Java Exception Handler Framework

Dec 30, 2014

I have a Query, what is the exception handling framework used my project, but we actually did not use any framework ,we used just normal try catch and throws, so what is the exception handling framework, when I browsed through net I found something like JEHA, so is there any other framework available.

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Generic Exception Handler For All Scenarios

Apr 26, 2013

I want to build a generic exception handler which can be reused in any java j2ee applications. I have java application which is communicating with other 3rd party applications like webservices, webmethods , etc from where we are getting an error code which will be used in our java application to do a lookup to get the respective error message from the resource bundle. Please clarify in such case how I can go with a generic exception handler which will be build separately and will be integrated with Java applications to handle the exceptions and errors.

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Implement HashMap Put And Get Methods Without Using Java Collection Framework?

Feb 11, 2014

How to implement HashMap put and get methods without using Java Collection framework?

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JSP :: Unable To Load Tag Handler Class

Nov 21, 2014

I am trying to create a custom tag, but I am getting the error message:

Unable to load tag handler class "com.tutorialspoint.HelloTag" for tag "ex:Hello"

I am following the steps given in the tutorial: [URL] ....

package com.tutorialspoint;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
public class HelloTag extends SimpleTagSupport {

[Code] ....

I am running under MAC system. What could be wrong?

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Event Handler For Two JTextFields To Only Allow Numerical Input

Jun 25, 2014

I am trying to create an event handler for two JTextFields to only allow numerical input. It consumes all letter but for some reason the "n" key still gets through. I have the spaghetti code below.

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent in) {
char input = in.getKeyChar();
if (in.getSource() == scaleField){
if (!(Character.isDigit(input) ||
(input==KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) ||

[Code] ......

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How To Call PL / SQL Procedure From Event Handler In NetBeans IDE

May 31, 2015

I want to call a procedure from a button click event handler in NetBeans and also pass a parameter to the procedure. How can I a here this?

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Servlets :: URL Routing Without Using A Framework

Feb 18, 2015

I am seen that ASP.NET apps have a handy feature called URL Routing. How will one implement this in Java without the use of heavy frameworks like Spring MVC ? How do you even begin writing a URL Router if there isn't anything available?

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Servlets :: Which Framework To Choose

Aug 11, 2014

I have good knowledge of servlet,jsp. I've also worked on mvc pattern and now looking to learn a web framework but i'm not sure which to choose between spring mvc OR struts.Should i first do struts and then go for spring or can i choose spring directly?

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Servlets :: J2EE Without Particular Framework

Jul 24, 2014

Is it possible to develop huge enterprise applications without any particular framework?

Just with JSP, Servlets and Javascript/Ajax stuffs?

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Difference Between Multithreading With / Without Executor Framework

Mar 16, 2015

Difference between multithreading with and without executor framework.

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Connecting Library And Swing Framework

Nov 8, 2014

May I know what it means when you say "What is the OOP mechanism is used to link the library and the swing framework?"

What are the examples of OOP mechanisms? Is there a website explaining this in detail?

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On Play Framework Connecting To Eclipse

Nov 6, 2014

Question 1: Upon importing the Play Framework content in Eclipse there's a default codes as localhost:9000 is immediately routed to play framework website controllers, checked and running fine test, checked and running fine conf, checked and running fine the problem is the views under app on all youtube tutorials and other websites, the contents of views is editable but when my brother tried to, he cant edit it

Question 2: Is there an easy tutorial on POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE for eclipse-playframework

Question 3:my brother is using POSTMAN - RESTCLIENT to test his HTTP METHODS (post, put, get, and delete)and is there a tutorial where they also test the HTTP METHODS using POSTMAN?

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Populate Data In JSP Page - Collection Framework

Feb 20, 2015

I have one table in DB i.e. emp. I want to perform all CRUD (insertion,selection,deletion,updation) in DB. Now i want to populate that data in jsp page. Which Collection framework?

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Which Collection Framework Class Will Delete Data

Jun 19, 2014

I got a question , which collection framework class will delete data if we call "get".

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JSP :: Would Template Based Framework Generates A Lot Of Request Traffic?

Nov 29, 2014

If I have a web page with a lot of data to show, say a lot of tables and graphics, would using non JSP based frameworks result in a lot more individual AJAX requests? For example if the page have 5 tables, with JSP the whole page will be returned to the browser with data for all 5 tables already. But if this is a pure HTML / Javascript based view, then we need to have each of the 5 tables to make individual AJAX requests in order to render the page. Is this indeed the down side for not using JSP?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm considering moving away from JSP to a template based framework such as Thymeleaf or Freemarker.

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How To Use Session Handler Created In One Class In Another Class

Apr 9, 2014

I have created a session handler in one class as below:

Session session = null;

Now, I want to use the same session handler in different class for creating channels. I don't want to create new session handler. How to do that?

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What Handling Exception And Declaring Same Exception In Throws Clause Achieve

Jan 24, 2014

I was giving a quick skim to some tutorials on the internet where I have found the exception that is handled is also declared in the throws clause of the method wrapping the try-catch block. For a code representation consider the following:

public void methodName() throws IOException {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
.... TODO handle exception


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Calculate Sum Of Two Squares - Java And Exception Handling

Jun 19, 2014

I know I can calculate the sum of squares as such:

// calculate the sum of two squares
class SumSquares {
static int sumSquares(int a, int B)/>/> {
int asquare;
int bsquare;

[Code] ....

But how can I modify the code so that it inputs a list of integer values in the range of -100 to 100 from the keyboard and computes the sum of the squares input values. And how would I go about using exception handling to ensure that the input values are in range and are legal integers.

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NZEC (Non Zero Exit Code) Exception In Java

Apr 11, 2015

I am submitting on a online judge. I am getting NZEC exception in my code

this is my code

public class MyProgram {
static int[] arr;
static int sum=0;
static int x,y,N;


what are the causes that is showing NZEC to me?

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NZEC - Non Zero Exit Code Exception In Java

Mar 5, 2015

This is my code

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
private String[] inputStrings;
private ArrayList<InputField> decodedMessage;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
new Main().solve();

[Code] ....

This is giving me NZEC exception.I am testing this solution on a online judge.So I don't have any TestCase in which this is failing. So, what are the possible reason of NZEC exception in my code?

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Applets :: Java 7u51 Uncaught Exception

Jan 18, 2014

I am new to Java Applets.
After upgrading to JAVA 7u51, our application is throwing an uncaught exception.
'Uncaught exception: Liveconnect call for Applet ID <n> is not allowed in this JVM instance.
It works fine with JAVA medium security. With 'High' security, it throws above exception.
*Security level was changed in java control panel.

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JSF :: Java Lang Null Pointer Exception In Webservices

Apr 2, 2014

i have a j sf application that is using web-services to communicate to another application and pass some parameters to it.The application has three methods one to call the webservice,another to insert some values into a database and the third method to call the two methods when i click a button in a form.The methods a are

update() this is for calling a webservice and passing parameters to it.
insertt() to in sert to a database.
all() to call the above two.

when i call upadate and insertt in all method am getting an error java lang null pointer exception but when i call just one of the methods it executes successfully.This is my code package;

import java.sql.Connection;
//import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
//import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;


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Virtual Machine Launcher - Java Exception Has Occurred

Apr 29, 2014

I developed a Java application and it works fine on my computer, but when i tried it on another computers, I have the following errors :

A window named Java Virtual Machine Launcher appears and it says "A Java Exception has occured".

My application don't even launch.

Here is the error lines, but I don't know what to do :

C:UsersAdministrateur_localserveurtimet>java -jar ServeurTimeT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: TimeTracking/
ServeurTimeT : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

[Code] ....

Java is up to date.

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Class Not Found Exception While Executing XQuery Using Java

Aug 8, 2014

I am validating an xml file using XQuery in Java using XQJ API. When the query is triggered it is giving the ClassNotFoundException for orai18n.text.OraCollator. I have placed the orai18n-collation.jar file in MANIFEST.MF file and it is loaded in to the class path.

Not sure on why it is giving the exception.

The JDK i am using JDK1.7 and application server is weblogic.

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Thread Java - Illegal State Monitor Exception

May 30, 2014

Class A{
Public static synchronized void main(String args[]){
Thread t= new thread();

Illegal state monitor exception. Why?

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Java Array Throws Exception For Multiple Values

Jan 3, 2014

int nRows = 0;
        for (EITest testCurr : testList) {
            testCaseListArray[nRows] = new Object[3];
            String testName = testCurr.getTestName();
  "testName=" + testName);
            testCaseListArray[nRows][0] = testName;

[Code] ....

This throws null pointer exception because of array initialization error. I tried this:
int nRows=0;
        for(EITest testCurr: testList){          
            testCaseListArray[nRows] = new Object[3];
            String testName = testCurr.getTestName();
  "testName=" + testName);
            testCaseListArray[nRows][0] = testName;

[Code] ....

But this is not complete solution.
2) I want to make this as a collection object such as array list instead of Array declaration.

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