JSP :: Windows Schedule Task Dashboard

Jun 5, 2014

I want to create a Web page which can monitor and display the status of Schedule Tasks setup on different remote machine. This Dashboard should also has the capability to re-run the schedule task.

I know that I can achieve this via Runtime class by running schtasks /Query and get all the details. But I just wanted to know if we have any other better way to do this.

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Java Code Using Timer Class To Schedule The Task

Feb 27, 2014

I have written the java code using timer class to schedule the task , but i am getting error as } expected, i am not able to figure out the error, I have placed the { opening and closing curly bracket everywhere but still it is giving me error.

mport java.io.*;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.*;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.*;

[Code] ....

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JTable - Amortization Schedule Calculator

Jan 26, 2014

I am creating an amortization schedule calculator and I'm having a bit of trouble with adding my table to the screen after I calculate everything.

Here's my code. The problem is that in the calculatePayments() method, I want the JTable to be added to the JScrollPane but it doesn't seem to be working.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

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JSF :: Event Calendar With Component P - Schedule Of Primefaces

Jun 20, 2014

I have a problem to display a popup with the information of the registered event. I would like the user to hover over a particular event exhibited only the description of the event without having to click on the event to view information. I would like to make an ajax request to that was displayed a popup.

But do not know how to implement jquery and javascript. Well, I am new to programming. My code that generates the schedule is as follows:

<p: schedule value = "#{bean.datamodel}" widgetVar = "sheldule" locale = "en"
rightHeaderTemplate = "prev, next" leftHeaderTemplate = "today" centerTemplate = "month"
id = "events"
tooltip = "true">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{bean.onDateSelect}" update="eventsNew" oncomplete="eventDialog.show();"/>
<p:ajax event="eventSelect" listener="#{bean.onEventSelect}" update="eventsNew" oncomplete="eventDialog.show()"/>
</ p: schedule>

In my Bean have methods that make the selection of date and event. Have I configured the option of setEditable to true. Ajax function, jquery or javascript to show the popup containing only observation and event date. And looked at the documentation of primefaces and not found any implementation to solve my problem.

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Automate Web Task

Jun 26, 2014

Since musicians are supposed to use ALL free services available to them in order to promote themselves, every time we book a show I have to: update facebook, update reverbnation, update bandcamp, etc.

So I was trying to find a way to automate this task, and I found a way to output my facebook page's events to an ical file (which I can port into Google Calendars if I wish). ReverbNation and Bandcamp unfortunately don't offer any integration with anything at all period... So this is what I wanted to write some code to do (see flowchart thing).

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Scheduling A Task Every Month In Java

Feb 22, 2015

I am new to Java , Every 5th date of every month , get 10$ in bank account .

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Creating Task Manager Using Java

Dec 5, 2010

I want to create a TASK MANAGER for windows OS using java. Of course i am not expecting any code snippets, that is, what are the classes to be included and moreover HOW to do it.

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EJB / EE :: Long Running Task Processing In Java

Feb 18, 2014

I want to develop a Java EE application for the following scenario.

Webapp takes a file from a user and analyze the file. This analysis could take hours. User should be able to check if the analysis is finished via AJAX. When the analysis is finished user should be able to view the analysis report that has been generated by the analyzer.

I checked what are the possibles ways I could achieve this but couldn't get a clear idea. I heard about JMS, Work Manager API and servlet asynchronous processing. But still not sure what to use and how to use.I'm not very much familiar with EJB.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Using Task And Service To Read From And Write To GUI

Aug 8, 2014

I have a database of 100,000 research articles, all as full text. From a GUI I'm building ( w. Scene Builder and NetBeans) I would like to enter a journal name and have some of the articles read into memory, in a background thread.  Then I would analyze them, also in a background thread.  Then I would write various results, e.g., lists of authors or titles, wordlists, to the GUI for examination by a user. 

How to create background threads from my model that will read from and write to a GUI using Tasks and/or Services.

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Servlets :: Perform Certain Task On Shutdown Of Web Application In Java?

Apr 5, 2014

how to perform certain task on the shutdown of a web application in java

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How Does Threads Come Back To Ready State After Executing The Task

Mar 21, 2014

When a thread completes its execution, it will be destroyed.In Java thread pool implemenation, how does threads come back to ready state after executing the task.?

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Servlets :: Setting A Timer Task Even If Server Restarts

Jun 10, 2014

I have a web app that accepts requests. Once a request is sent, I want to create a thread that will sleep for several days if no user action is taken on the request to remind the user to do something. The problem is, how do I ensure the timer will pick up at the same place if the server is restarted? Would serializing the thread do that? I'm guessing no because I think you're just creating a new instance at start up. Just checking If there's anything built into Java to do this.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Simple GUI Task - Draw Pie Chart With Different Colors

Jan 31, 2014

Simple gui task. it meant to draw pie chart with different colors. i can't seem to find a mistake in it. It works if i put in g2g.draw(arc) i know arcs overlaps a bit due int conversion, but that's ok.

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.Color;

[Code] ....

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Interface Task - Manipulate Entries In A Telephone Directory

Feb 19, 2014

Write an interface Directory to manipulate entries in a telephone directory for the University. The interface must support the following operations:

1) The ability to insert new entries into the directory. Entries should be stored in alphabetical order of surname.
2) Delete entries from the directory either by name or number
3) Provide a lookup method that will find the extension no of a member of staff given his/her name. You should try to make this method run as efficiently as possible.
4) Change a person's telephone number
5) Print the telephone directory in a neatly tabulated fashion.

Write a class ArrayDirectory that implements this interface using an array to store the telephone directory information. The class must store the surname and initial for each member of staff and their telephone extension (a four digit number which may start with a zero). You may find it useful to define a class Entry to store information about individual entries. The entries should be read into the array from a text file consisting of multiple lines in the following format:

Surname<tab>Initials<tab>Telephone extension

Write a main program that reads in data from a file and then tests all the methods of your class interface. Note it is not necessary to write data back to disk (even if it has changed) in this project.

For data insertion and lookup, you should measure the performance for the average case (e.g. looking up a record in the middle of the data). To do this you can use the static method System.currentTimeMillis() which returns the time in milliseconds. To get an accurate measure of the time to perform an operation it is a good idea to perform each operation 1000 (or even 10000) times and measure the time taken. This will remove any problems due to the system clock having a coarse granularity (not ticking very often). Make sure you only time the method and not any input/output associated with it. Your documentation should include a discussion of these results.

Part 2

You decide that your solution to part 1 may be too slow to be useful when used with a real large telephone directory and make the following changes to attempt to improve the performance of your program:

1). Provide a second implementation (ListDirectory) of the Directory interface using the Java Collections List interface and LinkedList classes.
2). The changes in 1) should make adding, deleting and modifying records more efficientbut will probably reduce the time to lookup numbers. To overcome this you use a technique called hashing. Instead of storing all the records on one list you use a series of lists. The data for all people whose surname begins with "A" is stored on the first list, records for all people whose surname begins with "B" on a second list and so on. Write a third implementation (HashDirectory) of the Directory interface using this technique.

Again, you should measure the performance for the best, worst and average cases of implementations 1) and 2) above. Compare the efficiency of each of the 3 implementations in your documentation.

Part 3

Choose one of your 3 implementations from Parts 1 and 2 and embed it in a graphical user interface that allows users to perform all the methods in the Directory interface using a mouse and keyboard appropriately.

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Servlets :: How To Implement A Callback Method For A Post Async Task

Mar 26, 2015

I am developing an app with a Java Servlet backend, and I am trying to get the Async call (AsyncTask - Android Developers) to get my response message Synced with the rest of the client and being able use this information wherever I want. Without a callback method, when from the caller class I use the commands:

ServletPostAsyncTask s = new ServletPostAsyncTask();
s.execute(new Pair<Context, String>(ListViewPrenota.this, "tours"));
Tours ttours = s.tours;
Tour tour = ttours.getTours().get(0);

I receive a NullPointerException pointing to the third line Tours ttours = s.tours;, since the s.execute() method doesn't wait for the rest of the lines to get executed.To solve this I thought about implementing a callback method with interfaces in Java, but I am not sure on how to do it. For example, what class does have to implement the interface, the ServletPostAsyncTask or the caller class?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Disable Event While Performing Long Running Task

Apr 28, 2015

I have in my application a button that when it is pressed, runs a long running task (usually takes a couple of seconds....).

My problem is that while the task runs, I want to stop the button from receiving clicks. Unfortunately this is something I have not achieved.

I have tried creating a new thread and calling the long running method, and using the Display.geCurrent().asyncExec...

Examples of what I have tried so far:

myButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
if (myList.size() > 0) {

[Code] .....

In both cases, while the button is disabled and the cursor busy, if the user clicks the button, the long running method is ran several times - and this is what I want to avoid.

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Schedule More Tasks Side By Side

Aug 16, 2014

I'm using SchedulerExecutorServices to Schedule a task. My Question is how can i schedule more than one task side by side:

Here is what I'm doing:

public class Scheduler {
public Scheduler(Runnable thread, int startAfter, int iterateAfter, TimeUnit timeUnit, int length) {
ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors
final ScheduledFuture<?> timeHandle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(

[Code] ....

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Unix Commands From Windows

Feb 13, 2014

I'm using windows.. and our server is UNIX.. I knew that it's possible to create DOS commands in java programs, I have tried it already..

What I want to know is, is it possible to create a java program (from windows) that can execute UNIX command?

Something like: I have a java program in my windows, and it will create a directory in UNIX server /home/dir..

Based on my research, I can connect to our server in command prompt of my windows using ftp <domain> but the commands there is limited.

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Can't Find Java JDK 32-Bit Windows 7

Dec 4, 2014

Im looking for the Java JDK 32-Bit for Windows 7, all i can find is 64Bit.

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Dialog Is Not Disposed On Windows 8

May 13, 2014

i am using a frame over which i am loading a dialog. The singleton dialog holds a progress bar. I have created my own swing worker. i am controlling the construct method of swing worker(which functions like doInBackground method).I am trying to call hidedialog from an external file. The dialog gets stuck sometimes. How do i solve it . It works fine on win7 but fails on win8.

public class LoadingProgressDialogSingleton extends com.manu.scpoweb.common.ds.client.swing.dialog.Dia log {
protected static LoadingProgressDialogSingleton oneAndOnlyProgressDialog = null;
JProgressBar progressBar = null;
DFULoadStatusBean dfuLoadStatusBean = null;


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Class Path With Windows 7

May 28, 2010

I've just got a new computer and i tried to set the class path the way i did with windows xp but it's not working. This is what i have done. I added a Path variable to user variables and added C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin as the variable value. But when i got to command prompt and type javac HelloWorld.java it just tells me javac is not recognised as an internal or external command.

Also another problem is after trying this and it not working i tried to add a path to the system variables. I added a new path variable but i think once i did that it deleted the one that was already there. Is that going to mess up my computer? What the default path variable for windows 7 is?i've got the right destination as i typed cd to change directory and when i typed C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin it changed to that. And i noticed if i typed in the destination wrong its just made an error.

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Cannot Reinstall Java On Windows XP

Nov 17, 2014

Cannot reinstall java on this windows xp. Get an error -1 and install didn't complete. There are no java versions installed and apparently no java control panel either.

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Two Windows Are Being Made Of Game

Jan 19, 2014

I have a game which is very simple: it is two images, and one needs to reach the other. Once it does, it resets. I have a class which holds the two images, and another which holds the game. My images class extends my game class. The problem I am having is that when I run the program, not one, but two frames appear. One is the perfect game, working perfectly, and the other is the game without images. I want the one that is the game without images to simply stop appearing. I believe it is appearing because my class that displays the image is extending the game class, but I can't not extend it because if I do I get a whole lot of bugs and errors.

Image class:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;


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Copy Target Of Link In Windows

Dec 8, 2014

How to copy the target of a link? I am using Apache's FileUtils class. I have tried the following and it only copies the link, not the target:

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import java.io.File;
public class Copier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File sourceFile = new File("C:/Demo/sourceDir/a_link.lnk");
File destinationDirectory = new File("C:/Demo/destinationDirectory");
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(sourceFile, destinationDirectory);

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Untrackable Windows With Browser Plugin

May 5, 2015

I manage a small company through our bank's online system, that uses java, but I can't access it through any browser , they all give the same issue; after I choose the certificate file on my PC, nothing happens.

If i dual boot Ubuntu on my PC it works, so it's clearly something with the Windows installation.

Things tried :

- Reinstall Java, multiple times
- Clean anything Java and Oracle related in my PC (except registry, I don't know how to fuzz with that)
- Different browsers

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Editing Hosts File In Windows

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to edit hosts file in java program? I tried it but I'm getting "AccessDeniedException". I need to have permissions for it, but can i somehow set the permissions in java program for current user?

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