JSP :: Extract PDF From Folder And Display Them In Html Table In Browser

Jan 31, 2014

I have folder which contains PDF and i want to show them in html table in the web browser using JSP

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JSF :: Take Picture Using Webcam From Web Browser And Store It In Folder?

Sep 20, 2014

I am working in jsf application, in that one requirement is present. If we click "Take picture" button using webcam from web browser, image has to be captured and displayed in the screen. Finally by clicking save button picture has to be stored either in Database or in File Folder.

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JSF :: How To Open A File / Folder Directories In Firefox Browser

Jun 15, 2014

In our currenr project we have a requirement to open a local/network driver file/folder using JSF 2.0 <h:outputLink> in Firefox browser find the below sample code & correct it, how to achieve the above requirment


<h:outputLink id="linkID" value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" target="_blank" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{demoDataBean.dataLink}" />


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Java Servlet :: Printed To Browser As Plain Text Instead Of Converting It To HTML?

Jul 23, 2012

I learning java an created the following servlet. The only problem is it printed to the browser as text instead of html..

It literally printed like this.

<HEAD><TITLE>Hellow World</TITLE></HEAD>
This STUFF IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the servlet I created.

package sample;
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Navigation System Putting Two Headers In HTML File When Fully Rendered In Browser

Oct 21, 2014

I inherited a navigation system which is like this:


When I click on the "view source" in the browser, I get two headers like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<html lang="en_US">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

[Code] ....

I know this is not good. I have inherited the nav system from someone else and I have a lot of complicated AJAX and JQuery going on inside my module. I am not sure how to resolve.

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Read Text And Extract Data And Display It In JTables?

May 20, 2014

My problem is to read a text file which contains lines of text data

{e.g: #1115=CLOSED_SHELL(",(#166,#208,#250.....#1114));}

I need to break it and #numbers in braces are assigned to string array and they should cal by one by one. similarly next level on calling #166 same operation should perform


like this 8 levels were there, finally at each level the Calling number should display in JTable.

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JSP :: JSON Not Display In Browser?

Mar 29, 2014

I have JSON which as response from third party server,i call the URL and i want to print in browser as json but it is not display browser also display well in console i post my code here

URL url = new URL ("http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/movies/770672122.json?apikey=qpdtfwugwbxt32awk8jvwcdq");
URLConnection uconn = url.openConnection();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uconn.getInputStream()));
String line=null;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println(line); }

output in browser

The XML page cannot be displayed / Cannot view XML input using style sheet. correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource '[URL] ......'. and also The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

A semi colon character was expected. Error processing resource '[URL] ....'. Line 10, Posi...

"canonicalUrl": "/v1/products?format=json&apiKey=9uvqqsjvwxc4c4ferw922k7k",

like error showing

output in console:

{"total":19,"movies":[{"id":"771312513","title":"Captain America: The Winter Soldier","year":2014,"mpaa_rating":"PG-13","runtime":136,"critics_consensus":"Suspenseful and politically astute, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a superior entry in the Avengers canon and is sure to thrill Marvel diehards.","release_dates":{"theater":"2014-04-04"},"ratings":{"critics_rating":"Certified Fresh","critics_score":94,"audience_score":99},"synopsis":"Steve Rogers continues his journey as the super-powered American soldier who's grasping to find his place in a modern world after being frozen in ice....

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JSP :: Change Color Of HTML Table Row In A Page

Aug 28, 2014

I am creating a JSP page with a html table to display employee directory. This is scriptlet :

List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();
PhoneListController controller = new PhoneListController();
list = controller.getAllContacts();
for (Employee eachEmp : list) {

and then i display the table rows and columns for each employee object(PS: I know scriptlets are bad and obsolete but this is my first individual project.)

I would like to change the background color of certain rows based on value of one particular value(based on eachEmp.getManagerCode).

How can i achieve that by using javascript? I tried to call a js function by calling onload event on . But as I need to check for each row that is not the possible solution. I have not tried jquery yet as I am very new to jquery and I didnt quite understand how to do it in jquery.

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Write Output In Columns To HTML Table?

Nov 24, 2014

I've written two programs. My first program compares the difference of two text files and prints the differences in an output. My second program creates a simple Html table. I would like to write my output to this table. How would I go about doing this in java?

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Servlets :: Unable To Display Response To Web Browser

Jan 22, 2014

i am using eclipse kepler and tomcat 7 with the below code to get a response from the browser. i get no errors on my code and i organize my imports but when i run the code i get an http 404 error. i restart the server and it goes into the whole motion telling me that "Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost started and is synchonized" i refresh it and i still get the error.

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


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Servlets :: Unable To Display Result In Web Browser

Mar 14, 2014

When I am invoking a servlet class file from my HTML file instead of displaying output in my browser it is downloading my output as a file..Why it is?..

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Servlets :: How To Get Whole List Table / Dropdown Data From HTML / JSP

Sep 4, 2014

Is it possible to get the list/ values in html/jsp from servlet?

I have a table inside an html/jsp page and when the user clicks a button I need to refresh the whole page with some additional text message.

Currently what I am doing is that I am using a java bean for the jsp page that contains a list of values inside the table then store it in session but I think there is a better way without storing it in session.

I tried using request.getParameter() but it only returns string.

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Servlets :: Save HTML Table Data To Database

Nov 17, 2014

I have a HTML table whose rows are getting generated through javascript function. I want to save this data in the table rows.

**HTML Code**

<div style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid black; overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:scroll; padding:0">
<table border=0>
<input type="button" name="add_details" id="add_details" value="Add" onclick="AddDetails()">
<input type="button" name="delete_details" id="delete_details" value="Delete" onclick="DeleteDetails()">

[Code] .....

When i press submit button in my form of JSP, how can i access table data?

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JSP :: How To Delete Data From Database Through Check Box Using Html Table On Page

Jan 22, 2014

Problem code:

JSP 1:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<%@page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<%!Connection con;%>
<%!Statement stmt = null;%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL]...">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


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Servlets :: How To Retrieve Data From HTML Table And Insert It Into Database

Apr 1, 2015

I want to retrieve the data from this table given below and insert that data in the database in the next servlet

package com.sk;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Store A File / Image Into Oracle Database And Display On Browser?

Nov 2, 2014

I want to store an image/file into oracle database using jsp.

I have written code to store data when am running in my machine it is working fine, but not working in server throwing an error saying that "The system cannot find the file specified."

I am attaching the code what am written.

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JSP :: Generate Hashtable And Display Its Key Value Pairs Back To Browser - How To Prevent Timeout

Jun 24, 2004

I have a jsp page that generate a hashtable and display its key-value pairs back to the browser. The problem is that it takes on an average about 15 minutes to build this hashtable, and as a result, I always get a timeout error. What can I do to avoid getting the timeout error without changing the server configuration for timeout

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JSP :: Display HTML As XML?

Nov 19, 2014

I Have jsp page in which there is XML code as well. How can i display the whole Document as tags in jsp, like start from <html> also here the tags will display like XML tags.

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Java Web Server - Display HTML Pages

Nov 7, 2014

I have a server written in java and can display html pages. but when i try to add css to the page the server doesnt use it.(not my code). Do you have to flag the browser to use css or something?

public class SimpleWebServer extends Thread {
public static final String VERSION = "SimpleWebServer";
public static final Hashtable MIME_TYPES = new Hashtable();
static {
String image = "image/";
MIME_TYPES.put(".gif", image + "gif");
MIME_TYPES.put(".jpg", image + "jpeg");

[Code] .....

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I/O / Streams :: How To Write A File Into Unix Folder From Windows Folder Using Java

Oct 30, 2014

I need to copy a file from Windows folder to unix folder using Java

I need a FTP utility.

The file is processed by a Java program and the file has to be written to Unix folder

I have the unix server name and folder name.

how to do it?

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How To Create Folder And Copy Documents From JAR File Into Folder With Code

Sep 8, 2014

Where can I learn or how can I, being the most efficient way known to do so, create a folder outside my JAR file with the java source code, this then will copy YAML documents from my JAR file to that folder, then I need to read the YAML documents some way. I'm making an addon for a game, I am using an API that allows you to make a config.yml easily, and add and read entries from it, but I've read that I need to make my own methods to be able to create additional YAML documents.

I don't exactly know what to type in google to perhaps find such a page, but I did try to find a tutorial page about this or something and couldn't.

I've partially figured out how to create a folder, but I have a problem, how can I RETURN one directory to make the folder, I don't want to make the folder in the JAR file I want to make it just outside the Jar file in the same folder that the Jar file is at.

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Browser Automation / Embedding Into GUI / Attaching To Existing Browser Window

Aug 7, 2014

What best API or whatever you call for browser automation? I mean clicking links, filling forms, gathering sources and other info. I already tried selenium WebDriver. It have all needed functions but there is no feature like attaching code into already opened browser so even doing google search it opens new browser window (opening takes ~5-10secs). Also I believe that there is no way that I could embed that browser into GUI.

Also tried WebSpecs and old Watij but also didnt found any way to attach or embed browser into my GUI.

So what I need is that I could create GUI with embeded browser and bunch of buttons. I click buttons then embeded browser clicks links, gets info etc.

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How To Display Table From Servlet To JSP

Oct 20, 2014

When I am entering the student name , his/her details should be retrieved from database by servlets and the data to be print in jsp pages this what I want But I am unable to display the data from database in jsp pages .

<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<%@page import="StudentBean"%>
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme()+"/>/"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";


note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.47 logs.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.47

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How To Get A Text File To Display In A Table

Jul 10, 2014

I think I need to save the file into an object but I cannot seem to figure out how. I tried to save it into a string array but that did not work either. I have been working on that section for three weeks and cannot get it to display correctly.

public class DVDList2 {
private static void CreateGUI(){
File file = new File("C:UsersaprildesktopDVD.txt");
JTextField txtName, txtSeason, txtSearch, txtMain;
JFrame frame = new JFrame("DVD List");
txtName = new JTextField(20);


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JSF :: How To Display Data In A Table Dynamically

Feb 15, 2014

Need to display data in a table - no of columns are fixed, and rows may vary based on the data available in DB.Display tables in horizontally and 2 tables per row. If it exceeds 3 it should display in next rowsample format to display attached in attachment,Using JSF 2 & richfaces 4.0.

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Truth Table - Display 1s And 0s Instead Of True False

Feb 26, 2005

I'm supposed to take this truth table and alter it so it displays 1's and 0's instead of true false. I'm assumed to do this I would just need to change the variable type and replace true and false with 1 and 0 but every way I try this does not work.

//a truth table for the logical operators.

class LogicalOpTable {
public static void main(String args[]) {
boolean p, q;
System.out.println("P Q AND OR XOR NOT");
p = true; q = true;
System.out.print(p + " " + q +" ");

[Code] ....

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