JSP :: Page Directive Attribute Session False - Yet Session Created

Feb 26, 2014

May be I did not understand the meaning and usage of attribute "session" in page directive. My understanding is if session=false, in page directive, then the JSP page will not participate in the session. However, I have my welcomepage as below:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="true"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<%= session %>
<c:out value="${pageContext.request.session}"/>

if I choose session=true, then both ways of accessing session works , which means the JSP page participated in the session.

But if I change the session=false, then <%= session %> fails, but <c:out value="${pageContext.request.session}"/> does not fail.

how can c:out still show the session, when session = false

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Servlets :: Updating Session Value But Same Session In JSP Page Not Updated

Jul 8, 2014

I am developing a e-commerce college project, here i add the items in the cart(a div tag in the jsp page) via servlet by creating sessions,

flow control: shopping jsp (when user wants to add an item in the cart) --> item servlet (which is used to create session and synchronized it) --> cart servlet(which is used to add items in the arraylist and show them in the shopping.jsp's div tag + it also sets the total purchase amount in the session variable "totalpurchase")

now after that user wants to proceed to checkout, here i use the onclick event to check the minimumshopping amount must be less than the totalpurchase (totalpurchase which i had setted in the session),but my jsp page is unable to rechognise the updated value of the totalpurchase, yes, if i reload the page, it rechognises the new updated value of the totalpurchase? but i want it to rechognise the updated total purchase value, without reloading he jsp page..

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JSF :: Saving A Session Attribute?

Mar 13, 2014

How can I store in database an user Session attribute along with other informations provided in the same form?

<p:outputLabel value="user ID:" for="informer" />
<p:inputText id="informer" value="#{session.getAttribute('userID').toString()}"
title="informer" disabled="true" />

I've already tested with disabled="false", too, but only the Session attribute is saved as NULL, though it appears in the form field. The other fields are saved properly.

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Servlets :: Cannot Serialize Session Attribute

Jan 11, 2015

I am getting following exception.

Jan 11, 2015 10:08:23 PM org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession writeObject
WARNING: Cannot serialize session attribute cart for session 2F9FF7A5ABC3620BD5B3BC0C4D46C558
java.io.NotSerializableException: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DisposableConnectionFacade
at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1183)
at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1547)
at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1508)

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: Session Attribute Keeps Reverting To Declared Value

Dec 29, 2014

Being new to java I am a bit lost as to why my session attribute for this banking app wont add the deposits to the session var... it just keeps going back to the amount I set it to originally - so if I set the beginning balance to 3000 then deposit 100 it becomes 3100, but if I then try deposit another amount eg. a extra 200 it becomes 3200 not 3300 like it should be !!

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class SessionBank extends HttpServlet

[Code] .....

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Make Session Attribute To Store New Value After Calculation?

Dec 29, 2014

why my session attribute for this banking webapp wont add the deposits to the session var... it just keeps going back to the amount I set it to originally - so if I set the beginning balance to 3000 then deposit 100 it becomes 3100, but if I then try deposit another amount eg. a extra 200 it becomes 3200 not 3300 like it should be !!

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;


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Servlets :: How To Get Attribute From Session In Regular Java Class

May 21, 2014

i have file index.jsp , that approach to reguar java class and call function . in that function i want to get attribute from session like this :

List<Coupon> couponsList = (List<Coupon>)request.getSession().getAttribute("listOfCouponsThatNotExpired");

because this regular java class i get error message ,how to solve this ?

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JSP :: How Session Created When There Are Two Requests Coming Simultaneously

May 3, 2014

How does jsp create session when there're two requests coming simultaneously from the same client browser(maybe one tab maybe two tabs)?

I ask this question because it is said jsp could solve DuplicateSessionException in flex.

[URL] ....

if so, jsp would create same session(with same session id) for the two requests coming simultaneously?

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Servlets :: When HTTP Session Object Created In Web Application

Jul 17, 2014

When does HTTP Session object is created in web application. Suppose I have a website. Home page of website is HTTP page which contains details of company and link to Login page.

Consider below mentioned user journey as scenario:

a. user arrives at home page of website
b. user click on Login page
c. user fill in login details on login page and click on Submit
d. user is successfully authenticated and authorized from back end
e. User specific page is shown
f. user click on logout link
g. user is successfully logged out from website
h. user is redirected to home page
i. user closes browser

In the above mentioned user journey,

a. at which step does HTTP session starts (means at which steps does HTTP Session object is created ? )
b. at which step does HTTP session ends ?

In case required, assume tech stack to be Java 7, Servlet 2.5, JSP, Tomcat 7, Apache web server (for static web contents).....

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JSF :: Count Number Of Views Created In A Session While Using Managed Bean With View Scope

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to restrict the number of views in JSF 2.0.2 using


In my case my managed bean is View Scoped and it supports a UI page which has multiple forms and each form is submitted as AJAX POST request.

As per the statndard, setting restriction to 5 should create 5 views and after that based on LRU algorithm the oldest views should get deleted if 6th views is created.

Therefore any action on the oldest view will throw the ViewExpiredException and i simply redirect the user to view expired page.

1) When i set the restriction to 5 views, i open 4 tabs with 3 forms each.
2) I submit the 3 forms on first tab everything works fine.
3) As soon as I go to 2nd tab and submit the first form thr, i get view expired exception
4) It seems I am exceeding the number of views I mentioned in web.xml

I want to know :

1) Does every AJAX POST submit itself creates a view ?
2) How I can count the number of views created in a session ?
3)Can i force expiry of a view in JSF 2.0.2 while the session is still alive ?
4) Normally JSF 2.0.2 session cachces the views. Lets assume session is alive the entire day but a view was created in morning at 9:00 AM and is not used again the entire day. Assuming that session doesn't reaches the max number of views it can save in entire day, will the view created in morning expire on its own after certain interval of time ? If not , can we still force its expiry while keeping the session alive ?

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Servlets :: Can Access Session Object Even Session Is Time Out

Jun 4, 2014

Can I access the session object even session has been expired? I need to check whether session is expired or not for each request.The session invalidation is set null the session object. What I concluded, session time out I can access session object but session invalidation I can not access session object. How can I find the session time out by using session object?

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Web Services :: Rest Session Not Getting Invalidated After Invalidating UI Session?

Dec 17, 2014

I have 2 war in 1 EAR.

War A corresponds to UI

War B corresponds to Rest

1) From War A, I login to the application and then fetch some users that is a rest call. I get the response back from rest in json form that ui consumes and display the data on page.

2) Now I click on the logout link from ui jsp. This logs out the session from Ui. I use <form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" based logout.

3) I then go to the proxy (using burp) and manually request the rest call which I made in step no 1), the rest gives the response back with the same json object returned in step no 1) This shows that the logout action on step 2) is invalidated the session from War A (ui war) but the session or cookie based from WAR B (rest war) is not invalidated.

Expected outcome:After I Logout from War A(ui war), the session must also get invalidated from war B (rest war) and manually request from proxy should not get the same response object as received in step 1)

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JSP / JSTL :: Session Tracking Before Hitting Any Page

Nov 2, 2012

I want to validate the user session everyone when ever the request comes for any jsp page. I am able to validate the user in a filter for the first time. But i am confused what would happen when the request comes for other pages...how will i be able to get the same session from the server?

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JSP / JSTL :: Page Logout - Invalidate All Session Variable

Apr 17, 2013

I have index.jsp in that page logout is available. while hitting the button . i want to invalidate all the session variable which i used. but it is not happening.

<html:image src="/x/images/logout1.png" onclick="logout()"> </html:image><script type="text/javascript">     
               function logout() {
               document.forms[0].action =  "/x/x.do?method=dologout";
[Code] .....

Even when i logout. then i start from new session means., session values continues from previous session. not killed.

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JSP :: How To Ignore Or Trim Directive Attribute With Space

Mar 17, 2014

I have the below code with spaces on uri and prefix (directive attribute).

<%@ taglib uri=" news.tld" prefix=" news" %>

how to fix without altering the JSP? Can i handle with web.xml or any other property available.

I have hundreds of jsp like this and wanted to handle without code fixes.

I tried JSP trimSpaces but it fixes the namespace but not the attributes.

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JSP / JSTL :: Session Does Not Work - Previous Page Can Be Seen Even After User Logs Out

Feb 1, 2013

Previous page can be seen even after user logs out from the JSP page.

My code is:


<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<title>JSP Page</title>

[Code] ....

how to resolve this?

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How To Use Session Handler Created In One Class In Another Class

Apr 9, 2014

I have created a session handler in one class as below:

Session session = null;

Now, I want to use the same session handler in different class for creating channels. I don't want to create new session handler. How to do that?

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JSP :: How Bank Sites Throw User To Session Expire Page By Clicking On Browser Refresh / Back Buttons

Jun 20, 2012

I got one task from my manager, regarding browser back button, refresh button. He asks me the web application has to work like Banks site... means if I refresh or click on Back button(Browser's) then it has to throw the user out of session, I checked lot in internet. But I found like only disabling back button of disabling F5 keys like that. But he’s not accepting that.

How to approach for this? Can we throw the user out of session when he clicks on browser back button or refresh button. I think its possible . But i don't know how to implement.

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EJB / EE :: Session Bean Must Not Extend Another Session Bean?

Nov 9, 2014

I have tried this example ([URL].../) with CarDao extending the BaseDao, it works like a charm.However, from the CarDao class, my NetBeans underlined the class name “CarDao” with the error message “A session bean must not extend another session bean.” But I can compile, deploy and run the application without any problem.

I have also heard that a session bean cannot extend another session bean, but why it works here?

I am using Java EE 6, NetBeans 8.0.1 and WebLogic 12c for this code testing.

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JSF :: Updating Session Value

Apr 29, 2014

I am using JSF2 with Primefaces. Here is my business requirement-Hidden field on JSF page should take the value from the session object that is set in managed bean. Session object is updated every time when the user submits the page. I am able to update the session object in the managed bean and able to get the value in the hidden field first time and after that i see the same value in the hidden field even though session object has different value. Here is the hidden field: <h:inputHidden id="xyz" value="xyz"/> i tried using sessionScope but still didn't work.

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JSF :: Immediate Session Timeout

Jan 27, 2014

I have set the session timeout in web.xml to 60 but when I start on the home page and begin to enter any data I immediately get redirected to the timeout page.From the timeout page I can click a link that takes me to the home page. Now I get the 60 minutes before another timeout occurs. Changing the timeout only results in a change to the timeout after going back to the home page..why I am seeing an immediate timeout?

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Servlets :: How To Use Session

Apr 16, 2014

I'm trying to go back to basic and strengthen some of my foundation. I'm wondering what kind of data would be appropriate to be stored inside a session? My app is a web app where all the users are the employee of a company. So it's an web-based app that keeps track of stock movements, purchasing and sales order (standard distributor company). The web app interacts strictly with employees, so no public facing app (yes, that's right, no shopping cart). So, in this kind of web app, what kind of data that by storing it to session.

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Session Creation For Users

Apr 3, 2014

I am making a Java project using Eclipse,oracle 10g and Apache tomcat.

Now my problem is that I cant create a session for the users. I have coded on jsp pages mostly.

Session creation using HttpSession through servlets or jsp

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JSP :: Initializing Captcha From Session

Feb 26, 2015

I am new to JSP and I'm having a problem with captcha containing a value in the field when toggling from the first page to another and clicking submit on the second page before entering data to validate the fields and the code just falls through and returns the error "Please enter the correct code". The values returned are (captcha)96043 (code)null, captcha is not null because it is retrieved from session which is the last value captured from the page I'm assuming.

I've used request.getSession().removeAttribute( "captcha" ); before building the page to clear out the values, resetting captcha to null etc.; nothing is working.

Here's the code:

boolean isPostBack =false;
String captcha = (String) session.getAttribute("captcha");
String code = (String) request.getParameter("j_captcha_response");


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JSP :: Generating Unique ID With Session

Sep 5, 2004

Is it a good idea to use the date and time with the first or last few values of the session ID. Or should I just use the complete session ID value for my "unique id"?

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JSP :: How To Access Session From Different Context

Apr 4, 2015

How to access session from different context? I have created a session in one jsp, in one context and trying to access it from different context. But, I was unable to access the same. How to achieve it?

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