Java Dicing System With Currency

Jul 31, 2014

I have been working on making a Java application for the Game RuneScape. My goal is to make an Application to where you register on the application and it saves the information in a file. I am also looking to make it so you can transfer money from Runescape to your Account on my Application by submitting a ticket. When you submit a ticket you get assisted by one of the moderators, they trade you in the game and take the money, and then they take that money out of their current account. Admins are allowed to give moderators money via their account or another method. My issue is creating the ticket system. I want to be able to do this all via the application. So basically what i have currently for the application is a chat room, with different rooms available to go into by the users. So I need to make the tickets show up only to Moderators and Admins in the general chat room.

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Currency Exchange With Java

Jun 30, 2014

I am working through a project in which I am supposed to change dollars into yen with the use of different deposits. I will post the code below that I have been working on.

import java.util.*;
public class DollartoYen {
public static final int MAX_DEPOSITS = 100;
public static final float DOLLAR_TO_YEN = 0.098f;
// read number of Dollars in each account from the keyboard
void readDollars(float[] dollars, int count ) {

[Code] .....

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Floats / Doubles And Currency

Mar 8, 2014

Just done a quick test to try and figure out the difference between floats and doubles.I made a quick program which outputs the result of 3.3 * 2 as both a float and a double.

I assumed since a float is the larger and more precise of the two data types that there would be more numbers after the decimal point, however this was not the case, it was in fact the double which had more numbers after the decimal point. Result was as follows:

Float: 29.699999
Double: 29.7

BTW for the above code I simply had a few text fields and a button with the following code:

Java Code:

textBox3.setText("" + Float.parseFloat(textBox1.getText()) * Float.parseFloat(textBox2.getText()));
textBox6.setText("" + Double.parseDouble(textBox1.getText()) * Double.parseDouble(textBox2.getText())); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Also, as these are limited to a certain amount of numbers im thinking there must be a more precise way for currency, if so what would I use for that? I suppose what im trying to figure out is what data type to use in different scenarios? When to use integer, float, double and long.

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Currency Symbol Format - Only $ Will Be Reprinted

May 19, 2014

Java Code:

package billing.util;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CurrencyFormat {
private static final int USD = 0;

[Code] .....

I should be able to use USD, CNY, and JPY. However it seems only the USD ($) will print... doesnt matter which currency symbol the user requests, only the $ will be reprinted....

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Convert Currency Instance To Integer

Jul 26, 2014

I am working with a JFormattedTextField. After adding the text of the FormattedTextField to an LinkedList i want to read it out and sum it up. So I have a problem to convert the String to and integer...


23.00 - to 23.00
+ 11.00 - to 11.00
--> 34.00

I have tried it with splitting the string but it didn't work. How to do it?

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Create A Class That Convert Currency

Feb 25, 2014

I want to create a class that converts currency. I stored 2 conversion rate as constant (final) variables. In the main method, I ask the user to enter the amount in US dollars that they want to convert. Then I ask the user to enter the currencyType ("Bitcoin" or "Chuck E Cheese").

However I am stuck in the while loop:

I want to use a while loop that basically does this: If the user entered anything else ( not Bitcoin or Chuck E Chesse), then tell the user to try again, and keep reading Strings until they enter a correct currency type. If the user 3 consecutive incorrect currency types, then exit the program.

Take a look at what I have so far.. when I run the program it does not quite do what I want it to do Also, there's something wrong with one of my if statements and I want to figure out how to fix it.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class CurrencyConverter
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(" Currency Converter");


This is how I want my project to look like:

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How To Get Overridden Currency Symbol From Windows

Jan 27, 2014

How in Java to get the current(overridden) currency symbol from the Windows?

As you know t is possible in Windows (Control Panel->Region->Additional Settings->Currency) change currency symbol to the new one.

For example default is '$' and customer change it to the '€'

And programs (Excel for example) use this new currency symbol, i.e instead of $100 you see €100.

I need emulate similar behavior in Java.

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How To Get Overridden Currency Symbol From Windows

Jan 27, 2014

How in Java to get the current(overridden) currency symbol from the Windows?

As you know you able in Windows (Control Panel->Region->Additional Settings->Currency) change currency symbol to the new one.

And programs (Excel for example) use this new currency symbol.

I need emulate similar behavior in Java.

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Stock System In Java

Jan 6, 2015

I'm making a stock system for the heck of it,so everything was going great until I hit the loop I am trying to use a for loop to add stock to the stock system,any way the question is maily about loops.How come I cannot declare a variable outside a loop and assign a value to it,for example I can declare as follows and I will not get an error,

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


but in my code(and yes its the only error I get I tested it) I get an error and can only declare and assign a value inside the loop,the reason for this is because I wanted to get the value from another class and use it in the loop ok so heres the code from both classes.

public class mainn{

public static void main(String [] args){
stock first = new stock();
int internal;
internal = first.wanted;


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How To Get System Time In Java

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to calculate search time for my algorithm . How to get system time in java other than System.nanotime() and System.currenttimemillis() as these methods does not returns consistent time for same input is their another option to get system time???

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Billing Utility - Currency Symbol Format

May 19, 2014

package billing.util;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CurrencyFormat {
private static final int USD = 0;
private static final int JPY = 1;
[Code] .....

i should be able to use USD, CNY, and JPY. However it seems only the USD ($) will run... doesnt matter which currency symbol the user requests.

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Calculating Change In Denominations Of Currency Error

May 10, 2014

So I currently have working code that calculates the denominations that I need when change is displayed. The problem is that it seems to be missing one cents every time. So if my change prints out $12.35, it will end up being 1 - ten, 2 - ones, 1 - quarter, 1 - nickle, and 4 - pennies rather than 2 nickles. or 1 dime This happens for any dollar amount unless it is even cash and no change, or the change calculates to where there doesn't need to be a penny. Just an FYI, this code is being used in a GUI panel program if it seems strange in anyway.

int change1 = (int) ((total - realTotal)*100);
num100 = change1 / 10000;
change1 = change1 % 10000;
String dollar1;
dollar1 = String.valueOf(num100);


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JCreator - Error In Java Library System

Oct 8, 2014

I search this source code in google about library system then i run this in my JCreator then that error appear . I think that problem is all about "main". where can i put that main ?

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Java Project On Medical Diagnosis System

May 2, 2014

I want start a project on a medical diagnoses system. i want to get a clue on how i will go about the development...

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How To Kill System Process From Java Code

Sep 7, 2014

I need to kill or remove windows system process like cmd.exe from java code. Like removing it from end process in task mgr. I tried below code but its not removed. Is there a better way we can do this.

killing a system process from java code will create any issues?

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {   String[] cmd = { "cmd.exe" };  
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);   p.destroy();   }

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Java Objects And Classes - System Of Linear Equation

Mar 15, 2015

The question states: Design a class named LinearEquation

for a 2 x 2 system of linear equations:

ax + by = e

cx + dy = f


x =

ed − bf/ad − bc

y =

af − ec/ad − bc

The class contains:

- Private data fields a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- A constructor with the arguments for a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- Six get methods for a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- A method named isSolvable() that returns true if ad−bc is not 0.
- Methods getX() and getY() that return the solution for the equation.

Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a, b, c, d, e, and f and displays the result. If ad − bc is 0, report that "The equation has no solution."

I believe that my program is correct because I am able to compile it and get no errors, however I have no clue how to display the information for x and y or display this equation has no solution if ad-bc=0.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exer911 {
public static void main(String[] args){
// Create a scanner system to hold the numbers for each variable
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Prompt the user to enter a number for each of the variables

[Code] ....

How to get the information to display ....

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File Location Of Java Console On Windows XP System?

Dec 11, 2013

I've forgotten the file location of the Java Console contents on a Windows XP system.

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Online Election System - Using Image In Java Class

May 19, 2013

I am doing a project "online election system" client-server base application.

I have a party registration class in my program. and I have a party registration form in which I want to upload a image(Poll Symbol) for newly register party. but I don't know how to do this.?

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JSF :: Append Dollar Symbol And Format Comma Of Currency Value In Input Text

Feb 17, 2014

I have a form with primefaces input text(p:inputText).Many of the input text values are of the type currency in dollars.When i try to use ,it mandates the user to include $ symbol prepended to the value.Is there any way using which on blur of the field the dollar symbol is prepended and the number gets formatted with proper commas.

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JSP :: Hide Sensitive System Properties Like Passwords Set By Java Applications?

Oct 28, 2014

I am maintaining an existing Java product (which has a HUGE code-base). I discovered that it is setting (and getting) two of its internal passwords as Java system properties, at no less than 4-5 different places (methods). Now, the problem is, the passwords are being stored as plain text in the Java system properties, and so, the same is visible to external entities, as the application is not using any Java Security Manager. For example, if the application (process) is running on port number 1234, we can run the Java command:

jinfo -sysprops 1234

to view both the passwords as values of the corresponding Java system properties. I wish to ask if there is any remedy to this without changing the existing code-base too much? The desired effect would be to "hide" the two Java system properties (denoting the two passwords) from all external entities.

It may be noted that introducing a Java Security Manager into the application may not be a solution, as if we revoke read permissions from the said two Java system properties using the Java Security Manager, the application codes which read those properties would crash. Same is applicable for storing the passwords in encrypted form, as that would crash all codes within the application which are expecting to read the passwords in clear text form.

To give a bit more context, the said two passwords we are storing as Java system properties are actually passwords to access two key-stores, and Tomcat requires that we store the said two passwords in plain-text format. Any workarounds, such that only Tomcat will be able to see the two passwords as-is, while they will be invisible to all other external entities?

Or, is there any way to place the said passwords in other in-memory locations (like static variables) which only Tomcat can (be made to) read instead of placing them as system properties which is exposed to anyone?

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Solving / Roots Of Nonlinear System Of Equations - Java / Android

Oct 11, 2014

I am in search of a library that has been created in JAVA that can be utilized to solve for roots of a nonlinear system of equations. Each equation has 2 variables, x and y, and will need a library that uses higher calculus equations. No ones that just solve for x.

Most of the libraries that have been created to solve nonlinear equations are either in Fortran, C, or Python. There are a few libraries such minpack/scipy. The only libraries that I have been able to find or programming solutions that are in JAVA either require additional programs such as Matlab or are commercial products

I did find one library put together by a professor in Colorado State, but am unsure how to use it. There does not seem to be a way to enter your functions in the code.

Newton Raphson Method - Multivariable(x and y) Page Not Found

How to use this library or find a library that can be used in an android application would be amazing.

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Java Database System - App For Nutritionists To Check What Their Clients Are Eating

Oct 23, 2014

I've been asked to create an app for nutritionists to check what their clients are eating.

I've found a database of all foods with nutritional values. In the past I've dealt with databases which just have are just one dimensional, so it's been easy to just create a string array for it. But this is absolutely huge, it's got about 10,000 rows and 30 or so columns, so that's not going to work any more.

The app needs to ask what the client ate at which times, and then save this along with the nutritional values.

What would be the best way to go about storing and calling a database of this size in java?

Should I learn SQL and JDBC to tackle it or is there any easier way?

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Launch Windows Directly Into JAVA Based Password Entry System?

Apr 5, 2014

Is it possible to launch windows, specifically 8.1, directly into a java based program which would serve as the password entry screen? That is to say, instead of using the standard windows screen, could a java based alternative be used?

I have the source code used on I would absolutely kill to have a tweaked version of this system act as my password entry screen. It is literally something Ive wanted to have done for ages, and this emulation finally means it may be possible.

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Java Caching System - Set Expire Time For Object Using Predefined Method

Jul 22, 2014

When we are caching an object, how to set expire time for that object by using pre defined methods?

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Show System Tray Or Desktop Notification From Web Application Based On Java

Nov 23, 2014

The explanation is a bit lengthy because I just tried to explain everything in one shot.

Link to the question

java - Show a System Tray notification or Desktop notification from the web application

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File System - Managing Secondary Memory Simulated As Byte Array In Java

Feb 11, 2014

I and a friend are working with a project to create a file system, who manages a secondary memory simulated as a byte array in Java. We want the file system to be a hierarchical tree structure like in UNIX.

We have come quite far, but the paths are not handled correct. I seem to have mistaken the relative folder ./ for the root folder, but it should mean "working directory folder", ie, where I stand now. That is, if I stand in /dir1 as my "working directory" and make mkdir ./dir2 then should dir2 end up as subfolder in dir1. But with me it appears in the root.

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