Limit On String Input From Console

Mar 2, 2015

I am trying to make a program in which first I am entering number of charachters and then in nextline their is exactly that number of characters should be enter after than program should stop taking input from console..this is I have try so far

private static ArrayList<String> chars;
static String inputdata;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
chars=new ArrayList<String>();


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Scanner That Scans Console For Input To Fetch String Word

Jul 28, 2014

I'm having an issue, I have a scanner (Scan.nextLine();) that scans the console for input to fetch the string "word". Then I want to fetch a character using Scan.findInLine(word).charAt(number);. The problem is that the console requires me to write 2 lines in order for the program to move on. I only want the program to scan for a word, and then move on with what it has instead of requiring 2 inputs.

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How To Limit Users To Enter Only 12 Digit Input And Integer Value

Feb 8, 2014

I want to limit the program to only accept a 12 digit input and an integer value but I don't know how to program it,

import java.util.Scanner;
public class testing4
public static void main(String []args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
String input;


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How To Limit Users To Only Enter Integer Into String Variable

Feb 7, 2014

I need to allow users only enter integer into a String variable, "input" and I am not sure what statement to use.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class assq2b {
public static void main(String []args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
String input,b;

[Code] ......

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How To Input Data From Console

Nov 7, 2014

I want to input character data from the console without using the BufferedReader class. I tried using the Scanner class but the compiler shows an error. This is what I tried:


Is there any way I can input character data without using the BufferedReader class?

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Console Input Of Strings Using Scanner

May 9, 2015

I am having a great deal of frustration trying to use the scanner to get user input from the eclipse console. Here is what I am trying to do.

Print a menu for the user with options, take that (1) char input and run it into a switch statement for processing. I have that done and it is working fine.

If the user chooses to enter strings for storage, They are instructed to enter their string and press enter to complete that string entry. Then enter the next string and press enter, etc.

So I have a While loop for this. Get the scanner input, store it in the LinkedList, get the next scanner input, etc. I get the scanner string and store it in a Linked list. That works fine. The user is instructed to simply enter a blank string to end the entry procedure, like just press Enter on the new line without typing a new string.

The problem is the scanner doesn't seem to return anything for me to Test to close this procedure. How do I TRAP the fact that the user just pressed enter so I can end my procedure? I have tried next() and nextLine() and reset(), etc. And I am getting knowhere.

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Input From Console To Array List?

Dec 10, 2014

I have this very simple application just to test console input:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WriteTester {


When I let it run, only every third entry is put into the array list and I have to hit "enter" three times for the "break" in line 21 to trigger. I cannot find out why.

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Can't Give Input A File By Console

Sep 28, 2014

this is my my code i cant give input form my takes input but it doesn't save in a target file..My code is :-

package filetester;
import java.util.Scanner;

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Console Input Menu Unresponsive On Recall

Nov 28, 2014

I am currently tackling homework for a small I/O-program with console input.Right now, only the part when you enter "E" or "e" on the console is implemented and the issue I am trying to tackle is described in the comment starting at line 38:

import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Scanner;


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How To Access String Arrays From Console List

Apr 8, 2014

We were suppose to make a program for an assignment and the prof provided some codes to start of. What does this basically mean? How do i access the string arrays from consolelist?

class ConsoleInfo {
private String conTitle;
private double conPrice;
private int conQty;
private String conPic;
private static String empPassword;
ConsoleInfo(String title, double price, int qty,String pic)


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String Inputs And Outputs - Printing Information To Console

Mar 22, 2014

Write an application that asks the user to enter his/her first name, last name, birthday, and where you born (all fields type String) and prints their information to the console. Use the techniques discuss in class. The data must be encapsulated. The program must be coded in Notpad++ and compiled in the Command Prompt.

Output should be like this:


What is your first name? Carlos

What is your last name? De La Torre

When is your birthday? 08/12/1979

Where did you born? Puerto Rico

First Name: Carlos

Last Name: De La Torre

Birthday : 08/12/1979

Born in : Puerto Rico

This is what I have so far :

package myinfo;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class MyInfo {
private String name;
private String lastName;
private String birthday;
private String birthPlace;

[Code] ....

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EJB / EE :: Is There A Limit For Length Of Get URL Request?

Oct 17, 2014

I want to know is there a limit for length of get url request? if if what is the max length.

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Limit Password Attempts To 3

Oct 26, 2014

When I enter the wrong password, it says I have successfully logged in.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class P2H
public static void main (String[] args) {
String usernameStr=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Username");

[Code] ....

Also I have to limit password attempts to 3. How would I go about that?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Limit Items Per Row For JScrollPane?

Mar 3, 2014

When I add to a JScrollPane (I'm adding to a JPanel then putting that in the scroll pane) it displays as many items in one row as possible. How can I make it so that it only displays one per row?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Set A Char Limit In TextField

Feb 13, 2014

I need to set a limit when a textfield is typed, I don't know where to start to do this validate.

Any way to do it. or can you take me to the correct path.??

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Command Line Parameter Limit

Mar 22, 2014

What is limitation for command line parameter??

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Limit Object Movement Within A Window

Aug 31, 2014

I just started to learn Java. In my program, I created a GRect(paddle) and I would like to move it on the x axis whenever the mouse is moved.

import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class BreakoutClass extends GraphicsProgram {
/** Width and height of application window in pixels */
private static final int WIDTH = 400;
private static final int HEIGHT = 600;


In this case, whenever the paddle reaches the right edge of the screen, it doesn't move off the windows, but it stops moving (even if you move the mouse).

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Any Limit On How Many Parameters Can Be Passed With PreparedStatement?

Mar 31, 2014

I tried to Google, but was not able to find anything relevant.

I have a sql query where in I am using preparedStatement which goes something like :

select * from test where parameters in ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);

Is there a limit on how many "?" characters i.e. parameters can be there in this query?

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Get A String From User Input?

Apr 13, 2014

I trying to get this code to get user input instead of reading from a hardcoded array. I'm getting compile errors while trying to get user input. Here's some of the code:

Java Code: // BubbleSort Java
// compile with: javac
// run with: java BubbleSort


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Split Method In Java - How Does Negative Limit Works

May 16, 2015

I am not able to understand how split method in java works

If I have

value.toString().split(";", -6);
value.toString().split(";", -2);

what will be the difference...basically , i want to know how does negative limit in a split works...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Rows In JTextArea - Entering More Lines Than Limit

Jan 9, 2014

Here's a snippet of code from a program I'm making:

private void init() {
testInfo = new JTextArea("Progress log:
testInfo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(testInfo.getPreferredSize().width, 200));
scrollPane = new JScrollPane(testInfo);

The problem is, the JTextArea that's created has a "limited" number of rows - it seems you can still enter more lines than the "limit", but they don't show. I thought it was a problem with the JScrollPane but I'm not so sure...

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Maze Game - Tracking Objects / Limit Movement

Jan 26, 2015

I made a kind of maze game that includes the class keylistener and orients a object, i can't find where the program tracks this object (where its x and y coordinates are). So now my object can move freely through all walls and i want it to bounce back or at least something to happen when the object reaches a wall.

I want to find a way to limit my objects movement and because i cant find where the coordinates or variable for this object is i cannot limit its movement

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JDBC :: New OJDBC 7 Maximum Cursor Limit Exceeded

Mar 5, 2015

We are running a set of unit tests using the latest ojdbc 7 driver and the highest open cursor keeps going up, until it hits our 300 limit, then throws the cursor limit exception. If we run these tests using ojdbc, the highest open cursor stays at 17 and doesn't cause this exception.
The query used to monitor these cursors is below:

SELECT  max(a.value) as highest_open_cur, p.value as max_open_cur FROM v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$parameter p WHERE  a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and = 'opened cursors current' and 'open_cursors' group by p.value

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Java 8 version 31

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Evaluating User Input For String Or Int

Jan 14, 2015

I have to take a users input. The general gist of the problem is I want to convert a decimal number entered by the user inputs into it's binary equivalent....the conversion part I know how to do.

I'm stuck at the user input phase. If the user inputs a decimal number within the correct range (lets say between 0-5000 for this example) the conversion goes ahead as planned and the program outputs on the screen the binary equivalent.

If on the other hand the user inputs a number outside of this range ... OR a String OR and empty space, an error message is given and the user is asked to try again. I don't know how to handle it if the user enters the different or String.

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String Input / Output And Casting

Oct 2, 2014

I have to create a program that uses the Scanner in String input and Output that will enable the user to convert

double -> int
int -> byte
int -> short
int -> hex-string

The output should look something like this:

Syntax: convert <value> <type>
convert 15.5 int~> 16
convert 128 byte~> -128
<type>: int, byte, short, hex, decimal
Syntax: max <type>
max byte~> 127
<type>: int, byte, short

[Code] ....

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Program Will Only Accept Input From 1 String?

Jan 14, 2015

I am trying to create a fortune teller and everything is running fine except the program does not prompt you to answer the questions

Do you like donuts?
What did you have for breakfast?

Here is the code this is in Bluej :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class FortuneTeller {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Welcome to Fortune Teller");

[Code] .....

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