LinkedList Remove Method

Apr 12, 2014

My remove(item E) method is working fine if I remove an item that is in the list. However, it has an error when I try to remove an item which is not on the list!

Linked List Class

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class LinkedList<E>
private Node<E> head; // head node of the list
private int size = 0; // number of elements that have been added to the list
// Returns the element at a specific list index.
// Big-O: O(n) (due to the nodeAt call, which must traverse the list)
public E get(int index)


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LinkedList No Such Method Error

Oct 27, 2014

Okay, I'm having a problem with my LinkedList. When I run the driver program it's telling me that I have no "add" method and I don't know what's going on.

Driver Program:

public class TestLinkedList {
public static void main(String[] args)
MyLinkedList<String> L = new MyLinkedList<String>();


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HashTable Remove Method Using Arrays

Nov 1, 2014

I'm writing the remove method, where you insert the key and it searches the key, if the key is found you remove the value inside the table and return that value, if they key is not found you return null. I did this method but is not returning anything in the main so I try to print inside an if to see if it was entering the condition and it appears to be looping, I'm using arrays because its an assignment

public V remove(K k) {
int key = funcionHash(k);
V key2 = (V) tabla[key].value;
int intento=1;

[Code] ....

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How To Calculate Remove Method Complexity

Feb 1, 2015

I need to figure out how to calculate the remove method complexity in the worst best and average case same as the insert method

public void insert(String Word)
int pos = myhash(Word);
WordNode nptr = new WordNode(Word,null);
if (table[pos] == null)
table[pos] = nptr;

[Code] .....

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Returning Object That Has Been Removed Using Remove Method

Nov 18, 2014

So i have used the "remove()" method in conjunction with an iterator to remove an object from a HashSet in my program, and part of my exercise requires me to return said object. What I can do to return an object that has been removed using "remove()" method?

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Recursive Method To Remove Vowels In A String

Oct 22, 2014

Write down a recursive method to remove vowels in string ....

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Populating A LinkedList In Java?

Feb 17, 2014

I have a LinkedList class that implements a game.

I want to create a list and populate it when a LinkedList object is created .
The game constructor takes a word.

How do you populate a LinkedList of any type for example suppose I have a LinkedList of the Integer type, How do I fill it up with 10 integers?

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Difference Between LinkedList And ArrayList

Feb 19, 2014

I have just begin to understand collections in Java. I read about the differences between LinkedList and ArrayList but have several doubts on it. I have mentioned them below

1) Why retrieving in ArrayList is faster then LinkedList?. Since both have the get method how does performance differ?.

2) How does re-sizing happens internally in ArrayList when a item is added or removed?. How slow this is compared to the pointer re-shuffling in LinkedList when a item is added or removed?.

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What Is The Starting Index Of LinkedList

May 12, 2014

What is the starting index for linked list, 0 or 1. I know an array starts at 0 so wouldn't a linked list?

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Searching For Object In LinkedList?

Nov 3, 2014

I'm doing LinkedList at the moment and I'm having a bit of trouble with my assignment. The part I'm struggling with is remove an employee from a training course (as specified by their employee number),

what I'm confused about is iterating through the linked list to find the employee we're looking for. What I would do in this situation if I was using an array list is

for(Employee emp : myList) {
if(emp.getEmployeeNumber().equals(searchedNumber)) {
remove from training course..

"Can only iterate over an array or an instance of java.lang.Iterable" is what it is telling me, and I can't figure out why/how its done differently for linked lists.

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Getting NullExceptionPointer When Adding To LinkedList

Jul 20, 2014

I can't figured out why it's keep giving me error when I tried to add i to the linkedlist. I tried changing it to other numbers but keep giving me nullExceptionPointer.

public static void subset(double[] weight, double[] value, int start) {
double sumWeights = 0;
for(int i = start; i<weight.length; i++){

[Code] ....

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Difference Between Hashmap Linkedlist And Arraylist?

Jul 10, 2014

What are the difference between hashmap, linkedlist and arraylist ... when they are used and why?

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Queue Class And Java LinkedList

Sep 30, 2014

I have a Queue class (containing a LinkedList plus a few other variables and stats for my project), which works fine with the standard LinkedList, but I'm trying to add my own code for MyLinkedList.

However, I keep getting a NullPointerException at my remove method.

public class MyLinkedList<T> {
Node head;
public MyLinkedList() {
head = null;
public class Node {
T contents;
Node nextNode;

[Code] ......

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Type Safety - Unchecked Cast From Object To LinkedList (EventData)

Feb 28, 2014

I am getting "Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to LinkedList<EventData>" in eclipse for a piece of code stated below

public LinkedList<EventData> loadFromFile(File file) {
queue=new LinkedList<EventData>();
//Some piece of code
return (LinkedList<EventData>)queue.clone(); //--->getting warning here

I know that because clone() method is returning Object, hence compiler doesn't have type information that's why showing warning. I don't want to suppress this warning instead i want to fix it.

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Remove Item From Table?

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to make a calendar that, when you click on the date, the result are stored in a map and visualized in a table that refers to a container.

I successfully created the map mechanism, but I have a problem on the list....

I add the rows in this way:

Object newItemId = container.addItem();
Item riga = container.getItem(newItemId);
How can I delete a row in the list, when all I have in input is the "Timestamp" information, in a Long value?

BTY, I'm using NetBeans with Vaadin extension

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How To Remove Value Or Highlighted On Click

Jan 16, 2015

I want my jSpinner value "0" to be removed on button click. and I want my jSpinner and jFormattedTextfield and jTextfield value "0" to be Highlighted(e.g: like highlighted by mouse double click) on button click.By removed I mean: nothing to be in the jSpinner. empty as any textfield. the jSpinner default value is 0 and on Click I want the value of the jSpinner to be removed and Highlighted, I need both examples code.

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Buttons To Add And Remove 1 Ball

Apr 29, 2015


import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Ball extends JPanel {
private int delay = 10;
private Timer timer = new Timer(delay, new TimerListener());
private int x = 0; private int y = 0;

[Code] ...

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How To Add And Remove From Arraylist Through Different Class

Mar 13, 2014

Right now i am working on some java using BlueJ and trying to insert and remove data from an arraylist through a public class or from a new class.

I want it to have it as like a database were you can add and remove data but have a limit of storing.

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How To Remove ActionListener From All Of Buttons At The End

Mar 18, 2015

How can I remove the ActionListener from the buttons of my application after i have got something happen.

Please consider the following application:

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Exer1218659 extends JFrame {
private String[] textButtons;
private Container contents;

[Code] .....

After the line 37 executes I expect that the ActionHandler (ah) will be removed from all of the buttons but this do not happen, then all the remaining button still responding to the clicks. Where is the problem in my code.

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Code Won't Allow To Remove Integer

May 7, 2014

My program gives me an error when I try to "digUp" the purse. The error appears in the purse class.

public class Purse
public double gp;
public double gold;
public double silver;
public double copper;
public double platinum;
public static final double GOLD_VALUE = 1;

[Code] ....

In the digUpPurse() method, it tells me


What this means.

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How To Remove Possible Suffix / Return More Than One Value

Mar 19, 2015

I have a prob with my coding..Here it is :

private boolean chk_akhiran(String pkata) {
String tempkata = new String();
boolean wujud = false, status = false;
for (int i = 0; i < akhir + 1; i++) {
tempkata = Suffix[i]; // list of suffix that possible to be removed

[Code] ....

Example : "katakan" will produce "katak" but at the same time possible root word that can be produced is "kata"
in Suffix [i] i have a suffix "an" and "kan"'s stop when meets suffix "an" bcoz "an" is above "kan" in a list .. How to get another possible root word....

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Add Or Remove Will Be More Efficient By A Linked List

Jan 31, 2015

if one address point on another address. so set and get methods will be less efficient then an array, but add or remove will be more efficient by a linked list ? a linked list also inherit from queue so if i add an elemnt via "addFirst" function . where its adding the element ? to the right most or left most ?
if i have for example :

here [ ] --> [ ] --> [ ] --> [ ] -->[ ] or here

linked list its FIFO so the head will be the right most ?

Edit : its confused me a little bit but i understood now .so it will be at the left most. its actually ordered . not like the stack which is LIFO.

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Remove Multiple Elements From ArrayList?

Dec 27, 2014

I have an ArrayList of tens of thousands of elements, and want to remove the items at a given set of sorted indices like {1,5,29,318,499,583}. It seems like this operation could be performed in linear time and space by first finding a cumulative sum of the shifts needed to move everything to their right positions and then shifting every item. On the other hand, removing and shifting one by one would seem to require many more shifts. Is there a way to do this in Java's ArrayList?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Remove Jtable Border

Apr 26, 2015

How can I remove the light blue border? I tried everything that I know [URL]

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Netbeans - How To Remove Added Library

Feb 13, 2014

I'm just a java beginner. I've spent a lot of time installing and configuring software. I'm using Netbeans 7.3 on Windows 7, 64 bit. Recently, I downloaded opencsv from sourceforge.

With no previous experience adding libraries, I read a blog post on adding the library. I think that I then:

Start a new project.

Right click on libraries

Add jar/folder

Gave the temporary path to the .jar file

After, I read the blog post again, and realized I'd missed it. This time I did:

Right click library, Add library, Create library

However, I kept getting a message that the same library already existed. If I do the first process above, I will find the same library.

However, I see no way in Netbeans to remove it. I've deleted the test projects. And started a new one. But the library now exists for all projects it seems.

I've grepped all the files under the Netbean directory, searching for "opencsv", but found nothing. The only things in the Windows registry were locations of files.

How can I delete this library permanently from Netbeans? Short of, uninstall, then reinstall? Is there a way to list all the libraries that Netbeans has?

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Create Set - Allow User To Add Or Remove Toppings

Oct 18, 2014

I basically need to allow the user to add or remove toppings on the pizza once it is created. I am new to code (steps included). We are supposed to use enums and sets.

package pizza;
public class Pizza {
// Declare enums
public enum Size{


I started this this is what I have currently I have an error here:

private Set<Topping> setOfToppings = new EnumSet<Topping>(Topping.class);

I am sure it is because I haven't set it up correctly.

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