:

After I click it It reads the values given in a jtextfield1 and in the other jtextfields I need it to settext in them from the database I mean if I have for example id=1 when I click the button it goes to the database and find the id 1 then write the infos in the other textfields

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Servlets :: How To Set Values Into JSP Page From Database

May 30, 2014

I want to set the values coming from database with multiple field's Through AJAX and Custom XML. How to do ???

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JSF :: Passing Values Between Views In Database

Oct 15, 2014

How to pass the value of a field in a database from one view to another. I currently have a list of members drawn from a database.

The members view is a list of members. From the list the user clicks view button to view a particular member. This is achieved by using a inputHidden tag with the value of the list of members in a data table.

<h:dataTable value="#{controllerBean.listAllMembers()}" var="mem">
<h:form id="inputForm">
<h:inputHidden id="idToken" value="#{mem.id}" />

in the RequestScoped bean I am able to use FacesContext to extract the value of idToken from the requestParameters and create the view for the particular member.

One field in the member view I would like to toggle - "Y" to "N" or vice versa via a commandButton. The issue is I can find no way of passing this single value back to the bean as is.

<td><h:outputText value="#{controllerBean.member.active}" /></td>
<h:outputLabel value="To change toggle active button below" />
<h:inputHidden id="actToken" value="#{controllerBean.active}"/>
//further down the view
<h:commandButton style="float: right" value="Toggle Active" action="#{controllerBean.toggleActive()}"/>

The issue is the value is displayed within the output text - how to pass the value into the inputHidden value.

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JSF :: Values Aren't Displaying From Database

Mar 18, 2014

I am using primeface in this project. I have a database with orders, order details and customers. The index page displays the order details and I click on one of the orders I want the customer details of that order to be displayed. But right now when I click on an order the dialog box that appears is empty. I'm not sure if the problem is with the jsf for the customer class.

here is the jsf page:

<p:dataTable value="#{orderDetailsBean.list}" var="anOrder"
paginator="true" rows="10"
paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"


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Returning SQL Statement Instead Of Values From Database

Apr 9, 2014

I am reading value from database but my problem is am get sql statement values instead of values in database.
My code is ....

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JSP :: How To Fetch Dynamic Values From Database And Display It

Dec 4, 2014

The program contains username and password which on submission checks with the database if the details entered are right or wrong....on right details it Displays Welcome (name) and (lastname) parameters from database.

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Button That Add Values Into Empty Database - Not Seeing Result

Apr 30, 2014

Here's my code for a button that add values into an empty database.

The program skips system.out.println("1");

And the database is still empty. I can't figure out why

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/xxxxxxxxxxxx";
String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String user = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
String pass = "xxxxxxxxx";

[Code] .....

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JSF :: Update Action Does Not Update Bean Attribute

May 14, 2014

I have a strange behaviour when trying to update a bean. Here is the edit page:

<h3>Edit Post</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="small-3 columns">
<label for="right-label" class="right inline">Title</label>

[Code] ....

Here is the bean class:

package com.airial.controllers;
import com.airial.domain.Post;
import com.airial.service.PostService;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMapping;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMappings;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;


postToUpdatet is always NULL. Why the title property is not binded ? What is wrong here ?

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JSP :: Insert Values Into Database From Dynamically Added Rows

Aug 25, 2014

On jsp page i have created table with dynamically added rows now i want to insert the data from dynamic row field into database. How would I get the ids of those dynamically created rows to insert into database using hibernate.

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Unable To Get Values From JTable And Insert Them In MySQL Database

Feb 7, 2014

i have a problem, im trying to get some values from a jtable (tabla) and insert them in a mysql database, so i scan the table for some values to know which of the rows i must insert ("s" or "n").

I'm able to insert few rows, but when the last row with "s" or "n" is inserted it launch me a NullPointerException and I dont know why.

public void insertar(JTable tabla, int rowt, int colt) throws ParseException{
String documento=null, cve_clie=null, fechaE=null, fechaR=null, check=null;
char d=' ',dd=' ',m=' ',mm=' ',y1=' ',y2=' ',y3=' ',y4=' ';
String chck = null;
conexion = connMysql.mysql();
String squery="insert into consefact3 values (?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement pst = conexion.prepareStatement(squery);


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Insert Multiple Values Of Checkbox Into Database Using JSP Servlet

May 12, 2014

As I am new in java, JSP and DATABASE...

<form action="Insert_Values_Servlet" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Title" placeholder="max 50 characters"/><br>
<input type="text" name="Profession" placeholder="Ex.Manager"/> <br>
<input type="checkbox" value="LifeStyle" id="slideOne" name="check" />
<label for="slideOne">LifeStyle</label><br />


This is my insert.jsp page I want to insert multiple values into database Including multiple values of checkbox, other values are getting inserted but only problem at selecting multiple checkbox values in same column and radio button value in same column.

---------------------look for servlet page below----------------

Connection con = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
int user = 0;
String User_Id1 = null;
String Other_Services = "";
String Title = request.getParameter("Title");


Is there any solution to insert this...By mistake in query I have followed with extra questionmark in following line This is correctline for inserting 5 values in database

String insertinfo = "INSERT into offer_data (Title,Profession, Other_Services ,Area, City) values(?,?,?,?,?)";

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Store Pixels Values Currently On Screen And Compare Them To Values On The First Frame?

Aug 29, 2014

I need a way to store the pixels values currently on the screen and compare them to the values on the first frame. Right now I'm using glreadpixels as follows:

currentBuffer= BufferTools.reserveByteData(mapSize);
glReadPixels(mapStartX, mapStartY, mapWidth, mapHeight, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, currentBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
if (currentBuffer.get(i) != baseBuffer.get(i)) {
//Do nothing
//Do something

This works perfectly fine but turns out to be a real bottleneck, dropping the fps to a third of what it was. Is there any quicker way? All I'm after is speed, I don't even need to show it on the screen if the comparison is made "behind the scene".

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Servlets :: How To Send Multiple Values Of Same ID But Different Values Of HTML

Feb 27, 2015

I have a question in mind that this is my registration form. I am sending these values from HTML form to server and database. I have question that in my case if I click next to Add Another Mobile no in HTML.then a block is genereated and each time a new name is generated.

My Question is if I click 6 times then 6 name attribute are generated. How can I send and differentiate them on my server side.

Because at their I will use something request.getAttribute("Attr_Name");

But they are same. How to do this?.

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Update XML Using DOM Objects

Sep 29, 2014

I have a requirement to insert the data into xml file . I have used DOM class for doing this. Below is my xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<name> PCMH</name>

[Code] ....

The thing is if SITA is the name then I have to insert component to the particular envi tabs , if DEVB is the component I have to insert the component there. How can I do this I have done some code its inserting the data at the bottom og the XML .

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JSP :: Possible To Update The List?

Mar 18, 2015

I have arraylist which is already set in controller side.

I need to update the same list(removing few elements in the list) in jsp based on few conditions like, the selected values in dropdown kind off.

How to update the list in jsp?. Is there any way to handle this using JSTL?.

Instead of using scriptlets, can i do this?

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EJB / EE :: Update Same Table From Different Applications?

Feb 18, 2014

I have two separate applications who will access the same table in a database and the two application will update the table.

How can I make sure the integrity of accessing this table? Is it in the code or in the database level?

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Private JTextField Update

Jan 22, 2015

I am creating a slot machine using eclipse. I am trying to get the "winnings" JTextField to be updated in a way so that when the random images have been selected it adds to the number that is already displayed in the JTextField as opposed to what it is doing at the minute which is just displaying how much was won on that particular spin. I am also struggling to set a code for when noting is won, nothing is added. My code is below.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;

[Code] ....

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Java GUI Search And Update

May 15, 2015

I'm trying to make a update page where you search for person info by their number then have the ability to change any info and save it back to the binary field. I have the search working but i don't know how to do the update,.here my code:

Java Code: import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;


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