Java Servlet :: Multiple Time Submission Of A Form Automatically In Struts

Jan 10, 2013

I have a button in jsp, when the onclick event is fired, it will send the request to to generate a report and display that report in a new window.

After clicking the button to generate the report, in the business class a sql query is getting executed.

If the query result has less data, then I don't have any problem, I could view my report page.

If the query result has more data, then the query takes at least 5-6mins to complete. However, before the query completes its execution, the same request is automatically invoked again. Due to this the report is not getting generated because [...of the multiple requests?], the browser shows an Internet Explorer error and ends up at a blank page.

No exception is thrown and the only place I could find the place of query execution it stops and starts as a new request from web.xml with Servlet Filters, Action.

Note: For a single .do request, the request is getting repeated for 3 times. Overlapping of request also takes place.

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JSP :: Getting Value On Form Submission On Same Page

Oct 31, 2014

I am showing a jsp page asking user to select a course from dropdown <select> options fetched from database.When user selects a value and click on submit button , I want to show the details of the course on the same page .how can I get the value of user selection on the same jsp page.Then I can make a query using that value and show other details on the same page.

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Applets :: Encrypt Password Before Submission Of Form

Mar 23, 2013

I have an encryption utility class. Can i use it some how to encrypt password before submitting form? I heard it can be done using applet.

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JSP :: How To Map JSTL Action Form With Java Servlet By Annotation

Jul 31, 2014

I have a very simple login form. However, I keep getting http: status 404 -/login


<form action="/login" method="post">
<input type="text" name="username"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/>

[Code] ....

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Java Servlet :: How To Receive Parameters From A Form And Insert Values In DB

May 23, 2012

I'm trying to create a Servlet that takes input from a form and process it and insert it in database.tablename.


Here is the form code

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form action="Test" method="post" />
<table width="90%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">

[Code] ....

And here is the Servlet

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class Test extends HttpServlet {

[Code] ....

This is the basic code structure and I'm trying to figure out this special case with handling the multiple parameters:

I don't want to use String []a=request.getParameterValues("studentname"); as hard code. The reason being the number of rows will be diyamic and I would like to get the column name and then then use an array of string to take values. But how can I connect these to form a query so that the rows goes on inserted one after other.

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Java Servlet :: Session Information Is Getting Overwritten Once Multiple User Logged In

Aug 18, 2012

I am using following servlet code to store the logged in user information in the session.

session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("userName", userName );
session.setAttribute( "LoginId", loginId );

The information is getting stored in the session and i am able to retrieve the same for single user. The trouble starts when 2 user logged in from different browser (for example chrome, IE) from the same machine. The 2nd logged in user, overwrite the session information of first user.

How to prevent this.

My environment: Windows 7 64 bit, IBM websphere server, Oracle 11g, JSP, Sevrlet.

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JSP :: How To Get The Value From HTML Form Into Servlet

Feb 27, 2014

<form name="form" method="Get" action="MetadataSelect" >
<input type="checkbox" dir="rtl" ID="CheckBox2" value="check" onclick="All(this,'all','_chk');">
<display:table name="requestScope.list" cellspacing="5" pagesize="20" style="simple"
decorator="checkboxDecorator" form="form" requestURI="MetadataSelect" export="true"
<display:column property="checkbox" title="اختر" value="${id}" >


The problem is the the request did not give any value then the a variable all is null

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Setting Default Time Zone In Select Form

Mar 19, 2014

I have the task which should set the default time zone in the select form. For this aim I use SimpleTimeZone class and write simple test to check my code. It is below

Java Code:

public void defaultTimeZone() {
String def = SimpleTimeZone.getDefault().getID();
boolean has = false;
for (String id : SimpleTimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) {

[Code] ....

It works perfectly on win 7 and ubuntu, but falls on win xp. I know that win xp is not supported more but I still have some customers who use it.

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Making Payroll Form Using Java Language But Its Like Framing Form?

Jun 6, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise1{
public static void main(String[] args) {
String employeeName, employeeNumber, position, department ;
double otpay, salary, deduction, hrs, rate ;
Scanner input = new Scanner (;

[Code] ....

That's my codes but its wrong according to our prof. it should be in frame form. i don't know how to do it since i did not encountered framing since i was started in java.

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Using Parameterized Constructor In Servlet - What Happens In Deployment Time

May 2, 2014

If i used parameterized constructor in servlet what happens in deployment time?

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Java Servlet :: Showing Error While Compiling Servlet

Jan 23, 2013

I am a beginner want to compile servlet with following path

javac -classpath Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5commonlibservlet-api.jar;classes:.-d classes

Problem arises as follows:

javac: invalid flag: FilesApache
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options

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Calculate Least Common Multiple - Why Windowsbuilder Form Does Not Work Properly

Jan 31, 2015

I have done one program, that calculates the Least Common Multiple. The idea is to use WindowsBuilder on Ecplise in order to run it in a separate window. But when I started nothing happens. The code is:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue; 
import java.unit.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

[Code] ....

Just wondering what could I do to make it happen. One thing came up on my mind - this is that need to connect the button with the function of the method, but still not sure will work.

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Insert Multiple Values Of Checkbox Into Database Using JSP Servlet

May 12, 2014

As I am new in java, JSP and DATABASE...

<form action="Insert_Values_Servlet" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Title" placeholder="max 50 characters"/><br>
<input type="text" name="Profession" placeholder="Ex.Manager"/> <br>
<input type="checkbox" value="LifeStyle" id="slideOne" name="check" />
<label for="slideOne">LifeStyle</label><br />


This is my insert.jsp page I want to insert multiple values into database Including multiple values of checkbox, other values are getting inserted but only problem at selecting multiple checkbox values in same column and radio button value in same column.

---------------------look for servlet page below----------------

Connection con = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
int user = 0;
String User_Id1 = null;
String Other_Services = "";
String Title = request.getParameter("Title");


Is there any solution to insert this...By mistake in query I have followed with extra questionmark in following line This is correctline for inserting 5 values in database

String insertinfo = "INSERT into offer_data (Title,Profession, Other_Services ,Area, City) values(?,?,?,?,?)";

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Automatically Run Java App After Installation

Feb 19, 2015

I'm writing a JavaFX desktop app, and would like to make it automatically run after installation, but I'm not sure where to look to make this happen (or even if it's possible?). I have successfully created a .dmg installer using E(fx)clipse & Ant. Are there options I'm overlooking which I can use in the build.xml? or am I looking in the wrong place entirely?

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Using Printf Command - Java Automatically Moving To Next Line

Aug 4, 2014

I'm learning about the printf command, and when I have it, it is not letting me ad an input. Here is my quick little program:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestingPrintF {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Scanner
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

The first section works good, but when i move down to the second part it just automatically finishes without letting me enter a phrase.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Integrating Struts In Two Server?

Jul 5, 2013

I am runing ejb3 in weblogic 10.3 and struts in tomcat server. both communication is not happening .
root dir
account class
package ejb3.onlyejb;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

[Code] ....
Get error
enter in to if loop
jndi properties nuderprocess
jndi properties nuderprocess22
loading p file={java.naming.provider.url=t3://localhost:7001,

[Code] ....

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Program Can Accept Multiple Filter And Sort Commands At One Time

Mar 9, 2014

What I'm supposed to be doing is making it so the program can accept multiple filter and sort commands at one time, and each should be separated by a whitespace.I was thinking about parsing the input again, using whitespace as the delimiter, then normally progressing with each token, as though there was only one command.

However, coding this the way I'm doing it will firstly probably take hours, and secondly, it's likely not even right. I don't have any real way to determine which token contains which data from the Song objects.These are the specific requirements for this portion:A sort/filter command consists of one or more of the following options:






Any number of these options may be given, and they may be given in any order. If multiple options are specified, they will be separated by whitespace.

GazillionSongs Class (the main)
Java Code:
import java.util.*;


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Finger Print Scanner (secureye) Integration To Struts 1.2 Application

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to integrate the finger-print scanner to struts application. I only have it's executable jar file through which the device will operate and the required signature can be taken . I am not getting how to integrate this in my application or in the required jsp page.

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Due Date And Submission Features

Mar 7, 2014

Click the title of the assignment to see Due Date and submission features.

Write a program that determines the number of Dots in an input line. Read in the line into a string. Next use the charAt( ) method in a loop to access the characters one by one.

Your program should have comments towards the top of the program. Copy at least two sample runs and paste as a comment at the bottom of the program. At least one sample run would be a string that has a few blanks. At least one sample run would be a string that does not have any blanks.

Use Assign5_{your last name} as the name of the program.

Submit one file, the Java file only.

As a general rule; no credit is given to work submitted late. If any consideration is given for partial credit; such decision will be made at the end of the semester; at the point in time when the Course Letter grade is determined.

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Throttling Submission Of Tasks To A ThreadPoolExecutor

Jun 4, 2014

I have a library that uses a ThreadPoolExecutor, backed by a bounded queue.

We submit a large number of tasks to this executor, constantly polling an external dependency for new work. However, this executor has a fixed size. When a ThreadPoolExecutor is busy, it queues up to the blocking queue's capacity tasks in its blocking queue, at which point it starts rejecting tasks.

What I'd rather do, instead of requesting more work, and then throwing it out, is to detect that we're totally busy and stop requesting work until a thread frees up.

Now, I know that one approach is to rewrite the workers such that they are infinite loops, who poll for work when they're finished. Due to the large number of consumers of this library, this is not an option.

I have come up with two other solutions.

1) This is one that I know will work, which is to use a semaphore or other concurrent counter to track how many tasks I have submitted, and stop requesting more work when that semaphore is out of permits. The processors release a permit when they complete (whether due to exception or success).

2) The other option, since I know this is a ThreadPoolExecutor, is way simpler, but also is something I'm not sure is reliable.

I can compare executor.getActiveThreads() + executor.getQueue.size() to the maximum number we can handle before rejecting (maxThreads + queueSize). This change is far simpler, but I'm not sure if those calls are a reliable way of counting the current work.

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Servlets :: Submission Parameter Order Maintained?

Nov 27, 2014

Is there anything in the HTML specification about whether submitted GET or POST parameters must retain their order? E.g. In the following is there anything in the spec that says the following data should be returned in the order they appear in the HTML code. And, most importantly, is there anything that says the firstName and surname fields should actually match up with each other, i.e. the order can change but in the same way for each field?

<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="firstName"/></td><td><input type="text" name="surname"/></td></tr>

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Servlets :: HTML Form - Possible To Send Data (image / Text) Along A Single Form

Jan 8, 2015

I want to understand how is it possible to send data (image + text) along a single form. Here is my code:

<form method="post" action="updateAccount"
<input type="file" name="file" value="Select image ..." /> <input
type="submit" value="Start Upload" /> <br>
<textarea rows="8" cols="54" name="about">Yes

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EJB / EE :: Maintaining Values From Primefaces Form After Form Submit

Jan 29, 2015

I have a form containing several fields, 2 of which persist to different table in a database than the rest of the fields on the form. I have no problem persisting the data into both tables of the database, and after the form is submitted I reset the form to its default values. That all works fine.

But in the same session, when I open another form (a search form) and enter search criteria, which then displays a datatable containing the search results, those 2 values that are persisted to another table are not showing up, but the rest of the data is.

Here is the method that calls the persist methods:

@ManagedBean(name = "foreignPartyController")
public class ForeignPartyController implements Serializable {
public void saveData() {


The values do show up, but the problem is, when a subsequent form is opened in the same session (e.g. a search form) the field for that value shows the actual value, instead of the field being blank.'

I am not sure why the data from the one database ("parent") is showing up, yet the data from the other database ("child") is not.

Is it something I am doing wrong? I thought by setting the setter in the child controller class back to a new instance of the Entity class (PolicyPayment) that it would reset the form to default values, but at the same time retain (or save) the inputted values in the same session.

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JSP :: Synchronous Form To Asynchronous Form Submit?

May 8, 2014

I have a button on UI which adds messages and when the user clicks on it the form gets submitted, meanwhile the user is clicking on refresh(F5) multiple times which is causing the same message to be displayed multiple times. To resolve this , I am converting the form from a synchronous submit to Asychronous but it is still not working. Below is the code:

Code before:

<td><input class="buttonred" type="submit" value="Confirm Add" name="submit_message"></td>
<s:form action="upd-message" method="POST" validate="true" onsubmit="validateMsg();return false;" enctype="multipart/form-data">
function validateMsg() {
var frm = document.forms["upd-message"];

[Code] .....

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How To Create Java Messagebox On Form

Feb 7, 2014

How do I create a Java messagebox an on form messagebox? Stuck

I know how to create a regular popup messagebox as below:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Couldn't log in");

But I don't know how to create one as below, I'm stuck on how we create this sort of messagebox..


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JSF :: How To Post PHP Form Contents To Form

Feb 28, 2014

How do i post php form contents to a jsf form?

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