JavaFX 2.0 :: VBox Scrollable - No More Buttons Ignore Swipe Gestures?

Jan 28, 2015

I have several Buttons wrapped into a VBox. I used setOnSwipeUp and setOnSwipeDown for up and downs the buttons. But when there is no more buttons the scroller continues but shows nothing, is empty. How do I do when there are no more buttons ignore swipe gestures?
[Java] // Menu Swipe Up menubox.setOnSwipeUp(new EventHandler<SwipeEvent>() {

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Scrollable Buttons Into VBox

Dec 26, 2014

I have a menu similar to this but wiht 20 buttons into a VBox:
How I can make scrollable, the elements it contains? (Buttons). Like a ListView in Android.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Fancy And Animated Buttons

Jul 12, 2014

Can I make buttons like on this link:

Radioactive Buttons with RGBa and Animations | Playground from ZURB ?

In this link is of course code, but this code is in normal CSS, and when I was copying to editor JavaFx isn't work...

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How To Access Methods From Other Classes Using Buttons In Javafx

Jun 4, 2014

I have a javafx class that has buttons and textfields. Here is the code for a button, and i want the button to make a new object but im having trouble setting the constructor

Label label = new Label("Type");
GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT);
TextField textField = new TextField();

Label label2 = new Label("First Name");
GridPane.setHalignment(label2, HPos.RIGHT);
TextField textField2 = new TextField();

[Code] ....

after i create the object i will insert the object in an arraylist of person objects

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Using Events For Additional Mouse Buttons

Mar 14, 2015

Is there a possibility to use events for additional mouse buttons, like the next or previous mouse buttons, in javafx? If I use the setOnMousePressed event on a node, it only throws an event for the "PRIMARY" "SECONDARY" and "MIDDLE" buttons.
node.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {   
      @Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
          System.err.println("mouse button: " + mouseEvent.getButton());
If I use this java application [URL] .... it is also possible to throw events for the next or previous mouse buttons of the mouse. But not in my javafx application.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Buttons In ListView Not Firing OnAction

Jun 2, 2014

I have an app that was working with JavaFX 2 on JDK 7 but seems to no longer work in JavaFX 8 on JDK 8.  The story is that I have a ListView where I have provided my own CellFactory.  Within the class that extends ListCell, in the updateItem() method, I create an HBox that contains some text and a new button. 

I register an onAction() callback for the button.  The end result should be a list with entries which contain buttons and when a button is clicked, the onAction() callback is invoked.  However, when I run it and click the button, the callback is NOT being fired.  This exact code was working on JavaFX 2 and JDK 7. 

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Abnormally Closing A Dialog With No Buttons

Apr 14, 2015

I have a Dialog with no buttons (the dialog pane contains some graphic elements which act as my buttons). I show the dialog and try to click the close window button on the dialogs title bar, and the dialog does not close! I read the docs and it appears that only dialogs that have one or more buttons can be abnormally closed (and only under certain well defined sensible conditions). How can I abnormally close a dialog with no buttons?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Scrollable JPanel Using MigLayout

Dec 28, 2014

I have been trying to create a chat client which makes use of a scrollable jpanel and at runtime adds JTextFields to the panel.

Panel Initialising

msgPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout());
msgPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,335));
JScrollPane msgPanelScroll = new JScrollPane(msgPanel);
mainPanel.add(msgPanelScroll,"span 3,alignx center,wrap");

[Code] .....

But now Im facing the following issues. The text field aligns to the center of the panel & on adding more fields the panel accommodates as it can and does not begin scrolling.

Screenshots attatched

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JSF :: PrimeFaces - Scrollable Data Table In Dialog

Jul 1, 2014

After some fiddling, I have the visual format that I want for my dialog.

First, I had to set the scrollHeight for the dataTable to 25% to get have the whole scrollable table contained in the dialog. Why 25%? What is that relative to?

Second, I had to use the !important declaration for the width and height of the dialog to get the sizing to take. Is that normal with PrimeFaces when styling using a CSS class?

<p:dialog widgetVar="notesDialog" header="Handset Notes"
<p:dataTable id="notesTable" widgetVar="notesTable"
var="note" value="#{handsetBean.handsetNotes}"
scrollable="true" resizableColumns="false"

[Code] ....

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Ignore Certain Characters In A String

Apr 5, 2014

I'm trying to loop through a string and depending on the character, add a JLabel to a game. The problem is the character 'L' represents a lantern but is also used in the reply the game gives which is "LOOKREPLY". I've tried to use some code to ignore the LOOKREPLY bit but it's not working. Here's what I've tried.

else if(message.charAt(i) == 'L' && message.charAt(i+1) != 'O' | message.charAt(i+1) == 'Y'){
JLabel localLabel = new JLabel();

But the first image on all of the JLabels is always a lantern, which is what L represents. As it's only 1 lantern this leads me to believe that it's ignoring the first 'L' but for some reason it's not ignoring the 'L' at the end of LOOKREPLY.

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How To Ignore Numbers After Space

Feb 12, 2014

In c++, I'm aware that you can use the ignore function to ignore numbers after space, but in string how do I ignore a number after space is found for instance, "109 33" how would I ignore 33?

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How To Ignore Lowercase And Uppercase Letters

Oct 18, 2014

I have made a program, where the user types in a letter M, C or I to identify their major, if the user types m, c or i, my code does not work.

How could I make my program ignore if the letter is upercase or lowercase? My code is posted below. Can I do this in any easier way then adding this type of code for each lowercase letter?:

Java Code:

if (s.charAt(0) == 'm')
System.out.print("Mathematics "); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

My current code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class c4e18 {
public static void main(String[]args){
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter two characters: ");
String s = input.nextLine();
if (s.charAt(0) == 'M')

[Code] .....

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JSP :: How To Ignore Or Trim Directive Attribute With Space

Mar 17, 2014

I have the below code with spaces on uri and prefix (directive attribute).

<%@ taglib uri=" news.tld" prefix=" news" %>

how to fix without altering the JSP? Can i handle with web.xml or any other property available.

I have hundreds of jsp like this and wanted to handle without code fixes.

I tried JSP trimSpaces but it fixes the namespace but not the attributes.

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Letter Count - Ignore All Numbers Or Punctuation Marks

Nov 13, 2014

I'm trying to make a program that will count each letter like if I put the word


The problem I'm running into is that if I put something like How now, brown cow? It should give me something like this

b - 1
c - 1
h - 1
n - 2
o - 4
r - 1
w - 4

but it doesn't instead the whole program crashes because of the punctuation marks and the spacing. Is there a way for me to fix that? All I know is that it has something to do with the alphabet[pos(letter)]++;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CharCount {
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
//this method should allow the user to enter a line of text (that should all be lower case) and then go to the printResults method
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text, character;
int count;
char letter;
int[] alphabet;
System.out.println("Enter a line of text:");
text = keyboard.nextLine().toLowerCase();// any text entered will be lower case


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How To Add Actions To The Buttons

Dec 22, 2014

I have started to create a calculator using Java SWING. I am new to this and don't know a huge amount. I don't know what to do now.

How do I add actions to the buttons? So when the button is pressed it will appear in the text area?

Where do I put these commands also? Within public void gui?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
lic class Calc extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
  private JButton ZeroButton = new JButton("0");
private JButton OneButton = new JButton("1");


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MCV - Buttons Not Working?

Sep 7, 2014

I am learning out design patterns and doing a little fun project on Model Control View (MCV). I got the concept down, it is pretty simple for the most part. However my buttons are not working.

Here is the code:

public class Controller
private Model model;
private View view;
 Controller(Model model, View view) {
this.model = model;
this.view = view;


It runs but nothing. My other questions is how can I make a box that will print the results.

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Using GUI With Buttons And ArrayList

Sep 18, 2014

Right now, i'm trying to do is when a user clicks on my GUI button, it would display a text of information on the button they selected. I'm using an arraylist of objects and i'm trying to input the function inside the mouse click function. But I'm not sure how to properly display that information. Here is my GUI code. I'm working on the raven button. I have animal interface, with a parent class of Bird, and child class of Raven. How I could display this correctly...

public class AnimalJF extends JFrame {
private JPanel contentPane;
private JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
* Launch the application.
public static ArrayList<Bird> Birdlist = new ArrayList<Bird>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Birdlist.add(new Eagle());

[Code] .....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: New Set Of Buttons

May 22, 2014

So I have a Jframe that has a set of functions that act on a node. What I want to do is allow the user to expand the gui by creating new sets (copies) of these functions when they have more nodes.I thought of hiding extra sets and making it appear they are adding them by making them visible.

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Buttons Are Hidden

Nov 6, 2014

I have made two classes. See below. But in my second class the buttons will not be show if I run the application.

class 1:

package h01;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.*;
public class kopieer extends JFrame{
public kopieer()
JFrame venster = new JFrame();


class 2:

package h01;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
 public class kopieerpanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
private JTextField veld1;
private JTextField veld2;
private JButton actieknop;

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JPanel Buttons Not Showing Up?

Feb 21, 2015

In my if statement on line 46 & 47 im trying to add the buttons to the screen if the player has lost and the "game over" screen have popped up. But the buttons aren't showing... what am i doing wrong?

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;


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Getting The Index Of A Matrix Of Buttons

Dec 7, 2014

I am attempting to get the x and y coordinate of a matrix of buttons. I have googled my way to failure and read the docs and I think I am traveling of track.

Below is where I create a matrix of buttons via Swing

public class View extends Mybuttons{
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
JFrame frame;
JPanel matrixPanel, optionsPanel;
Mybuttons[][] matrixBtn;

Later in this class:

JPanel matrixPan(){
matrixBtn = new Mybuttons[25][25];
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(25,25));
//creating a 25x25 matrix of buttons


In the controller class I am trying to get the index of each button in the getUnvisitedChildNode method. I need to do this so I can search the buttons around the button passed to it and check if they are been visited yet. Below getUnvisitedChildNode you will be bfs (breadth first search).

private Mybuttons getUnvisitedChildNode(Mybuttons b){
//example of some of the things I have tried
int x= Mybuttons.getComponentAt(b);
int y= Mybuttons.indexOf(b);
int j=0;
return b;


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Using Images As Buttons In Processing

May 5, 2015

I'm just wondering whether it is possible to use images as a button in Java. I have two images that I want to use to create a rollover effect, is this possible? And then I would like to reset my java program when the button is clicked, is this also possible?

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Order Buttons In A JPanel

Sep 22, 2014

I'm learning the swing options of Java, and my first exercise was the typical Chat Room. I got everything right: TextField, TextArea, the jpanel at left side and the buttons inside of it. BUT I can't order the 2 buttons (1 north, 1 south). I've already looked for answers, but didn't find anything and I tried to asked the teacher, but she was too lazy to look for the error. Here is my code:

f=new JFrame("Chat Room");
b1=new JButton("Send");
b2=new JButton("Emoticons");
public void showWindow(){
p1=new JPanel();

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Swing - Adding Second Row Of Buttons

Nov 27, 2014

I am new to swing and I wanted to know how to be able to make a second row of buttons. Right now I have a text pane at the top and at the bottom one row of buttons. But I need to add another row or two of buttons. I've only been coding in Java.

public class TextPane {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
//Create the input file
FileWriter inputFile = new FileWriter("userInputStory.txt");//story user creates with the <nouns>, <verbs>, etc
PrintWriter inputFileWriter = new PrintWriter(inputFile);

[Code] .....

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JRadio Buttons Stuck On

Sep 26, 2014

I'm writing a temperature converter for class, and I'm done but one piece that I can't wrap my head around.My input scale radiobuttons work fine, but the output scale radiobuttons don't deselect automatically. They're two different button groups and I wrote them identical save for the variable names.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;


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How To Change Menu GUI With Buttons

Apr 23, 2014

I have a GUI with a menu to do various options. However I want to change that menu to use buttons instead. I'm working with JSwing components and I'm a little familiar with the JButton function, but I don't know how to convert the menu to a button. I think I'll have to remove the menu completely..anyway I tried to start with the file menu but the compiler says no suitable method found for setForeground(javax.swing.JMenu). Why is it giving me an error related to JMenu when I'm using Jbutton objects? Can I not use JButton objects inside a menubar scope? I'll bold the area it highlighted:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;


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