Java Network Simulator - Specifying Jar Class Path

Sep 4, 2014

I have downloaded jns-1.7 & tried to run an example program "" by specifing the jar classpath while compiling as "javac -cp <path-to-jns-jar-file>". But i got 21 errors as follows: error: package jns.command does not exist
import jns.command.Command;
^ error: package jns.element does not exist
import jns.element.Element;

[Code] ...

21 errors

I am trying my hand on JNS as i need to deveop a key-distribution scheme (random Key-Distribution scheme) using a simulator. As i have experience in java, i thought to use JNS instead of NS2/NS3 which seems very complex to me.

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Unable To Register Network Mounted Drive Path

May 17, 2013

I ma trying to implement Java "watchService". I am unable to register network mounted drive path. Is there any solution for this.

Path ftpFolder = Paths.get("H:/Ftp/Incoming/");

where H is mounted Drive.

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Networking :: Unable To Connect Remote Machine - Network Path Was Not Found

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to connect a remote machine but I can't. There is a shared folder in the remote machine, when I write the path to file browser in local machine, it does not find the path specified. Both machines have successful network condition and ping each other. Also, the shared folder is opened to everyone, there should not be a permission problem, right?

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Java EE SDK :: How To Set The Class Path When Using Technology In Eclipse

Nov 1, 2011

I'm developing a JavaEE system with several applications on a Weblogic AS (10.3.5) using Eclipse indigo with OEPE plugin. I turned my computer off, turned it back on, started the eclipse, and all of a sudden I get class-path errors all over the place (didn't change a thing).

Now let me get this straight:

1. Say I have an application with one EAR project that contains an EJB project and an EJBClient project (both in the deployment assembly).
2. I have written a new regular Java project, and I want to use it in both the EJB and EJBClient projects (it needs to be visible to them).
3. As far as I know, I can simply add this Java project to the EAR project's deployment assembly, and it will be visible to the EJB and EJBClient projects.
4. This has been working for me so far, but now I get class-path errors and I have to add this Java project to the build path of each project.

How should I set the class-path when using JavaEE technology in Eclipse?

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Bank Queue Simulator

Jul 13, 2014

I am doing a bank queue simulator program which will figure what will happen in 100 minute where 0 to 2 customers comes every minute. 3 counters will handle these customers each counter will poll the customer after 3 problem is queue.poll()is not working in counter method and it is adding null values to the queue in the same method. when i add while customers.isEmpty(); the program will not work i do not know why

package dataalgo;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
public class customer {


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Making Coin Star Simulator

Oct 13, 2014

I have been tasked with creating a coin Star simulator. This accomplishes which accomplishes the following tasks:

Prompts the user to enter coins:

(example inputs): (Note, these can't be like a numerical input followed by a word input, it needs to be one line)

4 quarters
3 dimes
0 pennies

All of which would be allowed inputs.

If an incorrect format is used it should tell the user to use the correct format of number space cointype

After every new input it should give a running total of the current money the system has stored.

this loop should continue until the user enters the phrase "finish"

Then, this system should output the money (minus 9.1% fee) in the largest denominations possible (up to $20)

So if the total came to $ 131.33 (after fee)

It should output:

6 twenties 1 tens 0 fives 1 singles 1 quarter 0 dimes 1 nickle 3 pennies.

and then maybe some cheeky text about how the machine stole your money.

The actual coding for me however is very difficult as I really don't know how to convert the string input from the user into usable numerical and substrings for the calculations.

I have some basic skeleton code worked out, but its only designed to run once.
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class CoinStar {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
/** this first section is supposed to take the string from the user and separate it into two substrings,
* one integer, one word string

[Code] ....

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Class Path With Windows 7

May 28, 2010

I've just got a new computer and i tried to set the class path the way i did with windows xp but it's not working. This is what i have done. I added a Path variable to user variables and added C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin as the variable value. But when i got to command prompt and type javac it just tells me javac is not recognised as an internal or external command.

Also another problem is after trying this and it not working i tried to add a path to the system variables. I added a new path variable but i think once i did that it deleted the one that was already there. Is that going to mess up my computer? What the default path variable for windows 7 is?i've got the right destination as i typed cd to change directory and when i typed C: Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_20/bin it changed to that. And i noticed if i typed in the destination wrong its just made an error.

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Java - Connection With Time Attendance Machine In Network

Apr 15, 2015

I'm working in project, my theme is to develop an application management system for fingerprint and RFID card attendance machine in java programming language.

My problem i didn't find documentation in java for connecting with this device.

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Need To Specify Path Where Main Class Is Located

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to apply for a job in testing the following java application.I have received a tool written in Java and I need to run it with the command line:

java -classpath ./bin com.test.Main myinputfile.txt myoutputfile.txt sort....

Main class should receive 3 parameters: inputfile, outputfile, action.

Of course I have installed Java on my computer (Windows env.).

The problem is that I receive this error:"could not find or load main class com.test.Main"

I searched over the Internet and I saw that I need to specify the path where "Main" class is located.

Main class is located in my c: rachelFileManipulatornincomtest. What should I type exactly in order to run this Main class?

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How To Find Type Of Network Connection (wired Or Wireless) In Java

Jan 19, 2015

I want lo list all the devices connected to my network, I done like this

InetAddress i = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
byte[] ip1 = i.getAddress();
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip1);
for (int b = 0; b <255;b++) {
ip1[3] = (byte)b;

[Code] ....

It prints all the connected devices, its k.. my doubt is, how to list the wired connections and wireless connections from them...

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Set Class Path For One Level Down The Current Directory?

Jun 29, 2014

Can we set the class path for one level down the current directory? My structure is like

binlibresourceshexicon.cmdinside the folder dist.

In this case I could run the .cmd file which has java -cp .;lib;resources client.Test .

c: rycpdist>java hexicon.cmdBut if i put the .cmd file inside bin as like this and run as
c: rycpdistin>java hexicon.cmdI am getting this error Error: Could not find or load main class

Is there any possibility to set the class path in this case

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Finding Source Files In Other Directory With Class Path Option

Apr 23, 2015

I'm having another issue. I have 2 java source files(see below). They are place in the same directory. How do I compile them using classpath?

I have already tried 1st attempt :

javac -cp [did not work!]
2nd attempt: javac -cp [again, did not work!]
package com.companyname.interview;
public class DuplicateReplace { /* code */}

[Code] ....

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Use Relative Path In Place Of Absolute Path

Nov 7, 2014

I am copying the xml files from one folder to other folder, in the source folder, i have some files which have some content like "backing File="$IDP_ ROOT/metadata/iPAU-SP-metadata.xml" but while writing to the destination folder.i am replacing the "$IDP_ROOT" with my current working directory. The entire copying of files is for deploying into tomcat server. The copying is done only when server starts for the first time.Problem: If i change the folder name from my root path in my machine after i run the server,the entire process will be stopped because the destination folder files already contains the content which is with existed files names or folder names.

So i want to change it to relative path instead absolute path. What is the best way to do it? Please look at code below:

[ // Getting the current working directory
String currentdir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile().getParent() + File.separator;

rootPath=currentdir.substring(0, currentdir.indexOf("ControlPanel"));


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Java Path Variable

Mar 2, 2014

I have BlueJ installed on my computer and it does the job of compiling the java source code written in it. If I want to write and compile source code outside of BlueJ do I still need to download the Java SDK and set the PATH variable, even though I am apparently able to do it in BlueJ?

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Image Path Java To Exe / Jar File

Sep 30, 2014

I already done my program with images on it but when i convert it to exe , the images is not appearing.

Usually my images are located at documents netbeansprojectprojectimage.jpg

When i run the code on netbeans the images are appearing but when i convert it to exe or jar file run on a computer without netbeans.. images is not appearing ...

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

class Phonebook extends JFrame {
private static final int WIDTH = 430;
private static final int HEIGHT = 200;
public Phonebook()

[Code] ....

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Can Add Variable To Windows PATH From Java Code?

Jan 17, 2015

Can I add a variable to Windows PATH from java code?

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FileNotFoundException With Java Scanner With Absolute File Path

Apr 8, 2014

I'm a Java beginner and I've been trying to scan a file using the Java Scanner. I've tried searching online for this error and I only find people's questions who have entered an incorrect relative path. I'm entering in an absolute path and I'm using Eclipse Standard Edition on a 2013 MacBook Pro with Mavericks 10.9.2.

Anyway, the error message I'm receiving on Eclipse is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Unhandled exception type FileNotFoundException

at App.main(
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args){
String fileName = "/Users/Student/Documents/index.html";


Why it cannot find this file. I've checked the absolute file path of index.html on my Mac and I've copied and pasted it into my code.

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Passing File Path To Servlet Using Drag And Drop Method In Java Web

Jun 18, 2014

currently I am doing my java web application project ,and it has following steps 1) Upload the txt files 2) java servlet gets the txt file's url , read the data and do the calculation 3) pass the results

I almost finished the second step , and working on the first step .Since there are so many input files at a given time , i have to use drag and drop method to get the file's to pass file's path to servlet.( servlet code can read the data from the given txt file path )software used - tomcat and netbeans 8.0

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Network Communication Using Sockets?

Dec 6, 2014

I have all of my code written, but it is not producing any output and i'm not sure why.



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Streaming Music Over Network

Apr 16, 2015

I want to make a service like Spotify, where I can stream music that I have stored on my computer (in this case server) to my laptop or phone.

* What would be a suitable format for this?
* How would I actually stream it? I want to stream, not download and then play, I want to play the music while downloading.

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Servlets :: How To Upload File To Dropbox With Only File Name (without Path) Using Java

Dec 1, 2014

In my web application i want to upload file to drop-box. I am getting file name from browser.Is it possible to upload file to drop-box with only file name.

Below the drop-box upload code with java.

File inputFile = new File("New Text Document.txt");
System.out.println("inputFile.getAbsoluteFile(): " + inputFile);
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
try {
DbxEntry.File uploadedFile = client.uploadFile("/magnum-opus.txt",
DbxWriteMode.add(), inputFile.length(), inputStream);
System.out.println("Uploaded: " + uploadedFile.toString());
} finally {

In the above code the place New Text Document.txt we have to provide total path of file.

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Bullets Not Firing Across Network Screen

Apr 10, 2014

I have a program thats ran over a network and is multi-player. However whenever I fire any bullets they do not fire on the other clients screen. Here's the code

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class TankWar {

[Code] ....

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Sockets Can Be Used To Transfers File Over Network

May 7, 2014

This question has confused me because "Errors" are capitalized and I'm not sure what they mean.

To me this question is false. Sockets can be used to transfers file over a network.

I can't see why this wouldn't work. The code looks fine to me.

I don't think this is true unless you're using the mouseEntered() or mouseExited() method. But again, I'm not sure.

I think this is true, I don't know what else could have listeners.

They're only worth a few marks each so the answer is only suppose to be a line or two. They are all true or false questions that require an explanation.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Not Able To See Network Activity In JFrame

Jun 1, 2014

I am trying to develop an application which will be showing a TimeSeries graph(related library JFreeChart) displaying network activity related to a particular network interface embedded in a JFrame.I have created a JPopUpMenu which is having containing a list of JMenuItems showing network interfaces as their String values.Menu is popping up correctly

Further I am selecting a JMenuItem related to a particular network interface to show network activity in TimeSeries graph.On selecting a JMenuItem I can see that graph is moving on constantly but not able to see any network activity.

Pasted the code below :

package com.ankit.analyser;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Window;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

[Code] .....

Further I can see that packetArrived method of PacketListener is not being overridden by class PacketHandler as I am not able to see data packets on console and static list in main class is also empty.

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Servlets :: Send Data Over Network Using Httpsession?

Jan 9, 2015

I am learning few concepts in servlets. And i came across this doubt. We used to send data over network using httpsession as below.

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Object obj = new Object();
session.setAttribute("object", obj);

And get the data in JSP with below code

<%= session.getAttribute("object")%>

However I am not sure whether HTTPSession is serializable or not.

How HTTPSession works?

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Sorting Without Using Disk - Network Or Virtual Memory

May 31, 2014

Suppose you are given a computer with 1GB RAM. The disk of this computer holds a 10GB file containing random numbers. Propose a technique for sorting the file without using the disk or network or virtual memory. Outline your approach, propose an algorithm, and implement the algorithm. What is the algorithmic complexity of your algorithm.

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