JavaFX 2.0 :: Styling Of Controls Doesn't Work programmatically

Dec 9, 2014

I have a stylesheet (mystylesheet.css) with following entry:
    -fx-background-color: rgb(0,0,0);
In then start-method of my application I execute:
       StackPane root = new FlowPane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root,primaryScreenBounds.getWidth(),primaryScreenBounds.getHeight());

No FlowPane gets black. But if I do that in SceneBuilder and add the stylesheet to root than after loading Fxml-file the FlowPane gets black.

Another approach:

        StackPane root = new FlowPane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root,primaryScreenBounds.getWidth(),primaryScreenBounds.getHeight());

Nothing happens.

        StackPane root = new FlowPane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(root,primaryScreenBounds.getWidth(),primaryScreenBounds.getHeight());

Doesn't work too;
but root.setStyle("-fx-background-color: rgb(0,0,0) works. But I need to style my application by css-files.

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Servlets :: Setting Httponly Programmatically In Cookies Doesn't Seem To Work

Nov 5, 2014

I am using servlet 2.4 I used the ff. code below to set httponly in my application's cookies but it did not work. When I do a javascrip alert (document. cooke) in my page, the session id still shows up.

Cookie [] cookies = request.getCookies();
for(int x=0; x<cookies.length; x++){
Cookie cookie = (Cookie) cookies[x];
String cookieValue = cookie.getValue();
cookie.setValue(cookieValue + "; HttpOnly");

I also tried doing this and it wouldn't work too

String sessionid = request.getSession().getId();
response.setHeader("SET-COOKIE", "JSESSIONID=" + sessionid + "; HttpOnly");

by the way I am using an application server with its JAVA EE version = 1.4 and JAVA SE version = 5

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TableView Single Cell Selection Styling

Jun 6, 2014

TableView selection model allows selecting single cells in the table but the default styling highlights the whole row regardless of the actual column selected in the row.

I am just wondering what options are there to change this behaviour so that the actual cell (row/column) get highlighted rather then the whole row.

Something like the $18,000 cell in the  "Figure 1 Table overview"  in [URL] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Styling A TableCell To Indicate Focused Cell In TableView

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to style the TableCell that has focus in a TableView to simulate how Excel does it. Excel uses a white background with a 3px black border which seems to be centered on the nominal cell edges. That is (and this is issue I am having), the border extends outside of the nominal cell boundaries.
My first naive attempt was to to override the CSS for .table-cell as follows:
  -fx-background-color: white;
  -fx-text-fill: -fx-text-base-color;


Doing this fixed problem (1) from the first attempt since this approach tweaks the background colors without affecting overall TableCell size. However, it still puts the black border completely inside the cell. My attempt to set -fx-background-position to a negative value in an attempt to offset the background seems to be ignored.
Having done this before using a Flex AdvancedDataGrid, my solution was to add a layer on top of the grid which renders the focus rectangle. I wonder if I would have to do a similar thing here.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Slow GUI Response When First Displaying Controls

Jun 15, 2015

I have been using JavaFX for some time now and have encountered many performance issues, mainly with the initial display of GUI elements.  For example, a simple stage with a table view (with about 10 columns) and chart takes about 5 seconds to display.  A color picker will take about 3 seconds from the time I click the control to when it displays the pallet.  This only happens when the controls are first displayed.  This can't be right.  I have searched and none seems to have a similar problem so I thought I would ask here just to make sure.  Here is a sample Hello world that shows the problem with the color picker (takes ~ 3 seconds to show pallet when clicked). 
public class HelloWorld extends Application
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        StackPane root = new StackPane();
        ColorPicker cp = new ColorPicker();

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Why Splashscreen Of Application Doesn't Show

Jul 11, 2014

I built my application under Windows XP (x32), Eclipse Luna (x32), JDK 1.8 (x32 - beta version B116).
When i launch it, the splashscreen (preloader) appears !
I rebuilt my application under Windows 7 (x64), Eclipse Luna x64, JDK 1.8.0_20 (x64).
When i launch it, the splashscreen doesn't appear !!!
For information, The structure of my application :
     | libs
          | preloader.jar
The behavior of JDK 1.8.0_20 about the management of the preloading mecanism is it different of the behavior of JDK 1.8 (B116) ?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: StackPane Doesn't Center Another AnchorPane

Dec 8, 2014

In the documentation of StackPane i read: "The stackpane will attempt to resize each child to fill its content area. If the child could not be sized to fill the stackpane (either because it was not resizable or its max size prevented it) then it will be aligned within the area using the alignment property, which defaults to Pos.CENTER."

But as I add another Pane (Anchor- or BorderPane) this added Pane is shows always in left upper corner of the StackPane. How could I force my StackPane to center another AnchorPane?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Combobox - Visible Count Row Not Applied And Doesn't Change

Oct 15, 2014

I have noticed a strange behavior of Combobox element. The number of visible rows is not the same established by setVisibleRowCount() method. It happens when changing the items list dynamically. The following example reproduces it. I think it is Javafx 8 bug. I have tried unsuccessfully to trigger some event indirectly to refresh the combobox drop down.

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class TestComboBox extends Application {
    private int count;

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Progress Indicator Doesn't Rotate Anymore (8u20)

Aug 28, 2014

Since the upgrade to JavaFX 8u20 my ProgressIndicator won't rotate anymore when using Caspian style. Is there any workaround for this?
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class TestApp2 extends Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Modifying Item In Observable List Doesn't Update ListView

Oct 3, 2014

I am using:

Java:..... 1.8.0_20JavaFX:... 8.0.20-b26 

I have this class:
public class Person {
    private SimpleStringProperty name;
    public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty(){

[Code] .....

I have this:

lista = FXCollections.<Person>observableArrayList();
lista.addAll(new Person("uno"),new Person("due"),new Person("tre"));

The problem is if I add /remove an item all is fine, the listView refreshes correctly:

Person p = new Person(tfld_textAdd.getText());
lista.add(0, p);
But if I change a value on an item into the observable list it doesn't:

lista.get(0).setName("new value");
I also have a table linked in the same way and the table workd correctly after I updated my Java version...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: ImageView Image Created In Scene Builder 2.0 Doesn't Display In Running App

Sep 9, 2014

I'm using Scene Builder 2.0 and have added an ImageView to the parent AnchorPane.  I've added my PNG files for the app icon and the various buttons. I select the ImageView in Scene Builder and then crawl the filesystem to the project package folder and select the PNG for the Image.  The assigned image is displayed in the Imageview in Scene Builder in both design mode and Preview mode.
While everything else shows up properly when the app is executed, the image assigned to the ImageView does not display.
From the FXML file:

<ImageView fx:id="ivBRULogo" fitHeight="64.0" fitWidth="64.0" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="14.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="14.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="14.0">
            <Image url="@BRU_PE_B_64.png" />
What might be occurring between the compiled app and what Scene Builder generates?

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JSF :: Styling PrimeFaces File Upload Tag

Mar 22, 2014

I'm having some problems styling the PrimeFaces upload tag <p:fileUpload /> in my application.

In my xhtml code I have the following:

<p:fileUpload id="fileUpload" fileUploadListener="#{filters.upload}"
allowTypes="#{filters.uploadTypes}" invalidFileMessage="#{filters.uploadBadType}"
sizeLimit="#{filters.uploadSize}" invalidSizeMessag="#{filters.uploadBadSize}"
update="fileUpload fileTable filterTab uploadMessage hiddenNum hiddenPhoto uploadError footer
namePhotSystem checkOverwrite"
description="Select Text File" disabled="#{filters.fileuploadDisabled}" fileLimit="1"
fileLimitMessage="You are only allowed to upload one file at a time"
styleClass="fileUploadClass" label="Choose the File to Upload" auto="true" />

This all works correctly, both the AJAX update and on the server, but I'm unable to get the button or buttons displayed in the way I need.

By including the following in my CSS:

.ui-fileupload.fileUploadClass {width:428px;}
.ui-icon-plusthick {display:none;}
.ui-button-text {width:200px; height:20px;}

the first sets the width of the button bar, and by looking at the HTML code generated by PrimeFaces, I discovered that the second hides the "+" to the left of the "Choose" button, which here has been replaced by the text "Choose the File to Upload". However, this text is displayed on two lines, with the word "Upload" on the second. I want the whole text to be on one line, but no matter what I do, I cannot get this to work properly. The third line of my CSS code does indeed reduce the height of the button, but the width does not work at all, and the last part of the text is simply lost. How do I put all the text on one line and adjust the width of the button?

Another question is that when I remove the auto="true" attribute from the tag, which I had originally, the "Upload" button is displayed to the right of the "Choose" button, and when a file is chosen but not yet uploaded, it is displayed below the button. This is a capability that I might still want, however, I am unable to style the display, and in particular the progress window to the right of the file name and size. All the files I want to upload are relatively small text files, and I want to adjust this window or even hide it completely. How is this done?

Incidentally, because the files are all quite small, I have disabled the display of the "Cancel" button, so either only the "Choose" button is shown, or the "Choose" and "upload" buttons.

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JSF :: Styling Primefaces Elements With CSS File

Nov 19, 2014

Currently I am having difficulties styling a particular prime faces element in a JSF application for work. I'm tasked with giving the ui a styling and color scheme acceptable to our project design. However I am finding myself unable to "hook" a particular pf element with an ID so that I can proceed with styling a imported .css file.

I'm trying to style the commandLink button to display in Orange 20px font with Italic but when I inspect the element in chrome after being rendered It doesn't even show its style linked to the assigned ID. The class style for mainMenuItem is being applied to the commandlink but is immediately over written by ui-widget. I'm trying to style that one single component(override/replace ui-widget with the properties in the #loggedInUserID)

Current .XHTML code and the css file has been linked with

<h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="masterPW.css"/>
<div class="mainMenuItem"><p:commandLink id="loggedInUserId" styleClass="maserPW.css" value="#{loginController.userFullName}"/>
</div><!--End of mainMenuItem-UserID div -->

[Code] ....

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Get All Controls Names On Layout

Oct 1, 2014

I'm new on Java/android and I wounder how could I get name of each control in a layout, ex.

for (int i=0;i<table1.getChildCount();i++ ) {
Object child=table1.getChildAt(i);
if( child instanceof EditText)
//get control name here

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Reuse Dynamically Added Controls

Nov 8, 2014

I am trying to create a form where my customer can add some other fields(like: label,textbox), and he need to use that added fields for the next time he open the application...

I would like to know whether it is possible to save dynamically created controls and reuse it again...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Programmatically Scroll Up Or Down Jtable

Apr 17, 2014

I'm having serious issues right now with a JTable inside a JScrollPane.i have some methods that returns different indexes (rows) that i select programatically in a JTable and the problem is that sometimes it goes beyond of what i can see, like, the row gets selected but the scrollbar won't follow up.

i've searched up in google and saw several different methods but those were extremely complex and for stuff i don't need.the simplest solution i found is this:

tInfo.setRowSelectionInterval(searchIndexes.get(currentIndex), searchIndexes.get(currentIndex));
tInfo.scrollRectToVisible(tInfo.getCellRect(currentIndex, 1, true));

but it just doesn't do anything.My table (tInfo) has only two columns so no horizontal bars, just vertical. What can i do to align the scrollbar with the currently selected row in my table? :C

Found a solution using scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue();in another thread, i didn't even notice there were like 3 more threads about the same, just different kind of code used in each.

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How To Stop Infinite Loop Programmatically

Mar 24, 2015

I am developing application called java compiler... It takes java program as input and compiles and run it, gives output. but if input program has infinite loop then how can identify and stop process execution.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adjusting JScrollPane Programmatically

Mar 3, 2006

I have a JScrollPane with a JTextArea. The JTextArea is loaded with 10 lines of data. I have two JCheckBox's. The first check box sets the scroll to 10. sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(10); The second check box reloads (ta.setText(text)) the text and then sets the scroll to 10. Why does the second one not work? I have attached a simple program. It is probably easier for you to compile and run than for me to go into detail explaining further.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Tester extends JFrame {
private static final String text = "1

[Code] ......

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Create Jar File Programmatically Not Working?

Nov 11, 2014

Why is my create jar file programatically not working? So doing this does create a jar file. When I run the jar file via command line, it gives me "Could not find or load main class ...". I'm not sure exactly why. I took some code i found here: java - How to use JarOutputStream to create a JAR file? - Stack Overflow and apparently it didn't specify the main class so I specifically added it myself. am i doing something wrong? And btw, the file (that contains all the class files) do not have any directories in them. so it's essentially just one folder with a bunch of class files in there. below is the code.

I had the commons-io-2.4 jar referenced into my build path that can be downloaded here: Commons IO - Download Commons IOreason i guess i added to that, though i'm not sure if it was necessary or not, was because it has a file filter which can tell which files are hidden or not and thing is without it it was adding like DS_STORE(which is hidden and i guess unnecessary) to the jar. not sure if this logic is right but just letting you know.

import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;


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Comparing Data Across Different Database Programmatically?

Oct 22, 2014

I am looking to reconcile data between SQL server and Oracle DB post the migration, I need to verify the data (rows/columns) for last 10 years, Before i start writing a Java Utility to accomplish this, My question is are there any existing libraries or API which can accomplish the same ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: When Maximize JInternalFrame Controls Disappear

Jun 17, 2014

I got a JFrame with its JDesktopPane, and opens a JInternalFrame at the beginning of the execution of the application. That's all fine.

And then, the first JInternalFrame opens another JInternalFrame in its maximum size, and that's when a simple JLabel that I got o the second internal it disapears. Why?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Controls Not Updating Until Method Is Completely Finished

Dec 30, 2014

I have this method that does several RegEx queries along with a lot of searching and replacing of text, and each regex search / replace takes some time and a total of maybe two minutes for all of them to finish up. So I added a ProgressBar to my JavaFX form and I added code after each step to simply use the ProgressBar.setProgress method by a factor of 10% each step ... so the code would resemble something like this:

do a regex query
if it finds things then do a replaceAll method on the string being searched

do another RegexQuery
If it finds stuff, so a replaceAll method


What is happening is that the progress bar will not actually paint any progress until AFTER the entire method is done executing. So from the users perspective, they click on the button and the program appears to freeze until its all done with that method at which point it instantly changes the progress bar to the last value I set ...

So the desired effect is simply not working, and I don't know why.

I tried changing (as in replacing the progress bar with a different control) the progress bar value settings with updating text in a text box on the form, and even that didn't display any of the text messages until AFTER the procedure was done executing at which point, all of the text logs appeared at one time instead of gradually adding text to the box in increments as the method executed.So it FEELS like any time a method is actually running, the JavaFX scene simply freezes until the method is done running. And it doesn't matter if I change the progress bars value directly or put it into its own method which gets called throughout the execution of the regex method ... either way, nothing actually happens on the form until the software is done executing all of the procedures called and then it comes back to a "resting" state...

I tried simplifying it by making a single method that does two things ... it updates the progress bar and then it waits for 1 second. Then it increments a variable then updates the progress bar, then waits a second, thinking to myself that 1 second pause would give it time to update the progress bars value but even that little method would not work.

Here is the test method I created:

private void testProgressBar() {
for(int x = 0;x<10;x++) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {

Even that little piece of code will not actually show any changes in the progress bar until after its done looping at which point, the progress bar is filled to 100%, but I never see the first 9 changes in the progress bar within that for next loop.

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Possible To Drag And Drop Controls From DB To Form Design In Netbeans

Feb 6, 2014

Is it possible to "drag & drop" controls from a db to the form design in Netbeans? InVB this is possible. How about Java - Netbeans?

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Jar File Doesn't Run

Dec 13, 2014

so i followed a tutorial on youtube called "Java Game Development with Slick" - by thenewboston,URL....okay, so i have made my game / program, and now i just want to export it to a jar file that people can double click and play..unfortunately when i double click the .jar file nothing happens...i get the little "loading" thingy on my courser but it disappears after about 5 seconds and then nothing happens :(the way i made it into a jar file is by doing the following:

-right clicked my java project..
-clicked on "export"..
-clicked on java / Runnable JAR file
-filled in the stuff, (JARs destination ect..)
-pressed finish..
-then i got a jar file on my desktop and double clicked it....but as i said....nothing happens

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JSP :: Tag Doesn't Seem To Be Getting Loaded

Apr 8, 2014

Since I done a recent git pull on my project, for some reason now Im getting an error when starting Tomcat and rendering the index.jsp, but I dont understand whats changed, as this was working before.

The error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp (line: 4, column: 42) File "/blog.postTags" not found

The index.jsp:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="p" uri="blog.postTags" %>
<head><title>Blog Home</title></head>
<h1>Blog Home</h1>
<br />
<% out.println("Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr()); %>


I really am unsure as to why this has stopped working, I even rolled back to an earlier commit and this was definitely working before, but I havent changed anything, Initially when you start Tomcat is shows another error in the browser, but on a refresh its a null on this tag library?

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Looping Doesn't Change Value

Apr 28, 2014

Write a program that asks the user for the low and high integer in a range of integers. The program then asks the user for integers to be added up. The program computes two sums:

The sum of integers that are in the range (inclusive), and the sum of integers that are outside of the range. The user signals the end of input with a 0.

Your output should look like this:

Sample input/output

In-range Adder Low end of range: 20
High end of range: 50
Enter data: 21
Enter data: 60
Enter data: 49
Enter data: 30
Enter data: 91
Enter data: 0
Sum of in range values: 100
Sum of out of range values: 151

This is my assignment and below is my code.

import java.util.Scanner;
class InRangeAdder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
int low, high, data=1, rangesum=0, outrangesum=0;

[Code] ....

The problem is that the program simply gives an output of 0 for both "rangesum" and "outrangesum". I don't quite understand why that is. Also i have a quick question, the program needs me to end the program when the value of data is 0 but in order to initialize it I need to give it a value. Usually I would give it a value of 0 like I have for rangesum and outrangesum but if I do the program does not run till the loop as it considers the value of data to be 0 and ends the program right away. What would be a work around to this and when do I need to have a value to initialize an integer? for example, I do not need a value for low and high. Is this because the program recognizes that a value is going to be defined but cannot do that for the other integers as they are inside a loop?

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