JavaFX 2.0 :: FXML Application With Database

Jun 5, 2014

I'm new in JavaFX world. I'm going to write an application using FXML and this application will use embedded  database. Is there any tutorial or example showing how to connect FXML (using controller as I expect) with database. I'm using Hibernate with classic JAva - is it possible to work with Hibernate with JavaFX?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: StackedBarChart Not Updating In FXML App

Aug 14, 2014

The stacked bar chart not working with FXML and controller class. My code is given below
Controller class
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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* and open the template in the editor.
package javafxapplication27;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;

When I run this program, only the barchart populating, Stacked bar chart not displas any graph.
Output window

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Bi Directional Binding In FXML

May 13, 2014

We are currently doing the bi directional property binding in the java code, but it would be nice to declare those bindings at the point where the UI Controls are created, ie in our FXML files.
I understand bi-directional binding of the form
value="#{controller.path.propertyName}" was removed from JavaFX 2.1
Will it be put  back in 2.2?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Access FXML Controller

Jun 24, 2014

I used the SceneBuilder to create an applications and it works quite well. Now I got a problem to set the pref. size of a ScrollPane to the size of the app.

I want to install a binding between the scroll pane's pref. size and the stage's pref. size. Since the scroll pane field reside in the FXMLController class I need a way to access this field.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Pop Up Using Separate FXML File

Feb 23, 2015

I have created an application in SceneBuilder, and want to call a pop up (also created separately in scene builder) when a certain button is pressed. How?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: FXML Binding On Superclass

May 14, 2014

I'm using binding into fxml:

<Button fx:id="btnSalva" defaultButton="true" mnemonicParsing="false" disable="${controller.busy}"
onAction="#salva" prefHeight="57.0" prefWidth="141.0" styleClass="text-bold" text="Salva" />
Controller is my controller that extends another class from which it inherits busy property.

I see that fxmlloader only looks into the bottom class and not in superclasses, don't know if it's voluntarily or a bug.

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JavaFX - How To Open Multiple FXML Windows

Jun 2, 2014

I'm making a tic tac toe program. Currently I have a welcome screen for my tic tac toe game, once the button is clicked I want the main game to open. I have created two FXML VBox windows created from JavaFX Scene Builder. I want to know how to close the welcome menu and launch the 2nd FXML window.

This 2nd FXML window will have it's own controller where the tic tac toe calculations will be held.

Here is the event listener on when the mouse action is performed on the button

private void startGame(ActionEvent event) {

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JavaFX 2.0 :: FXML Tableview - Displaying Data?

May 9, 2014

I have an FXML table view. And I want to assign value from an tableview create on class to FXML tableview. But at the end is not displaying data.
@FXML private TableView fxmlTable;
             private  TableView insideClassTable;
public class SomeClass
     public SomeClass(){
          insideClassTable = new TableView();
               Filling insideClassTable with data.
             fxmlTable=  insideClassTable;
// some other code and main
If I set value to fxmlTable, data are display correctly, but if assign value to insideClassTable first and then make fxmlTable=insideClassTable they are not display.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Combine FXML Layouts Without Code

Jan 4, 2015

recently I've started using javafx and I wonder if there a way to combine FXML layouts without Java code, like insert smaller layout into bigger one?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Generate Import Tag In FXML File

Jul 16, 2014

Whenever I use a control inside an .fxml file like:
<Label></Label>, <TableView></TableView>, etcera ...
I get an exception for example:
Label is not a valid type., TableView is not a valid Type., etcera
This exception I then solve with placing an import tag inside the .fxml file.
However as I do not know each import name, I have to look this up like writing down:
Label label = new Label();
inside a class and then place my cursor on it to see which import name Eclipse generates.
This import name i then put inside the .fxml file with <? import ?> beginning and end tags with question marks around it.
Is there anyways to automatically generate these import tags inside an .fxml file even if you don't know the import name for the control you want to use?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Restrict TextArea To Allow Only IP Addresses With FXML

Jun 24, 2015

I have a TextArea that I am trying to restrict user inputs to allow only IP addresses format in that Area. So I thought of only allowing digits and decimal points. For multiple IPs, One IP per line, the TextArea needs to accept new lines. For the most part what I have below is working except for delete. I can't delete any entry even if I am using the associate Unicode.  Is this even the correct way of doing it?

public class RestrictIpInputTextArea extends TextArea {   
   public void replaceText(int i, int il, String string){
       if(string.matches("[0-9_u000A_u232B_u0008_u2421_._u007F_u005F]") || string.isEmpty()){
          super.replaceText(il, il, string);

[Code] .....
In my FXML File I calling it as <RestrictIpInputTextArea ......

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Variables With Multiple FXML Files

Mar 31, 2015

I have a multi scene JavaFX FXML application [URL] ....
I have added a TextField to Scene2.fxml and Scene3.fxml files each scene has its own Controller Class with a ScreensController class that loads a HashMap with Id name, Node screen that is defined in the ScreensFramework

class (Main class)
public void addScreen(String name, Node screen) {screens.put(name, screen);}

So each time you click a Button on a screen (scene) you fire an ActionEvent and move to another screen


What I would like to do if it is possible is use the value in the TextField on Sceen2 and transfer it to the TextField on Scene3. I have discovered that unless both FXML files are loaded this is so far not possible. This is a desktop application. So how do you create a variable that is GLOBAL and has a life after one class is unloaded or one FXML file is unloaded?

At this point I do not want a database to accomplish this task.I have developed in Visual Basic 6 where I would just declare a global variable that could be used through out the application.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Loading Localized Versions Of FXML Content?

Nov 25, 2014

I am trying to figure out the best way to load localized versions of FXML content. I know that I can localize strings, images etc. by specifying a ResourceBundle when loading the FXML using FXMLLoader with a ResourceBundle. But what about if you need to tweak the FXML for different locales (eg, adding more real estate for certain elements, different fonts, etc). Is there any way to create localized versions of FXML content? The only thing I can come up with is a naming convention like MyForm.fxml, MyForm_de_DE.fxml, ... and trying to load them based on the locale, but I'd have to come up with my own fallback for specific locales that aren't found.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: FXML Schema - Creating Dynamic Layouts

Jan 15, 2015

I need to create dynamic Layouts that are created from java source code, using JAXB. As FXML does not have a schema, this gets me in trouble.

Scene Builder cannot be used for dynamic Layouts, but if there really is no schema I could use, maybe someone knows how Scene Builder generates the fxml files.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: NullPointer By Accessing FXML Annotated Object

Jun 30, 2014

I got a strange (!?) behavior using an FXML annotated object ...
Consider the following:

You got an app with FXML build UI.

There is a button called connectB which is @FXML annotated...

In the initialize method of my app I disable this button.
After the startup of my app I want to connect to a DB ...

Therefore I use an Task<Void>

I put everything together in one class ( the main application class )

Here is the code...
public class MainApp extends Application implements Initializable{
// ... several other objects
  private Button connectB;
public void initialize( URL location, ResourceBundle resources ) {
connectB.setDisable( true );

[Code] .....
The connectB is not null in the initialize method but later in the task class ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Multiple Scene And Passing Variables With FXML Files

Mar 21, 2015

Lets say I have a desire to convert and entered value to Centigrade or Fahrenheit and that I have two Radio Buttons to designate the type of conversion with the Answer posted to a TextField on Scene Two from a button click event on Scene One ok Now I would like to convert the value in the TextField on Scene Two to Kelvin and reflect the value on Scene Three in a TextField by clicking a button on Scene Two
lets say  I have 4 FXML files sceneONE sceneTWO and scenMain and I created 4 controllers ControllerONE and MasterController

So far I can navigate to the different scens with just the MasterController code below...

BUT because I have two FXML files I can not capture the value in the first FXML file and pass it to the second scene
This project is my attempt to adapt the FXML style code from this web site

Switching to Different Screens in JavaFX and FXML | JavaFXTutorials

Which uses this code to switch scenes

    //get reference to the button's stage                stage=(Stage) btnS1.getScene().getWindow();
       //load up OTHER FXML document
       root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("ATTwo.fxml"));

But will not permit variable transfer due to scope of variables which reside in two different FXML files
public class MasterController implements Initializable{@FXML public Button btnS1;
@FXML public Button btnS2;
@FXML public Label lblS1;
@FXML public Label lblS2;
@FXML public TextField txfS1;
@FXML public TextField txfS2;
@FXML public AnchorPane root;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Offline Web Application With Database

Dec 15, 2014

Creating web application which needs to work online and offline as well with database. There is chances of using the application in offline when there is no internet connection. The application going to be used for getting inputs for some inspection process which may happened remote areas as well.

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Burning Java Application With Sqlite Database To CD

Jul 20, 2014

I have java application used to manage a sqlite database (add new records, search .....) I already have everything and I convert it to jar file but the question is how to burn it to cd with the sqlite database . I mean we need to change the database URL for connection class. My question is there any programs would combine my database + my jar file and make it exe file ?

or i should manually change my database url in connection class ? (if yes what should i write knowing that my database and my jar file will be burnt to a cd). I searched online but i could not found any one related sqlite database or at least a clear one . I already has my jar file but if i moved the database from its directory it will not work ...

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Running Database Inside Java Application

Jul 1, 2014

I have to store data I've pulled from the web i wanted to do this by storing it in a database but after looking at some tutorials i'm not sure if its possible as the databases don't seem to run with the application but instead run as an independent entity.if its possible to have a database in the java application so it runs when the application runs.

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How To Connect MySQL Database For Java Desktop Application

Jan 21, 2015

I want to develop desktop application with mysql . How to connect mysql . Any sample project or examples to learn .

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Web Application Which Takes In Data From Form And Store In Database

Jan 1, 2015

I am trying to develop a new web application which takes in data from a form and stores data in a database.I have included all the three files join.jsp(the form which takes in data), and JavaConncetDb(method which connects db and servlet). I get a 404 error when i try load the web application.

My file structure in eclipse

The error I am getting

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

[Code] .....

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Application Web Java To Insert Data Into Database Oracle From XML Files

Oct 27, 2014

I want to create an application wich can handle xml files ( display xml files's data on a html page) + insert those data into an oracle database.

I'm new to that, it a project for my internship. wich API is the most appropriate for that ( Jdom or Xstream or other), wich framework i can use ( there is only 3 IHM : connexion, upload file, display data, confirmation insertion data)?

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JavaFX :: Editable And Saveable Database

Jul 22, 2014

I am rather new to Java and to Javafx, I was able to make my program work to a point. I would like the file that is opened to appear in the editor tab and other files I open to appear in the viewer tab if they are not being edited. From what I have looked up I think that the HTML text editor might be the one for me the only question I have is how do I implement it and the file chooser ( because I think that would work).

package data.base;
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Improve Application Startup

Aug 26, 2014

I have a UI that uses fx:include to include a handful of nodes in a StackPane.  So far I have less than 10 panes and I can already notice a delay of ~3 seconds (on an older machine) when the initial scene is built.  It's especially noticeable because I'm using a pre-loader with a progress bar.  The progress bar runs smoothly until the pre-loader calls start() on my application.  After that, the scene is built on the application thread, so the progress bar doesn't get any more updates.  It looks like the progress bar freezes until the main scene is built and shown.
I was hoping I could build the main scene on the JavaFX launcher thread, but that doesn't work.  I tried it and, not surprisingly, get an exception for not being on the application thread.  What are the options, if any, for making an application's start up feel a bit smoother?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Multithreading In Background In Application

Dec 25, 2014

I need to work with multiple threads in background in a JavaFX application. I have a screen with ten buttons and I need to 'bind' each thread with the button that started the thread. If the user pressed a button that had started a thread (in the main screen,, I need to recover it to display the information that contains to display it on the controls of Details Screen ( a second screen,

What Class do you recommend for this? Service?

[URL] ....

It is possible to name the threads with any of these classes?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Access Application From Controller

Sep 25, 2014

I do Java for decades, but am a FXML beginner. Currently I do FXMLLoader.load(fxmlFile) in Application.start(), which is working well. My Application instance is creating a background thread in Application.init() which feeds several custom application properties with incoming data taken from a remote model (wrapping a sensor hardware). Some of my windows shall later be able to access those properties. So the question is: How can I inject my Application instance into the FXMLLoader-created controller instances auto-bound to the FXML-created Scene instances?

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