JavaFX 2.0 :: TextFormatter In List / Table And Tree Cells

Feb 5, 2015

Release 8u40 introduces the TextFormatter concept in the text input field area. It is currently a new property of the TextInputControl class. This is definitely a more elegant way to deal with validation than overriding "replaceText(...)".
Shouldn't this property also be available in list, table and tree cells? Are there plans to do this (before we make our own implementation) ?

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Set Listeners Of Cells To Save Information Of Entire Table After Modification

Aug 18, 2014

I am having trouble with a jTable that I am using. I have set the listeners of the cells to save the information of the entire table every time they are modified, but run into the problem that the last modified cell does will not reflect its most recent value. The value will display visually, but not show up when I try to read from the cell. I have tried wrapping the saveProcGuide() call in swing's invokelater, but to no avail. I have marked the area where the problem becomes evident (values returned do not match those present in the visible table object). Below is the offending code:

// This is where I set up the listeners
private void addProcGuideWithValues() {
procTableModel.addRow(new Object[]{"", ""});
// document listener to be fed into editor/renderers for cells...
DocumentListener docuListener = new DocumentListener() {
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Force The Row To Construct All Cells

May 20, 2014

In other words in a table view with several editable columns, when a new row is added this row does not contain any column cells yet. Cells are added on demand once a column gains focus and starts editing. Is this the case? Is there any way to force the row to construct all cells eagerly?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Tableview - Width Of Columns Computed For Content Of Cells And Ignoring Header

Nov 20, 2014

I'm using the tableview-component. The size of font of header is greater then that of cells. The problem is: the width of the column bases on the cell with the longest string and if the header-string is longer then the header gets truncated (it shows ellipsis) and I have to change the width of column manually. How could I solve this problem? The easiest way would be to compute the column-width on myself. I can't find any method in javafx, that would allow to compute the width of string in pixels. In Swing there is the FontMetrics class and Graphics class, so it is easy to get the width in pixels. Are there any pendants to this classes in JavaFX?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Define Cell In The Table By Table Event

Mar 23, 2015

How to define Cell in the table by table event?
I need to process one component drag to the table. I misunderstand, how I can see to which Cell fall the component. I tried to use Event and Mouse event handlers in my custom Cell, but they do not work. I can copy the drag event to the table and table handles it, but how to get needed Cell I cant understand.

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Convert Json Format (Tree Or Table)

Oct 29, 2014

I have a json file with the content:

"id" : 10,
"name" : "book1",
"user" : "john",
"chapters" : [
"chaptername" : "chapter1",
"content" : "index"

I want to convert it with a nice format (e.g. tree format or table).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Mouse Event For Tree Node

Jun 10, 2014

I have a TreeView insight TabPane
treeView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
                if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
                    // Some action

For some reason when I click on a tab body I can also perform the listener action. How I can add additional statement to perform the action only if I select node?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Swing Tree Will Expand Listener?

Jun 3, 2014

Is there some equivalent of the Swing TreeWillExpand-listener for TreeView?
In my particular case I want to check whether some constrains are set to show some children before they will populated in the view.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Select Tree Node On Button Click

Jun 20, 2014

I want to develop simple example in which I can select TreeView Nodes with Buttons(in some cases clicking on image and etc). I created this simple sample:
<pre style="" _modifiedtitle="true" jivemacrouid="_14032555963537721" ___default_attr="java" jivemacro="code" class="jive_text_macro jive_macro_code jivemacrouid_14032555963537721">
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

[Code] .... 
The question is how I can select tree Node when I click on a button. For example when I click on a button Item A1 I want to select tree idem Item A1.

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JSP :: Dynamic Table - Call List To Show The Results

May 7, 2014

Well, I have a list inside of a java class then i want to call that list into the jsp to show the results. That list has results from a query, everything is ok in java class because it shows me just one result in jsp, i read that it can be do with a for or enhanced for but been honest i have try everything and nothing work.

To import the class i did this.

<%@ page import="servlet.promotion*" %>

And the For.

<% for (int i=0 ; promos.size() < i;i++) { %>
<td><input type="text" name="C1" value="<%=m1%>"readonly = "readonly"> </td>
.... .... ....
<% } %>

The list is called promos.

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Servlets :: How To Get Whole List Table / Dropdown Data From HTML / JSP

Sep 4, 2014

Is it possible to get the list/ values in html/jsp from servlet?

I have a table inside an html/jsp page and when the user clicks a button I need to refresh the whole page with some additional text message.

Currently what I am doing is that I am using a java bean for the jsp page that contains a list of values inside the table then store it in session but I think there is a better way without storing it in session.

I tried using request.getParameter() but it only returns string.

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Linked List Symbol Table - Storing Identifiers

Apr 9, 2015

Basically I am supposed to build a symbol table for storing identifiers (an array) and then link the number line that identifier is stored on. I set the array to null and if the identifier is found then I link in a line number node. If it isn't found then I add a new identifier and line number.

My problem is that we are supposed prompt for the line number and identifier in the main class, but I don't know how to "connect" the classes per say so I can do the add method in the SymbolTable class.

import java.util.*;
public class Assignment {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
SymbolTable table = new SymbolTable();
boolean quit = false;

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Show Doubly Linked List In Table

Nov 15, 2014

I have a doubly linked list and i want to show the data in a table using java gui.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Manipulate Selection Of Rows In A Table

Oct 30, 2014

I have a little problem in my Java FX application. in a tableview, I add records whatever... And i have a button that delete the selected record in the tableview, This button delete too the related record in a database.
When I select a row in this table , I store the ID of that record in a global variable to have it available . Thus, when I click on the delete button, delete the record from the database based on the ID that I stored in the global variable.
The problem is that tableview has a curious property. If I select the last row and I click on the delete button ( removing the last record of the tableview ) , the next higher row is automatically selected ; and causes the ID value stored change .
The row is deleted in the tableview is correct but apparently , when it comes to the method deletes the record from the database, the global variable ID is already updated and delete another record.
I would like to disable that property of the table so that the row can be selected only by the mouse ... or some other solution . 

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb){
     table.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Object>(){

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Other Methods To Load CSS File From MySQL DB Table

Jan 29, 2015

I am trying to load a CSS file from a mySql DB  table (each row represent a customer that use the application, and each one can set  his own CSS file).

How can I convert the Stream / String that I loaded from the Clob column to something that I can use here XXXX

scene().getStylesheets().add( XXXX );
I found alot of examples, but they all talking about files from filesystem, or URLs. My CSS file is in the application memory. I want to prevent the option to write my string as a new file and then read it again. I have no problem with loading the CSS file from database, this part is O.K.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Handle Table Column Re-position / Movement Event

Sep 4, 2014

How to catch the event when table view's column are re-positioned. Basically when the column is re-positioned from 1 position to 5 position ,  i want to do update the db.

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Java Tree Structure - Build Tree Based On Traversal Results

Jun 17, 2014

How to do draw the original binary tree based on traversal results?

A binary tree has this pre-order traversal result: A,B,D,H,I,E,F,C,G,K,J (TreeNodes) And the same tree gives the following in-order traversal: B,H,I,D,A,C,F,E,K,G,J. Can you draw the tree structure?

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Rendering The Cells Of JComboBox In Java?

Aug 27, 2014

I have a student class with fields names and Gender. Now, I have a students' array. such that I can create multiple students' classes: student a, student b, student c e.t.c and store them into the students' array. Now, I store this students' array in a JComboBox and want to only display the names of these students in the array. Such that the JComboBox lists only the names of student a, student b and student c. . When a user clicks on a selected Item on the JComboBox, even though, it was a student's name that was selected, I want the selectedItem to be a object of the Student class. This, I have learnt works with JList by writing your own custom JList models and then DefaultListCellRenderer. Is there anyway, one could also do this with JComboBox?

//Main Method
import StudentList;
import Student;
import ViewGui;
import Controller;
public class SwingMainMethod {


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How To Add Values From JComboBox To JTabel Cells

Jul 16, 2014

How can I add values from a JComboBox to a JTable ? I've created a drop down list and a button and I want the values to be added to a table whenever i click on the button (add).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Create List Of Entities - Multi-row Tableview?

Apr 10, 2015

I would like to create list of entities which is populated by a search function with the data coming from our REST webservice. However I would like it to be multi-line, with the first line being details from the entity itself and the second line buttons for options that can be performed.
So as an example say my entity is People, the first line would contain columns for first name, last name, gender, DOB, etc. The second line would be buttons for "Edit Person", "Print Person details".   With the standard TableView I can't see anyway to alternate between one row of data and another row of buttons.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Add Values From JComboBox To JTable Cells

Jul 16, 2014

How can I add values from a JComboBox to a JTable ? I've created a drop down list and a button and I want the values to be added to a table whenever i click on the button (add).

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Thread Updating Observable List That Is Viewed By UI Component

Jul 18, 2015

I have the following application scenario:
a) I have an observable list L
b) I have a thread periodically adding to L
c) I have a UI component monitoring changes in L and updating some view.
At present my thread adds to L by doing a platform.runLater. I find that a little clunky (not sure why, just seems it).
Are there any other recommended ways/petterns to keep my UI view in synch with the list, other than the above approach?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Using Same Cell Renderer Object For A Number Of Cells?

May 28, 2014

I have a number of cells which are Dates and need to have them appear in the same format. The samples I have seen usually create a new cell renderer object for each cell, even if its the same type. Since I have a number of Date cells I thought it best to use a single object for each of the date cells, but after seeing the different samples I am wondering if there is something I may be missing where using the same cell renderer object could potentially be an issue.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Update Observable List From Database At Certain Time Intervals Using Threads?

Dec 9, 2014

i have a table UI and want it to be to be in sync with tabledata in the database... How can i go about it?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Modifying Item In Observable List Doesn't Update ListView

Oct 3, 2014

I am using:

Java:..... 1.8.0_20JavaFX:... 8.0.20-b26 

I have this class:
public class Person {
    private SimpleStringProperty name;
    public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty(){

[Code] .....

I have this:

lista = FXCollections.<Person>observableArrayList();
lista.addAll(new Person("uno"),new Person("due"),new Person("tre"));

The problem is if I add /remove an item all is fine, the listView refreshes correctly:

Person p = new Person(tfld_textAdd.getText());
lista.add(0, p);
But if I change a value on an item into the observable list it doesn't:

lista.get(0).setName("new value");
I also have a table linked in the same way and the table workd correctly after I updated my Java version...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Synchronize Model Representing Complex UI Composite With FlowPane Backing List

Aug 26, 2014

What is the best way to synchronize a Model representing a complex UI composite w/ a FlowPane's backing list?
Currently I have a change listener on the Model.  Upon an add I create a new UI composite and manually add it to the FlowPane's backing list via flowPane.getChildren().add().  Similarly if there is a remove, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, and remove it.  Similarly, if there is a modification detected, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, remove it, recreate the UI composite, and re-add it to the list.  I also need the list to be sorted, so I implemented a UIComposite comparator and call FXCollections.sort() on the FlowPane's backing list.  I feel like that is hacky, but it works.  It would be cool if I could maintain sort order in my model somehow and have that automatically propogated to the FlowPane's list.
I am correct in assuming that there is no way to have a complex binding in between an ObservableList<CompositeViewModel> and the FlowPane's backing list (ObservableList<T>)? 

Some kind of translator that could create a new UIComposite whenever there is a new CompositeViewModel added to the Model list.

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