Java EE SDK :: CDI Bean Cannot Access Public Method Of Unmodifiable Collection

Jan 10, 2010

I've got a CDI bean which is a facade for a JPA entity. Such entity has got a many to one relationship with itself and I've got the following method:

public Set<Account> getChildren() {
        return this.children;

which is called in a JSF/Facelets page:

<h:commandLink action="#{accountController.destroy}" value="#{bundle.ListAccountDestroyLink}" rendered="#{item.children.size() == 0}"/>I then decided to return an unmodifiable set and changed getChildren() accordingly:
public Set<Account> getChildren() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(children);

The page now reports this error:

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class javax.el.BeanELResolver can not access a member of class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection with modifiers "public"
     at sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

[Code] ....

javax.el.BeanELResolver is incorrectly failing because it's trying to invoke the size() method using reflection without correctly taking into account the method visibility (which is indeed invokable programmatically). I'm running NetBeans 6.8, Glassfish 3.0 and jdk1.6.0_17.

Is this a bug in BeanELResolver?

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Why Cannot Access A Public Method From Another Class

Feb 12, 2015

Why can't I access a method from another class? For example, I want to get the value of get method from another class. It's giving me an error on if(getExamType() == 'M') That's what I've done, for example:

Java Code:

public static Exam[] collateExams(Exam[] exams){
Exam [] r = new Exam[50];
r = exams;
Exam [] finalExam = new Exam[50];
for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if(getExamType() == 'M') {
return r; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Unable To Access A Method Which Is Public From Servlet

May 13, 2014

I am trying to assess a method which is public from servlet. but it gives weird error. image has been attached .....

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Overriding - Use Public Access Modifiers With String

Apr 2, 2015

Why do we use public access modifiers with String toString() method in java while overriding???

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Passing Java Bean Name In A Method

Jun 13, 2014

Here I am taking response data from JSON using jackson API.I found a feature like using Jackson the properties can be set to bean properties.
private static String readUrl(String urlString) throws Exception {       
BufferedReader reader = null;       
try {           
URL url = new URL(urlString);           
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));     

[Code] ....

I got the correct output here. But now I want to generalize my method into a utility class so that I can reuse the same method for setting response data directly to respective beans as given below:-
My question is how will I pass the bean object in my utility class?

public static Object getResponseData(String response,[b]String bean[/b]) throws Exception {       
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
mapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);       
JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(response);

[Code] ....

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How To Create Unmodifiable / Read Only List In Java

Jun 26, 2014

How to create a unmodifiable/read-only list in Java?

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How To Create Unmodifiable / Read-only List In Java

Jun 26, 2014

I am a java fresher, How to create a unmodifiable/read-only list in Java?

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JSF :: How To Access Application Scoped Bean From A Scheduled Job

Mar 29, 2015

I am coming from a Seam 2 and ATG background, and working on re-writing an old Seam 2 application using JSF 2 on Tomcat 8. I've run into a snag:

I have an application scoped managed bean, let's call it EMail. It holds a collection of Email objects, and does some other stuff.

I have an IMAPClient, which is currently setup as an application scoped managed bean (mostly to simply configuration, etc...).

I need to call a method on the IMAPClient to go check email every X seconds (let's call it 60 seconds), and add any new email into the Email managed bean's collection of email. In Seam 2 this was easy with the @Asynchronous annotation. In JSF 2 I can't figure out how to do it. I've tried using Quartz, which will happily run my IMAPCheckJob every 60 seconds, but I am so far unable to figure out how the IMAPCheckJob can get access to either the IMAPClient or the EMail beans.. There's no dependency injection into the Quartz Job, and since it's not executing in a HTTP request flow, there's no Faces context available.

It seems like there has to be some way to allow for scheduling and still have access to the benefits of the Application scoped managed bean DI system...

Or do I need to give up and move to JBoss with EJBs and CDI instead of JSF beans?

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EJB / EE :: Cannot Access Simple Bean Using JBOSS-JNDI

Nov 26, 2014

I'm not able to access my bean class (not an EJB) using a given JNDI name in JBoss 5.0.1, where the same is working in Tommcat 7.0.

<Resource name="test/TestDAO" auth="Container"


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Modifying The Method To Clear Collection?

May 11, 2014

I have wrote the method delete turtle below. Which is part of turtle collection (Hashmap)

public void deleteTurtle(String name) {
Iterator iterate = turtles.keySet().iterator();
while(iterate.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
if(key.equals(name)) {
} else {

I need to now modify it so the method ensures that the turtles shape collection is cleared before the Turtle object is deleted.

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Access Getter / Setter Of Bean Class Where It Defined As Member In Another Class?

Feb 18, 2014

Class UserAssessBean{
private String username;
private int userid;
private ArrayList<ModuleBean> module;

[Code] ....

How can i access the getters/setters of module bean, when it was returned as array list in UserAssessBean?

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Why Is Logic Not Correct With Method Public Static Boolean ContainsColor

Feb 12, 2015

Why is the logic not correct with the method public static boolean containsColor(String color, Circle [] ca)? It only returns me only false values.

Java Code: public class Circle {
private double radius;
private String color;
public Circle()
radius = 1;
color = "red";


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Public Method That Takes Array Of Type Object To Load Strings Into Linked List

Oct 13, 2014

I am having a little trouble with a part of my Java assignment that needs to have linked lists in it.

I need to write a public method that takes an array of type object to load strings into a linked list.

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JSF :: Injection Of EJB Into CDI Bean Call Of Method Not Allowed

Apr 21, 2014

In an JEE6 webprofile project, using JBoss EAP 6.1:

I have a CDI Bean:

import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import de.dpunkt.myaktion.model.Organisator;


When I call doCreate() I get

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: JBAS014502: Aufruf an Methode: public abstract void von Bean: OrganisatorDAOBean ist nicht gestattet

which translates to: call of method: .... from Bean ... is not allowed

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JSF :: Get Data From Managed Bean Method After Servlet Filter

Feb 15, 2015

I have a situation to load data while JSF page loads. Also have a filter which populates user information from http request.

I was expecting the filter first to populate the user information and in the managed bean get method to verify the user information and get the data (from database). But in this case i see the managed bean get method is invoked before filter populates user information and i get null pointer exception because the user information is null.

I had to work around to get the user information from FacesContext in the managed bean get method because the user information wasn't available. Is there a way to make sure the filter is invoked first?

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Calling Singleton Bean From Session Bean Returns NullPointerException

Feb 23, 2013

I am doing this

public class ResourceBean {

[Code] ....

And I call this singleton bean from a stateless session bean like this

public class ClientBean {
ResourceBean resource;

public String create(String r)
String res=resource.returnString(r);
return res;

But resource.returnString(r); gives a org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException I started the glassfish server in debug mode and found out that "resource" was null. but @PostConstruct in singleton does print which means singleton bean exists.

Can we call singleton beans with no interface in such a way form a session bean? I actually want to acquire instance of singleton bean when a client invokes method in Client bean...

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JSP / JSTL :: Page Set Bean Variables But Give NullPointerException When Bean Try To Merge In DB

Nov 21, 2013

I'm new to JSP but I've to use it to grab data coming from an external site, pass data to a Bean, write data in a DB and redirect the user to another page. Follow the JSP page.

<%@page import="EJB.getResponse"%>
long paymentID = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("paymentid"));
String responsecode = "9999";
getResponse g = new getResponse();

[Code] ....
This is the bean:

public class getResponse implements Serializable {
private Long paymentId;
private String result;
private String auth;

[Code] ....
On the console I see the prints but I receive the NullPointerException

WARNING: StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
at EJB.getResponse.printData(
at org.apache.jsp.notify_jsp._jspService( from :60)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(

[Code] ....

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Java Eclipse - Public Static Int Error

Oct 28, 2014

I've got a problem in Eclipse. The below code is a part of my program, used for (re)starting a new game. The 'public static int' statement gives the error 'This method must return a result of type int'..

public static int playAgain(){
boolean validInput = false;
do {
System.out.println("Would you like to play a game? Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.");
String playAgain =;

[Code] ....

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Java IP Address Program - Check If It Is Public Or Private

Feb 2, 2015

I am doing an assignment for a college class. We are asked to get user input and decide if it is a valid IP address and then check what class the address is and if it is a public or private address.

So far, I can get the input, and check to see if the numbers are in a valid range. I can also display the IP address to the user. I am having an issue figuring out how to get the program to check the classes and whether they are public or private.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
This program will take user input and calculate whether it is a valid IP address and the class that it belongs to.

public class shortONE_1
public static void main(String[] args)
final int MIN_OC = 1; //Minimum number accepted
final int MAX_OC = 255; //Maximum number accepted
final int MIN_A = 1; //Min number for class A
final int MAX_A = 127; //Max number for class A

[Code] ....

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Java Collection Date Sorting

Apr 20, 2015

I have Date as listed below:

17/03/2015 09:38:39 AM
17/03/2015 10:52:26 AM
10/03/2015 08:30:56 AM
02/03/2015 09:18:10 AM
02/03/2015 09:37:23 AM
02/03/2015 11:25:01 AM
02/03/2015 11:29:00 AM
02/03/2015 11:42:38 AM
02/03/2015 12:04:39 PM
02/03/2015 12:09:05 PM
02/03/2015 01:17:09 PM
02/03/2015 01:29:08 PM

I want them to sort them as per below result: (Same date one should be sort by timestamp)

17/03/2015 10:52:26 AM
17/03/2015 09:38:39 AM
10/03/2015 08:30:56 AM
02/03/2015 01:29:08 PM
02/03/2015 01:17:09 PM
02/03/2015 12:09:05 PM
02/03/2015 12:04:39 PM
02/03/2015 11:42:38 AM
02/03/2015 11:29:00 AM
02/03/2015 11:25:01 AM
02/03/2015 09:37:23 AM
02/03/2015 09:18:10 AM

I tried using Collection.sort using compareTo but result is not expected...

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New ArrayList Java Collection Types

Jun 26, 2014

I am looking at a snippet of code in my "learning Java 4th edition" by Orielly and there is a small snipped of code which says:

Java Code: Date date = new Date();
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add( date );

Date firstElement = (Date)list.get(0); // Is the cast correct? Maybe. mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); so I am typing the same thing in my compiler in a small Driver class and for some reason I have an error and Im dumbfounded...

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Java Collection Date Sorting

Apr 20, 2015

I have Date as listed below:
17/03/2015 09:38:39 AM
17/03/2015 10:52:26 AM
10/03/2015 08:30:56 AM
02/03/2015 09:18:10 AM
02/03/2015 09:37:23 AM
02/03/2015 11:25:01 AM
02/03/2015 11:29:00 AM
02/03/2015 11:42:38 AM
02/03/2015 12:04:39 PM
02/03/2015 12:09:05 PM
02/03/2015 01:17:09 PM
02/03/2015 01:29:08 PM
I want them to sort them as per below result: (Same date one should be sort by timestamp)
17/03/2015 10:52:26 AM
17/03/2015 09:38:39 AM
10/03/2015 08:30:56 AM
02/03/2015 01:29:08 PM
02/03/2015 01:17:09 PM
02/03/2015 12:09:05 PM
02/03/2015 12:04:39 PM
02/03/2015 11:42:38 AM
02/03/2015 11:29:00 AM
02/03/2015 11:25:01 AM
02/03/2015 09:37:23 AM
02/03/2015 09:18:10 AM
I tried using Collection.sort using compareTo but result is not expected.

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Java Iterate Over Collection Not Working As Expected

Aug 6, 2014

I am currently working on a Java project, below are my attempts at coding so far:

public class MyZoo
// zoo identifier
private String zooId;
// a number used in generating a unique identifier for the next animal to be added to the zoo
private int nextAnimalIdNumber;
// zstorage for the Animal objects
private TreeMap<String, Animal> animals;

[Code] ....

I currently cannot get the printAllAnimals() method to work as it should.

When executing the method printAllAnimals(), it does not do anything, when it is supposed to use the Collection object c, so that animals stored in the zoo can easily be checked.

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Implement HashMap Put And Get Methods Without Using Java Collection Framework?

Feb 11, 2014

How to implement HashMap put and get methods without using Java Collection framework?

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How To Access Keylistener If It Is Within A Method

Feb 1, 2014

I am trying to make a program where a ball moves up continuously when you press space, then begins to move down when you reach a certain point. My method for this is to have a timer, and have a method that does this: When you press space, add 10 y coords every second (using a timer), and if you reach 470 y, then begin to drop 10 y coords. I made a method to hold the keylistener, and am running that method inside the actionPerformed method which is within another class. However, since it is a method, I cannot add my keylistener to my frame in the main method.

error line 9
Java Code: import javax.swing.*;
public class Main {


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Java Topological Suite (JTS) - Retrieve Intermediate Lines From Geometrical Collection

Apr 25, 2014

I need to retrieve all Line Strings from a Geometrical Collection(of line strings) lying between two coordinates (Coordinates are taken from existing Line Strings in the Geometrical Collection).

I am using JTS library. I tried intersection() function but it worked only for linear geometries not for curved. How to get the output in the most efficient way.

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