JSP :: Iterating Hashmap Using Value Of Dropdown As Key

Jul 2, 2014

I have a a hashmap in request attribute which is available to jsp file where i have a dropdown. Hashmap kay= value of this dropdown. As and when I select CLT i want to perform some opertation depending on value associated with that key in hashmap.

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JSP :: Not Iterating Over Linkedhashmap Sent By Servlet

Mar 11, 2015

I am trying to generate table rows from LinkedHashmap sent from servlet. But whenever i execute i get empty or null map. I tried running the servlet alone to check whether the data is existing in linkedhashmap and it does. But only when i pass it to the jsp page i guess i am receiving an empty map.

Below is the code

Jsp Code:

<%@ page language="java"
contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


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Iterating Through Linked Lists

Apr 27, 2014

Write a Java function Sum2List that takes two lists L1 and L2 of the same size and returns list L that contains the sum of data inside the corresponding nodes of lists L1 and L2.

ex: L1 = {1,2,3}
L2 = {4,5,6}
L = {5,7,9}

I do not know how to iterate through two different lists >>

public LinkedList Sum2List(LinkedList l1, LinkedList l2){
LinkedList l3 = new LinkedList();
ListNode Current1 = L1.getFront();
ListNode Current2 = L2.getFront();
while(Current1 != null){
l3.Add(Current1.getItem() + Current2.getItem());

[Code] .....

This my attempt to write the code , but the dr. side that we have not to use the build in methods ( getNext()...etc)
in the function .

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Iterating Over Collections In Java 8

Aug 24, 2014

Today I installed jdk1.8.0_20 on my computer and typed a simple example code in MyEclipse 6.0 IDE, the code listed below:

import java.util.List;
public class Test5
public static void main(String[] args)
List<String> features = Arrays.asList("Lambdas", "Default Method", "Stream API", "Date and Time API");
features.forEach(n -> System.out.println(n));

the MyEclipse Editor shows some errors like "Arrays can not be resolved" and "n can not be resolved".

I did use jdk 8 in the build path, but it seems like the jdk 8 did not function properly.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Iterating Through Objects To Draw On Panel?

Apr 23, 2014

I currently have the code set up to iterate through objects and keep track of them but how do I do the same and draw the objects on the panel window? I'm confused on what to do and how to start it.

Here's the code I have so far, the 'Car' which I want to draw extends to another class which extends to GameObject. I currently have a 'draw()' method under the 'Car' class but nothing in the 'draw()' method yet. From what I understand i'm suppose to have a 'draw()' method under 'GameObjects' class also?

public class MapView extends JPanel implements IObserver, ActionListener{
JPanel myPanel;
private Timer timer = new Timer(5, this);
int x = 0;
int moveX = 2;
public MapView(){


Mostly I don't understand how to go through the iterator again to paint the objects. Wouldn't I need to put another iterator under 'paintComponent()' or can it be done under 'update()' ?

how to get some shapes from the GameObjects onto my panel.

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JSP :: Ignoring Checkbox Option When Iterating In Loop

Apr 18, 2015

my code is ignoring the checkbox option when Iterating in loop like this:

<c:forEach items="${users}" var="user">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="deleteFromList" value="${user.id}"/><input type="submit" value="Delete" name="action" ></td>

The output of value="${user.id}" is retrieved from a DB, it looks like this:

Id Nombre usuario Email Fecha de registro Acción
1 isaac2 @2 1986-01-01 *Delete(input) *Here there is check box
2 isaac3 @3 1988-01-01 *Delete(input) *Here there is check box

Then depending of which check box I selected then the row by the side should be selected by id and deleted.But what happens is that doesnt matter which check box I select, always the first row is deleted. I understand that at the first iteration of the loop it just take the first id, it doest attach the id I have choosen to the row it belongs to

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Iterating Through Months While Keeping In Mind Different Length Of Month

May 20, 2015

I have to create a method to find the current month with the input being a number of milliseconds using System.currentTimeMillis(). Now I was able to solve the problem with the following extremely cumbersome method:

public static int monthLeap(long ms) {
int result = 0;
int jan = 31, mar = 31, may = 31, jul = 31, aug = 31, oct = 31, dec = 31;
int apr = 30, jun = 30, sep = 30, nov = 30;
int feb = 28;
int febLeap = 29;

[Code] ....

I first go through a loop that goes through all the years and subtracting the number of days of a normal year or a leap year in milliseconds from the total milliseconds. At the end I should have a rest value of milliseconds that represents the amount of milliseconds that have passed already this year. Out of this number I then find the month we are currently in.

My problem is that the above method is way to large and I get a checkstyle warning: "NPath Complexity is 12,288 (max allowed is 80)".

I know that this can somehow be solved with a for loop iterating through the time and counting up months until there is no more month left. My problem though is the different lengths of the months. If each month was the same I could just subtract the amount of days in each month from the rest value.

(Since I already got it down to <= 12 months, I shouldnt bother with the extra days to find the month. Yet if I want to find the month when the date is the first or last day of the month it is important to be very precise) ....

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JSP :: Dropdown Box Using Custom Tags

Mar 19, 2014

My jsp page needs to have a dropdown box. on selecting one/more than one values from this list, the same values get populated in another one.. we have a delete button too , it allows to populate the second box again.

The thing is i am to avoid scripts and use custom tags as much as i can...

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JSP :: Dropdown List Format

Mar 30, 2014

I want to create a quiz in java in which questions and options will be retrieved from mysql database.I want the options to be in drop down list format.And I am using jsp for presentation layer and all the connections with database are in java..how to retrieve the options from database to drop down menu...

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JSP :: DropDown Menu Does Not Work

Nov 17, 2014

I want to create a dropdown menu with contents from a database. You can see my Code in the attachment. It does not work, but why? I have a dropdown-symbol, but no contents.

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JSP :: JSTL Tag To Select Dropdown Value

Mar 14, 2014

I have for values in drop down:

<SELECT name = "productCodeDefault" id="productCodeDefault" value="<c:out value ='${ProductDefBean.productCodeDefault}'/>" >
<OPTION value="" ></OPTION>
<OPTION value="a" >A1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="b" >B1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="c" >C1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="d" >D1</OPTION>

When I am getting value = "a" from ProductDefBean, In the dropdown 'A1' should get selected. This is not happening. What I need to modify?

Note** When I am doing view Source of my JSP, I am getting value='a'

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JSP :: Filtering With Dropdown Lists And SQL Statements

Mar 18, 2014

I am familiar with Java but new to JSP. I have a Java Servlet app where user actions are recorded in a SQL Server database amd I now need to quickly put together a JSP front end application to view user actions. I want two drop down boxes to filter the results that will be displayed in a list box. What I need is the first drop down list box to show unique user names that have logged in. I can interrogate the database with the following SQL;


Then when a user is selected from the first drop down list box (perhaps some sort of on change event) a second drop down list box shows the logins times of the selected user. Again I can interrogate the database with the following SQL;

AND USER_ID = 'firstdropdownlistselection'

Then finally when a login time is selected in the second drop down list box all events for the selected user while logged in with that login time are displayed in the list box.

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JSP :: Create Text Boxes From Dropdown

Jul 9, 2014

I am able to generate text boxes. But I need one specific thing in that:

Through a drop-down I should select a number and those many text boxes should get generated.

Suppose I selected 4 from the drop down list. Then on screen it should display:

Student 1: Textbox
Student2: Textbox
Student3: Textbox
Student4: Textbox

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JSF :: Selection Of 0 Index Of Dropdown Chrome Browser

Jul 17, 2014

I have a jsf form which has a drop down. When I select any value in drop down it shows related details. When I use chrome browser, and I press back space key it comes back to the page, it keeps the value selected which was selected earlier, but in the firefox, IE it keeps the zero index selected. The same code is not working for chrome browser.

I would like the zero index to be selected in the drop down in previous page in chrome browser also when back space key is pressed...

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JSP :: Store Selected Value From Dropdown List To Database?

Apr 6, 2014

I want to store the selected value from drop down list to mysql database...what should I do?

I have written the following code

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%ResultSet resultset =null;%>
<TITLE>Assessment Questionnaire</TITLE>
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/city?user=root&password=");


what should i do to store the value selected from dropdown list...I have multiple dropdown list on a single page..

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Creating Applet With Dropdown Lists - Method Not Abstract

Oct 21, 2011

i am trying to create an applet with drop-down lists. When I compile the program the following error message appears '. . .is not abstract and doesn't override abstract method action Performed. . . Here is my code . . .

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class DavidApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener //class header {
Label fName=new Label("First Name");

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Populate A Dropdown With Fixed / Static List Of Values?

Nov 3, 2014

I have a fixed list of 20+ values to be populated in a dropdown. The set of values are always going to remain the same, no future scope of modifications, additions or deletions.

Listing each of them as <option> in JSP is making the page look cluttered. Or is it better reading it as a comma-separated string from a properties file and then iterating to populate the dropdown.

What will be the best approach to populate such a dropdown in JSP?

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Servlets :: How To Get Whole List Table / Dropdown Data From HTML / JSP

Sep 4, 2014

Is it possible to get the list/ values in html/jsp from servlet?

I have a table inside an html/jsp page and when the user clicks a button I need to refresh the whole page with some additional text message.

Currently what I am doing is that I am using a java bean for the jsp page that contains a list of values inside the table then store it in session but I think there is a better way without storing it in session.

I tried using request.getParameter() but it only returns string.

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Servlets :: Populate Text Fields Based On Dropdown

Nov 20, 2014

I have list of employees in my database and their associated information like employeeId,supervisor and process. I have class named EmployeeDetails having same properties. I am fetching details of all users using below code:

<%EmployeeDetails employeeList;
Requested For <select name="requestedForName" id="requestedForNameID">
<option selected="selected">--Select--</option>
<%int i=0;

[Code] .....

In employeeList, we have list of objects having data of employees. I donot know how to get which object is selected in dropdown and based on that rest of the text fields are populated. Example:

Name ID Supervisor
Pawan Kumar3033045Vimal Kumar
Vimal Kumar3040901Dinesh Hemrajani

If Pawan Kumar is selected from dropdown then '3033045' and 'Vimal Kumar' should get populated.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Replace Dropdown Of JComboBox By Another Component Like JTable?

Jan 29, 2015

My question is related to combo boxes. A combo box in general is a text field with a dropdown list. I would want to know if we can replace hthe dropdown List by an other component, for example a JTable component.

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How To Append New Entry In A List Of 100,000 Names Without Iterating List Each Time

Apr 22, 2015

I have a list of 100,000 + names and I need to append to that list another 100,000 names. Each name must be unique. Currently I iterate through the entire list to be sure the name does not exist. As you can imagine this is very slow. I am new to Java and I am maintaining a 15+ year old product. Is there a better way to check for an existing name?

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Iterating Over List And Inserting Each Element From List Into BST?

Jul 5, 2014

Suppose i have given a List<Intervals> list; I am iterating over list and inserting each element from list into BST, if time require to insert into BST is logn then what is the total time require to insert all the elements into tree ?

logn or nlogn ?

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How To Get Value For Key In Hashmap

Sep 26, 2014

In my code I read in a file of states and statecapitals then store them into a hashmap. I then ask the user what the capital is for the random state displayed.The problem I am having is getting the value for the random generated state. When I enter the correct capital for the state, it is still being marked incorrect. Here is my code.

Java Code: try {

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
String[] values;


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Add Key-Value Of One HashMap As Value In Another HashMAp

Jul 30, 2014

I have two Hasmaps as

Map<String,String> componentValueMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
Map<String,Map<String,String>> componentNameValueMap = new HashMap<String,Map<String,String>>();

I have for loop which are getting values from XML

XML structure as

Now during first loop it will put user and password in map and after that put map refernce in another map. Same procedure for another values. But during iterating componentNameValueMap , i am getting Raj, Dazy as Key but not getting different values for them. I am getting latest values of Dazy in both Keys.

Because put method of Map<String,String> componentValueMap is replacing values. But I don't to replace them and want to get different values for different keys.

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Getting Object From HashMap

Oct 23, 2014

I am trying to retrieve a object from a hashMap not I am not sure what is wrong. I am trying to calculate if a car was speeding. They're 5 cameras and as they pass each camera I can calculate the speed. They key is camera number and I am sending in a Vehicle object.

Now I am trying to retrieve variables from the Vehicle so I can do the calculations. I am getting the error in the loop in void calculateSpeeding(). The loop is only for testing at the moment.

package online.practice.averageSpeed;
 import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
 public class Vehicle {
 String licensePlates;

[Code] ....

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Printing A Key And A Value From HashMap

Mar 28, 2014

I have a hashmap of the form HashMap <String, Set<String>>I am trying to create a method with one argument. The argument is a key for the hashmap, if it exists it should print out the key and the associated values. I'm falling over at even getting it to print the key, it keeps printing all the keys from within the hashmap as I don't know how to load the argument into it. I have this so far

Java Code:

public void printValue(String club)
boolean result = clubMap.containsKey(club);
if (result)
String key = clubMap.keySet(club).toString();
System.out.println(key );


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