JavaFX 2.0 :: Rendering Text Along A Curve

Nov 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a project which requires to have text displayed along a curve. If found this entry a good starting point. It works fine for me on my develompment machine, however the customer on his machine noticed some issues.

The basic idea is to define a path for the text, explode the text into the separate characters and animate them along the path the fraction of the character of the whole lenght. So with a animation duration of 10 seconds and a label of ten characters, the first character would be animated along 1 second, the second 2, and so forth.

This is done by jumping to the designated time in the animation, start the animation and stop it immediately.

Now the problem as I see it, for stopping the animation a separate timer is used, so it can happen that at the time the animation is actually stopped, the animation moved further than the first frame. The effect is that the last characters of the text appear in front (wrapped around).

As I have no evidence to prove or disprove my theory, what do you think is this plausable? I can see a workaround for this issue by defining a path for each character and then let the animation run to the end. While I can set the duration of the animation to 1 ms which should not be visible to the human eye, I'm not able to make the characters invisible and turn the visiblity on when the animation finishes, they always become visible at the start.

Or create my own animation/transition for placing the characters.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeItem And Custom Rendering

May 31, 2014

I am fairly new to FX but well experienced with Swing. Since I am familiar with the Swing concept of rendering a let's say JTree I got problems with the FX model of - in this case - TreeView.
I read several documentations about FX. From the API doc of TreeItem I adapted the file browser example to create an own class like this :
public class PathTreeItem extends TreeItem<PathTreeItem> implements
        Comparable<PathTreeItem> {
    private boolean firstVisit = true;
    private boolean readable;
    private boolean dir;
    private boolean symlink;

[Code] ...
But this did not change anything. I try to override toString() in both classes but even this did not change anything.
What I wonder so far:
Why is item in PathNodeTreeCell always null?What is the difference between the item I get in the updateItem method and the one I get from getItem() (line 10)How can I connect the PathTreeItem class to the PathNodeTreeCell classShould I always call super() in the constructors? (I delved a little bit in the sources of TreeItem and TreeCell and I found some setup code there )Is it ok to extend TreeItem in the way I does for my custom PathTreeItem class? ( I wonder if this is a cyclic dependency when I extends TreeItem in this way )How can I sort the nodes? I added the Comparable interface but this not change the sorting of the nodesAre ther some tutorials of TreeItem/TreeCell with no trivial objects like String ? 

I want to adapt an well running Swing application to FX. In the Swing app I used a mechanism to load the child path's of a directory in a separate thread to avoid freezing if the UI if there are much child elements. I guess in FX I should use the Properties pattern to achieve this should I?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Triangle Mesh Rendering

Aug 7, 2014

I'm new to JavaFX and I'm exploring its 3D capabilities, and in particular the TriangleMesh visualisation.
I have developed a very basic application, based on the Molecule Sample Application provided in the examples, that read a mesh file generated by an external tool (Gmsh) and displays it. Pretty basic.
My problem is that the rendering is not what I expected (see attachement)
My guess is that I got something wrong with the texture coordinates or the triangles orientation.

- I don't what to have textures attached to my meshes. These are 3D meshes used for scientific simulation purposes. I thus have set all texCoords to 0.
- I don't control the orientation of my triangles, they are generated by Gmsh. Their orientation is also not interesting for my end users so I would like to display all triangles the same way. I used the meshView.setCullFace(CullFace.NONE); method.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: HTML Rendering With Webview Component

Nov 14, 2014

I have a big issue to render this html page with the webview component :
<html><head lang="en">  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <title>Pb Rotate</title>  <style type="text/css">   #myDivRotate {
color: purple;   background-color: #d8da3d;   height: 200px;   width: 300px;   margin-top: 20px;   margin-left:20px;   -webkit-transform:perspective(400px) rotateX(30deg);   -webkit-backface-visibility: visible;   }
   </style></head><body>  <div id="myDivRotate">   Coucou

The problem is from "perspective" in -webkit-transform. Without it's ok. But with this one, the result is different from a standard browser like chrome or safari.

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Graph In Java - How To Draw Curve

Apr 8, 2014

If I have a function for example y=x^2

How can I draw the curve?

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How To Make Curve Motion With Ball Object

Jun 25, 2013

I want to make a simply game,actualy not a game but I want to moving object curve just like angry bird. Where I can move an object with curve motion. But I don't know how. I just can make it move straight(left,right,down,up).

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How To Represent Message For Elgamal Elliptic Curve In Java

May 3, 2014

I am working on my project that uses elgamal elliptic curve. I know when the elgamal ec encrypt by following steps

Represent the message m as a point M in E(Fp).
Select k ∈R [1,n−1].
Compute C1 = kP.
Compute C2 = M +kQ.

Where Q is the intended recipient’s public key, P is base point. My qusetion at number one.How represent m as a point. Is point represent one character or represent group of characters. also I need code by java done this issue like Koblitz Encoding Method for ECC

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Get Text From TextFlow

Sep 5, 2014

I would like to extract text (String) from a TextFlow control.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Dynamically Set Height Of Text Area

Jul 9, 2014

I have a requirement where in the content of the text area is dynamically populated from the database. I am able to successfully retrieve and display the data on the text area.
However when the content is too large, I am not able to dynamically set the height of the text area. When I try to display the same as a label, the display is flawless, dynamically sets the height as per the content. So, I tried to create a label, with same content and dynamically bind the height to the preferred height as below, but it doesn't work.
               // Generate User Note Description
                TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
                Label text = new Label();
[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How Add Text At Cursor Position In HTMLEditor

Jun 13, 2014

I know how add new button to HTMLEditor, and I want set to my button action to paste some text in the current cursor position.

//HTMLEditor html;//String IMAGE_URL = "http://...";Node node = html.lookup(".top-toolbar");
if (node instanceof ToolBar) {   ToolBar bar = (ToolBar) node;  
ImageView graphic = new ImageView(new Image(IMAGE_URL, 32, 32, true, true));  
Button myButton = new Button("", graphic);  bar.getItems().add(myButton); 
myButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {  
@Override   public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {  
//needs code  
}   });}

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Add Text Change Listener To HTMLEditor

Mar 26, 2015

I am using javafx 2 in my project,After user change the text in HTMLEditor,i will save the context to database,if text wasn't changed,then i do nothing .so i want to know if the user have changed the text.
I only saw how to add text changed listener to HTML web viewer. So how to add text changed listener to htmleditor?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Dialog Header Text In Bold

Apr 14, 2015

I am using the JavaFX dialogs. I have made a dialog as follows:
     Alert d = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
I want to make part of the header text bold -- I want a message like "Really delete X" where X is in bold.
Is there any way to do this with a dialog (other than rolling my own?).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Access The Formatted Text Of A TableCell

Nov 20, 2014

Our users want us to build the following ontop of a TableView: When a key was typed, the row selection shall change to the first row showing a cell in a given column whose getText() starts with the typed letter. Such a functionality is known from lots of other software, like the Windows file explorer, where you can type a key to jump to the first file starting with that letter. It shouldn't be too complex to build, but due to the separation of "items" and "formatted cell text" it actually is... :-(
Using TableColumn.getCellData(S) we can access the item, but at that point, we don't want to repeat the formatting just for the sake of this functionality. We have set a cell factory providing this format, so the view looks great, but how can we access that formatted String programmatically to jump to the right row at a later time?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Properly Customize Text Label Of ComboBox

Jun 8, 2014

Switching from Swing to JFX 8, I am trying to find out how to do something I would normally do in a super-simple ListCellRenderer, i.e. customize the String displayed for an item. I tried this:

ComboBox<Integer> combo = new ComboBox<>();
    combo.getItems().addAll(1, 2, 3);
    combo.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Integer>, ListCell<Integer>>() {
        public ListCell<Integer> call(ListView<Integer> param) {
[Code] .....
However, when I do this, the customized String is not used for the selected Item (rather the standard toString() value of the item). Apart from that it is no longer selectable using the mouse (I submitted a bug report for this at [URL] .... but that is not really the point of my question.

Anything else I have to do to make sure the selected item is also rendered using the custom cell or is there a different mechanism for this?

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Rendering Actions In A Combo Box?

Feb 2, 2014

When I add an array of action-objects (the class extends AbstractAction)

to a combo box, I do receive the action performed events, great!

But the combo box items show the long string of the action object, of course!

How to render that string in a way that only the Action.NAME appears?

I was experimenting a little, but could not make it to work:

Java Code: private class ComboRenderer2 extends BasicComboBoxRenderer {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list,


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Bidirectional Binding Text Field / Double Property - Validation Possible?

Oct 10, 2014

Is it possible to validate the input of a TextField that ist bound to a Property before both values are updated? Following is an example of my problem .....
In my model, there is a SimpleDoubleProperty discount. As you can see, there is some validation logic in the method setDiscount that might be used by other parts of the model.

public class Model {
  private DoubleProperty discount = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
public DoubleProperty DiscountProperty() {
  return discount;
[Code] ....
My Main class has a Textfield that is bound to the discount-property, a button to put the current value of the discount-property to console and a button to call the setDiscount-method ......

public class Main extends Application {
  public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
  try {
  Model model = new Model();
  BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
  Scene scene = new Scene(root,100,100);

[Code] .....

By using the bidirectional Binding between the TextField and the discount-Property, the setter in the model is never called and therefore there is no validation of the input value. When calling the setter programatically with the second button, everything works as expected.
I experimented with neglecting the Binding and using ChangeListeners for both the TextField and the discount-Property but only produced infinte loops when both listeners triggered each other alternating.

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Rendering The Cells Of JComboBox In Java?

Aug 27, 2014

I have a student class with fields names and Gender. Now, I have a students' array. such that I can create multiple students' classes: student a, student b, student c e.t.c and store them into the students' array. Now, I store this students' array in a JComboBox and want to only display the names of these students in the array. Such that the JComboBox lists only the names of student a, student b and student c. . When a user clicks on a selected Item on the JComboBox, even though, it was a student's name that was selected, I want the selectedItem to be a object of the Student class. This, I have learnt works with JList by writing your own custom JList models and then DefaultListCellRenderer. Is there anyway, one could also do this with JComboBox?

//Main Method
import StudentList;
import Student;
import ViewGui;
import Controller;
public class SwingMainMethod {


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JSF :: CDI With Primefaces Charts Not Rendering Properly

Jun 3, 2014

I have 4 Primefaces bar charts which sometimes renders, sometimes not. In one of them, I inject a http user session attribute and use it to render the chart (the idea is to show only the data that corresponds to the (logged in) user department).

There are 4 session beans which I'm using the javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped. Sometimes, the Glassfish destroys the instance as expected, but sometimes not.Based on Exception below, how can I resolve it?

The xhtml below shows the main code for only 2 of the 4 bar charts:

<p:tab title="Horas de Treinamento (por Funci)" closable="true" >
<p:barChart id="horasBars" value="#{chartHorasFunci.modelHoras}"
seriesColors="AA5555, 00438F"
xaxisLabel="Horas" yaxisLabel="Funcis"
title="34 Horas de Treinamento (Orçado/Realizado) por Funci"

[Code] .....

The Exception:

SEVERE: Error Rendering View[/capacitacao/capacitacao/index.xhtml]
javax.el.ELException: /WEB-INF/include/capacitacao/capacitacao/List.xhtml @145,38 value="#{chartHorasFunci.modelHoras}": org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-000049 Unable to invoke private void on
at com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(

[Code] .....

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JSF :: Element Is Not Rendering / Parsing While Migrating

Jan 24, 2014

I m trying to migrate JSF 1.2 project with myfaces to JSF 2.0 with myfaces 2.0 jars on weblogic10.3 server. Found some problem related build and publishing after resolving them when i hitting my application all JSF html tags are coming in browser as it is they are parsed to html tags. all h: tages are coming as it is on my browser they are not converted to html tags for browser display.

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JTree Branch Icon Rendering

Nov 12, 2014

I have a problem I must solve and could not find an answer after a couple weeks of research, so here I am. I have created a custom Table Cell Renderer than extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer. The mission of this renderer is to set the branch icons depending on conditional statements. There are 3 conditions, and each one should render a different icon. These conditions must be tested against all branches in the tree. This means that using something like setOpenIcon() and setClosedIcon() will not work since it seems as though these methods set all branches to a specific icon (I could be wrong about that though). Below is the code for my custom. I made comments so it is easier to understand what I want to happen and what is not happening.

/**Custom Cell Render that will set the icons for the tree branches and the leafs*/
private TreeIconCellRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer{
public Component.getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,boolean selected,boolean expanded, boolean leaf, boolean row, boolean hasFocus){
//Get defaults in case there is no need to renderer

[Code] ...

What I really need to know is why the renderer is not differentiating between the leaves and branches. The logging statements I have added confirm that the branch block of code does not execute.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Unable To Bind Text Property Of Selected Cell Of TreeView To Label

Jun 5, 2014

I try to bind the text-property of a selected cell of a TreeView to a label. So if the user click on a cell in the treeview the label should show the cell text. Now I am quite confused about the options I got to do so. Should I use label.textProperty().bind( ... ??? ... ) The treeview.onMouseClicked()property? or something different?

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JSF :: Rendering A Page Using EJBs Between Separate Applications

Oct 16, 2014

I would like users in an application to be able to access and edit their user profiles (Application A). The problem is that the user objects (entities, dao, beans) are handled in a separate application (Application B) which is specifically for managing user accounts. Importing the java sources for App B into App A could be messy and might need configuration of the persistence unit and connection. I'm thinking it would be better to inject an EJB from App B to App A to query the user DB and return the results so a user profile form is rendered in App A.

I know how to inject EJBs within the same application, but I'm not so sure about how it's done across different applications or even if that's the most advisable way to achieve what I want. it's better practice to inject an external EJB into App A or simply import the classes from App B and use those.

public class UsersDaoImpl implements UsersDAO {
private EntityManager em;


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Rendering Multiple Image Objects From Array In Location

Jan 11, 2015

Untitled.jpg I have been working over this game lately, and i have managed to render multiple images from an array. in this fashion. I created a Main() class with the following in it:

public Main() {
for (int i = 0; i < fuel.length; i++) {
Random r = new Random(); 
changef = r.nextBoolean();
y = (-600 * i) + r.nextInt(300);
if (changef)
fx = 325;


Also, this is the Fuel image class and Obstacle image class:

public void tick(Player2 p2) {
y += dy;
Random r = new Random();
if(x >= p2.getH()) {
y = -40 - r.nextInt(700);


(Fuel and obstacle class are identical but separate for better accessibility) I even have player class with an image listening to key events and also a scrolling background. The problem is when i run the game, the images of obstacles render themselves as i want, except for that they overlap each other, i need to prevent over lapping of this images. The fuel is read and obs is black. Heres a glance of how it looks.

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Java 1.8 - Rendering Images To Printer / Result Is Not Good

Feb 10, 2015

I have some troubles rendering images to the printer, any resolution does not work, even 72 in PDF printer does not work, the image is crappy.

I use the following code but the result is not good. I mean the image quality is not acceptable.

img=new ImageIcon("c:\test\m.jpg").getImage();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, (int) (img.getWidth(null)/scale), (int) (img.getHeight(null)/scale), null);

I've also tried :

img=new ImageIcon("c:\test\m.jpg").getImage();
AffineTransform aft=g.getTransform();
double scale=aft.getScaleX();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, (int) (img.getWidth(null)/scale), (int) (img.getHeight(null)/scale), null);

The result is the same even if I change the image, very poor and unacceptable!

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Rendering Images Of Type BufferedImage - Pixels Are Not Consistent In Size

Jun 26, 2014

As implied by the title, when I am rendering images of the type "BufferedImage" unto a Swing application, the images' pixels are not consistent in size. Some might be larger than other, and some might be smaller than other.

Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about (you might need to zoom in a bit because the image is so small): [URL] ....

And here is also some code for you. The images are actually from a sprite sheet, which I first load in its entirety and then split up in an array.

Java Code:

public static BufferedImage sprites[];
public void loadSprites(){
sprites = new BufferedImage[16 * 16];

[Code] ....

So, how do I make the pixels equally small?

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Creating Simple Text Editor - Delete Selected Text Inside Text Area

May 13, 2015

This is the code that I wrote but I have two problem with two buttons one of them ... I want to delete the selected text inside the text Area which represented as b[8] and the other button that I want to select parts of the texts which represented as b[0]....

Here is the code..

package KOSAR2;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

[Code] .....

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