JavaFX 2.0 :: Loading HTML Page With WebEngine - Invalid Response From Server

Apr 27, 2015

I get this error when I load a HTML page with WebEngine. The HTML is getting generated by an own (Java-)ServerSocket. How can I figure out where the problem is? I can load the HTML file successfully when loading the(same) generated HTML file from the local filesystem. Maybe the http headers causing these problems ? On the other hand I can load the page without problems in Firefox. How to get more information ?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Disable Loading Of Images By WebEngine

Jun 2, 2014

I've searched everywhere but found no way to disable loading of images by Java WebEngineHow to do it?
Research done:
I found some ideas, such as using URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() to use my own URLStreamHandler, and having that analyze the URL to only return URLConnections for URL's that don't end in .jpg .png etc.

But that has many problems: Sometimes the image url doesn't end in .jpg, if it's a dynamic image, such as a captcha. So how can I disable automatic image loading from WebEngine?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Does WebEngine Support GeoLocation

Nov 11, 2014

I am building an application which needs to be able to get the user's location. In JavaScript I would use navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()

Does WebEngine support this function? Obviously it will only work if the device has GPS. I am targeting windows tablets and phones which will have it.

Can I use the webEngine.executeJavascript() to call the javascript if it is supported.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: JavaScript Not Working After Reload In WebEngine

Apr 9, 2015

Like the title says: I'm loading a local HTML file in a WebView which contains Javascript. The script works without any problem when the page is first loaded, but when I reload it or load another local page, Javascript simply stops working silently for no apparent reason and with no error or exception of any kind.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: WebEngine SetAttribute Is Not Reflected In WebView

Sep 6, 2014

I have a WebView which displays a site. At a specific page I want to fill in some values into <input> elements. So i use such an event handler (browser is of WebView class)
                                new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
          public void handle(MouseEvent e) {           
            Document doc = webEngine.getDocument();
            if (doc == null) {
              System.out.println("Doc is null");

[Code] ....
The handler sets the "value" but view doesn't reflect that, field is empty.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: StateChange Sequence On WebEngine Used For Popups

Jul 6, 2015

I'm trying to open URL's that the WebView considers Popups (it triggers the PopupHandler installed through onCreatePopupHandler) in an external In the PopupHandler I return a Webengine on which I installed a StateChanged listene and when the State changes to SCHEDULED I run some code top get the location of the WebEngine and open that URL in an external browser and then cancel the loading of the URL by canceling the LoadWorker using the LoadWorker.cancel() method wrapped in a Platform.runLater(..) call (in order to not crash the JVM).
However, then the PopupHandler is invoked because a was called in JavaScript in the main WebEngine, something odd happens: while the canceling of the loadworker was successful (it returns true and the LoadWorker goes to state CANCELLED), all of a sudden the state goes back to scheduled and my StateListener is called again with a newState of SCHEDULED, to if I don't work around it, the URL is opened again in the external browser. I can work around this by keeping track if the URL was already opened in the external browser once, but from what I can tell, this is just a bug.

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Web Services :: Soap Web Service - How To Parse HTML Response

Mar 6, 2015

i'm sending soap request but i'm getting html response it is leading to crash! how to parse html response?

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JSCH As Library Does Not Response From HTML Applet Call

Apr 12, 2014

I work on SSH for creating a external tool to manage remote OS.

I find out the JSch library and i create the java GUI project as jar application, and worked for me very well. (i am working on Netbeans ).

I introduce the JSch library with Netbeans as follow. Right click on the Project-> Properties -> Libraries ->Compile ->Add JAR/Folder.

After that i try to transform the project to applet in order to work it form web server.

I made the transformation in all the code.

When i run the applet through the Netbeans it worked for me. When i build the project to create the jar file.

I create a folder with the my.jar file, index.html, a folder named (lib) which contains the jsch-0.1.50.jar file.

Then try to run the index.html, the GUI appear but cannot connect to the remote with the SSH, and does not give any error.

I think that the problem is that my.jar cannot communicate with the jsch-0.1.50.jar.

Why the project runs trough the Netbeans an does not run when i call it from the next html code.


Java Code:

<Title>Java Example</Title>
This is my page<br>
Below you see an applet<br>
<Applet Code="AppletUI.class" archive="my.jar" width=600 Height=700>
</Html> mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Image Loading In Java Using HTML

Apr 9, 2015

I want to load image in java using Html. it works in neatbeans. But if i create a jar file it not load

URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("");
String tab= "<html><table style='width:100%; table-layout:fixed'><tr><td style='width: 30px' rowspan=2 >
<img src='"+ url+ "' width=36 height=36/></td><td font color='#ffffff' style='width: 110px'><font size='4'>
"+namePerson+"</font></td><td font color='#ffffff'>"+myDate+"</td></tr> <tr>
<td font color='#ffffff' style='width: 110px'>"+str1+"</td></tr></table></html>";

jLabel1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(url));// it works
tmodel.addRow(new Object[] {tab}); // not works why

not work in jar file..

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Servlets :: Write Output Stream After Response Has Been Committed By Server

Aug 6, 2014

When do i get IllegalStateException in servlets.What it means by trying to write to the output stream (response) after the response has been committed by server. What it means by committing response and uncommitting response. cannot i send uncommitted response.

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JSF :: 404 Error While Loading XHTML Page While Implementing 2.0

May 6, 2013

I am new to JSF and when i try to implement a sample application im getting this wierd error of page not found(.xhtml). Here is the code i have created..

Bean class :

package com.trail.beans;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
public class UserLoginBean {

[Code] .....

These are the jars ive used :

commons-logging 1.1.1
myfaces-api 2.0.7
myfaces-impl 2.0.7

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JSF :: Loading Part Of Page Using AJAX - How To Handle CommandButtons

Jun 25, 2014

I have a page which lists items using a ui:repeat. The repeat is surrounded by my h:form tag.

Now I have made it so that when click an item, then I load some item details - render them in their own xhtml file and inject the result into the dom tree.

This is causing some problems.

* My injected content has commandButtons and commandLinks which do not work because I don't have a form in my injected page - since this would cause nested forms :-(
* tried to replace commandButtons and commandLinks and instead create unique url's that I can call to get my work done - but how to I then re-render a panelGroup on then page? tried using jsf.ajax.request but I'm not able to get part of the page (a shoppingcart) to update

Basic outline

<ui:repeat ...>
<tr><td onclick="...">Click here to load item details</td></tr><tr><td id="itemDetailPlaceholder"></td></tr>

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Slow GUI Response When First Displaying Controls

Jun 15, 2015

I have been using JavaFX for some time now and have encountered many performance issues, mainly with the initial display of GUI elements.  For example, a simple stage with a table view (with about 10 columns) and chart takes about 5 seconds to display.  A color picker will take about 3 seconds from the time I click the control to when it displays the pallet.  This only happens when the controls are first displayed.  This can't be right.  I have searched and none seems to have a similar problem so I thought I would ask here just to make sure.  Here is a sample Hello world that shows the problem with the color picker (takes ~ 3 seconds to show pallet when clicked). 
public class HelloWorld extends Application
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        StackPane root = new StackPane();
        ColorPicker cp = new ColorPicker();

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Embed Into HTML Page?

Jan 5, 2015

How to embed jsp into html page?

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JSP :: Html To Page Transfer

Mar 31, 2015

i am trying to move from html to jsp in html it is simple code and in jsp there is database connection . but from html it is not going on the page of jsp. i put correct address in the form action attribute in html file.i am attaching both my files... following is my html code :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<h3>ok its running fine</h3>
<form action="/ADMIN/add_material.jsp" method="post">


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JavaFX 2.0 :: MediaPlayer Error - Media Invalid

Jul 11, 2014

I am having a problem with the JavaFX MediaPlayer playing videos with resolutions greater than 1920x1080px. For testing purpose I downloaded the example from [URL] ... and added the following error-handling:

mediaPlayer.setOnError(new Runnable) {
     public void run() {
When playing a video with a resolution of 1920x1168px, the window became black and I get this console output:


The video is encoded with h264 and aac (for audio) and is having a resolution of 1920x1168px. The error occurs with each video with a resolution greater than 1920x1080px. Vidoes with a resolution of 1920x1080px or smalle are working fine. The playback of all videos is working with VLC-Player. I tried Java 7_51 and Java 8_5.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Invalid Transform On Shape After Creation

Jan 21, 2015

I am working on a UI in JavaFX and create several instances of a custom control class. The control consists of a Pane which wraps several other containers, one of which contains a Circle shape.
At one point, I instance this control and access the Circle shape directly. I transform it's center coordinates (which are always {0.0, 0.0} ) to Scene coordinates.  The problem is, the transformation always yields coordinates that correspond to the upper left corner of the control's root pane.
In other words, it's as if the Circle is positioned at the upper left corner of the custom control (when, in fact, it's positioned near the lower right corner).
I have other instanced controls already in the scene, and they do not have this issue - converting the Circle's coordinates to scene coordinates works as it should.
It seems obvious that I'm accessing the Circle too soon - that perhaps the scene graph hasn't been fully traversed for the control and the Circle's position within the control's hierarchy hasn't been updated.  I've verified that my attempt to access the Circle's center coordinates occurs after the control's initialize() method is executed, so how to ensure the control's scene graph has been fully updated before I try to manipulate the control...

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JSF :: When Submit Html Form / Value Of Amount Does Not Appear In Second Page

Mar 24, 2014

i have this code
<form name="myform" action="http://localhost:8080/EASYPAY.COM/faces/newxhtml.xhtml"method="post">
<input type="text" name="amount"value="">
<input type="submit" >


when i submit the html form the value of amount does not appear in the second jsf page new.xhtml what might be the problem

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JSP :: Change Color Of HTML Table Row In A Page

Aug 28, 2014

I am creating a JSP page with a html table to display employee directory. This is scriptlet :

List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();
PhoneListController controller = new PhoneListController();
list = controller.getAllContacts();
for (Employee eachEmp : list) {

and then i display the table rows and columns for each employee object(PS: I know scriptlets are bad and obsolete but this is my first individual project.)

I would like to change the background color of certain rows based on value of one particular value(based on eachEmp.getManagerCode).

How can i achieve that by using javascript? I tried to call a js function by calling onload event on . But as I need to check for each row that is not the possible solution. I have not tried jquery yet as I am very new to jquery and I didnt quite understand how to do it in jquery.

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JDBC Update Based On HTML Page

Mar 19, 2014

i have a page where username is displayed...i want to uodate my table based on the page value i. e can this be done

String sql;
sql = "UPDATE test SET username=? WHERE password=?";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
statement.setString(1, "jumbomail@com");
statement.setString(2, "password");

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Loading Large Data Set Into Tableview?

Jun 19, 2015

I have a huge data set 10000+ rows which I need to show in the tableview. It take a lot of time to render the UI and is slow. 

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Java Web Server - Display HTML Pages

Nov 7, 2014

I have a server written in java and can display html pages. but when i try to add css to the page the server doesnt use it.(not my code). Do you have to flag the browser to use css or something?

public class SimpleWebServer extends Thread {
public static final String VERSION = "SimpleWebServer";
public static final Hashtable MIME_TYPES = new Hashtable();
static {
String image = "image/";
MIME_TYPES.put(".gif", image + "gif");
MIME_TYPES.put(".jpg", image + "jpeg");

[Code] .....

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Code To Connect HTML Page To Teradata Database?

Apr 17, 2015

I have designed a login page for my project....which has username and password box....I have created a Table in Teradata which has username and password i need to connect this html login page to Teradata database to validate the username and password.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Loading Localized Versions Of FXML Content?

Nov 25, 2014

I am trying to figure out the best way to load localized versions of FXML content. I know that I can localize strings, images etc. by specifying a ResourceBundle when loading the FXML using FXMLLoader with a ResourceBundle. But what about if you need to tweak the FXML for different locales (eg, adding more real estate for certain elements, different fonts, etc). Is there any way to create localized versions of FXML content? The only thing I can come up with is a naming convention like MyForm.fxml, MyForm_de_DE.fxml, ... and trying to load them based on the locale, but I'd have to come up with my own fallback for specific locales that aren't found.

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Servlets :: HTML To Servlet And Come Back To Same Page With Field Values

Apr 11, 2014

i have one html page ,inside html radio button and 3 textboxes and one submit button ->action->> from here again come back to html page with checked radio buttton value and text box value. I dont want to click back button in this case, html page to servlet->here i have to call back to my html page with checked radio button and text box value .

I tried response.redirect(original.html)-->i cant able to display checked radio button and textbox value also tried requestdispatcher forward/include,html page comes newly from starting but i dont want it,i want to view in html page with checked radio button and text box value.

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JSP :: How To Delete Data From Database Through Check Box Using Html Table On Page

Jan 22, 2014

Problem code:

JSP 1:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<%@page import="java.sql.*;" %>
<%!Connection con;%>
<%!Statement stmt = null;%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL]...">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


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