JSP :: Increment Variable From JavaScript - Function Is Undefined

Nov 13, 2014

I've a simple logic Code to increment a variable from javascript and Send it back to jsp. I just writing simple code to explain the logic. My code will have scritplets. I know usage of scriptlets is inside jsp is oldest but for the sake of logic.

<!--Jsp Page -->
int i=0;
<input type="button" onclick="fun()"/>
<!-- Script as Follows-->
function fun(){

But My value of i is not incrementing its showing that function is undefined

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How To Call JavaScript Function From A Button

Dec 21, 2014

I an using a pop out java script and in the notes it says

if later on you want to open / close a specific item you could do it like so:

ExpandingMenu.openItem(3); // toggles item 3 (zero-based indexing)

How to call the function from a button click. I have some button already on my page like so

<li><a href="#">Menu3</a></li>

And from what I have read I should be able to do this:

<li><a href="#" onclick="ExpandingMenu.openItem(3)">Menu3</a></li>

But I don't get any response ..... no error message NOTHING

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Safari And Set Timeout JavaScript Function

Feb 20, 2014

I have a problem with a JavaScript application on Safari 6 and 7. The application updates a smartcard on a website, through a JAVA applet using JavaScript requests.
There is no problem with other browsers. On Safari , randomly (1 smartcard's update on 10), the javascript completely freezes in the middle of an update (on a random card).

After 5 minutes exactly, the javascript resumes, and 2 behaviors happens : the update wether continues or stops completely.
We investigated a lot about this problem , at network and memory level. We use a lot of "setTimeOut" function (approximately 1100 times), and read that setTimeOut could cause problems with memory management on Safari.
Does setTimeOut can freeze safari ?

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Servlets :: How To Call JavaScript Function Or JQuery Modal Box

Mar 18, 2015

i don't need ordinary javascript alert box. so i was use the jquery modal alert box for different action like success, error etc.but i have problem to call the alert box within servlet.

out.println("<link href="css/jquery.modal.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />");
out.println("<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-latest.min.js">");
out.println("<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.modal.min.js">");
out.println("<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jscript.js">");
out.println("<script type="text/javascript" src="js/success.js">");
out.println("<script type="text/javascript">");

how to call the modal function in the js file?

otherwise how to show the modal alert box?

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How To Get Normal HTML JavaScript Function Value To Java Code

Sep 15, 2014

I am executing html file in the browser with out server , i want get the data executing html file javascript function value to java code.

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JSF :: How To Get Back Bean Updated Property Value In Javascript Function

Oct 11, 2014

get updated bean property in javascript function. This function I am calling from <a4j: commandbutton> this button is having actionListner, which is updatin bean property based on some User selection. When this action is completed then I am calling javascript function in oncomplete. But that javascript function is not taking updated bean value, it is always taking first value.I can't use hidden text as there are some drop downs which User will selct and then hit commandbutton which will update bean property.

<div align="center">
id="searchNotificationRptBtn" styleClass="controlButtonActive"


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JSF :: Submit Based On JavaScript Function Called Via Onclick Attribute In Command Button

Feb 23, 2014

In a form i used <h:commandButton> i called a Javascript function. Though the function returns false , form is submitted and action method is called. I used like this

<h:commandButton onclick="test();" action="{#bean.menthod}">

test- javascript method returns boolean value false.

Above doesn't work. Below mentioned code alone worked. I want to know why

<h:commandButton onclick="if(test) return true;else return false" action="{#bean.menthod}">

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Increment Variable Each Time It Goes Through For Enhanced Loop

May 28, 2014

I am trying to increment a variable named counterVariable each time it goes through a for enhanced loop. It is stuck on 0.

Java Code:

for(String[] row : values) {
for(String col : row) {
int counterVariable = 0;
if(col == null)
break valuesProcessor;

[Code] .....

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Which Axis To Increment / Decrement With Inclusion Of Speed Variable

Jan 30, 2015

if I move object A to one area of the screen I want object B to to move to object A's location but I also want object B to move at a fixed speed (movement variable). How do I go about doing this? Both the x and y coordinates of object B would need to know the coordinates of object A to calculate the distance between the two and to determine how much of which axis to increment/decrement (if that makes sense?) with the inclusion of the speed variable.In other words I'm just trying to create a homing object.

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NextString Is Undefined

Sep 13, 2014

I'm writing a code to record Student names and their scores but I don't understand why it says that nextString is undefined. What does that mean? I haven't written much of the code but here is what I have so far

import java.util.Scanner;
public class highScores {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.print ("Enter number of students: ");


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Method Is Undefined For The Type

May 26, 2015

I have a problem with my code with Junit:

"The method infinityNorm(double[) is undefined for the Type Vektor."

This error pops up for both the euclidian norm and the manhattan norm.

Here is the code:

package de.ostfalia.gdp.ss15;
public class Vektor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
System.out.println("Euclidian Norm: " + euclidianNorm(array));
System.out.println("Manhattan Norm: " + manhattanNorm(array));


What is the problem here?

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Binsearch Is Undefined For Type Collections?

Oct 30, 2014

When I run my code, I get an error with this line

if(Collections.binsearch(dict, word3) != -1) {

I imported the collections utility and everything. Tell me if you need to see more of the code. The exact error is binsearch is undefined for the type Collections.

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Method TryParseInt (String) Is Undefined For Type

Sep 17, 2014

Am doing mapreduce in java for hadoop. The below code is for Reducer. i get a problem with the TryParseint. What is this error and how to rectify it?

Error : The method TryParseInt(String) is undefined for the type MaxPubYearReducer

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.*;

[Code] ....

Attached image(s)

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Method Winner Is Undefined For Type TicTacToe?

Jan 16, 2014

Is there a reason why this error is occurring? I can't identify what's causing it to happen.

Java Code:

package tictac1;
import java.util.*;
public class TicTacToe{
//Instance variables
private char[][] board; //2D array of chars for the board
public TicTacToe(){ //creates a board where each space holds whitespace
board = new char[3][3];
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row ++){


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Trying To Implement Interface - The Method DoSomething Is Undefined For The Type B

Dec 2, 2014

Let's say we have situation like this:

abstract class A
class B extends A
class C extends B
class D extends C implements SomeInterface

I'm trying to implement a method "doSomething" declared in SomeInterface in class D. While trying to call doSomething in main I get the error message ”The method doSomething is undefined for the type B”

This is my code i main:

B container = new D("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8");

I need container to be an object of type B, because it goes later into a list of type B. According to what I've been told, the only file I need to edit to make this work is class D.

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JSF :: Call Function Inside Other Function

Jun 23, 2014

I would use the return value of a function how parameter of other function..In java is:

// the call produce "YES"

In my web page I need to do something like this:

<h:outputText value="#{secondClassController.funcSecondClass(#{firstClassController.funcFirstClass()})}" />
javax.servlet.ServletException JBWEB006007: Failed to parse the expression
public class FirstClassController implements Serializable{


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Represent Time Span Of Hours And Minutes Elapsed - Method Is Undefined For Type TEST

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to run a class with a client code and I get the following error

The method add(TimeSpan) is undefined for the type TEST

Why i get this error?

package timespan;
// Represents a time span of hours and minutes elapsed.
// Class invariant: minutes < 60
public class TimeSpan {
private int hours;
private int minutes;

[Code] ....

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Increment Counter By Recursion

Mar 22, 2015

I have a question related to the code below, that I do not understand. The aim is to count all files and subdirectories in an ArrayList full of files and subdirectories. So I have to count every file and every subdirectory.

The code concerning counting files is clear to me - every time d is of the type file I have to increment n by one. However I thought that I have to do the same thing in case d is a directory, so I would have written the same code for directories.

So what does "n += ((Directory) d).countAllFiles();" mean? In my understanding the method countAllFiles() is applied again on the object Directory ( as Directory is the class that contains this method), but how is n incremented by this? I thought n should be incremented by one as we did with files.

public int countAllFiles() {
int n = 0;
for(SystemFile d : content) {
if(d instanceof File) {

[Code] ....

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Increment Array Values

Jul 5, 2014

I'm attempting to increment the values by 1 in an array of objects but I'm not able to increment with the increment operator.

for(int i=1;i<a.length;i++){
a[i].getHour(); hour = hour++;
a[i].getMin(); miinute = minute++;
a[i].getSec(); sec = sec++;

It just loops the value of hour without incrementing.

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For Loop To Display And Increment?

Mar 1, 2015

I'm trying to display an columns and rows. The first column has integers and the rest are doubles. The initial calculations are correct, but I cannot figure out how to total last column, which is interest paid, and then start the iteration over.

int paymentNumber;
//print out the colum labels
System.out.printf("%7s %9s %10s %8s %15s %n", "Payment", "Interest"
, "Principal", "Balance", "Interest Paid");
System.out.print(" "); //put three blank spaces first
//Test For Loop Output:
for ( paymentNumber = 1; paymentNumber <= period*12; paymentNumber++) {

[Code] .....

Here's the output: It displays the payment number correctly. Am I supposed to write a for loop for each column?

Please enter the amount of the loan:
Please enter the interest rate:
Please enter the loan period in years.
Your Monthly Payment is:$83.79

[Code] ....

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How To Call Increment Method

May 26, 2015

I have the following:

public class HistoricalMoment{

private String eventName;
private ClockDisplay timeOfEvent;
public static final int MIDNIGHT_HOUR = 00;
public static final int MINUTE_ZERO = 00;

How can I create a method called public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent() which calls the timeOfEvent's increment() method to add one minute to the timeOfEvent?

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How Does Post Increment Work

Mar 5, 2014

I have a code issue and I have a below question for the same.Assuming data[] is of type byte[], is the below statement in java -

while((data[p++] & 0x80) == 0x80);

same as -

while ( (data[p] & 0x80) == 0x80 ) { p++; }

I tried with do { p++; } while ( (data[p] & 0x80) == 0x80 ); That also doesn't seem to be the same thing. I am not putting code around this but essentially if I make this change for not using data[p++] code stops working!

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Increment / Decrement Buttons

Nov 17, 2014

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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* and open the template in the editor.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class IncrementDecrementPanel extends JPanel {

[Code] ....

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How To Increment URLs In String

Apr 13, 2013

I need open a url every time I want to refresh system with an update. Each update has a number so my urls are url1, url2, url3, ... I know how to put it in a loop to increment the urls in a String. I do not know how to make it open and close the url in a browser.

public class Test {
public static void main( String args[]) {  
for (int i = 201; i < 300; i++){
System.out.println("http://url=" + i);


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How To Automatically Increment ID And Then Display Only One ID In Report

Jun 7, 2014

The program shall assign a new employee ID to the employee and display it on the screen.

The employee ID shall be generated by adding 1 to the largest employee ID already in the employee.txt data file.

You can see I've tried variations of identification++ but have not been successful. I've also tried to get the last or the highest identification in the arrayList but have not done that right.

public static void addEmployee() {
String firstName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter First Name: ");
String lastName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter Last Name: ");
int identification = 0;

[Code] ....

I also can display all of the employees their identifications and their punches but I cannot narrow it down to searching one employee and displaying information for just the one.

-If the selected value is ‘I’, prompt the user to enter the employee’s ID number.
-If ‘I’ is selected the display shall show the employee’s name and ID, list out each day worked in chronological order, the number of hours worked that day and a total number of hours worked in the two week period.

The report shall prompt the user to re-enter an employee ID of it does not exist in the employee file.

private static void displayReports() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String action = " ";
while (!action.equalsIgnoreCase("d"))

[Code] ....

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Increment Array And Got Unexpected Result

Aug 16, 2014

Java Code:

char array[] = new char[10];
int i = 0;
array[i++] = (char)('A' + i);
System.out.println("char for array is: " + array[0]); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

However, the result for array[0] is B. Not A. from my understanding, the array[0] should be 'A'.

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