Java Algorithm - Convert String Of Numbers Into Text

Feb 18, 2014

I need a Java algorithm that converts a string of numbers into text. It is related to how a phone keypad works where pressing 2 three times creates the letter "c" or pressing 4 one time creates the letter "g". For example a string of numbers "44335557075557777" should decode where 0 equates to a space.

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How To Convert Numbers Into String Without Using Array And Method

Feb 12, 2014

How to convert numbers into string without using an array and a method ....

Example of arrayed code:

The code here is working but i want to use the other way for not using array just like switches and if and loops only.
I made a code here but i did'nt run what i want to output .....

package UnderPackage;
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class NumberToWords {
static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) { 
int number;
int b;

[Code] ....

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Extracting Numbers In Word Format From A String Of Text

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to do is extract numbers that are in word format in a long String, i.e. a song, and return each of their numerical values, in order to add them all up. So I'd like to calculate the sum of all of the numbers in the text. This has to work for any piece of text and for all numbers up to a trillion.

So I broke the string down into tokens and stored them in a String []. And I divided up the possible numbers in word format into:

LARGEST: thousand, million, billion, trillion
HUNDRED: hundred
TENS: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
UNITS: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
SPECIALS: ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

I believe that these are the only words that it will need to recognize. I began reading the tokenized string from right to left and then when I came across a unit, special or tens as the first number I hit, I would then set it's numerical value and check if the word before was also a number and whether to add or multiply etc. i.e. First number hit is a two, if the number before is sixty, then I would just add it to sixty and check the word before that and so on.

However, when implementing it, it seems like an extremely long way around it. How I could implement this in a swifter manner? An example of it working would be:

"Nine Million rockets turned Three times and met Twenty Two Aliens", it would extract, Twenty Two as 2, then 20 = 22, then extract Three as 3, and then Nine Million as 1,000,000 x 9 = 9,000,000

9,000,000 + 22 + 3 = 9,000,025

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Java Program To Convert Integer To Roman Numbers And Vice Versa?

Aug 20, 2014

java program to convert integer to Roman numbers and vice versa?

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Algorithm Of Convert Hex To Floating Point

Aug 13, 2014

I wanna write a program that take an Hexadecimal and convert it to floating-point . what should I do ?

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How To Convert Number To String In Java

Apr 8, 2013

How can I convert number to string in java. Something like

public void Discription(Number ownerName){

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Convert JSON String To HashMap In Java

Sep 9, 2014

How can I convert JSON string to HashMap. My JSON string is like

"AvailableDeliveries": {
"500": {
"code": "INOFFICE",
"desc": "In Office",
"id": 500,


I looked on other examples which have collection of object but I have this extra top level object "AvailableDeliveries" not sure how to handle that level.

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Java Convert String Of XML To Document Object Is Null All The Time

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to parse a XML string into `org.w3c.dom.Document` object.

I have looked at solutions provided [here](xml - How to convert String to DOM Document object in java? - Stack Overflow), [here](How to create a XML object from String in Java? - Stack Overflow) and a few other blogs that give a variation of the same solution. But the `Document` object's #Document variable is always null and nothing gets parsed.

Here is the XML

XMLMappingValidator v = new XMLMappingValidator("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
" +
" +
" +

[Code] ....

When I call
I get
`[#document: null]`

Clearly, the parse is failing. But I don't understand why.

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Java Convert String Of XML To Document Object Is Null All The Time

Apr 15, 2014

I am trying to parse a XML string into `org.w3c.dom.Document` object.

I have looked at solutions provided [here](xml - How to convert String to DOM Document object in java? - Stack Overflow), [here](How to create a XML object from String in Java? - Stack Overflow) and a few other blogs that give a variation of the same solution. But the `Document` object's #Document variable is always null and nothing gets parsed.

Here is the XML

Java Code:

XMLMappingValidator v = new XMLMappingValidator("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
" +
" +
" +

[Code] .....

When I call Java Code: **v.getXML().toString()** mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I get Java Code: `[#document: null]` mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Clearly, the parse is failing. But I don't understand why.

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Algorithm That Processes Numbers

May 7, 2014

I have a set of numbers within a text file.

2 6
1 4 4 1

When the program reads these numbers it will start with the first line. It reads 2, this is the number of times the program should loop through the numbers of the second line. Next it reads 6, this is the number that the sum of numbers on line 2 cannot go beyond, it must equal 6 or be less than.

Next it goes to line 2 and processes the numbers, 2 is less than 6 so it gets processed, so is 4 and when added to 2 it equals 6. This passes the rules therefore gets processed and added together and put in a variable. Once 2 and 4 has been processed it gets put at the back of the number queue, so the numbers look like 1 1 2 4.

With one loop done there is only one left, so it processes the next sum of numbers 1 1 2 as these equal 4 and pass the rule. So these get added together and and put to the back of the queue, 4 1 1 2. But all the loops are finished and the sum of the last loop is added on to the sum of the previous loop. 6 + 4 = 10.

What I need the algorithm to do is print the sum of this whole process when it reads these numbers from a file. I am able to read the numbers from a text file but not sure where to proceed from there.

Also the set of numbers vary, for example the next 2 lines of numbers could be,

10 7
3 1 1 1 4 4

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Text-to-image Algorithm

Oct 4, 2014


Java Code:

Private Sub cmdDeleteMessage_Click()
If txtMessage.Text = "" Then
a = MsgBox("No message to delete!", vbInformation, "")
Else: If MsgBox("Do you want to create a new message?", vbYesNo, "New") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
txtMessage.Text = ""
Pic.Picture = LoadPicture()

[Code] .....

Is these codes of the Block cipher encryptor for text-to-image algorithm (B-TTIE algorithm) by Abusukhon 2013? If not, how to make it the same with B-TTIE algorithm?

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Convert Numbers From -999 To 999 In Words

May 19, 2014

I'm very new to Java and need to write a program where the user inputs any number from -999 to 999 and it inputs it in words. For ex -24 entered would print negative twenty four or 800 entered would be eight hundred. I need to have at least 2 methods that need to be returned to the main method. When i compile, it says that cannot convert from void to java.lang.string for all the word = ... in my case statements.

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class NumToText {
public static void main (String args[]){
Scanner input = new Scanner ( ;
System.out.println ("Enter number.");
int number = input.nextInt ();
 [Code] .....

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Generating Random String Of Integers - No Repeating Numbers In Java

Nov 9, 2014

I don't want to use an array. I do not know of a function built into Java to allow me to do this.

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Appending String To A Text File In Java?

Apr 4, 2015

I am at a loss when it comes to appending Strings to a text file in Java. I was tasked (yes, homework) to complete a program that does the following simple things:

Print out the contents of a text file to the user (got that!)

Ask the user if the want to add any customers to this text file (got it!)

Add those customer's name's, addresses, postal codes and cities. (got that too)

Verify the postal code is in the proper format (yep!)

Add the new information to the text file, and display it to the user (Nope...)

The program is, essentially, supposed to keep track of the user's customers, and store this information to a text file. However, when I run the following code, I get a number of errors:

static String firstOutput, name, address, city, postalCode, file = "";
static int customer = 0;
static String fileLine = "";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
file = "C:UsersOwnerDocumentsDiscountFly.txt";

[Code] .....

The errors I get are: Main. Stream closed
ensureOpen (115)

I understand that the numbers correspond to lines of code (line 115, or 310, for example) but I am unsure of how to fix these errors.

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How To Convert Numeric String To Formatted String

Sep 11, 2014

I have a string value returned from a background tool that will range from 0 to possibly terabytes as a full number.  I want to format that number to use commas and to reduce the character count using an appropriate size modifier (KiB, MiB, GiB, etc).  I've tried converting the string number to a Double value using Double.parseDouble() and then performing the math based on the size of the value with this code:
Double dblConversionSize;
String stCinvertedSize;
dblConversionSize = Double.parseDouble(theValue);
if (dblConversionSize > (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
     stConvertedSize = String.format("%,.000d", dblConversionSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + " TiB";
I've also tried using
     String.valueOf(dblConversionSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + " TiB";
However, the formatting is failing and I'm either getting a format exception or the result is displayed as a number with no decimal component.

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String In Java - Search Text On Document For A Word

Feb 5, 2014

Consider in a Document if a String " Hello" is Encoded and stored as "XYZAB"

I want to search the text on document for a word "Hello" and Replace the word with "HelloWorld"

The Program will encrypt the word "Hello" and Search the file then return the encrypted code as "XYZAB" Found

Now i have to replace the word "Hello" with "HelloWorld" in encrypted form so that the Letter "XYZABEFGHI" is replace in the place of Hello where "World" is encoded as "EFGHI"

Now the Problem is If there is more number of occurrence of the word "Helloworld" exist in the file... How can i Replace only one particular occurrence What can be done to select the particular occurrence.

I have attached my java program for Encryption along with this mail for your ease of use.

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Place Leading Zeros Onto Numbers Without Having To Convert Them To Strings

Jan 21, 2014

Any way to place leading zeros onto numbers without having to convert them to strings? Is such a thing possible?

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How To Convert Speech To Text

May 17, 2014

In Java i am trying to convert the "speech to Text", i search and find some idea about "sphinx4" api.But my problem is unable to convert text while i speaking continues, & we should mention all words in GRAMMAR file..,I want to convert speech to Text continually like doing in android application, without pre-mention the words in GRAMMAR file.My doubt is, Is any available API ? & How to complete my requirement?..,

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Convert Strings To Double Numbers - Exception When Non-numeric Entered

Nov 11, 2014

So I have to convert strings to double numbers and there can be no exception.

The strings that aren't numbers or do not fit into a set criteria have to be discarded.

When I try to write this I get an exception when a non-numeric is entered and the code stops.

What can I do? Also, am I finding the average of the array correctly?

import java.util.*;
public class Grades{
public static void main(String args[]){
int arraycount = 0;
final int SIZE = 10;
int validArraycount = 0;
final int ValidArraySize = 10;

[Code] ......

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Cannot Convert From String To Boolean And Int To String

Apr 6, 2014

I have errors in the "if" and both "else if" ... The compiler says "cannot convert from String to boolean and int to String ...


1. Add two private instance variables, String courseName and char grade to this class.

2. Add accessor and mutator methods for these instance variables.

3. Add a method register which receives an integer data type and returns String data type according to the argument passed to it ("Math" for 1, "English" for 2, "No course" for any other input)

What I have so far:

package assignment9;
 public class BannerUser
private int userId;
public int getUserId()
return this.userId;
public void setUserId(int userId)

[Code] ......

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Api That Convert Speech To Text But Complete English Not Predifined Words Only

Oct 16, 2014

java api that convert speech to text but complete english not predifined words only.

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Convert Int To String

Nov 17, 2014

How can i convert int to string ? The error I get is count cannot be resolved.

System.out.print("How many days?: ");
numberOfDays = keyboard.nextInt();
for(int count = ':';count <=memberCount; count++ )
System.out.print("What is band member # " + "'s name?");
memberName = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.print("What is"+ memberName+"'s instrument?");
instrument = keyboard.nextLine();
members +=(count.toString() +":" + memberName +" -" + instrument + "" );

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How To Convert String Into Int

Apr 16, 2014

I created a word object representing a specified string under my public class word method such as

Word w = new Word("Blue");

now I am required to return a hashcode for this word, which is an integer based on the words instance data under the method called

public Word(String w);

I am not sure how to convert the string into an int so I would be able to return a hashcode.

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Replace String Text With Foreign Characters - JTextArea Output Plain Text

May 21, 2014

The problem is i want to replace some string text with foreign characters, but JTextArea returns plainText.

For Example:

str = new String();
str.replace('e', 'é');

but textArea returns plainText.

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Cannot Convert From String To Double

Oct 4, 2014

//Students Full Name
firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter student " +
"first name.");
lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter student " +
"last name.");
// Get test grade (numbers)
[b]test1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter test1 grade")[/b];

The line in bold is where that error comes up. I know it something simple but I can't remember. I declared both firstName and lastName as Strings and then the test1 I declared as double. I had a similar error in a previous assignment where I had a integer(age) input and then i had an output statement asking for a name all I needed to do was put keyboard.nextLine(); after my age input and I was fine.

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Convert String To Integer

May 21, 2014

I have to make a programm where the user gives you the bank sorting code and the account number and you give him the IBAN. That was so far no problem and I was done within minutes except of one thing that I simply can't figure out even though im trying since weeks. At some point I have to convert a string to integer. My research told me its with parseInt() and I dont get a syntax error when I compile my programm (using BlueJ). But when executing the programm stops and gives me some weird bug message. Here is code and bug message:

Java Code:

public class IBAN {
public IBAN(String Bankleitzahl, String Kontonummer) {
Bankleitzahl=Bankleitzahl.replace(" ",""); // Die Leerzeichen werden entfernt
int Anzahl=Bankleitzahl.length(); // Auf der Variabel Anzahl wird die Anzahl der Zeichen von der Bankleitzahl gespeichert

[Code] .....

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