Java Type Promotion Query - Int Cannot Be Assigned To Byte

Oct 14, 2014

I've a small question relating to type promotion I can't find an answer for on the web. Basically in your code if you have :

byte b = 0;
b = b + 1;

The compiler will complain about the result being an int which cannot be assigned to a byte. That I understand, as b on the right hand side of the expression is promoted to an int and the result of the addition is an int. However the following does compile :

byte b = 0;

Does the post increment not carry out the post increment as "give me the value of b and then add 1 to b" where I would have expected 'add 1 to b' to do the same integer promotion as the previous example ? The compiler will also allow the following

byte b = 0;
b += 1;

Again , why is no type promotion happening here ?

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Type Conversion In Expressions - Int To Byte

Feb 22, 2015

I am reading a book on Java and we are at a point where it is explaining type conversion in expressions. One of the examples shared has a byte being multiplied by itself and then assigned back to itself ...

byte b;
b = 10;
b = (byte) (b * b);

this is all good and dandy (that is, the code functions properly).

However, I am confused why I need to typecast here! Without the cast, the compiler screams, "Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte." Yet I haven't converted to an int?? It appears there was an implicit conversion.

The final value, 100, is clearly within byte's range of -127 to +127 isn't it? So I am lost as to what is the issue here.

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PreparedStatement For MySQL Query - Where Query Seems To Get Cut Off

Mar 21, 2014

I am having a problem with a PreparedStatement for a MySQL query, where the query seems to get cut off. I can't really post a self contained example, because it involves an SQL database.The part of the code with the problem...

Java Code:

public void insertEntry(
Hashtable<String, String> strings,
Hashtable<String, Integer> integers,
Date created, Date paid, boolean enabled)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {


The output of the whole program, though all it has done so far is create some default values and attempt to insert them with the above code, where the problem occurs.

Debug: SQLpaid = 1990-03-21

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorEx ception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT enabled=0, username='default_username', created='2000-03-21', paid='1990-' at line 1
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInsta nce0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInsta nce(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newI nstance(


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Java Console SQL DB Query App

Nov 4, 2014

I seem to be having a issue with my java console app what it should do is query a SQL DB and list the user details (userid, firstname ,lastname) from the user table, and the users stocks (stockname ,stockdiscription) associated to each user from the userstocks table if I'm thinking correctly!

I'm sure it is just a logical error, but I'm not sure of the way to get the out put I'm looking for. I will add the file and file as well as the current Exception(Run Time Exception) below.

**I have added other users and stocks manually - Not just what the file inserts **

Output and Exception:

Stock holdings by User
User ID User Name
Stock - Description
admin01 Default Admin
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet is closed
at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.checkOpen(
at DatabaseQuery.main(
Press any key to continue . . .

Java Code:
import java.sql.*;
public class MakeDB
public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception

[Code] ....

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Java Int Short And Byte Variables Are Same Thing?

Mar 15, 2015

okay so it says that java int short and byte variables are the same thing. They take whole numbers. But what is the point of byte and short to even exist if int covers it all? Is the short and byte just for fun?

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How To Convert Byte Array To Jpg File Using Java

Apr 30, 2014

i have I byte array ,That I was getting from the gps packets , I need to convert that into jpg file
public static void writejpegfile(byte[] someByteArray) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("image" + new Date().getTime() + ".jpg")
try {


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Dynamic SQL In Java - Query Value From Database

Jun 18, 2014

I have code which query value from database, the use case is the user can enter value as 1,01,11 in database but when the user enter value in xml file he can only enter 11,01,12 in database there is two columns lets say column test1=1 and test2=2 combination of this is 12, which is the value the use will enter in xml, but sometime the use can enter test1=04 than column test2=00 how can i approach this
I got table called card with column crdind,crdpos1,cardpos2 as primary key. The user can enter value as
another row
another row

The rule say if you enter one number in crdpos1 eg 2 than you must enter value in crdpos2 it can be any number 1-9 but if you enter 00-09 in crdpos1 than crdpos2 is 00
The challenge I have is to query this value after they been enter. I have xml file which got field crdpos the use enter 15 which is the combination of column crdpos1=1 and crdpos2=5 ... How can I split the value crdpos and got and able to query in database in two separate column ....

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Simple Selection Descending Sorting After Values Assigned

Oct 7, 2014

I am working on descending after I assign values. And everything is sorted, but one value. I don't know why always I get one value is not sorted.

public class SeunghunJunHw6 {
public static void main(String[] args){
double[] randomArray = new double[9];
//assign random double values between 0 to 100 but exclude 100
for(int i = 0; i<randomArray.length;i++){
randomArray[i] = Math.random()*100;

[Code] ....

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JSP :: EL Expressions - Find A Place Where Values For Status Is Being Set / Assigned To

Feb 4, 2014

I have a web application project built in Spring MVC 2.5. There are some EL expressions which are used in JSP as below:


But, I coudln't find any place in Java/JSP where the value for status is being set. What could be the possible place where the values for status is being set.

As the code is client specific, so, I couldn't paste the specific code over here but I have searched in whole workspace i couldn't find a single place where values for status is being set/assigned to.

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Query Embed In JAVA Returns NULL

Oct 4, 2014

I have embed a query in the JAVA to retrieve the data from the back end and I use Oracle for back end. What I'm trying to do is in my query has been shown below. The issue here is that result set returns the NULL. But fine when I change the query "SELECT 5 FROM DUAL" and it returns 5 for me which right. When I try to run the same at the back end as a query I'm getting proper result.
public String getReturnPart(String partNumberIn) {
//int returnPartNumber = 0;
  String query =
  //String query = "SELECT 5 AS CHECK1  FROM DUAL"; This returns fine as "5"
  ResultSet result = null;

[Code] ....

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File System - Managing Secondary Memory Simulated As Byte Array In Java

Feb 11, 2014

I and a friend are working with a project to create a file system, who manages a secondary memory simulated as a byte array in Java. We want the file system to be a hierarchical tree structure like in UNIX.

We have come quite far, but the paths are not handled correct. I seem to have mistaken the relative folder ./ for the root folder, but it should mean "working directory folder", ie, where I stand now. That is, if I stand in /dir1 as my "working directory" and make mkdir ./dir2 then should dir2 end up as subfolder in dir1. But with me it appears in the root.

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Using Byte Instead Of Int?

Jan 1, 2015

Is there an advantage in using byte instead of int beyond the space savings? In my program, I'll never need close to the max value of a byte, let alone int, so it seems like a waste to make my primitives ints.

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Conversion From Int To Byte Errors

Jun 11, 2014

It's probably really obvious, like it usually is, but I can't figure out why I am getting these errors on multiple functions.

if (!client.lowMem) {
for (int l = this.onDemandFetcher.getVersionCount(2), i2 = 1; i2 < l; ++i2) {
if (this.onDemandFetcher.method569(i2)) {
this.onDemandFetcher.method563(1, 2, i2); //Error

[Code] ....

The error I get on this line of code is 'Custom may not have been initialized', but no matter what I do, the error sticks.

Custom.cacheIndex = (Custom.cacheIndex + 1) % 10;
final Custom Custom = Custom.cache[Custom.cacheIndex];

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Printing Original Byte

Nov 20, 2014

Why when I do this:

System.out.println((byte) 99);

I still get: 99 ... not the hex representation of the byte!!

Why is that?

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Sending Byte Arrays Over TCP / IP?

Sep 15, 2014

I need to send a byte array across a network. I know how to do this. (server->client)

byte[] myArray = new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

... and I know how to receive it.

byte[] myArray = new byte[10];;

When I send over one of these arrays, it ends up stopping storing values in the array when only about half the array is received, even though the array is sent from the server all at once. This results in the receiver's array, in this case, being something like {1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0,0}.

I can easily solve this - and already have - by simply adding a loop onto it and waiting for the bytes to all be received, as the method returns the amount of bytes actually read.

byte[] myArray = new byte[10];
int bytesRead = 0;
while( bytesRead < myArray.length) {
bytesRead += myArray, bytesRead, myArray.length - bytesRead );

I am simply wondering if there is a better solution to this, as the current solution isn't that elegant. Did I do something wrong to cause only a part of the array to be sent first? Would it be better to use DataInputStream.readByte() to read off the bytes one by one rather than an array at once, and then store them in an array afterward? Would this cause a performance decrease as each byte is read individually? (I'm sending an array of several million bytes)

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Function To Know If Byte Is Powered On Or Not

Aug 30, 2014

I am trying to make a function to tell me how to know if a byte is powered on or not but it must be through a mask depending on the position you send.

bool estaEncendido(char byte,int pos)
// byte = byte<<(7-pos) ;
//byte = byte>>(pos+1);
int mask=1;
int result =1;
for(pos=0; pos<8; pos++, mask <<=1)

[Code] ....

In the main should have been as well

/*00000101 */
/*00000100 &*/
/*00000100*/This ignition

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Getting Int Type Cast To Lower Precision Char Type In Parasoft JTEST

Mar 11, 2014

Below code I am using to typecast int to char.

char escapeValue = (char)0;
char cha = (char) 10;
escapeValue = (char)(escapeValue * cha); // Here am getting the above error.

I have 38 similar issues in my workspace.

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Byte Stream To String Conversion?

Apr 1, 2014

I am getting byte stream as below. These looks like UTF 8 bytes


I want java code which will convert above bytes to string as shown below


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Byte Array Negative Values

Mar 30, 2015

I am new to Android. I have byte array of size 10. I am passing the Decimal values (131 - 140) to byte array. But while printing I get Negative (-) values with decreasing order .

How can I get same value as positive values?

Or How can I store positive value e.g. 131 as byte array element.

Please not my requirement is array must be ByteArray only

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Byte Array Sign Extend

Apr 27, 2015

I have a checksum function that is suppose to read IPV4 packet and return a short integer value. The IPV4 packets are stored in a byte array. I am having trouble storing the first 8 bits and second 8 bits of the short integer into the byte arrays especially when they have leading 1s. For example, if my checksum returns 5571 (binary = 0001 0101 1100 0011) The first 8 bits is suppose to represent 195 but when I try to assign a larger integer type to a btye the information gets sign extended. The 195 turns into -61. I tried using bit addition like array[10] = array[10] & 0xff, but the result remains the same.

public static short checksum(byte [] a, int length) {
short sum = 0;
long data;
int i = 0;
while(length > 1) {
data = (((a[i] << 8) & 0xff00) | ((a[i + 1]) & 0xff));
sum += data;


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Web Services :: Custom Class With Byte

Dec 23, 2014

I'm trying to create Web Services with Eclipse (Java Runtime 7 (also tried 8) Tomcat 7 (also tried 8).Web Service with parameter "byte[]" and return value "byte[]" works fine.Web Service with parameter "myOwnClass" and return value "myOwnClass" works also fine.But if I have a "byte[]" element in "myOwnClass" and I run my Client test program I get the following error:

faultCode: {}Server.userException
faultString: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "MTExMTExMTExMQ=="

Why? I don't have any numeric element (such as int ...) in my class members!?

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Is Type Irrelevant As Long As Value Is Within Boundaries Of Type Of Switch Expression

Apr 30, 2014

If you have final int i = 1;
short s = 1;
switch(s) {
case i: System.out.println(i);

it runs fine. Note that the switch expression is of type short (2 bytes) and the case constant is of type int (4 bytes).My question is: Is the type irrelevant as long as the value is within the boundaries of the type of the switch expression?I have the feeling that this is true since:

byte b = 127;
final int i = 127;
switch(b) {
case i: System.out.println(i);

This runs fine again, but if I change the literal assigned to i to 128, which is out of range for type byte, then the compiler complains.Is it true that in the first example the short variable and in the second example the byte variable (the switch expressions) are first implicitly converted to an int and then compared with the case constants?

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How To Convert Input Array Of Type Strings To Class Type

Aug 14, 2014

class Passenger{
String name;
int age;
char gender;
int weight;
public Passenger(){

[Code] ....

This is showing error.....error it gives isthat it cannot change from string type to passenger type......... How to do it??????

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Addition Of Generic Type Parameter Causes Member Type Clash

Apr 22, 2014

Got a problem with generics, which I'm still pretty new at. Here's a program that compiles fine:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Experiments {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ListHolder holder = new ListHolder();

[Code] ....

It's useless, but it compiles. If I change Line 14, however, to add a generic type parameter to the ListHolder class, Line 10 no longer compiles:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Experiments {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ListHolder holder = new ListHolder();

[Code] ....

I get this error:

Uncompilable source code - incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to javax.swing.JComponent
at experiments.Experiments.main(

Apparently, the introduction of the type parameter leaves the compiler thinking that aList is of type Object. I can cast it, like this:

JComponent c = ((ArrayList<JComponent>)holder.aList).iterator().next();

That makes the compiler happy, but why is it necessary? How does adding the (unused) type parameter to the ListHolder class end up making the compiler think the aList member of an instance of ListHolder is of type Object?

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JSP :: Query String URL

Apr 10, 2014

how this query string will be prnted it is not showing me the psid values.

<tr bgcolor="pink" >
<td><%=resultSet.getString("FirstName") %></td>
<td><%=resultSet.getString("LastName") %></td>
<td><%=resultSet.getString("Username") %></td>
<td><%=resultSet.getString("Password") %></td>
<td><a href="Edit.jsp?psid="<%=resultSet.getInt("Psid")%>>Edit</a></td>
<td><a href="Delete.jsp">Delete</a></td>

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How To Convert String Type To Generic Class Type

Mar 22, 2015

I have a String repersentaion of some Object.I want that object convert back into some class type how can I do this?

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