JavaFX 2.0 :: Native Package For Mac And Relative Path

Dec 3, 2014

I done a small application with Javafx that start an Embedded Jetty. All works fine in Windows also with native package. Instead in Mac it works only before native packaging. Seems that the problem is how relative path are considered.
The tree of the content is this:
webapp (folder)
libs (folder)
Look at this code:
                String webAppDir = "webapp";
                File f = new File(webAppDir);
                log.debug("Path webapp folder: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
                if (!f.exists())
                    throw new Exception("The folder " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist");

[Code] .... 

The problem is that before the packaging in Mac the relative path is that where the main .jar is located an so the code works because the webapp folder is found. Instead after the bundle the path became /Users/MyUser/webapp and of course the folder is not found because it is bundled inside the near the libs folder.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Preloader Not Shown Into Native Package

Jul 28, 2014

After some attempts I seen that my preloader is not shown using native package (Windows and Mac).
Running the jar that is run from the file.exe instead I can see the splash screen.
This is the relevant part of my build.xml

<fx:application id="fxApplication" name="app" version="3.0" mainClass="" preloaderclass="" toolkit="fx" />
As said, running the jar file instead of exe file the splash screen is displayed.
I printed some logs into splash screen class: when I run the app from the jar this logs are printed, instead when I run the app from .exe file these logs are not present.

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Use Relative Path In Place Of Absolute Path

Nov 7, 2014

I am copying the xml files from one folder to other folder, in the source folder, i have some files which have some content like "backing File="$IDP_ ROOT/metadata/iPAU-SP-metadata.xml" but while writing to the destination folder.i am replacing the "$IDP_ROOT" with my current working directory. The entire copying of files is for deploying into tomcat server. The copying is done only when server starts for the first time.Problem: If i change the folder name from my root path in my machine after i run the server,the entire process will be stopped because the destination folder files already contains the content which is with existed files names or folder names.

So i want to change it to relative path instead absolute path. What is the best way to do it? Please look at code below:

[ // Getting the current working directory
String currentdir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile().getParent() + File.separator;

rootPath=currentdir.substring(0, currentdir.indexOf("ControlPanel"));


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Relative Path Not Working

Sep 11, 2014

relative path not working if specified folder is outside eclipse IDE, but if i put same folder in current project it is working.

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Servlets :: Relative Or Absolute Path

Feb 14, 2014

Is /graphics/image.png a relative path or absolute path?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Loading Image From Relative Path

Mar 15, 2015

All I want to do is load an image into a swing JLabel and display it, but I'm going to have to make a JAR of the program and submit it for grading, so I need to be able to get the path of the image file relative to the JAR (at least I think that's how it works - I've never made a JAR before. Right now I'm just trying to load it from a path relative to my netbeans project). I've tried at least 20 different combinations of paths, file locations within the project, etc., but nothing works.

Anyways, here's the test class I've been using to try to figure this out in its current iteration. Right now the image I want to load is in src/resources and the class is in

package imagedisplaytest;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ImageDisplayTest extends JFrame {
private JLabel testLabel;
public ImageDisplayTest()


What's the best way to do this?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Getting Images From Folder Inside Project - Relative Path

Jul 17, 2014

I'm going through the next problem:

importing a project from Eclipse into NetBeans, I tried importing project, did not work, anyway

I got all the classes good, but I got a folder with images and a TXT file

part of the code:


Where do I place my folder Images and how can I configure this so this lines of code go get that images from a folder inside the project..

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Native Packaging And Preloader

Aug 27, 2014

When reading RT-38432 I see that Danno mentions the possibility to use:
com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(YourMainClass.class, Preloader.class, args);
I've never used the javafx-packager and have always used the above instead.  However, I assumed I was missing out on some optimization related to example 9-5 and example 9-6 of Deploying JavaFX Applications: Preloaders | JavaFX 2 Tutorials and Documentation.  I always assumed the supported packaging:
1) Loads only the JARs / resources needed to launch the Preloader.
2) Launches the Preloader.
3) Loads all other application JARs / resources.
4) Launches the application.
Now I'm thinking that's only the case for Web Start deployments.  For standalone deployments is it the same as a normal Java application where all of the application JARs are included as part of the classpath?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: SceneBuilder - Preview Classpath-relative Images

May 7, 2014

When I assign a classpath-relative URL to an ImageView's 'Image' property, SceneBuilder is unable to display the Image in the Preview. It shows the text "Image not found" instead as a placeholder, which makes sense. What I'd like to do is add a classpath entry to SceneBuilder such that it is able to locate and display the Images. Any way to accomplish this (or similar)?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Custom Icons Into Bundle DMG Package

Jul 21, 2014

I created an ant script to create an installer for my JavaFx app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="app-javafx" default="do-deploy" basedir="." xmlns:fx="">
    <property name="java8.jdk.home" value="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home" />
    <property name="" value="${java8.jdk.home}/lib/ant-javafx.jar" />
    <target name="init-fx-tasks">

[Code] .... 

During compiling I see:

Using base JDK at:

  Using default package resource [Bundle config file] (add package/macosx/Info.plist to the class path to customize)
  Using default package resource [icon] (add package/macosx/app.icns to the class path to customize)
Creating app bundle: /Users/Utente/Documents/workspaceServer/javafx/target/deploy/bundles/
Config files are saved to /var/folders/q6/vmt_h0tx3rgdbt_4h2_2f3780000gn/T/build6635061168386632777.fxbundler/macosx.

Use them to customize package.
ler/macosx. Use them to customize package.
So I get files inside the temp directory and I copied them inside my project target directory. Unfortunally javafxbuilder don't use them to customize the package so I think the path where I have to put that files is wrong.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Deploy / Package Apps Nashorn Based

May 6, 2014

We can write JavaFX application in JavaScript using Nashorn Engine, but you have to run application with command line like:

> jjs app_all.js -fx

So I wont know how can I deploy application that let you click on and lunch application or make it self-contained application packaging using package tools of JDK 7 Update 6 or later.

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JavaFX Get Coordinates From Path?

May 8, 2014

I'm working on a project right now in JavaFX, and got stuck. I am drawing a path consisting of CubicCurveTo's and I wonder if there's any way to get the X and Y coordinates from certain parts of that path.

Imagine following a curve (path) with a pencil slowly, and every second you take note the X and Y coordinate. I mean I'm not interested in the control points or start and end points, but the points "in between", preferably at a certain interval.

I've searched for many things online, but have trouble knowing exactly which words to search for. "Paths" often bring up file paths, traversing, coordinates etc. all fail to give me any good results.

I tried to be as specific I could, and I don't think my current code is of any interest in this matter.

(The point of it all is that the path should simulate the path a person walks, and I will store the coordinates in a database for every second).

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How To Import / Access Classes Created In One Package In Another Package

Apr 30, 2014

My working directory is e:ajava. in package p1 i create two classes c1 and c2. net beans creates three files e:ajavap1srcp1, e:ajavap1srcc1, e:ajavap1srcc2. package runs without a hitch. i create another package p2 under e:ajava. i want to use class c1 in p2. pray what on earth should be my import statement in the p2 source code after the first statement 'package p2'. another related querry what should i include in my class path so as to gain access to c1 and c2 in source code of p2.

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Does Importing Whole Package Use More Memory Than Only Importing Specific Package Parts?

May 22, 2014

Let's say hypothetically you're making a huge program and use a lot of imports (ex import java.util). If you only need a few specific things from java.util, will it use more memory importing java.util.* compared to only importing lets say java.util.Scanner, java.util.ArrayList, etc. Basically does importing a whole package use more (if any at all) memory than only importing specific package parts?

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How To Dispose Off Native Components

Jan 7, 2014

Currently I get errors when trying to exit my JFrame without playing the youtube video I have set it to load.

My Code:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;

[Code] ....

If it's relevant the error: Connection reset
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

[Code] .....

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How To Grant JAAS Permission To Execute Native Code Using JNI

Mar 13, 2015

I am running my Java code with SecurityManager enabled. The code must load a DLL and invoke methods written in C using JNI. Is there a documentation available describing the permissions needed for native code?

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How Add Native Libraries For Existing Corejava Project In Netbeans

May 2, 2014

I have a project of biometric integration by java and i have that javaApi with me for that project i need to add native libraries through NetBeansIDE7.4. I am trying like this

Right click on the ProjectSelect PropertiesClick on RUNIn VM Options TYPE
press Ok but still I am getting Exception   
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no SBXPCJavaProxy in java.library.path

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Can't Get Relative Paths To Work

Apr 25, 2014

I can't get Relative paths to work. I have created the class.dat file and I can't get java to recognize it. I am using Eclipse as an IDE. Was wondering if I could get Eclipse to recognize it. I tried with a .txt file as well and couldn't get that to work.

public class ReadBytes
public static void main(String[] args)
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("class.dat");

[Code] .....

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Batch File With Some Relative Folders

Jul 17, 2014

Batch file (. BAT) problems with some folders on. I created an application in Java and put the JRE folder within the application, because some users do not have Java installed on your machine and the way I did, my application runs. JAR with the JRE that is contained in my application but I created a BAT file that contains the following command:

start "" jre8 bin javaw-jar app.jar

So I run my program in java through the file. BAT calling JRE that is inside the folder and then this JRE runs the mine. JAR and works great anywhere in windows, worked well on a USB key with this command is within. BAT (start "" jre8 bin javaw-jar app.jar).

BAT in certain folders, eg Program Files and Program Files (x86), I need this code to be able to find any directory, regardless of whether the directory has spaces in the name, symbols, numbers or anything else, because maybe people will put the application folder to another location or rename the folder, and if this happens the program will stop working? And especially do not give problems to run inside the Program Files and Program Files (x86) because the application runs everywhere except in these two folders.

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JPanel Rectangle Drawing Relative To The Full Window

Jun 16, 2014

I'm currently making a Breakout clone to learn about different ways of organizing my code and whatnot but I've run into a problem with the positioning of some pieces versus the position of the mouse.

I've created a blue rectangle on the screen that turns white when the mouse hovers over it, BUT it actually only ends up turning white about halfway down and then continues on off the block. I moved the rectangle to 0,0 to see where it draws and it looks like it is drawing to the very top left corner of the window itself but for the mouse coordinates, the top left is just where the black area is and excludes the borders of the window.

Here is the class rendering the rectangle, it extends from a class that in turn extends from the JPanel class:

public class MainMenuState extends MenuState {
JFrame gameFrame;
Graphics2D g;
// PlayButton variables
int playPosX = 0;
int playPosY = 0;
int playWidth = 100;
int playHeight = 50;

[Code] ....

A few other things I tried that I can think off the top of my head: Play around with different layouts (at times this caused the screen to shrink to a small size as well as using pack()), using setSize() setLocation() or setBorder() in the MainMenuState class which had no effect.

Someone on another forum also suggested trying to utilize component.getLocationOnScreen(): I tried two things with the getXOnScreen method, first subtracting with the location of the JPanel which of course gave me the same problem. After that I tried

MOUSE.x = event.getXOnScreen() - gameFrame.getLocationOnScreen().x;
MOUSE.y = event.getYOnScreen() - gameFrame.getLocationOnScreen().y;

but that resulted in some errors (null pointers) and the mouse was just printing out a position of 0,0

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Java Servlet :: Storing Images In Folder And Their Relative Paths In MySQL Database

Nov 16, 2012

I am developing an web application with servlets and jsp. I have an issue to store images. I am storing images in folder and their relative path's in mysql database.

When I retrieve path from database then using <IMG> tag i have displayed image like:

     out.println("<td><img src="+user.getPlaceImage()+" width='70' height='50' /></td>");

It is working fine with internet explorer but not working (that is Not displaying image) in chrome/mozilla.

How to display that image in all browsers....

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Which Method Is Used While Passing Or Returning A Object From The Native Method

Mar 5, 2014

Which method is used while passing or returning a java object from the native method?

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What Is A Package

Sep 3, 2014

my new class had me download eclipse and for some reason it won't let me type anything until I create a document. creating a document creates a package and that lets me create a class which then it will let me start typing wtf is wrong with eclipse and why is it bulling me into having this "package" line in my code when I never had anything like that in other ide's?

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Add Only Some Classes To A Package?

Mar 28, 2015

I have a folder of classes that I am packaging together. Some classes are being packaged and compiling just fine. My other classes in the same package, however, are saying that they cannot find these classes.

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Creating A Package File

Aug 14, 2014

Though have been playing around with my ebook but finding it difficult to get along with the topic PACKAGE&INTERFACES, I find it challenging to write a package file despite the book I currently studying and online tutorial.. so I want a more explanatory format to comprehend the piece cos without knowing it.

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Error - Package Does Not Exist

Jan 25, 2014

I am trying to make a jar file in intelliJ. My directory that holds all the java classes is C:rafficProjectsrccege. In cege there is a package ui where there is a class GuiMain. And I have imported the GuiMain() in my Main() class.

I have this code lines:

package cege;
import cege.ui.GuiMain;

and when I use the terminal in the intelliJ and write the command:

C: rafficProjectsrccege>javac *.java

I get this message: error: package cege.ui does not exist

import cege.ui.GuiMain;

but actually, I have already put this line in my code. what could be the problem?

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