JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView Position Of Node Handle

Jun 2, 2014

I want to ask if there is an option to set the vertical position of the node handles of the TreeView-control.
I used a custom TreeCell factory with icons of sizes between 24 and 64 pixel and the location of the handle is regardless of the size of the icon on top of the cell. So if you got large icons the view did not look so nice.What I want is a property or something to center the handle in the cell depending on the size of the cell. Is there such an option?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Handle Table Column Re-position / Movement Event

Sep 4, 2014

How to catch the event when table view's column are re-positioned. Basically when the column is re-positioned from 1 position to 5 position ,  i want to do update the db.

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Priority Queue In Java Which Keeps Track Of Each Node Position

May 4, 2014

I'm working on a lab for my class. I need to create a Priority Queue in Java using an array list. The kicker is that each node has to have a "handle" which is just an object which contains the index of of the node that it's associated with. I know that sounds weird but we have to implement it this way. Anyway, my priority queue seem to work fine except the handle values apparently aren't updating correctly because I fail the handle test. Also, I run into problems with handles only after extractMin() is called, so I figured the problem would be somewhere in that method but I've been through it a million times and it looks good to me.

Here is my Priority Queue Class:

package lab3;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
* A priority queue class supporting operations needed for
* Dijkstra's algorithm.
class PriorityQueue<T> {
final static int INF = 1000000000;
ArrayList<PQNode<T>> queue;
[Code] ....

I can post the tests too but I don't know if that would do much good. Just know that the queue works as is should, but the handles don't point to the right nodes after extractMin() is utilized.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Setup CellFactory Of TreeView?

Jun 5, 2014

I create my own TreeCell class to customize the look of the tree items of a TreeView which is displaying java.nio.file.Path information.
To setup the CellFactory of the TreeView I used the following:

pathTV.setCellFactory( (TreeView<Path> tv) -> {
return new MyCustomTreeCell();
} );
This works... Now I tried to do some other things with my custom tree cell class so I created an instance of it
MyCustomTreeCell mctCell = new ...

Later I changed the code to setup the CellFactory
pathTV.setCellFactory( (TreeView<Path> tv) -> {
            return mctCell;
        } );

This doesn't work ... I did not see anything in my TreeView...
Here is the MyCustomTreeCell class:

public class MyCustomTreeCell extends TreeCell<java.nio.file.Path> {
private final ImageView icon;
public MyCustomTreeCell() {
icon = new ImageView();

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Detect Mouse Click In TreeView?

Jun 12, 2014

I want to create mouse click event. I tested this code but I cannot make it work:
treeView.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeView<DynamicTreeNodeModel>, TreeCell<DynamicTreeNodeModel>>()


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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Swing Tree Will Expand Listener?

Jun 3, 2014

Is there some equivalent of the Swing TreeWillExpand-listener for TreeView?
In my particular case I want to check whether some constrains are set to show some children before they will populated in the view.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To add Collapse And Expand Event Listener On Treeview

Mar 26, 2015

I want to do something when the treeitem collapsed or expanded,but both clicked the tree item icon and double clicked tree item can collapsed or expanded the tree how to listen collapse and expand event?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView - Performing Drag / Drop With No Selection

Jul 14, 2014

How do I keep an item (TreeItem) from being selected when performing a drag -n- drop? I don't want it to be selected because it will end up making the target disappear (selection of TreeItem changes target panel).
Related question: Is there a way to "veto" a tree selection change as well?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TreeView Select Item 0 When Losing Focus

Oct 31, 2014

I have a case where I have a TreeView and I use it to select items from the tree. After I select each item I then clear the TreeView selection. Then, when I select outside of the window, the setFocused is called which in turn selects item 0 from the tree. I see in the the code,
    private InvalidationListener focusedListener = observable -> {
        // RT-25679 - we select the first item in the control if there is no
        // current selection or focus on any other cell
        MultipleSelectionModel<TreeItem<T>> sm = getSelectionModel();
        FocusModel<TreeItem<T>> fm = getFocusModel();
 [Code] .....
Is there anyway to suppress this behavior?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Unable To Bind Text Property Of Selected Cell Of TreeView To Label

Jun 5, 2014

I try to bind the text-property of a selected cell of a TreeView to a label. So if the user click on a cell in the treeview the label should show the cell text. Now I am quite confused about the options I got to do so. Should I use label.textProperty().bind( ... ??? ... ) The treeview.onMouseClicked()property? or something different?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Handle File Download In WebView

May 6, 2015

I can't find an handler or a listener to intercept the 'Save as' window that should pops up when i click on a download link in a webview embedded page.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Set Mouse Position

Jun 19, 2014

How can I set a new Mouse position ?

Is there any class that represent the Mouse ...

The cursor class is without this ability ...

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Change Position Objects In JavaFX

Jun 4, 2014

I can't recolate and align the button, the circle or the line where i want it to on the canvas. I want to be able to move the line where i want it, now it seems like all objects are stuck in the middle of the scene or canvas.

package application;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;

[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: ComboBox Caret Position

Feb 23, 2015

I am developing a form with ComboBox as a subject (the user can choose one from the list , or type one) and TextArea where the user can write his notes (attached a picture). The user using a virtual keyboard (touch) to enter any characters.
I am using the append method to append the next Char to the TextInputControl class (both Combo and TextArea Inherit from it). When I try to deletePreviousChar() in the TextArea it works, but in ComboBox it fails

I put some System.out.println() to see what is the problem and it seems that with the ComboBox the class is loosing the Caret position after every action
Here is my code: (Look it also as a attached picture)

public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable,
  String oldVal, String newVal) {
  if (newVal != null) {
  if (lastNodeInFocus instanceof TextArea) {
  switch (newVal) {

[Code] ....
Here is the Debug results:  CB = Combo  TA = TextArea  B=Before  A=After , the numbers are the caret position (also attached as a picture )

CB - append B 0
CB - append A :1
CB - append B 0
CB - append A :2
CB - append B 0

[Code] ....
combo caret code.png
33.5 K

combo caret debug results .png
9.9 K

my form.png
28.4 K

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How Add Text At Cursor Position In HTMLEditor

Jun 13, 2014

I know how add new button to HTMLEditor, and I want set to my button action to paste some text in the current cursor position.

//HTMLEditor html;//String IMAGE_URL = "http://...";Node node = html.lookup(".top-toolbar");
if (node instanceof ToolBar) {   ToolBar bar = (ToolBar) node;  
ImageView graphic = new ImageView(new Image(IMAGE_URL, 32, 32, true, true));  
Button myButton = new Button("", graphic);  bar.getItems().add(myButton); 
myButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {  
@Override   public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {  
//needs code  
}   });}

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Add Node To The Pane Of Button

Mar 9, 2015

I want to have a button that will include another node beyond the text and image that are part from the Button. This node as example will be a circle that I will change his color from gray to green if the button was pushed.

I try to do this with Background / BackgroundFill with no success

I tried to get access to the Pane / Region of the Button, but I can't find a way to do it.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Hide A Node And Collapse Its Space?

Jun 25, 2014

I've a simple status bar in which I've several icons inside a HBox (ui drawn with fxml). These icons can be visibile or hidden due to some configuration properties in my app. I've a bind between some BooleanProperty and image.visibleProperty. The problem, as you can guess, is that when an icon in the middle disappears I've a hole. There is a property as in Android [URL] ...., that hide the node and collapse its space?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Mouse Event For Tree Node

Jun 10, 2014

I have a TreeView insight TabPane
treeView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
                if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
                    // Some action

For some reason when I click on a tab body I can also perform the listener action. How I can add additional statement to perform the action only if I select node?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Correctly Lookup RadioMenuItem Node

Mar 2, 2015

When I lookup a RadioMenuItem, I can not cast it to a RadioMenuItem. With other nodes like normal RadioButtons etc. this works.
This works:

Node x = (Node) B2_GridMenuButtonFX.lookup("#id);
This does not work:

Node x = (Node) B2_GridMenuButtonFX.lookup("#id);

Instead I see the warning: "incompatible types: Node cannot be converted to RadioMenuItem".

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JavaFX 2.0 :: SceneBuilder Custom Types (not Node Derived)

Sep 24, 2014

Adding Node derived objects to SceneBuilder is easy and works fine.
I'm wondering how to add non-Node derived objects. It seems to be possible as MenuItem derived objects are listed and can be used.
How to add custom types (not Node derived) to SceneBuilder?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Select Tree Node On Button Click

Jun 20, 2014

I want to develop simple example in which I can select TreeView Nodes with Buttons(in some cases clicking on image and etc). I created this simple sample:
<pre style="" _modifiedtitle="true" jivemacrouid="_14032555963537721" ___default_attr="java" jivemacro="code" class="jive_text_macro jive_macro_code jivemacrouid_14032555963537721">
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

[Code] .... 
The question is how I can select tree Node when I click on a button. For example when I click on a button Item A1 I want to select tree idem Item A1.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Scene Implementation With ScrollPane - Dynamic Node Scaling

Apr 23, 2015

I'm trying to implement a scene with a ScrollPane in which the user can drag a node around and scale it dynamically. I have the dragging and scaling with the mouse wheel working as well as a reset zoom.
Here's my issue:

     I'm having trouble with the calculations to fit the node to the width of the parent.
     If I zoom in or out, the fit to width does not work.
     If I change the window size after running fitWidth() once, the fit to width does not work the second time.
Here is my code as an SSCCE and how it works...

1. (works) Mouse wheel will zoom in and out around the mouse pointer
2. (works) Left or right mouse press to drag the rectangle around
3. (works) Left double-click to reset the zoom
4. (doesn't work) Right double-click to fit the width
My calculations to re-position the rectangle to the upper left of the pane and fit it (i.e. scale it up or down) to the width of the parent are incorrect.
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.application.Application;

[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: File Browser - Adding Node To FlowPane Or TilePane

Jul 13, 2014

I trying to make a file browser but when i try to add item to a FlowPane through  me an error at runtime, look at this code if i add label with imageView when there are more than x ítem the error appear.

package first.sample; 
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
[Code] .....

But if i add the label and the imageView alone the error didn't show. Ihave folder in my pc with more than 1200 file and the error always appear. Is there a way to make a flowpane or tilepane hold enough items?

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How To Handle InputMismatchException

Feb 14, 2014

I am writing a code that I want only to accept numbers 1 through 8 and to recognize when it isn't an integer being put in. I tried the following:

Java Code: int classSelect = keyboard.nextInt();
while( (classSelect<1 || classSelect>8))


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EJB / EE :: JPA Exceptions - How To Handle

Apr 14, 2014

In my EJB modules, to prevent that any JPA exception is ever thrown, I check the condition that would cause the exception beforehand. For example, the exception javax.​persistence.EntityExistsException is never thrown because, before persisting the entity, I check if such primary key already exists in the DB. Is it the right way to do this?

Another approach is too allow the JPA exceptions to be thrown and catch them in a try-catch block, and then throw my custom exception from the "catch" block. However it requires to call EntityManager.flush () at the end of the "try" block. Otherwise the exception throw could be deferred and never be caught by my block.

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How To Handle String With Characters

Sep 16, 2014

how we can handle the string with special characters. For instance:


I get some user inputs with double quotes and i need to split to 80 chars line.

.length fails to get the length if it contains special characters like double quotes and ?

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