Java Into Executable Jar Force Horizontal Scrollbar

Apr 14, 2015

I have made a simple h2 db viewer using jdbc and in eclipse it has a horizontal scrollbar so it works and displays correctly.

When I run the jar from cmd it works as it should but the results all go onto new lines so all formatting is lost and it looks.. ugly...

somehow make it so the console has a forced horizontal scrollbar but dunno how.

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How To Force Outdated Java To Run Regardless Of Security

Jun 3, 2015

I wanna run apps using an outdated version of Java and not have it stop me for security certificates.

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JRE :: Java DeploymentRuleSet - Force Attribute

Oct 27, 2014

We've implemented the Whitelist and there's an application I need to use the Force attribute with, however, I'm unable to get this to work.  As I read it, this code says use Java 1.6_24 for and any other applications are blocked from running.  There are three versions of Java installed - 1.6_24, 1.7_65 & 1.8_25.  The Java console shows 1.8_25 being called.
Here's the ruleset.
<ruleset version="1.1+">  <rule>    <id location= />   
<action permission="run" version="1.6_24" force="true" />  </rule>
<rule>    <id />    <action permission="block">     
<message> This application is blocked due to Java restrictions, please contact the Service Desk for assistance.</message> </action>  </rule></ruleset>
I also tried

<action force="true" permission="run" version="1.6.0_24" />
and also
<action force="true" version="1.6.0_24" permission="run" />. 

The Java console is still showing version 1.8.0_25.

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How To Create A Sort Of Executable For Java App

Dec 25, 2014

when I am programming let say in VB using Visual Studio, finally I build .exe file that can be run on all Windows by double click.For Java I am using Eclipse and to run those apps I am using run from Eclipse.How I can create a sort of "executable" for my Java app that I would be able to run it by file click on Windows or Linux?

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Running Java Program As Executable

Apr 16, 2015

I have tried to get my dinky little program I wrote to be stored as an executable through Eclipse to no avail. It seems I have tried everything else as well, to no avail. I do not want it to go through command prompt, but rather have it be its own entity. As you can probably tell my knowledge of Java and coding is limited, but always willing to expand.

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How To Create A Java Executable Binary

Oct 25, 2013

I am wondering if there is an easy way to create a java exe(cutable) binary, by packing the JRE and ship it like a compiled C++ bin file? I know JAR is good but, I still prefer to create a standalone install - free exe, no matter if the user has or has not Java installed on her PC.

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Running C Compiled Executable File In Java

Jul 10, 2014

I'm trying to run a command line executable file using java but there is no output. On the task manager a conhost process opens when the application is run. I've tried

1)try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D: est.exe");
} catch (Exception e) {

2)String[] cmd = { "D: est.exe"};
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);


3)//Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D: est.exe", null, new File("D:"));

same thing happens i.e. nothing happens.

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Making Executable From Simple Java Code

Feb 16, 2014

I am totally new to java. How to convert the below java code to an executable file?

var intInterval = 0
function importdata(){
filename = "C:1.txt";
AmiBroker1 = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application" );
AmiBroker1.Import( 0, filename, "custom.format" );

It simply imports numerical data from 1.txt into an application amibroker. Also this import function has to be in a loop of 60 seconds.

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Use Classes From Non-executable In Executable Jar

Aug 8, 2014

I am trying to uses classes from a non executable jar called noexec.jar in an executable jar called exec.jar. With no defined manifest in the nonexec jar and a manifest in the exec jar. The folder structure where the jars are held look like so.


With the class path defined in the manifest for the executable jar as Class-Path: nonexec.jar . However every time I run java -jar exec.jar, I get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: What even though I am including nonexec in my class path why the classes contained within the jar are not being found?

This is the manifest file

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: nonexec.jar .
Main-Class: start

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Which Event Is Generated When Scrollbar Update

Jan 1, 2015

Which event is generated when a scrollbar is update?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Scrollbar To Flow Layout

Aug 18, 2014

I like to adding a scrollbar to a jpanel with flowlayout but is imposible, i don't see the scrollbar. I've tried a thousand different ways but I have not accomplished anything.

Here is my code:

//Creamos el panel que contendra los botones de cada producto diferente
//Hacemos todas las importaciones necesarias
import com.foolsrecords.tpv.modelo.Producto;
import com.foolsrecords.tpv.modelo.eventos.ControladorEventListener;

[Code] ......

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Java Servlet :: How To Force Browser To Open / Save / Save As File From Server

Sep 25, 2012

How to force browser to open/save/save as the file from server instead of browser cache.

I am creating a csv file through a pl/sql procedure and forwarding the link to user once user clicks on link he downloads the file, however if the same thing is repeated then browser returns the old cached file instead of new file generated on server.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Positioning Slider Of Vertical Scrollbar Not Working

Apr 4, 2014

I have written a drum machine using Java. Into said drum machine I list all 47 available MIDI drums. The instrument list is placed into a JPanel, along with a gridArray of checkboxes. The JPanel is then in turn added to a scrollpane. I have listed the MIDI drums in order of 'ground-up'. For example, the bass drum is generally at the bottom of most drum kits, so it is at the bottom of my MIDI drums list. Next up would be the snare, followed by the cymbals, and then by all the specialty percussives. Since most beats are started from the 'ground-up', laying to foundation, so to speak, I want the scroll bar of the scrollpane which houses the JPanel, which in turn houses the instrument list and the beat checkboxes, to be positioned, upon opening, at the bottom of the scroll pane. Nothing I have tried works. It always positions the slider somewhere in the middle of the scroll track. Below is a listing of just the buildGUI portion of the code, all the MIDI functionality has been removed to keep the size of the post to this forum down.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

public class BeatBoxG
JFrame overallOuterFrame;
JScrollPane namesAndSquares;


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Horizontal Table Layout

Mar 16, 2015

print my outputs like this?rfrf.jpgI tried but the output always becomes messy and never correct.

import java.util.*;
public class AssP
public static void main(String[] args )

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Missing Horizontal Scroll Bars

Dec 24, 2014

I am building a java app and i am wanting to color the 6th 8th and 10th columns differently to make them stand out.

// It creates and displays the table
tableEng = new JTable(buildTableModel(rs));

for(int i=0;i < tableEng.getColumnCount();i++){


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Horizontal To Vertical Bouncing Balls

May 3, 2014

I'm new to java and I need changing the direction of these balls from a horizontal axis to a vertical axis bouncing in the center. I've tried reversing the integers but there seems to be something i've missed.

package package_bouncingball;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class Class_bouncingball extends Applet implements Runnable  

int x_pos1 = 150;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

Sep 14, 2014

Using the sample, I tried to create a horizontal stacked bar chart, but it didn't render correctly.  Only a sliver of one bar shows and cosmetically the bar's rounded corners are at the top instead of the right side.
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        String austria = "Austria";
        String brazil = "Brazil";
        NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();

[Code] ....
Oddly, if I change the second series to this, then only one bar shows:
        series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(10, austria));
        series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(15, brazil));

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Flip Image Along Vertical Or Horizontal

Feb 7, 2014

What's a simple way to flip an Image along the vertical or horizontal? I've searched high and low and surprised to find that I can't find something short and compact.

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Possible To Make Vertical Menu Instead Of Normal Horizontal One

Sep 18, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to make a vertical menu instead of a normal horizontal one. Like this:

Menu 1

Menu 2

Menu 3

And when you then click on one of them you get:



Menui tem 1

Menui tem 2

Menui tem 3

Menu 3

Is this possible?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Draw A Line (Horizontal) Inside A Circle

Mar 12, 2015

I want to draw a line inside a circle, i what to have a horizontal line. Here is what i have done so far.

import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;

[Code] ....

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JSF :: How To Force Refresh Screen

Oct 9, 2014

in my JSF2 app I have ​​screens composed with :

- Header
- Body

In the header I have a combo list. At each change in value in the combo list I have an Ajax request that updates the data in the Body. So far everything is working properly. Now the home screen's structure should be change when the value of combo list change. To do this I have :

- 1 ManagedBean HomeBean that manage the home
- 1 ManagedBean HeaderBean that manage the header
- 2 object and that allows me to valued data from each screen
- 2 services and that manage loading of each type of screen
- 1 template home.xhtml
- 2 fichier home1.xhtml et home2.xhtml

When I log in to the application, I get the good page corresponding (Element type 1 => home page 1). But when I select a type 2 item, the actionListener methode is execute, ManagedBean's data was updated (for type 2 screen) , but the page does not updated. What do you do ? :

package com.omb.view;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;

[Code] .....

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Brute Force On Variables

Jan 26, 2015

I have this code:

int[] X = new int[5];//X array declaration of 5 , might go higher to 10000~
for(int x_position=0;x_position<5;x_position++){//Starting X values
for(int x_value=1;x_value<=9;x_value++){
for(int x_position=0;x_position<5;x_position++){
System.out.print("X["+x_position+"] = "+x_value+"; ");


Each X[x_position] after a single cycle will be then put into char[x][y] at needed coordinates. x and y may have values from 9 to 4096;

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Force JRE Installation In JNLP

Jul 17, 2014

Whether it is possible to force the installation of JRE when trying to open JNLP file. It is quite often case when users try to run JWS application without JRE installed. The best option would be to force the installation or at least display some message with instructions. Perhaps there are different ways to handle this problem.

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Why Does Compiler / IDE Force To Use Static In Code

Oct 24, 2014

I'm a beginner fiddling around classes in Java. I noticed on this particular code, Eclipse will give me an error and suggest I put the static keyword in front of the variable.

public class test {
//the following line is where Eclipse puts the static keyword
static FileAccess hello = new FileAccess("D:" + '\', ".mp3");
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < hello.getTotalNumberOfFiles(); i++) {

[Code] .....

The FileAccess class is just a class I made while trying to retrieve filenames from my hard drive.

As far as I can tell, it works correctly after I put the static keyword there. I just want to know why it is required in this particular code, considering it didn't need to do that when I made a simpler class while I was getting my feet wet at creating classes in Java.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Force The Row To Construct All Cells

May 20, 2014

In other words in a table view with several editable columns, when a new row is added this row does not contain any column cells yet. Cells are added on demand once a column gains focus and starts editing. Is this the case? Is there any way to force the row to construct all cells eagerly?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Force Layout Of Components

Mar 13, 2015

I noticed that when building a UI programmatically in several steps the width/height of the Pane I use for layout is -1/-1. I read that this is the case until the actual rendering happens. Is there a way to force that earlier? Suppose I wanted to size other UI components (which are not visible initially) according to the size of another pane. How do I do that? Binding the properties does not do the job in the case that those components are not necessarily visible at the same time. Is there a trick to achieve that?

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