JavaFX 2.0 :: Implement Multiple Selection Model?

Jul 16, 2014

I have tried to implement MultipleSelectionModel with mostly success in TreeView, but definitely with quirks. I've looked at the implementation in TreeView and it's off putting to say the least. Hopefully it doesn't need to be that complicated. For now, all I need is it to handle SINGLE SELECTION, but it needs to be solid. I've put in a lot of println's to see what gets called. Most don't seem to be called. I'm relying on TreeView to look up the object being selected, I'm not sure if that's appropriate. The internal implementation seems to worry about tree state a lot.
It baffles me as to why there isn't a base class from which to extend or reuse? I'm doing this so I can delay a selection (make it vetoable), also to handle drag/drop more cleanly (so target won't move because of drag action).
    private class VSelectionModel extends MultipleSelectionModel {
        List<Integer> baseSelectedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
        ObservableList<Integer> selectedIndexes = FXCollections.observableList(baseSelectedIndexes);
        List<Object> baseItems = new ArrayList<>();
        ObservableList items = FXCollections.observableList(baseItems);
 [Code] ....

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How To Use Multiple Textures On A Model

Jan 24, 2014

How can i use multiple textures on a model? I have the .OBJ loader and .MTL loader and everything is working fine. I can use a single texture. But i have a model that has 2 textures. How can i use both of the textures?

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Model Galaxy - Multiple Stars With Different Masses

Mar 12, 2014

Here is a link to the program: [URL] ....

I am trying to model a galaxy so that I have multiple stars certain distances away from each other and with different masses.

The accretion and than cylinder expansion happens with just about every galaxy.

I have a few questions.

First My computer only runs this if the number of particles is in the 500s. If that's the case How can I increase the probability that I will when I get to it have a red giant?

Second how can I modify this so that I have a timescale during which white dwarfs form from some stars and you see in the single stars either no supernova or nova just degeneration or a type 2 supernova and in binaries a type 1a supernova which is like a type 2 supernova of 1 star when it is a red giant, that giant becoming a white dwarf, the other star becoming a red giant, and then the white dwarf sucking gas from the giant until it explodes and ejects its companion?

Third how can I make this compacted and taking up less space in case I want to expand it to a few galaxies or even start with a big bang?

Basically what I am asking is how can I make this like a universe?

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Using Multiple Selection Choices?

May 28, 2014

This program allows the user to select one of each different type of skateboard/accessories items. Then it allows the user to select as many misc items as he or she chooses. The program works fine for the single choices, but I cannot solve the latter part. I have a get method in the misc class that is trying to pull out any selection or selections that were made by the user, but it simply does nothing...

Here's my program, I have four panel classes for each skateboard type, and then I have one class that takes care of adding each panel to the content pane, and calculating the total cost of the item.

Decks Panel Class:

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
// The DecksPanel class allows the user to selects a specific type of skateboard
public class DecksPanel extends JPanel


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Worker Threads - Created By Model Or By Controller?

Dec 8, 2014

Sometimes models needs to access blocking devices, like network cards, databases, files, and so on. This should be done by worker threads or services. But who is in charge of that? The controller or the model itself? I tend to say it is the model, as only the model knows about the fact that it accesses a blocking object. On the other hand, it is said that a model should be a POJO, so it would be the controller's job. Is there a best practice or general design rule?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JTable Using CTRL / Click For Multiple Row Selection

Jul 6, 2014

I know how to do single selection, but I would like to do multiple row selection only by using CTRL + click without the option of dragging the mouse to select rows. So the user would have to hit ctrl + click each time to highlight additional rows.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Synchronize Model Representing Complex UI Composite With FlowPane Backing List

Aug 26, 2014

What is the best way to synchronize a Model representing a complex UI composite w/ a FlowPane's backing list?
Currently I have a change listener on the Model.  Upon an add I create a new UI composite and manually add it to the FlowPane's backing list via flowPane.getChildren().add().  Similarly if there is a remove, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, and remove it.  Similarly, if there is a modification detected, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, remove it, recreate the UI composite, and re-add it to the list.  I also need the list to be sorted, so I implemented a UIComposite comparator and call FXCollections.sort() on the FlowPane's backing list.  I feel like that is hacky, but it works.  It would be cool if I could maintain sort order in my model somehow and have that automatically propogated to the FlowPane's list.
I am correct in assuming that there is no way to have a complex binding in between an ObservableList<CompositeViewModel> and the FlowPane's backing list (ObservableList<T>)? 

Some kind of translator that could create a new UIComposite whenever there is a new CompositeViewModel added to the Model list.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Turn Off ListView Selection

Jul 21, 2014

I have a ListView with ListCells that are complicated things containing other nodes. I want to turn of ListView selection behavior (so not allow selections) without turning of events to the ListCell nodes in the ListView.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Inhibit Changing Selection

May 25, 2014

I have a Master/Detail application with a TreeView as Master Selection. I need to inhibit leaving a page if the contents are "invalid". How can I do that?

I tried to force the page again in a ChangeListener, but that doesn't work well, not even using Platform.runlater().

What's the "Best Practice" in this case?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Manipulate Selection Of Rows In A Table

Oct 30, 2014

I have a little problem in my Java FX application. in a tableview, I add records whatever... And i have a button that delete the selected record in the tableview, This button delete too the related record in a database.
When I select a row in this table , I store the ID of that record in a global variable to have it available . Thus, when I click on the delete button, delete the record from the database based on the ID that I stored in the global variable.
The problem is that tableview has a curious property. If I select the last row and I click on the delete button ( removing the last record of the tableview ) , the next higher row is automatically selected ; and causes the ID value stored change .
The row is deleted in the tableview is correct but apparently , when it comes to the method deletes the record from the database, the global variable ID is already updated and delete another record.
I would like to disable that property of the table so that the row can be selected only by the mouse ... or some other solution . 

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){
     table.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Object>(){

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TableView Single Cell Selection Styling

Jun 6, 2014

TableView selection model allows selecting single cells in the table but the default styling highlights the whole row regardless of the actual column selected in the row.

I am just wondering what options are there to change this behaviour so that the actual cell (row/column) get highlighted rather then the whole row.

Something like the $18,000 cell in the  "Figure 1 Table overview"  in [URL] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Performing Drag / Drop With No Selection

Jul 14, 2014

How do I keep an item (TreeItem) from being selected when performing a drag -n- drop? I don't want it to be selected because it will end up making the target disappear (selection of TreeItem changes target panel).
Related question: Is there a way to "veto" a tree selection change as well?

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Implement Multiple Inheritance In Java Using Interfaces?

Jan 12, 2014

how can i implement multiple inheritance in java using interfaces. if interfaces have some methods having same name then how to distinguish that ?

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JSP / JSTL :: How To Implement Textarea / Text Box To Accept Multiple Languages

Mar 25, 2013

We have a requirement that we need to have text area/text box on screen to accept multiple languages like (Spanish and russian) that means user can able to enter their text data either in any language like english,russian and spanish(It should be possible to enter the comments in russian and spanish languages). Is it possible to implement in java/j2ee?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Implement Layout Like Cardlayout In Swing

Mar 20, 2015

I have a stage,it has two layers scene, if user click the button,then change to another layer, and also can change back. It just like swing cardlayout. How can i implement cardlayout in JAVAFX?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Multiple Display Using OpenGL-ES2

Jul 15, 2014

I would like to know whether multiple displays are supported under (Windows/Linux/mac) when we use opengl-es2 pipeline?

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JavaFX - How To Open Multiple FXML Windows

Jun 2, 2014

I'm making a tic tac toe program. Currently I have a welcome screen for my tic tac toe game, once the button is clicked I want the main game to open. I have created two FXML VBox windows created from JavaFX Scene Builder. I want to know how to close the welcome menu and launch the 2nd FXML window.

This 2nd FXML window will have it's own controller where the tic tac toe calculations will be held.

Here is the event listener on when the mouse action is performed on the button

private void startGame(ActionEvent event) {

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Keep PrintStream Redirect Across Multiple Scenes

Feb 26, 2015

I have a JavaFX application with multiple scenes. In this applications one scene plays the role of "master" role and the others are loaded according to actions on the "master" scene(buttons,menu items)

The issue is that i need to redirect all the PrintStream activity to a specific TextArea on the "master" scene...

So everything that normally goes to the console to get redirected to that specific TextArea and this should be global,on every scene that is outputting something it should displayed on the specific TextArea on the "master" scene
The code i am using right now on the "master" scene is :
            Node node =primaryStage.getScene().lookup("#ShowInfo");
            TextArea ta =(TextArea)node;
            FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(ta);
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);
For the rest of the scenes i am using the Singleton Pattern to keep the pointing to the Specific TextArea
       FXConsole console = FXConsole.getInstance(null);
        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console, true);
        System.out.print("Hello There");
The issue is that i don't like this implementation so there a better solution

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Variables With Multiple FXML Files

Mar 31, 2015

I have a multi scene JavaFX FXML application [URL] ....
I have added a TextField to Scene2.fxml and Scene3.fxml files each scene has its own Controller Class with a ScreensController class that loads a HashMap with Id name, Node screen that is defined in the ScreensFramework

class (Main class)
public void addScreen(String name, Node screen) {screens.put(name, screen);}

So each time you click a Button on a screen (scene) you fire an ActionEvent and move to another screen


What I would like to do if it is possible is use the value in the TextField on Sceen2 and transfer it to the TextField on Scene3. I have discovered that unless both FXML files are loaded this is so far not possible. This is a desktop application. So how do you create a variable that is GLOBAL and has a life after one class is unloaded or one FXML file is unloaded?

At this point I do not want a database to accomplish this task.I have developed in Visual Basic 6 where I would just declare a global variable that could be used through out the application.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Button With Menu And Multiple Choice?

Oct 9, 2014

in javafx, how can i implement a composant as shown in the following figure. when i click in the arrow, i must have a menu allows me to do a multiple choice like shown in  figure

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Cannot Set Divider Positions In Multiple Splitpanes At One Button Click

May 29, 2014

I have a problem with setting multiple splitpane divider positions. In my application there are multiple splitpanes (one inheriting the other). When resizing the scene (e.g. by double-click or mouse drag) the divider position default values (as set in the FXML) are not taken into account and the application therefore incorrectly displays the divider positions. For example, one pane that should be only 100px wide now spans over the half of the application. Its not very nice because one has to readjust the divider positions manually each time after resizing the window. At the same time, I dont want to set maximum values to keep the layout flexible.
I tried to solve this by adjusting the divider positions at a button click event (..setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()...) but when I click it only one splitpane at a time is adjusted. As I have 3 splitpanes I have to click the button 3 times to get all the adjustments. I am not sure whether this is because the click event is consumed after the first adjustment and subsequent repaint of the scene?
A sample code of what I have now would look like this:
adjustButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>(){
public void handle(ActionEvent e){

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Multiple Scene And Passing Variables With FXML Files

Mar 21, 2015

Lets say I have a desire to convert and entered value to Centigrade or Fahrenheit and that I have two Radio Buttons to designate the type of conversion with the Answer posted to a TextField on Scene Two from a button click event on Scene One ok Now I would like to convert the value in the TextField on Scene Two to Kelvin and reflect the value on Scene Three in a TextField by clicking a button on Scene Two
lets say  I have 4 FXML files sceneONE sceneTWO and scenMain and I created 4 controllers ControllerONE and MasterController

So far I can navigate to the different scens with just the MasterController code below...

BUT because I have two FXML files I can not capture the value in the first FXML file and pass it to the second scene
This project is my attempt to adapt the FXML style code from this web site

Switching to Different Screens in JavaFX and FXML | JavaFXTutorials

Which uses this code to switch scenes

    //get reference to the button's stage                stage=(Stage) btnS1.getScene().getWindow();
       //load up OTHER FXML document
       root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("ATTwo.fxml"));

But will not permit variable transfer due to scope of variables which reside in two different FXML files
public class MasterController implements Initializable{@FXML public Button btnS1;
@FXML public Button btnS2;
@FXML public Label lblS1;
@FXML public Label lblS2;
@FXML public TextField txfS1;
@FXML public TextField txfS2;
@FXML public AnchorPane root;

[Code] .....

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Boolean Retrieval Model Using SkipList

Oct 13, 2014

Boolean retrieval model using skiplist. I don't know how to code it. I have modified it but I'm not sure it work out. What are the modifications I can made.

/**My requirement is to implement two methods for Boolean Retrieval:

● index(String dir)
○ index()supposed to go over all files under "dir". There will be no subdirectories inside it.

● retrieve()
○ retrieve() supposed to return name of all the documents under "dir" that satisfies the given query. Note that, only basename of the files are to be returned, not the full path.
○ Query can be of two forms:
■ OR: returned doc should contain at least one term from the query.
■ AND: returned doc should contain all the terms from the query. **/

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Vector;
public class BooleanRetrievalModel implements DocSearch {
// begin private class
private class SkipList {
// Node in skip-list

[Code] ....

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JSP :: Use Hashmap From The Model In Script On The Page?

Apr 11, 2015

I have some paired values stored as a hashmap in my model, for example sake, we'll say the 'key' is a Manager's ID and the 'value' is the name of their department, so 'betty123' could be a key to a value 'IT', and 'dave345' could be a key for the value 'Finance'. This hashmap is populated from a database. In my form, I have two "Select" dropdown fields, one for "Department" (with fields which match the values in the hashmap), and one for "Manager ID". I want to autopopulate the "Manager ID" field when the "Department" field is changed, based on the values in the Hashmap. I understand that I can't access dynamically elements of the hashmap in a script, so, for example, I can't do this:

var specificDepartment= $("#department");
var managerId = ${departmentHash[specificDepartment]};

Because this code is dynamic based on the value of "department" at the time it's run, whereas the departmentHash object is generated when the page is loaded.

Is there some other way I can do this? Am I approaching it the wrong way? FWIW, I'm using Spring 4.1.1 and jQuery 1.8. I understand the conceptual block with code I wrote above, but I can't for the life of me think of an obvious solution although I'm sure this is a fairly commonplace problem in web development.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Vector Is Used In ComboBox Model?

Sep 23, 2014

I understand how vectors work I'm currently using one to store my id's from my txt file but how do you put them in a defaultComboBoxModel?

DefaultComboBoxModel defaultComboBoxModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel();
//declare a vector object that will hold a string (only thing that works with comboboxmodel
Vector<String> myVector=new Vector<String>();
//try statement
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);


Any example of how a vector is used with a defaultComboBoxModel so I can then use that to populate my JComboBox?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Format Value In Table Model

Nov 14, 2014

public PurchaseTableModel() {
//establish connection
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SupplierDS");

stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,


I get the value from database and display in table , price value will show 6 decimal and date value will show date and time.What to do to show only 2 decimal places and only date e.g. 1/1/2014 in the table ?

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