JavaFX 2.0 :: Layout - Item Sizing And Spacing On ToolBar

May 15, 2014

1) Is it possible to have an item take up all the remaining space on a ToolBar?
2) Is it possible to align one or more items to the right side of a ToolBar?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Spring Layout Odd Sizing

Mar 12, 2015

I create a spring layout like so

Container contentPane = this.getContentPane();
JLabel characterLabel = new JLabel("Character: ");
JComboBox<String> characterComboBox = new JComboBox<String>();

[Code] ....

and I have attached an image of the results.

Why are the drop down boxes not stretched to the right all the way and why are they so tall?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Sizing Width Of ComboBox Based On Items

Apr 16, 2015

I have a ComboBox -- just a simple ComboBox with string items.
My string items aren't very long (5 letters max), but the ComboBox shows quite wide relative to my strings. So I would like to size my ComboBox to the size of my strings.
I messed around with setting the CellFactory of the ComboBox, and have the Cells produced by the CellFactory set the preferred width of the cells to some constant like 100. That worked in terms of changing the size of the ComboBox to the preferred width of 100.
But what I really want to do is to compute the preferred width from the string items. For that I need to be able to compute how wide a string item will be when rendered. And I guess that depends on the font size used by the ComboBox to render strings, which probably depends on the platform (OS X different to Windows?).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Force Layout Of Components

Mar 13, 2015

I noticed that when building a UI programmatically in several steps the width/height of the Pane I use for layout is -1/-1. I read that this is the case until the actual rendering happens. Is there a way to force that earlier? Suppose I wanted to size other UI components (which are not visible initially) according to the size of another pane. How do I do that? Binding the properties does not do the job in the case that those components are not necessarily visible at the same time. Is there a trick to achieve that?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Implement Layout Like Cardlayout In Swing

Mar 20, 2015

I have a stage,it has two layers scene, if user click the button,then change to another layer, and also can change back. It just like swing cardlayout. How can i implement cardlayout in JAVAFX?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Re-selecting Item From ListView

May 14, 2014

I have a selection listener attached to a TreeView as shown below
treeView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<TreeItem<Pair<VideoSourceType, String>>>() {
   public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends TreeItem<Pair<VideoSourceType, String>>> observable, final TreeItem<Pair<VideoSourceType, String>> oldValue, final TreeItem<Pair<VideoSourceType, String>> newValue) {
        // do something
What I want to do is to "do something" and then clear the selection so that it can be selected again. However, I cannot re-select the same item from the TreeView until I first select a different item.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: ChangeListener Don't Notify Selected Item Property Changes

May 13, 2014

I made a simple test case using a ListView<String>.:
    ListView<String> listView2;
    public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) {

[Code] ....
Using Java8 I see that I see this wrong behavior:

select 3 elements from the list: you'll see the log of the ChangeListener that tell you every time all items selected
remove 1 element from previous selection: you will not receive the notification!!!
remove the other two elements: only when the selection is empty you will see a new notification from changeListener...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView Select Item 0 When Losing Focus

Oct 31, 2014

I have a case where I have a TreeView and I use it to select items from the tree. After I select each item I then clear the TreeView selection. Then, when I select outside of the window, the setFocused is called which in turn selects item 0 from the tree. I see in the the code,
    private InvalidationListener focusedListener = observable -> {
        // RT-25679 - we select the first item in the control if there is no
        // current selection or focus on any other cell
        MultipleSelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSelectionModel();
        FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getFocusModel();
 [Code] .....
Is there anyway to suppress this behavior?

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Using JtextField As Google Toolbar?

Mar 4, 2015

how build a Google toolbar to search on web with java? I have this code but something is wrong...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Input Latin Letters With Macron Using Keyboard Layout That Uses Tilde Or Apostrophe Deadkeys?

Feb 25, 2015

I can not enter Latin letters with macron (Latvian specific characters) in JavaFX programs. Instead something like Latin letters with acute are entered.
what I need to enter is characters like this: Latin letter "a" with macron

Browser Test Page for Unicode Character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON' (U+0101)
what is actually entered: Latin letter "a" with acute

Browser Test Page for Unicode Character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' (U+00E1)
There are several keyboard layouts available for Latvian language input. Problem persists only on Windows OS for layouts using tilde key or apostrophe key as deadkeys. There are no problems with Microsoft Latvian (QWERTY) layout that uses ALTGR key as deadkey. There are also no problems on Linux OS using keyboard layouts that causes problems in Windows OS. I also noticed that character input works as expected int SceneBuilder 2.0 (I believe it has been build with javaFX). There are no problems also in java Swing GUI framework. So could this be a bug in JavaFX or am I missing some configuration settings?
How can I enter latin letters with macron using keyboard layout that uses tilde deadkey?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Modifying Item In Observable List Doesn't Update ListView

Oct 3, 2014

I am using:

Java:..... 1.8.0_20JavaFX:... 8.0.20-b26 

I have this class:
public class Person {
    private SimpleStringProperty name;
    public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty(){

[Code] .....

I have this:

lista = FXCollections.<Person>observableArrayList();
lista.addAll(new Person("uno"),new Person("due"),new Person("tre"));

The problem is if I add /remove an item all is fine, the listView refreshes correctly:

Person p = new Person(tfld_textAdd.getText());
lista.add(0, p);
But if I change a value on an item into the observable list it doesn't:

lista.get(0).setName("new value");
I also have a table linked in the same way and the table workd correctly after I updated my Java version...

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Line Spacing - Nested For Loops

Sep 21, 2014

I am having a problem understanding line spacing. I need to write a program that has nested FOR LOOPS to produce the following output:


I can get a for loop that counts down. The problem I have is using for loop for line spacing. How a for loop for a line works.

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Character Spacing In Java Like C Objective?

Oct 29, 2014

I ask because I am writing a program in Java, but it was written in C OBjective and in C there is special coding that looks like this " %10s " and there something like this in Java?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Can Mig Layout Work As Border Layout

Jun 1, 2014

I want to add only one button in a JFrame by using Mig Layout, dock south as BorderLayout.South does . Is it possible?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Setting Background Color For Layout - Fill / Color On OS X

Jun 10, 2014

No problem setting background color for layouts, e.g. bdrPn.setBackground(new Background((new BackgroundFill(Color.BLACK, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY))));
But neither of the following are working for me, running JavaFX 8 on latest OS-X
scene = new Scene(bdrPn, winW, winH, Color.BLACK);
scene.setFill() worked fine for previous versions of JavaFX.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Sizing JScrollPane Width To Its Contained JTable

Feb 21, 2015

Returning true from getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() makes the table (or other Scrollable) size its width to match the viewport. I need the opposite: for the viewport to expand its width to accommodate the table (of course, limited by the constraints imposed by the scroll pane's container's layout manager) without reducing column widths i.e. setAutoResizeMode(AUTO_RESIZE_OFF).

I have achieved this by overriding

getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(): JTable table = new JTable() {
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() {
return new Dimension(super.getPreferredSize().width,

Now when the scroll pane is added at BorderLayout.CENTER and the frame is pack()ed, all columns of the table are displayed, without need for a horizontal scrollbar.

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Get All Controls Names On Layout

Oct 1, 2014

I'm new on Java/android and I wounder how could I get name of each control in a layout, ex.

for (int i=0;i<table1.getChildCount();i++ ) {
Object child=table1.getChildAt(i);
if( child instanceof EditText)
//get control name here

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JSF :: UI Layout Initialization Error

May 12, 2014

I am using netbeans 7.2, glassfish 3.1.2, JSF 2.1 and Primefaces 3.2. When I add more than three menu tabs, I get this error ui layout initialization error the center-pane element does not exist the center-pane is a required element. This is my template.xhtml code:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""

[Code] ....

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Use 2D Array To Layout Map With Pictures

Jun 2, 2014

I'm making a Pacman look-a-like game, now I'm making the map out of an 2D array (as a grid). I already initialized the 2d array spots with "0" and "1". I managed to do this but now I'm stuck.

I want to use the "0" and "1" to print the map. For example the "0" are grass and the "1" are walls. The map should be printed within a JFrame. And I would like to make the width and height 32x32 pixels.

I searched on the internet and i found a couple of example codes but non of it seems to work properly. This is the code I'm using to make the 2D array and initialize the spots.:

public class Level1 extends javax.swing.JFrame{
final int ROWS = 17;
final int COLS = 17;
int[][] field = new int[ROWS][COLS];
public Level1() {

[Code] .....

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MVC Layout - Adding Listeners?

May 4, 2014

So I'm doing a basic MVC layout for a pretty basic game that I am making in order to understand the whole MVC layout. The game requires the user to move up/down/left/right via JButtons on the GUI. Since I'm using an MVC layout and my buttons are in a different class than the ActionListeners, I was wondering what the best way to add the action listeners are?

Method 1:

View Class ActionListener method:
Java Code: public void addMovementListeners(ActionListener u, ActionListener d, ActionListener l, ActionListener r){

[Code] ....

Which method is better? Is there another method that is even better than these two? Trying to get this MVC thing down.

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Grid Bag Layout / Constraints

Jan 13, 2015

I am making a basic calculator using SWING.I want my JTextField to stretch across the top, above my buttons. All I can seem to get is it be the same size as one of my buttons.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;


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Grid Layout Implementation

Mar 13, 2014

How to implement GridLayout. In my applet, I want to make a grid of 2 rows and 2 columns. In each grid I want to add a Label and a TextField. I want the background to be red.

So my code would be?

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GridLayoutApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener{
// construct components
Label fNameLabel = new Label("First Name");
TextField fNameField = new TextField(20);

[Code] .....

I have read about panels and frames but, it is all confusing to me. How can you add a label and a TextField to one square of the grid?

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Arranging Layout With JFrame

Aug 7, 2014

I'm just trying to do a simple JFrame class, with standard menubars, labels, buttons, etc. So far, it looks really bad. The only way I can get it to look somewhat decent is if I pack it, but then the GUI is too thin. When I resize it manually, I can get the correct position by sizing it to something specific, but it obviously changes when resized again, and I don't want to set dimensions, if my users are just going to resize it, and mess it up. I want the labels on the left, textboxes neatly to the right of them, and the button somewhere on the bottom.

I also want to dynamically create a new label, textbox and button when they click on "Write File" from the menu bar - I assume this is just done with action listener, but I have enough problems as it is with formatting my layout, that I don't even want to start on it!

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

[Code] ....

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JFrame Layout Appearance

Dec 4, 2014

Below is my assignment and as you can see there is lots of empty space and it looks a bit ugly. Im currently using

content.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));

as follows:

Welcome Label and four buttons in the top JPanel,
"Employee count" and JTextField in the second JPanel,
"Employees in System: ", and empty JList in the third JPanel,
Delete employee and Edit Employee buttons in the fourth JPanel
Exit button in last JPanel.

When I set the size any smaller, the buttons sort of shrink into each other so Im looking for a way to have the panels take up less space? At the moment it seems like each of the panels are set to the same size for some reason, regardless of the can I give the frame less vertical height without ruining the content.

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Make A Calculator Layout

Apr 30, 2015

I want to make a calculator program as my first ever program and I've been working on the layout and I think I have it close to where I want it but will probably tweak it in the future after I get it to work. My problem is I'm trying to add a MenuBar to it but it is not showing up. I tried having it all over my code but whereever I put it the MenuBar doesn't show up.

public class MySecondCalculator extends JFrame {
JTextArea screen;
JMenuBar mb;
JMenu file;
JMenuItem open;
JButton one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero, decimal, add, subtract, multiply, divide, equals;

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Horizontal Table Layout

Mar 16, 2015

print my outputs like this?rfrf.jpgI tried but the output always becomes messy and never correct.

import java.util.*;
public class AssP
public static void main(String[] args )

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