Java Swing Project - Updating Labels And Other Stuff

May 28, 2014

I wrote a simple random spelling game for a class project, was never able to get the labels to update when they should. I have tried .updateUI, .paintImmediately followed by .revalidate and by .repaint. Nothing seems to be working.

What the game does is show a random word for about 10 seconds, disappear and they user is to spell that word, you have 3 tries then will start over. The "brains" of the game work just fine, it is the labels updating with new text when they should doesn't seem to be working. There is 4 classes but the below is the "Main" that has the problems. Also have a null exception problem with the timer.stop(); not sure why. I am still pretty new to java.

Public class SpellMe extends JFrame {
// variables
JPanel mainPanel, secondPanel, thirdPanel;
JLabel mainLabel, wordLabel;
String spWord, sp;
JTextArea guess;

[Xode] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Getting Key Labels To Show In Textfield?

Apr 2, 2014

I am working on a keypad for a phone app for school. I cannot get the numbers from the keys to show up in the textField. I have made multiple tweaks, but think maybe my case statement is the problem?We did a calculator application in the class, so I have based my code off of that. Although the telephone keypad seemed much simpler to code, I can't seem to get the numbers to show up.

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//test for button clicks
foundKey = false;
//search for clicked key
for (int i=0; i<keys.length && !foundKey; i++)

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Show Labels In A Panel With Scrolling

Oct 31, 2014

I've created a chat program, but now I need to show messages in different colors depending if the message is received or sent. I was wondering if I can use jlabel to do this but in this case I need that jlabels to scroll in a jpanel. how to do this or maybe using a rtf ?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Text Fields / Labels And Input Boxes On GUI

Oct 18, 2014

How to create text fields, labels and input boxes on a GUI, we haven't covered these in class as of yet, but I want my project to stand out so I'd like to know how to build a GUI now.

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Java GUI Program Not Showing All Text Fields And Labels

May 19, 2014

When i run the program it doesn't show all the text fields and labels and stuff but when i click btnTest_1 and go back to btnTest everything appears...

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
public class Frame extends JFrame{
private JTextField textField;
private JTextField textField_1;
public Frame(){
setTitle("Multifunctual Calculator");

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Why ProgressBar Not Updating

Aug 14, 2014

Why the Progress Bar is not Working in Second attempt?When i am Invoking Below Method on actionPerformed at first attempt its Working Fine but After that Its Not Working at all....

void initWait() {


for a better Understand see this Mp3Arranger.jar or see the Whole Project SourceCode

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Jtable And Updating Variables In Swing

Jan 21, 2015

I am working on a project in Eclipse, and it is my first time working with swing.I have the GUI setup the way that I like it, my hang-up is how to "update" the variables in the code as they are changed.The basics of the code is that I have several different String[] that will show up in a Jtable depending upon the input of the lists I have in the GUI.

in essence,
if list1==2 && list2==3
returnedarray = array1

I would like to have the returnedarray/Jtable be updated live as the lists are manipulated. So as soon as I change my list selections to...
list1==1 && list2==3

the code would shift to the proper array...
returnedarray = array2

If making the output update live isn't a possibility how would I code a button to update the input/output giving me the proper String[]?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add Progressbar To Project For Listening Swing Worker Updates?

Feb 16, 2014

I have a problem with progress bar implementation to my project. Let me explain it;

I have Jframe named GUI. Filled with 2 datechooser combo box and 1 Buton.

And i have a Swingworker class named "MySwingWorker" for my long running task just like this;

package exampleproject;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


Just i want add a progress bar for listening MySwingWorker's setProgress updates. When buton clicked swingworker should executed and progress bar should come to screen. I read many articles about that but not understand correctly. Because i am beginner in JAVA.

Question1: Should i (create new class) or (implement to current gui or swingworker class) for progressbar?

Question2: Should i fired progress bar first and execute swingworker from progressbar class? or should i execute swingworker first and fired progress bar later and how?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JLabel Not Updating Its Text Dynamically

Nov 18, 2014

why JLabel setText method is not setting up the text dynamically even though i am calling repaint() once i set the text? Code snippet is below

Locale currentLocale = new Locale(panel.getCountryLocal(), panel.getCountry());
ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle(Constants.messageBundle, currentLocale);
messages = Panel.getMessages();
String displayString = messages.getString("101022");


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Controls Not Updating Until Method Is Completely Finished

Dec 30, 2014

I have this method that does several RegEx queries along with a lot of searching and replacing of text, and each regex search / replace takes some time and a total of maybe two minutes for all of them to finish up. So I added a ProgressBar to my JavaFX form and I added code after each step to simply use the ProgressBar.setProgress method by a factor of 10% each step ... so the code would resemble something like this:

do a regex query
if it finds things then do a replaceAll method on the string being searched

do another RegexQuery
If it finds stuff, so a replaceAll method


What is happening is that the progress bar will not actually paint any progress until AFTER the entire method is done executing. So from the users perspective, they click on the button and the program appears to freeze until its all done with that method at which point it instantly changes the progress bar to the last value I set ...

So the desired effect is simply not working, and I don't know why.

I tried changing (as in replacing the progress bar with a different control) the progress bar value settings with updating text in a text box on the form, and even that didn't display any of the text messages until AFTER the procedure was done executing at which point, all of the text logs appeared at one time instead of gradually adding text to the box in increments as the method executed.So it FEELS like any time a method is actually running, the JavaFX scene simply freezes until the method is done running. And it doesn't matter if I change the progress bars value directly or put it into its own method which gets called throughout the execution of the regex method ... either way, nothing actually happens on the form until the software is done executing all of the procedures called and then it comes back to a "resting" state...

I tried simplifying it by making a single method that does two things ... it updates the progress bar and then it waits for 1 second. Then it increments a variable then updates the progress bar, then waits a second, thinking to myself that 1 second pause would give it time to update the progress bars value but even that little method would not work.

Here is the test method I created:

private void testProgressBar() {
for(int x = 0;x<10;x++) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {

Even that little piece of code will not actually show any changes in the progress bar until after its done looping at which point, the progress bar is filled to 100%, but I never see the first 9 changes in the progress bar within that for next loop.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Updating DefaultTable Model - Placing Text?

Jul 2, 2014

I have been going in circles trying to update a JTable. For now I just need to take input from a textfield after clicking on a JButton and have that text be placed in the JTable. LeftPanel listens, while RightPanel holds the table. Here is what I have so far:

package reminder.views;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class LeftPanel extends JPanel {

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How To Write Stuff Into Text Files

Oct 28, 2014

I'm refitting a snippet of code I found on the net to write stuff into text files. After a bit of fiddling, here's what the code looks like in one of my classes:

public void addItem(String Item){
Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF8");
// out.close();
catch (IOException e) {

The original snippet included the close() method. However, when I tried to do a test run writing multiple lines, I'd get an IOException about the stream being closed. I removed the close() method line, everything seems to work the way I want it, but I just wanna know if there's anything I'm missing out on by not having the close() method anywhere, especially when the IDE finds it important enough that it lit a warning about the stream not being closed somewhere as I was repurposing the original snippet.

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Updating Time In Java

Oct 22, 2014

My program is working fine. When I executes it, it shows me this:

The clock is 54 minutes over 23 (+41 seconds.

and when i press ENTER, it shows me this:


But then it won't show me the update. I want to update the time, for example when I started the execution the time was 23:54:41 but it must show me something like 23:54:45, because I need the current time.

I have searched the whole internet about this but I don't know how to use the "Date.update ();".

Here is my code

package p2;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Time {
public void myTime() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

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How To Make DJNative Swing Project Installer Using Exe4j

Mar 15, 2014

I want to make installler for my client application in swing using exe4j but after making installer using exe4j  When running the exe of application it gives me error as following
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: chrriis/dj/nativeswing/swtimpl/components/JFlashPlayer
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(Unknown Source)
    at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(Unknown Source)
    at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(Unknown Source)

[Code] ....
The source code of my project is as follows:

* See the file "readme.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of this file

package flash;
 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
 import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import chrriis.common.UIUtils;

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Getting A Nullpointer Exception After Cleaning Up Code By Putting Repetitive Stuff In A Method

May 8, 2014

I am getting a nullpointer exception after "cleaning" up my code by putting repetitive stuff in a method.

The error points to this: ai.getItRight(n, answer);//make sure the user enters yes or no..

The error occurs at lines 19 and 25.Here is the relative code:

public boolean AskQuestions(Node n, String yesOrNo, String answer, String question){
if(yesOrNo.equalsIgnoreCase("no") && n.getRight() == null){//i guessed the wrong answer
System.out.println("I give up. Who is it: ");
answer = input.nextLine();


My previous code, which use to have the contents of getItRight in place of lines 19 and 25 worked just fine. So why am I getting this error? I dont want my methods to be crazy big like how they usually end up.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Getting Images From Folder Inside Project - Relative Path

Jul 17, 2014

I'm going through the next problem:

importing a project from Eclipse into NetBeans, I tried importing project, did not work, anyway

I got all the classes good, but I got a folder with images and a TXT file

part of the code:


Where do I place my folder Images and how can I configure this so this lines of code go get that images from a folder inside the project..

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Assembling Database Project From A Downloaded Project Zip File?

Apr 12, 2014

i downloaded a sample database code of an online payroll system. How can i assemble it to know how it works.
the files include php and mysql files. it is to build an online payroll system

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Null When Saving Or Updating Ticket Request On Flex With Java Hibernate

Nov 26, 2014

users are trying saving or updating incident request on website they are able to see fault string =Java.lang.stackoverflow : null when saving or updating ticket request on flex with Java hibernate.

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How To Return A String From Project Into Android Project

Jun 26, 2014

I tried many times to return a string from java project to an android project But it keeps sending incorrect values as in 2 as it should be 1 here is an example.

Java Project:

boolean somethingboolean = false;
somethingboolean = true;
public static String getString(){
if(somethingboolean == true){


Android project:


and in the android project it prints "FALSE"

So what should i do?

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Where Is Jar File In Java Project

May 27, 2014

As a brand new with Java I've created a small "Hello world" program using eclipse.

I would like to create an exe file from this application. Therefore, I need the jar file.

I can't find such a file with that extension in the folder where I saved the java project.

How can I manage this file?

I know it is a very basic issue, but as I mentioned it is the first "Hello world" test...

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Java With A House Drawing Project

Nov 20, 2014

I use a program called eclipse. I want to know how to build a house with the program. We use a pen in java. It is a drawing tool. I dont know how to do it.

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Extract Information From Java Project

Mar 4, 2015

I should do, for my academic project, draw from a java project some information, for example, the class name and the relative method, and for each class even the package name where the class is. The information found must be saved an XML files...

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Deployment Descriptor For Java Project

Dec 14, 2014

How can we create deployment descriptor for the java projects.

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Implementing Java Project With Android

Nov 19, 2014

I have a gameengine stil partially in the works for pc made in java, I am attempting a port over to java but certain classes and other fuctions are not available for android that there is in java. this means that my render engine, gameengine and a couple of other clases therefore don't work.

My question is, is there anyway of using the gameengine classes that work into the project so that all i have to do is declare within the engine what i want to export for wheather this is android or java. or importing packages from the game engine project and directly linking with the ability of re-writing the odd few classes that do not work.

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JSP :: Develop And Deploy A Java Project On Web

Mar 6, 2015

I want to develop a website using jsp and servlets.but i have a few questions:

1: I want to use oracle for database, can i use express edition?
2: After writing the code how do i transfer the code to the client
3: How to deploy the website on internet

I am doing for first time

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How To Make Java Project A WAR File In NetBeans

May 10, 2014

I am suppose to submit my project as a WAR file but not sure how to do it.

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