Loading Jars Dynamically In Application

Dec 26, 2014

How load dynamically load jars? Is it possible to load updated jar in my application by code? My application has to use new and modified class files but application should not be restarted.

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How To Call Executable Jars Using Jbutton

Aug 7, 2014

how run the executable jar files using JButton from another class file.I need, when i click the button then the executable jar file should be and display the output.

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Program That Imitates A Pantry That Has 3 Jam Jars?

Oct 29, 2014

I created a program that imitates a pantry that has 3 jam jars. For the inputs of the user, I must create a jar using the class I have created for the jars (NAMED Jar). The only problem is that, after it asks for the first input, it skips the name of the second and third jar and inputs nothing for them. This is what it looks like:

What is the name of the 1st jar?
How much jam is there left in the jar?
What is the name of the 2nd jar?
How much jam is there left in the jar?
What is the name of the 3rd jar?
How much jam is there left in the jar?
The name is: Blueberry
The size is: 500.0
The name is:
The size is: 500.0
The name is:
The size is: 500.0

It does not ask for the second and third jar name when my code clearly tells the program to do that.

import java.util.Scanner;
class Pantry


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Load Jars From Client Machine?

Apr 2, 2014

My application loads some 15 Jars from the server, which slows down the entire process.
I need to Load the Jars from a local machine. I want to store the Jar files in the client machine and not in the server.
So that every time when a client need to run my application by a URL specified, the Jar file stored in his system should load.

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B-Dimensional Array Shared By Project Jars

Apr 19, 2015

I have several private jars which are linked to my project and I need them to write and read values tofrom the same b-dimensional array. Actually I need a single array which in which my app and its linked jars will write to and read from it. How can I achieve that?

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JSP :: Getting Parameter Dynamically?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm displaying a 3-column table with the column names ID, name, and salary. I made the ID into a link to go to the EditServlet class. What I'm trying to do is figure out which ID# was clicked to get onto the servlet page, how to implement that dynamically?

I know that if you put something like ?x=1 and then getParameter("x") on the servlet page would work, but then all the IDs would have the same parameters since I'm using a for loop to print out my ArrayList of objects.

My code for the jsp part is below.

for (int count=0; count<list.size(); count++) {
<td> <a href="EditServlet"><%= list.get(count).id %></a>
<td> <%= list.get(count).name %>

[Code] ....

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Create JCheckBoxes Dynamically

Mar 18, 2014

I am trying to write a program for a hairsalon, and I have a JDialog popup, where the user inputs the appropriate data for an appointment...

This includes a scrollpane with all the available services the hairsalon has to offer.

I create these checkboxes dynamically (using a for loop) after storing them in a Vector first

Java Code:

Vector<JCheckBox> checkboxVector = new Vector<JCheckBox>();
for (int i = 0; i < services.femaleServices.length; i++) // femaleServices is a string array holding the services for ladies
checkboxVector.addElement(new JCheckBox(services.femaleServices[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < checkboxVector.size(); i++)
servicesPanel.add(checkboxVector.elementAt(i)); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

They are dynamically created for 2 reasons:

1) Many different services

2) User may add new ones over time...

The problem is I cannot reference them.

For example, if a lady wants to have a haircut and change her hair colour, 2 checkboxes will be checked... How can I know which ones are checked?

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JSF :: Set Attribute Type Dynamically

Oct 22, 2014

context.getELContext().getELResolver().getType(context.getELContext(), null, "value")

Here "value" is an attribute name. By this we can get data type of the attribute.

By somehow can we set the type also?

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JSF :: Generate Selectonemenu Dynamically

May 19, 2014

I am working on shopping cart application in which i want to generate selectonemenu dynamically for setting Item attribute from database.for eg, I have 4 tables item, attribute,attribute_value and mapping of this three. Now i want that I ask user to select attribute for item and than assign value.to assign attribute to item i created checkboxlist that is working perfectly then i want that selected attribute as label and their value appear inside dropdown.

i made to display but get confused when it comes to storing this value in database confused in red underlined place..This is without any dynamic generation but i think solution is dynamic component but dont know how code snippets:

<c:forEach items="#{itemManagedBean.allAttribute}" var="att">
<h:outputText value="#{att.key}" title="">


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How To Do Nested Circle Dynamically

Feb 8, 2015

i'm trying to do a nested circle dynamically. i don't know whats wrong with my program ...

private Ellipse2D.Float doubleElip(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
int x = Math.min(x1, x2);
int y = Math.min(y1, y2);
int width = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
int height = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
for( int i=0; i < 1; i++){
Ellipse2D.Float elip = new Ellipse2D.Float(x , y,
width/i, height/i);
return elip;

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Images Not Loading

Nov 15, 2011

I usually code in PHP, C++ and ActionScript.I'm trying to follow an example of how to add images to a full screen application. What he does is that he adds a JPG background image, and then 4 PNG images. I tried to do it like I always do, by writing the code by myself looking at the book. It didn't work. I searched for errors in the code, changed some things, tried different things, but it didn't work. Then I tried to use his own code, that I downloaded from his website. That didn't work either.. I tried to find another way to add an image, and I can't seem to figure out a way to implement images in any other way into this class that's written in this book.. My Java programming level isn't just high enough.

Here's the code for the file where the images load, downloaded from the authors website (I've modified the brackets and some spaces so that it becomes easier to read):

Java Code:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class ImageTest extends JFrame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DisplayMode displayMode;


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JSP :: Dynamically Populate Drop Down List?

Dec 2, 2014

I'm having an issue with populating a dropdown list in my HTML form.

I want the form to pull in the values from the Database. I have a connection and I'm able to populate a table with the values.

Now I'm trying to populate a dropdown within a form that will bring in currency codes that are in a column called CURR_CODE from the Database.

//Declare variables
//String con_currency_sdo = ""; // as New Connection
String ResultSet = "rs"; // as New Command
String Statement = "stmt"; // as New Recordset
String selBaseCurr = request.getParameter("CURR_CODE");


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Do A Nested Circle Dynamically

Mar 5, 2015

i want to draw a circle inside a circle in java. so far i'm using this piece of code

private Ellipse2D.Float drawEllipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
int x = Math.min(x1, x2);
int y = Math.min(y1, y2);
int width = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
int height = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
return new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, width, height);

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Reuse Dynamically Added Controls

Nov 8, 2014

I am trying to create a form where my customer can add some other fields(like: label,textbox), and he need to use that added fields for the next time he open the application...

I would like to know whether it is possible to save dynamically created controls and reuse it again...

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Adding Information To Array Dynamically

Apr 29, 2015

I'm having trouble conceptualizing something. I will post the code, it's works exactly as it should. I create an array and Hash Map to display periodic table of elements information after allowing the user to search by element name or symbol. I want the user to also be able to add elements to the periodic table. I can't really conceptualize how I am going to do that with an array I've already created.

Here's code:

//Create element objects.
//Here is where I create my "elements" array, and where I could like to prompt the user to add elements, if desicred.
Element[] elements = {new Element("Hydrogen", 1, "H", 1.008,1,1), new Element("Lithium",3, "Li", 6.94,2,1)}; //
//Maybe it seems if I prompt the user here to add new element names, symbols, weights, etc, I would be overwriting

[Code] .....

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JSF :: How To Display Data In A Table Dynamically

Feb 15, 2014

Need to display data in a table - no of columns are fixed, and rows may vary based on the data available in DB.Display tables in horizontally and 2 tables per row. If it exceeds 3 it should display in next rowsample format to display attached in attachment,Using JSF 2 & richfaces 4.0.

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Loading File From Input

Mar 24, 2015

how I can change my code so that somebody can actually input the specified file path, rather than having it fixed in the code. I previously used

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What is the filename?");
String input = in.nextLine();
File file = new File(input);

But then the program would not display the frequencies.

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
This program will allow the user to enter in a text file name, when prompted the program will anaylser the text and display the frequencies
public class AssP {
public static void main(String[] args ) {
Scanner scan;
try {
Scanner scanner = scan = new Scanner(new File("C:/Users/Mary/workspace/Assingment/src/test.txt"));


This is my current code and I need to so the user can load their own files.

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JSP :: How To Show Loading Image

Feb 11, 2014

I have to show a loading image which should tell some proper loading message in jsp.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Why Isn't Image Loading

Jun 20, 2014

I have added the image in the src and bin directories and cross-checked that the name of the image file is correct..Here is the main class

import javax.swing.*;
public class apples
public static void main(String args[])
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
MyDrawPanel wid = new MyDrawPanel();

and here is the class that does the image adding part

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class MyDrawPanel extends JPanel
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

Image image = new ImageIcon("b.png").getImage();
g.drawImage(image,20, 20, this);

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Web API - Loading Json Data

Sep 18, 2014

So I would like to get information out of a web-API. But my question is how I do this. I guess I need to read the URL first. And parse it after but what is the best way?

For example : [URL] .....

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Applets :: Loading Is Too Slow

Jan 31, 2014

We are using an applet in our web application. The applet of our application is dependent on bouncycastle jar,bcprov-jdk15.jar and few other jar's whose size comes around 4 mb. When using the appliaction on jre7, the applet is taking too long time to load than usual time. Is there any way to place these jar's in client machine? Will it improve the performance? Is there any other way to reduce the loading time of applet apart from placing jars in client machine?

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Writing A Program To Dynamically Update XML File To Add

Feb 8, 2014

I'm writing a program to dynamically update an xml file to add, delete, and edit entries in the file. I've run into an issue with the add method because when I write into the file, a random letter is added before the line. EX:

I want to add "<item> ..." to the end of the list of entries, but when it is added, this is what is added "Z <item> ..."The spacing for the <item> is correct, however, I don't see where or why the Z is added.

public static void insertItem(Item i)
try {
String insert = " <item>";
String text = "";
Scanner in = new Scanner(file);


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JSF :: How To Change Rows Attribute Of InputTextarea Dynamically

Feb 13, 2014

i have a field that varies from 10 to 3000 VARCHAR in DB. A field called IDTEXT in a database that can be even a single word or up to a max of 3000. I want to display that in a form. Based on its size i want to very the size of the <h:inputTextarea>. How can i do it..will i be able to set row property from bean?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add Radio Buttons To ButtonGroup Dynamically?

Dec 5, 2014

I am using a HashMap to store names (keys) and IDs (values). I have set it up so that the radio buttons are added to the JPanel dynamically. That is, each time a name/id is added, a new radio button is automatically generated and added to the panel. Here is a snippet of the code I have thus far:

private void employeeButtons() {
buttonPanel = new JPanel();
buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2,5,5));
empMap.put("Kyle", "1090");
empMap.put("Alex", "6490");
empMap.put("Mark", "9090");
empMap.put("Anne", "4390");


The above code adds all of the radio buttons to the panel just fine. However, I need the buttons to be mutually exclusive. I would like to be able to not only add the buttons dynamically, but I need the buttons to be added to a ButtonGroup dynamically as well. That is, when I add a new hashmap entry the a new radio button is generated and added to the radiobutton group.

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Word Document Dynamically Using Java Code

Jul 31, 2014

I need to generate the word document dynamically using java code, included the necessary jar files, No compliation issue, but During run time am getting this error: Could not initialize class org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006. main.CTDocume .using all these jar files: POI-3.6.jar, POI_3.9.jar, Poi-ooxml-3.5,Poi-ooxml-3.6,Poi-ooxml-3.7,Poi-ooxml-3.9,Poi-ooxml-schemas-3.6,Poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9.jar. using the XWPFdocument class. when my cursor get into that line XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument(); getting the above error.

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Dynamically Add Objects To Array In Any Position In Java

Feb 6, 2015

I have an assignment in which I have to design a method where I add an object at any given position in an array and shift the elements already in the array to make room. For example I have a collection class which holds trading card objects. So I wish to add a new trading card to this collection at a specified index or position with out deleting the current object already stored in the array . All this has to be done without the use of array lists, vectors or any abstract data types besides arrays . My question is how do I accomplish this . Say I wish to add a new trading card in position 4 the new card is added to my array and the card currently in position 4 gets moved to position 5 and the card in position 5 gets moved to 6 etc. The maximum amount of cards my collection can hold is 100. How would I add my trading card object to the specified position without overwriting what is currently there and shifting all other elements?Here is my current code.

public class CardCollection {
public BaseballCard [] collection;
final int MAX_CARDS = 100;
public CardCollection() {
collection = new BaseballCard[MAX_CARDS];
public CardCollection(BaseballCard[]c)


position refers to the position in the CardCollection and not the position inside the array.

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