JavaFX 2.0 :: Creating 4 Quadrants On Bubble Chart

Aug 17, 2014

I want to create 4 quadrants on a bubble chart. How can I do that. I have already created by bubble chart. The quadrant chart using JFreeChart is given here (Dave Gilbert's Weblog : Weblog) but I want to create it using JavaFX charting.

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Creating Flowchart For Bubble Sort

Apr 27, 2015

I have to make a flowchart that shows a bubble sort. Here is the exact directions: provide a flowchart for a bubble sort, and write the pseudo-code that corresponds to the flowchart. You can assume the existence of a swapElement method (ie. use the predefined process symbol).one that does one pass through the array and returns a boolean if items were swapped (I'll call this the one pass method) another method that repeatedly calls the one pass method until that method returns false.This means that your flowchart will have two separate pieces for the one pass method and for the overall flow of the program (this one would use the predefined process symbol for the one pass method).

I have looked up what a bubble sort. It says it is another type of sort that involves repeatedly stepping through the array comparing adjacent items and swapping them if they are in the wrong order.The sort steps through the list multiple times until no swaps are needed, at which point the list is sorted.

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Creating A Chart For Work?

Mar 6, 2015

I need to create a chart for work and comes across this sample from mbostock's chord diagram (

I only need to revise the tick label (names, display positions) but I don't know how to do it as I have 0 experience with Java.

My sample data for the var matrix is


which shows flows between country A, B, C and D.

I would like to revise the tick labels, so that:

1) Instead of showing 0K 5K 10K, I would like to show the country names (A - D), with no number or tick. I figured out this one by just commenting out all the codes relating to ticks.

2) Place the country names in the center of the arch. I don't know how to do this one.

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Creating Chart Of Data - SerialPorts

Apr 10, 2015

I'm creating a small program that will be able to chart data that will be transmitted from a sensor device connected to the USB port. I would like to create a running chart that will display the data sequentially with respect to time.

[URL] ....

I am not sure how to implement the runLater function and display the data. What should I hope to accomplish using the ranLater function? I understand that I need to an XYChart.Series to keep a continuously modifying chart, but other than that I'm not sure how to implement it.

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Pass Parameter To JavaFX Pie Chart

Jul 25, 2014

I have this class and I want to pass "pergunta" from another class:

Java Code:

here* = if I put a number, the code works. I want to receive the parameter "pergunta" here but I can't put a parameter in start .

I want to populate the array pergunta in a previous class and use in this one.

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.chart.*;
import javafx.scene.Group;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

Sep 14, 2014

Using the sample, I tried to create a horizontal stacked bar chart, but it didn't render correctly.  Only a sliver of one bar shows and cosmetically the bar's rounded corners are at the top instead of the right side.
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        String austria = "Austria";
        String brazil = "Brazil";
        NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();

[Code] ....
Oddly, if I change the second series to this, then only one bar shows:
        series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(10, austria));
        series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(15, brazil));

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Chart Axis Changing Color

Mar 20, 2015

I'm struggling to change the colour of the X and Y axis. I can change the colour of the ticks and the tick labels in CSS... But not the axis themselves.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: FXML Schema - Creating Dynamic Layouts

Jan 15, 2015

I need to create dynamic Layouts that are created from java source code, using JAXB. As FXML does not have a schema, this gets me in trouble.

Scene Builder cannot be used for dynamic Layouts, but if there really is no schema I could use, maybe someone knows how Scene Builder generates the fxml files.

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Find Out Logic Behind Bubble Sort

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to find out the logic behind the Bubble sort,

for(a=1; a < size; a++)
for(b=size-1; b >=a ; b--){
if(nums[b-1] > nums[b]){
nums[b-1] = nums[b];


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Creating Front-end Application That Uses Command Line Tools

Sep 8, 2014

I'm creating UI's that run on top of backend tools that can run from seconds to days and output GB's of generated data (imagine running tar on the Google servers).
I understand how to execute my backed tools using a runtime process and how to interact with them, and running a simple text as a command line Java app works as expected.  The issue occurs when I wrap the code in a JavaFX frount end UI try to update the UI elements in a reasonable manner.  If I simply use System.out.println() as in the command line version, I see the output from my task.  However, simply trying to put that same output into a TextArea using .appendText() doesn't update the TextArea until the background process completes.
I see all sorts of clippings relating to Task, CreateProcess, invokeLater, updateProgress, but none of them seem to solve their original posters' question (nor mine at this point).

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Bubble Sort - Array Out Of Bounds Exception

Jan 10, 2015

I am having trouble with an array out of bounds exception. I understand what the error means (that I am trying to access part of array that does not exist). But I do not see the error in my code.

Java Code:

public class bubbleSort
public static void main(String []args)
int i;
int array [] = {12,9,4,99,120,1,3,10};


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Linking Elements Of Two Arraylists Together For A Bubble Sort?

Jun 13, 2014

I have been doing a program that allows the user to input students names and numerical grade values. I have already completed 3/4 of the program but am stuck on the bubblesort method as this is what it requires:

The program must have an indefinite loop, which prompts the user to select a sorting criterion or to end the program, and must also use bubble sort. Note: The user may either select name or grade as the sorting criteria. The program must use bubble sort to sort that data according to the specific criteria and then use another loop to display the data. This process must continue until the user ends the program.

My problem is, while i can easily do the bubblesort, where to look on how to link elements of the two arraylists I'm using (one for grades, one for names) so that when the user decides what sort they want, the individual's name and grade stays together.

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Program To Accept 10 Name In String And Sorting In Bubble Sort Alphabetically

Jun 10, 2014

Class bubble
public static void main()throws IOException
BuffetedReader br=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
int j, k, temp;
String st[]=new string [10];

[Code] .....

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How To Create A PIE Chart

Jan 14, 2014

Here is the application that does this; test your coding of class PieChartWriter with it.

import java.awt.*;
public class TestPieChart
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ PieChartWriter p = new PieChartWriter();
p.setTitle("How I spend my day");
p.setSlice1("Sleep: 7 hours", 7,;
p.setSlice4("Recreation: 9 hours", 9, Color.gray);
p.setSlice2("In class: 3 hours", 3,;
p.setSlice3("Homework: 5 hours", 5,;

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Bar Chart With Asterisks

Oct 12, 2014

I need to make a loop that prints out a certain number of asterisks, depending on the random number generated (includes 0-24, not including 25). I'm just in basic java programming and am stuck on this task.

These are the directions given to me:

Write a loop to do the following tasks 10 times:
-Generate a random number in the range of 0 to 24 and store in an int variable named: score
-Write loop to print a bar of asterisks proportional to the value in score :

For example: , if value stored in score is 8, the bar chart should like as follows: (value of score spaced by a tab ( ) and a series of 8 asterisks in one line)
8 ********
//end of the loop

I've tried looking for other questions like this, but this one is a random number, with no input. Yes, I know there are easier ways, but my professor is extremely picky with everything.

This is what I have so far:

public class PA5LoopsA {
public static void main(String [] args) {
//Declare variables
int score;
//Generate random number between 0 and 24
score = (int) (Math.random() * 25);

[Code] ....

Clearly, none of my formatting went through...yes, I know how to space everything out!

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Bar Chart With Asterisks?

Oct 19, 2014

Here is the assignment instructions:

Overview: Use the Eclipse Java environment to create and test a program using methods that will display a bar graph.

Specifics: This assignment is an extension of the Module 5 activity, the first bar chart (asterisk) display program. You should also make use of the Bar Chart printing program of Chapter 6 (Fig. 6 in the textbook, p. 217).

Your program should use methods to accept input from the keyboard, store it in an array, and use that data to display a bar graph.

Pseudocode for the program might look like the following.

declare an array of integers
get the number of asterisks in each bar
print the bar graph
get the number of asterisks in each bar
declare a Scanner input object
declare an array to fill and return


Problem is I cannot get it to display the number of asterisks I enter as input.

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JSF :: Organizational Chart In Primefaces

Dec 31, 2013

I would like to create this type of chart with Primefaces (or another JSF API), what is the best component to use to do this:

[URL] .....

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Displaying Pie Chart In JScrollPane

Mar 12, 2014

I have a JScrollPane and JTable inside. In the right column of the table at the end (south) I made a ChartPanel in one of the classes where I make the design for the Frame:

Java Code:

ChartPanel chartpanel = new ChartPanel(pieChart);
pCapturing.add(chartpanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

And when I click on any row above, from the list in the column, I would like an appropriate pie chart to be drawn.

I need here (in another class where I define the getTableCellRendererComponent) to enter a code to display the chart in the last row of the panel:

Java Code:

PieChart3 pie=sectionsChartProvider.getSectionPieChart(section);
if((hasFocus) || (isSelected)) {
if(column == 0)
setBorder( new MatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 0, colorBorder) );

[Code] .....

But, I don't know how to do this. I also have a class for drawing the pie chart.

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Making Pie Chart For Values That The Row Contain

Mar 9, 2014

I use JTable and JScrollpane in my java application, and I would like for every selected row in the scroll pane, the pie chart to be made for the values in % that the row contain.

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Class Can't Implement Chart

Mar 10, 2014

i'm getting cryptic error messages for the following code:

class MyChar implements CharSequence{
private String s;

public MyChar(String input)
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(input);
this.s = b.toString();


it's telling me something's wrong with the class modifier and that my class can't implement chart

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Seating Plan / Chart

Sep 15, 2014

I want to develop a seating chart/plan where people can pick their seat etc. I have developed the UML diagrams etc for this project and want to start with a console version before developing a GUI version. Eventually I want to create a website where users can log in and reserve their seats etc.

Without sounding like I'm putting the cart before the horse, I want to know what Java technologies I will need to develop the final part of the project. At the moment I'm using Eclipse for getting through the Java text books.

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Administrative Chart Plotting

Feb 18, 2015

I want to plot an administrative chart(flow chart of an organization) and I truly do not not know how to start.

* Collect data from database
* use jgraph or any other api to create the flow chart.

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Print Array Asterisk Bar Chart

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to get this program to take 5 integers from a user and print a bar chart made of asterisks. The only way I've been able to access the values stored in the array is when my loops are nested, but this keeps my output from printing the way I would like it to.

It prints:
Enter a number:
Enter a number...and so on

I want it to take the values say(2,3,5,8,4) and do this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int[] barArray = new int[5];
for(int i =0; i < barArray.length; i++){
System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
barArray[i] = in.nextInt();
for(int j = 0; j < barArray[i]; j++){
System.out.print("* ");

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JSF :: How To Save Chart Into JPEG Image When Using Primeface

Feb 26, 2014

<p:barChart id="category" value="#{machineReport.barChart}"
rendered="#{machineReport.isGraphical}" legendPosition="e"
title="Performance Chart" minY="0" maxY="40" minX="0" maxX="40"
xaxisLabel="Total Time" yaxisLabel="Total Pieces"
style="height:500px;width:700px;" />

[code] ....

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Monthly Temperature Chart Of Two Places - Array / While Loops

May 29, 2014

I started taking a java programming class javascript eclipse The program says it wants a monthly temperature chart of two places..Declare an array of values for Blueville temperatures and another array for Orlando temperatures. Then, use what you have learned to produce a program to output the following table:

Blueville Monthly temperatures

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

3 3 5 10 16 20 24 23 16 10 5 3

Orlando Monthly Temperatures

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

14 16 12 23 24 25 27 30 25 22 17 15

The warmest month in Blueville is _______

The warmest month in Orlando is ________

The month with the greatest temperature spread is __________

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Simple GUI Task - Draw Pie Chart With Different Colors

Jan 31, 2014

Simple gui task. it meant to draw pie chart with different colors. i can't seem to find a mistake in it. It works if i put in g2g.draw(arc) i know arcs overlaps a bit due int conversion, but that's ok.

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.Color;

[Code] ....

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