Maze Game - Tracking Objects / Limit Movement

Jan 26, 2015

I made a kind of maze game that includes the class keylistener and orients a object, i can't find where the program tracks this object (where its x and y coordinates are). So now my object can move freely through all walls and i want it to bounce back or at least something to happen when the object reaches a wall.

I want to find a way to limit my objects movement and because i cant find where the coordinates or variable for this object is i cannot limit its movement

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Limit Object Movement Within A Window

Aug 31, 2014

I just started to learn Java. In my program, I created a GRect(paddle) and I would like to move it on the x axis whenever the mouse is moved.

import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class BreakoutClass extends GraphicsProgram {
/** Width and height of application window in pixels */
private static final int WIDTH = 400;
private static final int HEIGHT = 600;


In this case, whenever the paddle reaches the right edge of the screen, it doesn't move off the windows, but it stops moving (even if you move the mouse).

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Tracking Number Of Games Within Guessing Game

Aug 22, 2014


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class GuessGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {


tracking the number of games played, and also when running the code, I have to press "1" twice for it to actually load up the game again.

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How To Do Movement In Text Based Game

Feb 13, 2015

I'm relatively new to Java, I'm trying to create a text based game, like those old ones where you type "north" or "east" to move as such, and "look" to inspect the area. My only problem thus far has been trying to figure out just how I should... "structure?" the movement. As in, what's the best overall way to approach this? I've tried making a new method for every area and just passing a variable called "location," but along with passing the inventory and stat arrays, it's just become messy. Or is this a good way to do it? I have a separate method for when the player enters something, but then how will it know which description to give when the player types "look?"

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Snake Game Movement Algorithm

Jun 16, 2014

I am working on replicating this project: [URL] ....

What is wrong with the moveSnake method and the for loop within it?

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Alien Movement In Space Invaders Game

Apr 13, 2014

I'm working on this space invaders game and I've been stuck trying to get the alien spaceships to move down in one group. The way we have to design the game is we have to implement at least these 3 classes. These classes are GameData,GamePanel, and Animator. GameData is all the action figures/models in the game. GamePanel draws all game action figures/ models on the screen. Animator updates periodicaly action figures positions,sizes, colors etc. I can get the aliens to move right but once they hit the end of the canvas I cannot figure out how to get them to move as a group down and then begin moving left. I tried to add alien objects to the GameFigures list and then have the update method in the Alien class be responsible for moving the alien ships, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. So then I made an alienFigures list in the GameData class and I still cannot figure out what to do. Here is the GameData class

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;


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Create Word Game Using Classes And Objects

Feb 14, 2015

For class, we need to create a word game using classes and objects.

The game is played in rounds. The player is presented with a word that is missing letters. The player has to fill in the missing spaces with their letter guesses. The words presented are chosen with a random number generator which has been provided for us. At the end of the game, the player is shown their score.

In steps, I have to:

-Welcome the player.
-Present the puzzle.
-Allow the player to fill in the blanks.
-Have the program check responses for correct/incorrect input.
-End the game if they have three misses, or continue if they complete the puzzle.

Now, to start, I have a class for the number generator, a class to store the array of 25 words, and a class for the game itself.

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Simple Cannon Game - How To Delete Objects

Oct 22, 2014

I am using libgdx and box2d to try to make a simple cannon game.

When I have the cannonball collide with another object I want to delete that object and have it stop calling all of it's functions. It doesn't seem like I can have it delete itself, and the contactListener has a reference to the cannonball and other object, but if I set either to null, it seems the original reference still exists and the object isn't deleted.

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Rat And Maze Protocol

Apr 17, 2014

So far i've built an array of char W= wall, O=open, R= rat, and P= path

I have another class "RAT" which will navigate through the maze. so im having trouble with the method to get the position of the rat when it is navigating through maze. this is what i have.

public class FinalMaze {
static char[][] mazeArray = new char[][] {

[Code] .....

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Java Motion Tracking

May 9, 2014

I want to learn more on motion tracking with java. Found some artikles and some examples with dead links. I haven't found much on it on google.I know it has to be done with JMF but besides that I cannot find any useful stuff on the internet.

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Ball Stopping At The Edge Of Maze

Mar 7, 2015

I am doing an assignment which involves creating a maze and a ball that needs to go through the maze to an end tile then stop the scenario. The maze is made up of 208 buttons in a Jbutton Grid layout. I am replacing certain buttons with a brown tile icon to make up the maze. The ball needs to run along those brown tiles as its path and not be able to move off the brown tile icon images.

I have built the maze and have got quite far with this but now I am stumped on the concept of keeping the ball within the boundary edges and on the brown tiles. I have been told to use if statements, but not had the process explained to me in a way I can understand.

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Maze Backtracking From Text File

Dec 15, 2014

im having 2 simple problems that are for somereason going above my head right now.

1: i need to start the program at the first possible position (row 0 col 0)
2: i need to be able to read multiple mazes in one file.


public class Driver {
private File mapFile = new File("map.txt");
private char[][]maze;
private char pathMarker = '2';
private int row,col,ndx=0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Driver d = new Driver();


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Tracking Constructor To See If It Recreate Object

Aug 2, 2014

that i started to learn programming and i started with java. so there is a book that i'm on it right now called "Pearson Absolute Java 5th Edition" by Walter Savitch anyway i'm on a project in fifth season which i have to create a class named HotDogStand that operates several hotdog stands distributed throughout town. the whole program is clear. although its so easy to accomplish , my question is more about debugging. so here is the code:

public class HotDogStand
private int id; //id number of hotdog stand
private int hotDogsPerDay; //hotdogs sold by one stand
private static int totalHotDogs; //the static value for total hotdogs sold by all the stands
public HotDogStand (int newID, int hotDogsPerDay) { = newID;
this.hotDogsPerDay = hotDogsPerDay;
totalHotDogs += hotDogsPerDay; //to add the value every time the user uses the constructor (every time the user creates an object)


everything works fine. but my question is what if someone use a constructor again? you see if in the main method someone do this after creating the object "stand3":

HotDogStand stand3 = new HotDogStand(3, 43);
stand3 = new HotDogStand(3,40);

i know that it's logical to use setter method but this program doesn't have one. if someone do the thing i wrote above, the calculation of static variable, totalHotDogs will be all wrong. because of totalHotDogs += hotDogsPerDay; it will add another value for the same object. how can i tell the machine to ignore the second (or more) invocation of the constructor for the same object?

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How To Find A Path Through Array Maze

Mar 4, 2015

So what I'm trying to do is write a code in java which finds a path through a maze. I want it to go through the maze and determine if there's a * symbol at that location or not. If there is a * symbol at the specified location then the program would search for another position until it finds one without the * symbol and if it can't then I'll have the program return null. I also want it to implement backtracking which I'm not sure how to do. Here's my code so far

private boolean findPath(int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol){
boolean solved = true;
for(int i=fromRow; i<toRow; i++){
for(int j=fromCol; j<toCol; j++){
if (x[i][j] == ('*')){
//do something
return false;

the code isn't finished yet however what I'm not sure is what do I do with the if statement and how do I implement backtracking?

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Saving Game Objects To Some Relevant Type Of File That Can Be Recalled (Java)

Apr 14, 2015

I am simulating a game. This involves creating two Player objects(either HumanPlayer or ComputerPlayer), a TheBoard object, a TheGame object and a TheGameManager object. In the TheGameManager, i am trying to get it so that i can save the two Player objects, the TheBoard object and the TheGame object in current use at some point in the game and then load them later at some point. However, after debugged, i have found that it doesnt like the writeObject() method and skips and sends an exception up.

My TheGameManager class has the following fields:

public class TheGameManager implements GameManager {
private Player player1;
private Player player2;
private TheBoard currentBoard;
private TheGame currentGame;
//private String[] args;
private int iterations = 1;

[Code] .....

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JSP / JSTL :: Session Tracking Before Hitting Any Page

Nov 2, 2012

I want to validate the user session everyone when ever the request comes for any jsp page. I am able to validate the user in a filter for the first time. But i am confused what would happen when the request comes for other will i be able to get the same session from the server?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: BorderLayout - Adding Multiple Video Game Oriented Objects Such As Sprites To JFrame?

May 24, 2014

I decided to write a small Java program to experiment around with BorderLayout, because I'm developing a Java game and I need to have 2 objects placed in a single JFrame at the same time, and everyone I asked said I need BorderLayout to do that.Before you answer: Also, is using BorderLayout the best option for adding multiple video game oriented objects such a sprites to a JFrame?

So the Java program I wrote is supposed to place a JButton on the JFrame and ALSO place a graphic component (a rectangle in this case). The problem is, only the button shows up, as can be seen in the image link below: URL....

Here is the code:

**** --> The main method class + JFrame/JPanel/JButton constructor
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class main {


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Mouse Movement Code

Feb 11, 2014

I have been working on this mouse movement code that detects which direction the mouse moves in hope to use it in a game. The only problem is that I can not figure out how to make it move to the other side of the screen so I could continue turning to the right or left without having to stop. How would I actually get the x and y coordinants of the mouse to change?

PHP Code: if(x == xscreen){
//set x to 0
}else if(x == 0){
//set x to xscreen
}else if(y == yscreen){
//set y to 0
}else if(y == 0){
//set y to yscreen
} mh_sh_highlight_all('php');

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How To Make Smoother Movement

Jan 23, 2014

First, I have a figure that moves around the screen. It uses keylisteners and just subtracts or adds pixels. However, I notice the movement is not smooth at all. It is very rigid and laggy movement. How can I make it smoother movement?

Second, you get three lives in the game. The lives are subtracting correctly, but I want the game to say "GAME OVER" on a dialog box. How would I get this to happen? My JFrame and my life int are in separate classes. I know I should use an if statement, saying if lives are at or less than zero, open the box, but how do I open the box?

Third, I want to display the time on the screen. I have a swing timer, but how do I put it on the screen? DrawString is not working for me.

Fourth, I want to set an icon for the game, the code is running, but not doing anything.

Java Code: frame.setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("/Users/MW/Downloads/petericon.jpg")); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Unexpected OpenGL Simple Movement

May 28, 2014

I am new to DreamInCode! I was creating a game using OpenGL (and slick for textures).

Using Vector3f, I make coordinates to where my camera is camera'ing (and rotation).

It was working... until I modified something. I only added shaders. When I took the shaders off I think I might of accidentally deleted something. Nonetheless the code looks perfect to me.

On the method "input()" everything runs. No errors are thrown anywhere. I have syso'd the hell outa my code. It shows no signs of breaks. I can, however, move elements I put into my program. I am 100% sure that no other class is breaking my game (soon to be).

What you should look out for: I am not really sure about the glLoadIdentity()'s and glMatrixMode(). I am, knowing a good part of, thinking it could be gluViewPort....

My problem: Can't move my camera even tho it was working before.

package com.Hydroque.OpenGlTest;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import static org.lwjgl.util.glu.GLU.gluPerspective;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;

[Code] ....

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Matrix Icon / Button Movement

Apr 30, 2015

I'm working on making a game in JAVA. To be brief, the game is on a 6x6 matrix called "blocks[][]". The game has two players and the objective is to capture the enemies pieces by moving your piece onto there's. The players do this by moving one piece per turn either forward/backward (Vertically) or right/left (horizontal) movements. Essentially checkers without jumps.I'm not very far into the development process here. So far I have the game board created and the pieces load by clicking the "Start" button (handled by the refresh function). However I'm having a few problems... Namely moving the pieces effectively at the moment.

Right now there's a lot to do:

(1) - Implement a turn system,
(2) - Only allow a player to click their pieces (I've a validation function already in place to only permit valid moves [horizontal/vertical only]),
(3) - getting the pieces to actually "move" what I mean by this is a player selects the piece they want to move, then they select the spot they want to move to and the icon I have placed on the button is supposed to be added to the new square and the icon for its previous position is to be made null.

Please see the "actionPerformed" section to see exactly what I'm trying to do and hopefully as well see what I'm missing as to why it is not working at the moment... Also see under the Refresh function where I commented out the for loops to add the pieces. I did this because it was resulting in an ArrayOutofBounds error so I just wrote each spot out manually where I wanted them to start.

/* Ghosts *
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.border.*;


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Basic Sprite Character Movement

Aug 18, 2014

how I would go about having a moving sprite on a page, such as a virtual pet kind of thing. I've tried searching for it through the years and I've tried it with what I know on my own, but things just act up every time. Either:

A.) The sprite moves (respondent to key strokes, of course), but leaves a trail of its image behind itself.

B.) The background image writes, but for some reason the second image does not write, or is lost behind the background.

I'm sure these are simple issues for most of you, but I've tried going about this for a while now with no luck. What I'm trying to do I'm trying to write a virtual pet game, and I would eventually love to make it move around randomly like an A.I. that's pathfinding, but I've got ideas about that, just I need to know how to make it move period first, everything else I think I could figure out on my own.

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EJB / EE :: Is There A Limit For Length Of Get URL Request?

Oct 17, 2014

I want to know is there a limit for length of get url request? if if what is the max length.

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Limit Password Attempts To 3

Oct 26, 2014

When I enter the wrong password, it says I have successfully logged in.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class P2H
public static void main (String[] args) {
String usernameStr=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Username");

[Code] ....

Also I have to limit password attempts to 3. How would I go about that?

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Fading Trail And Random Movement Coding?

Oct 30, 2014

I need the following key controlled ellipse to leave a trail behind that vanishes after 10 frames. Also, I need to create a random moving ellipse not related to the preexisting one. How to separate the two ellipses ...

Current code:

boolean left, right, backward, forward;
boolean SPEED;
 PVector pos = new PVector(680, 400);
 void setup() {
size (680,400);
fill (0 ,0,0);

[Code] .....

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Make Mouse Cursor Visible On Movement

Mar 25, 2014

I've been creating a digital clock using Java, and have made the mouse cursor invisible after a set period of time (40-seconds) and had the thought to make it visible again if mouse was moved.

Here's the code that makes it invisible:

ActionListener mouseTimeout = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
/* Make mouse cursor disappear after 40 seconds */
Timer mTimeout = new Timer(40000, mouseTimeout);

And here is what I have so far for making it visible again:

MouseMotionListener mouse = new MouseMotionListener() {
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)

I have tried using "setCursor(DEFAULT_CURSOR)" but NetBeans says that it "cannot find symbol" .....

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