JavaFX 2.0 :: Debugging Connection Timeout In WebView

Nov 4, 2014

I've run in an issue with connection timeout in the WebView. Requesting the URL in a browser will result in an answer, however it may take some time. Running the same request from the WebView results in a connection timeout.

What is the connection timeout for loading a page through the WebView (from issuing the request webEngine.load(url) to the state change failed passes about 40s). The Request in a browser takes about 10s.

Can I manipulate the underlying connection of the WebView (as suggested at java - How to connect to an HTTPS URL from a JavaFX application - Stack Overflow)

Can I set the connection timeout on the WebEngine/WebKit or per request?Is there an issue targeting this?Likewise I would be interested to get a handle on the connection so I can evaluate the header data to retrieve useful information (like response was a PDF which cannot be rendered in the WebView)....

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Web Services :: Getting Connection Timeout Using Httpsconnection?

Mar 9, 2015

package com.dnex;


I am getting the connection time out error in below line :-

System.out.println("response code"+httpConnection.getResponseMessage());

Note:-I need to pass user id and pwd in header parameter.and I am using https connection.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: WebView And OpenLayers3

Sep 22, 2014

I'm using WebView to display an OpenLayers3 map, e.g. Animation example from When I lock my screen and unlock it, none of the openlayers layers are re-drawn. Sometimes bringing the window in to focus or a small resize of the component will cause the map to go blank. This doesn't occur in any browser I've tested, so it seems to be a WebView specific issue, although it also seems to be layer specific and possibly cache related. I've only tested on Windows, 1.7.0_51 x64 and 1.8.0_05 x64 ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Show SVG-Image In WebView

Dec 2, 2014

I would like to reopen the following discussion: Show SVG-Image in WebView (JavaFX 8)
In our IDE (Eclipse Luna) running with jdk1.8.0_25 we load a html page into the webengine. The html page contains <img> tags with '.png' and '.svg' as src. Everything looks fine.

But if we execute the programm with java -jar, the WebEngine doesn't display the svg-files. Instead it shows the 'File not find'-Icon. The .png files still work
The files are definitly included into the jar and will be displayed if we link to them via <a href="someSvg.svg"></a>
So why it doesn't work.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Printing WebView Causes NullPointerException

Jun 17, 2014

I tried to print something using the new JavaFX 8 printing logic. Unfortunately, it does not work.
Linux Mint 17x64
Oracle JDK 8u5
Default printer is cups pdf

package sample;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.print.PrinterJob;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;

Debugging shows the array MediaPrintableArea[] mpa at J2DPrinter:839 is missing its first element, which causes the exception at line 844.

If I execute

service.getSupportedAttributeValues(MediaPrintableArea.class, null, null)
instead of

service.getSupportedAttributeValues(MediaPrintableArea.class, null, pras)
I get an array with an element on the first position.
The msn object used for the PrintRequestAttributeSet is "iso-a4", which causes the missing first element in the MediaPrintableArea[] array.

So why does this happen? Am I missing some important config stuff? I tried to fix it myself, but I am not able to debug service.getSupportedAttributeValues(...).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Playing Youtube Video In WebView

Aug 24, 2014

I'm building app using Javafx Webview, but I have problems with running any Youtube video in Webview. The strange thing is that rarely it plays ok but more often it shows info "An error occurred, please try again later".
I tried to figure it out, so I made simple app using Youtube iframe API and firebug lite to show where is the problem:

Here is source of

Here is source of video.html
When I run it on my PC I see the result as below:

Error state 5 means "The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.".

When I run this video.html file in firefox, chrome, or internal eclipse browser, everything is ok and always work.
I use JRE and JDK 1.8.20 but tried also with older versions, Windows 7 64 bit. I've also installed DivX - did not work. I tried on different PC (also win7 64 bit) and asked 2 people with similar config to run this - and it is not working. As far as I know there is everything ok on Mac.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Handle File Download In WebView

May 6, 2015

I can't find an handler or a listener to intercept the 'Save as' window that should pops up when i click on a download link in a webview embedded page.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: WebEngine SetAttribute Is Not Reflected In WebView

Sep 6, 2014

I have a WebView which displays a site. At a specific page I want to fill in some values into <input> elements. So i use such an event handler (browser is of WebView class)
                                new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
          public void handle(MouseEvent e) {           
            Document doc = webEngine.getDocument();
            if (doc == null) {
              System.out.println("Doc is null");

[Code] ....
The handler sets the "value" but view doesn't reflect that, field is empty.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Store Cookies Permanently In Webview?

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to develop a app for facebook and other social networks using webview. When the app is closed all the cookies are removed and when it is relaunched we can't get use of cookies.  I want to know how to store cookies permanently and use them when the browser is relaunched. And I also want to know how to save web history permanently.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: HTML Rendering With Webview Component

Nov 14, 2014

I have a big issue to render this html page with the webview component :
<html><head lang="en">  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <title>Pb Rotate</title>  <style type="text/css">   #myDivRotate {
color: purple;   background-color: #d8da3d;   height: 200px;   width: 300px;   margin-top: 20px;   margin-left:20px;   -webkit-transform:perspective(400px) rotateX(30deg);   -webkit-backface-visibility: visible;   }
   </style></head><body>  <div id="myDivRotate">   Coucou

The problem is from "perspective" in -webkit-transform. Without it's ok. But with this one, the result is different from a standard browser like chrome or safari.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Display Image In WebView From External Directory

Jun 18, 2014

I have a WebView and a Javascript that appends an <img> tag in a webview.
Like so:
function insertImg(src) {
   $("body").append("<img src='" + src + "'/>");
I call this function with the following code:
String path = "file://Users/rod/Desktop/123.gif";
webengine.executeScript("insertImg('" + path + "')");
However, this does not work and no image is displayed.
How can this be achieved?

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MySQL Connection From JavaFX Controller

Nov 16, 2014

I am unable to connect my javafx scene to mysql database. I get a java.lang.NullPointerException every time. I tried searching everywhere possible but no answers available. This is the Person class (super class for Teacher class):

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Skipping Lines During Debugging

Dec 19, 2008

I'm working or better say.. I'm trying to work :) with Maven projects (m2eclipse plug-in) and Eclipse IDE. The problem I have is that sometimes the debugger seems to skip some lines of the code without a reason.

Is there an issue of synchronisation with my .class files?

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Debugging Client-server Program In Eclipse

Sep 27, 2014

I've been provided a code skeleton for what must be done, but despite my best efforts to make things work, I'm coming up dry (obviously, due to a lack of knowledge.) One thing that might work is if I knew how to debug this type of application, line-by-line, to see exactly what is going on. Obviously, it's easy enough to debug the client part, but moving over to the server part, I haven't been able to figure that out (I'm using Eclipse.)

Anyways, here's the code I've got so far:


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Establish Connection Using Connection Pool And Retrieve Username

Sep 1, 2014

I have created a JSP page, on click of a particular button, the control moves to the servlet "TestServlet".

This is the code under TestServlet:

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;


Now, I have got a comment saying I should get the database connection from connection pool. And one more issue is that I have used the function System.getProperty("") to get the username which i have logged in. But this code will be run on Unix which will not support this function. Any function where I can get the windows username. There is a function getUserPrincipal(), but this function returns a NULL. How to resolve this.

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Servlets :: Closing DB Connection Retrieved From Connection Pool

Jan 11, 2015

I configured a connection pool in tomcat 7. For every database activity I get a connection from the pool. Do I have to close the connection like other regular connection after the database operation is done? If I close the connection will it have any effect on the connection pool?

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JSF :: Immediate Session Timeout

Jan 27, 2014

I have set the session timeout in web.xml to 60 but when I start on the home page and begin to enter any data I immediately get redirected to the timeout page.From the timeout page I can click a link that takes me to the home page. Now I get the 60 minutes before another timeout occurs. Changing the timeout only results in a change to the timeout after going back to the home page..why I am seeing an immediate timeout?

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Calling A Method With Timeout

Aug 8, 2014

I have a line code like this one:

String result = someHeavyMethod();

and I need to add this logic: "if the method doesn't finish within 10 seconds, cancel it and let me continue with the rest of the program".

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Timeout For A Method Execution

Dec 22, 2008

I have a method "doSomething" which can take a while to be fully executed.

boolean bResult = false;
bResult = doSomething();
System.out.println("Result:" + bResult);

I would like to be able to stop the method execution after 10 seconds and continue the normal execution of my class. This means:

- If doSomething() is executed in 3 seconds for example, the System.out.println() statement shows the result of the method

- If doSomething() is executed in more than 10 seconds, after 10 seconds the method is stopped and the System.out.println() will always have false as result.

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RMI :: Control RMI Lookup Timeout

Jul 24, 2014

I'd like to ask is there way to control the RMI lookup timeout through programming or network configurations.
In a testing environment, I have purposely disconnect or plug out the cable between two testing servers to check the reliability.

It took very long time for the RMI API to throw out java.rmi.ConnectException which used Naming.lookup(givenURL).

I have tried to set system properties like sun.rmi.transport.tcp.handshakeTimeout, but it didn't take effect at all.

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EJB / EE :: Gateway Timeout After 5 Minutes Websphere 8.0

Mar 10, 2014

I have a web application where the server has to write the excel document to the output stream.It takes more than 5 minutes for the server to write it.After 5 minutes i get a '504 gateway timeout' error code. I have tried setting the timeout values in the web container in Admin Console.Still the same problem.I followed this link.

[URL] ....

I even tried setting the ConnectionKeepAliveTimeout and ConnectionIOTimeOut values. But still didn't work. How do i increase the timeout value?

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Safari And Set Timeout JavaScript Function

Feb 20, 2014

I have a problem with a JavaScript application on Safari 6 and 7. The application updates a smartcard on a website, through a JAVA applet using JavaScript requests.
There is no problem with other browsers. On Safari , randomly (1 smartcard's update on 10), the javascript completely freezes in the middle of an update (on a random card).

After 5 minutes exactly, the javascript resumes, and 2 behaviors happens : the update wether continues or stops completely.
We investigated a lot about this problem , at network and memory level. We use a lot of "setTimeOut" function (approximately 1100 times), and read that setTimeOut could cause problems with memory management on Safari.
Does setTimeOut can freeze safari ?

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Servlets :: Restoring Session Variable After Timeout

Oct 17, 2014

My application uses Struts and IBM Web application Server. I have a question regarding session management. I have a variable stored in session scope, i.e. the name of the client. it is a intranet application. Now whenever the user leaves the browser screen for a long time, the session times out and losses the name of the client.

How to restore the variable after the client comes back and starts using the browser and refreshes the screen and starts using the application. I want just the browser to remember the session variable i.e. "name" of the client.

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Servlets :: Session-timeout Not Fully Working

May 9, 2014

in my web.xml my session time out is working but not fully working in my ui i use tiles , i have 5 clickable side panels i try to set timeout for 1 minute or 10 minutes for testing after the time is timeout this what happen working refresh the page after time out = working ,directed me into log in page which is correct.i have 5 clickable side panel in my page after timeout when i click the first 2 in side panel tabs it directed me into log in page which is also correct not working after the timeout when i navigate the page i click the other 3 side panels i can still navigate into the page but when i click the first 2 side panel it directed to log in page w/c is correct but can still navigate the page the other 3 side panels

issue : my session timeout is not fully working on my page.


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JSF :: Display Dialog Upon Session Timeout On Ajax Calls

Feb 19, 2013

I am new to JSF and I am working on handling session timeout for a JSF application. I am trying to get the code to work for ajax calls and not able to achieve that so far. I have tried two approaches:

Approach 1: SessionListener (for cleanup work) and SessionFilter (for filtering every request and checking if session timed out)

My Code snippet of doFilter() of SessionFilter:

if ((request instanceof HttpServletRequest)
&& (response instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
// is session expire control required for this request? (not required for home page or timeout page or JSF resources)
if (isSessionControlRequired(httpServletRequest)) {

[Code] .....

Both these approaches work for non-ajax POST calls but not for ajax calls. When I run my app in debug mode, I can step through all the statements for ajax calls also, which gives me an idea that the control does come to my code, executes it but for some reason, nothing happens on the UI.

I have been trying to redirect user to a timeout page but the ideal thing would be to display a JSF dialog and upon hitting 'OK' take user to Home Screen (My app does not have a login screen.) I have a basic questions also, is view expiring exactly same as session timeout?

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Java Servlet :: Implement Session Timeout For Users

Dec 7, 2012

Coding a web application using Java 6. Try to implement the session timeout for users.

In the web.xml, I added:

<session-timeout>480</session-timeout> <!-- jsp will expire in 8 hours -->

Now, during the runtime, if a user does not touch the jsp page for 8 hours (after the user has signed in), the session timeout mechanism will kick in. At that point, the server side will automatically execute:

rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/signin.jsp");

So that the user will have to re-sign in, before continue the work.

How can I achieve this goal?

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