Multi-word Hangman Game - Spaces Not Displayed When Program Run

Apr 9, 2015

I created a simple Hangman game. It functions correctly, the only issue is when the file contains a phrase (2 or more words), spaces are not displayed when the program is run. For example, if the phrase was Java Programming Forums.

It would appear as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I want there to be spaces in between the words. How could I fix this? What would I need to add to my code?

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class hangman{
public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
String guess;
String guesses = "";
int wrongGuess = 8;

[Code] ....

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Hangman Type Game - How Many Times Each Guessed Letter Occurs Within The Word

Jul 31, 2014

The game runs fine, however I have to include how many times each letter that is guessed occurs within the word. For example, if the guess is e, the program should print out: The character e occurs in 3 positions. How would I go about doing this??

* A program that plays simple word guessing game. In this game the user provides a list of words to the program.
* The program randomly selects one of the words to be guessed from this list.
* The player then guesses letters in an attempt to figure out what the hidden word might be.
* The number of guesses that the user takes are tracked and reported at the end of the game.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

[Code] .....

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How To Make Hangman Program Work For Phrases With More Than One Word

Apr 13, 2015

I created the following hangman program, but it only works for one word file inputs. How can I modify the program to make it work for files with a multiple word phrase?

/**This program is a basic Hangman game. It takes a word or phrase from a file, and then asks the user to guess the letters in it. The program ends when the user inputs 8 wrong guesses.

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class hangman{
public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{
  Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
  String guess;

[Code] ....

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Program A Hangman Game

Jan 18, 2014

i'm started to program a hangman game i Java not javascript i ecplice. the code so i can move forword just take the code and program it s it works.

import java.util.*;
public class GameLogic {
private boolean isStarted;
private int numberOfGuesses;
private int maxGuesses;
private List<String> guesses;
private String currentWord;


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Create Hangman Game With GUI?

Apr 18, 2015

I am trying to create a Hangman game with a gui. i already have buttons for the letters, each with its own action listener. I'm having difficulties creating the gallows and man.

I have a class called guiTest, which contains all of the letters. This is essentially what i have. Can I add the image to this class, or do I need to create a new class that extends JFrame?

Java Code: import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;


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Create A Very Basic Hangman Type Of Game

Oct 12, 2014

You have to create a very basic hangman type of game. Open Notepad and create a list of at least ten words in a text file. Save the file as a .txt file and use it to read words for the game. In this game you do not have to show pictures but you do need to keep track of the amount of times that the user has guessed wrong. When the game starts, show the amount of characters in the word represented as dashes and ask the user to type in a letter. if the user guesses correctly show the word again with the correct letter filled in the correct positions(s) and if the user correctly guessed the word, show a message. If the user guesses wrong, keep track of the body parts that needs to be reduced with every wrong guess and inform the user as well, also show a message.

I'm struggling with reading the file, showing the amount of parts left and asking the user to play again. Here is the code:

package hangman;

* @author
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
public class HangMan {


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Word Game (how To Check That Word Is In Dictionary)

Apr 21, 2014

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner; 
public class WordGame
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
final int RANDOM_LETTERS_COUNT = 10;
final int TRIALS = 10;
int score = 0;

[Code] ....

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Replacing Underscores In Array Implementation Of Hangman Game

Jun 5, 2014

For an array implementation of a Hangman game I have created an array to hold the game board progress. It is initialized as "_ _ _ " where the underscores represent the number of letter in the word to be guessed. I have written the following method to replace underscores with a correct guess. It is functioning correctly in that it is replacing the underscore with a correct character guess, but it is only replacing the first time this letter appears in the word. I.e. for "greed" guessing "e" would only replace the first e: _ _ e _ _how I may be able to fix this issue.

// Updates gameboard from "_" to current guess if guess is correct
if (isCorrectGuess(move)==true){
guessProgress[charLocation] = guess;}
return true;}

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Hangman Game Using Class - It Keeps On Bringing Up Exception Error

Apr 23, 2015

I wrote a program that would play a game of Hangman. It plays the game but it keeps on bringing up a exception error. This is my class code

import java.util.ArrayList;
class Assignment2Q4
private final ArrayList<Character> guessList = new ArrayList<>();
private final char[] charArray;
private final String secretWord;
private int guesses;

[Code] ....

This is the output that is given:

Enter the secret word:
Guess a letter:
Guess a letter:

[Code] .....

Also when I guess the first letter of the word correctly it stops the program without going further on with the guessing.

Like for ex. P????

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Hangman 2 Player Game - User Cannot Guess More Than 6 Times

May 27, 2014

I am creating a hangman code. So the game i am creating is 2 player, first player enters the word and second player guesses. i made the code but i don't know how to restrict the first player from adding random characters into the secret word because for my project the word can only contain letters. so i need making the code so the player 1 can only enter letters.

My code is below:

* Auto Generated Java Class.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hangman {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
String player1,player2;
int wrongguessamount = 0; //keeps the count of the amount of wrong guesses
int correctguessamount = 0; //keeps count of the amount of correct guesses
int maxincorrect=6;//makes sure the user cant guess more than 6 times

[Code] .....

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Hangman Game - How To Scan The String For Input Supplied By User

Dec 9, 2014

My assignment is to create a hangman game. One of my first difficulties with it is how to scan the string for an input supplied by the user.

Here is my method:

//Guesses that character c is in the secret word.
//Updates all instance variables accordingly,
//and returns true if c is present in the secret word.
public boolean guessCharacter(char c){

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Hangman Game - No Graphics Show Up On Eighth Guess (Blank Frame)

Feb 5, 2015

I'm having some problems with the graphics of my hangman game. The graphic that's supposed to show up on the first guess (the hangman pole) doesn't show up until guess number 2. And on the eighth guess, no graphics show up (I just get a blank frame).

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class HangmanFigure extends JPanel {
private int guesses;
private Image background;
public HangmanFigure() {

[Code] .....

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Multi-Player Game With Multiple Worlds - Unhandled Packets

Sep 16, 2014

So I am trying to create a Multi-Player game in java, and I have a Game server and a Client. They normally connect with either but I would like to add a login server so that there can be an option to go to a different world then just the main one. It will have the same map and data but will be separate from the Players that are on world one per say. Now if you are on world two I would like it to have the option for you to be able to Private message players that are on World one. That is where the login server comes in to play.

I am still new at Java and would like to be able to understand Packets and how to handle them more clearly. So far I have gotten the basis of the login server connected to the server and the client connects to the server via the login server. But I am getting a bunch of "unhandled packets" and I would like to know how to handle them. Here are some bits of the code.


[Code] ....

So when I run my client this pops up in the console:

[Tue Sep 16 16:50:56 EDT 2014][LoginServer]: Finished initializing login server.
[Tue Sep 16 16:50:56 EDT 2014][SignalMultiplexer]: Unhandled packet: 15
[Tue Sep 16 16:50:56 EDT 2014][SignalMultiplexer]: Unhandled packet: 41
[Tue Sep 16 16:50:56 EDT 2014][SignalMultiplexer]: Unhandled packet: 74

[Code] ....

And here are the class's for Accounts:

import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;

[Code] ....

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Connect Four Game With Java Swing / Make Multi D Panel Maker When Try To Run It

May 31, 2014

I am trying to make a Connect Four game with java swing, but I am getting an error with my attempt at making an multi D panel maker when I try to run it.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

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Hangman Program To Show Graphics

Nov 22, 2014

So I am trying to make my hangman program to show graphics. Here is what I have so far. How do I make my variables in here into a graphics program?

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Hangman2 extends JFrame
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
Hangman2 gp = new Hangman2();


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Hangman Program - No Suitable Method Found Error

Apr 7, 2015

I am trying to create a Hangman program using Arrays. When trying to compile my code I get the following error: 50: error: no suitable method found

for setCharAt(int,String)
method StringBuffer.setCharAt(int,char) is not applicable
method AbstractStringBuilder.setCharAt(int,char) is not applicable

Here's the code:

import java.util.*;
public class hangman {
public static void main() throws IOException {
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
String filename;


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Java Hangman Program - Replace Correct Letter With The Blanks

Apr 28, 2014

How to replace correct letter with the blanks in the program. Last method in program used to print correct letters.

import java.util.*;
public class Hangman {
public static Scanner keyboard;
public static final int MAXSIZE = 15000;
public static final int NUM_GUESS = 8;
public static final int WORD_LENGTH = 20;

[Code] ....

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Multi-User Console Chat Program

Nov 22, 2014

My task is to create multiuser console chat program. During whole day of poking around , i finally stand on such concept:

1. When running , Server part must stay into while(true) loop and create threads on each ServerSocket.accept() call, providing socket object inside thread. i.e.

while (true){
System.out.println("Waiting for client to connect");
Thread t = new Thread(new Runner(servSocket.accept(),listOfClientSockets));
System.out.println("Starting thread");

2. Client side always stays within while(true) loop and waiting for user input with ScannerInstance.nextLine() method.
As soon as user prints something and hits enter, data being captured from scanner and thrown to socket output stream to the server.

My question is : if all parties (X clients and server) are actually in waiting mode (server is waiting for connections and each client is waiting for user input), who will refresh the screen for each client to draw the messages other parties sent?

At this time , each party see updates only when he hits enter and while loop does next iteration reading data from buffer and displaying on console.

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Create Word Game Using Classes And Objects

Feb 14, 2015

For class, we need to create a word game using classes and objects.

The game is played in rounds. The player is presented with a word that is missing letters. The player has to fill in the missing spaces with their letter guesses. The words presented are chosen with a random number generator which has been provided for us. At the end of the game, the player is shown their score.

In steps, I have to:

-Welcome the player.
-Present the puzzle.
-Allow the player to fill in the blanks.
-Have the program check responses for correct/incorrect input.
-End the game if they have three misses, or continue if they complete the puzzle.

Now, to start, I have a class for the number generator, a class to store the array of 25 words, and a class for the game itself.

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Word Puzzle Game - Add Extra No Occurrences

Oct 20, 2014

I have a simple Word Program here called It works perfectly but I wanted to add some bells and whistles to it. So I want to be able that if the user selects the same letter more than once a message comes up letting the user know that "That letter has already been selected, try another letter."

I am certain that if would go in the 'else' of the 'if( )' that I am providing.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PuzzleGame {
public static void main(String[] args){
String secretPhrase = "BIG JAVA";
String guesses = " ";

[Code] .....

I am thinking maybe after the else in this if statement.

if(guesses.indexOf(secretLetter)== -1) {
notDone = true;
} else {
//something here. I am not sure how to go about it.

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Design And Implement Word Guessing Game

Dec 29, 2013

I have a project about programing a game in java . In this project you are required to design and implement a word guessing game. In the game, user selects one of the available dictionaries (animals, plants, technical, names, etc. ), and the program randomly chooses one word from that dictionary and displays it by scrambling the letters. The user tries to guess the word while a guess counter starts to count down (lets assume it starts from 5).

While counter counts towards zero, the program chooses -randomly- two misplaced letters and puts them into correct positions to reveal the word more and give the user a hint. However, giving a new hint reduces the total value of the question. Lets say if the initial value of the question is 500 when all letters are scrambled, it reduces to 400 after 1st incorrect guess and hint, then after every incorrect guess it reduces more. You can determine the value of the question by the length of the word. The other details of the game is as follows:

1.You must design at least three classes (for example game, scrambledword, and dictionary).

2.Dictionaries are written in text files. If you design a class for dictionary, it must be constructed by a user chosen category ((animals, plants, technical, names, etc). In the constructor, the dictionary text file corresponding to this category must be opened and read; and words in that dictionary must be read into memory (e.g. String array). You must submit your dictionaries with your code. Do not share dictionaries between friends.

3.The game will record your total points and name in a text file where a hall of fame which has different users and their total points in 10 questions. You can design and implement a class for this.

4.Bonus+5%: Put user interface modules textboxes, buttons, etc Or

a.Use class hierarchy

b.Use of thread and timers and reducing the question value by timer instead of guesses.

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Could Program Fail With Race Condition By Concurrent Threads In A Multi Thread Environment

Feb 18, 2014

I have a task of returning US holiday based on the given date and this utility will be used in a multi thread environment. I have written as below, how to know if my code breaks at any given point by multiple threads

Declared Enum

public enum Holiday {
CHRISTMASDAY("Christmas Day"),
GOODFRIDAY("Good Friday"),
INDEPENDENCEDAY("Independence Day"),
LABORDAY("Labor Day"),


I tried to test this with few concurrent threads, and noticed that the DB call is made for the very first time or when the year being requested is not same as the cached year. But I wanted to see, if this is properly synchronizing and would not fail in any case. My intention is to make a singleton HolidayCalendar, and also synchronized well enough so that every thread using this class gets the required data without blocking each other.

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Translation Game - Translate A Word Proposed To And Check If Input Response Is Correct

Dec 19, 2013

The project is to develop the game Translate the Word .... It is asking user to translate a word proposed to and check if the input response is correct. At the end of the game score will be calculated and displayed.

Game Play :

1 - Ask the user to specify , through the console , its name and the number of words to offer . It is up to you to handle exceptions (eg number of words greater than the number you provided )
2 - Recover user response ( the word translated ) and check whether to continue . (eg you want to continue (y / n)) after each proposal.
3 - compare the response of the user with that which is preset for the word in question .
4 - Show the score at the end ( or at the breakpoint ) .
5 - Save the file in a user name , the score , the number of questions and the start date and end of the game played .

Some notes to consider :

1 - The language (eg, English - French , English - Arabic , etc. . ): It is up to you to specify the language adopted in the game and inform the user of your choice.
2 - The word bank to offer : It is up to you to develop the appropriate means to get the words to propose to the user. That said , the words and their translations can be retrieved :

a. a TXT file
b . an XML file . ( Tutorials DOM and SAX )
c . CSV file ( OpenCSV Tutorial )
d. a database ( Tutorial Access)
e . through APIs (eg Wordnet and google translate etc . ) .
f . a combination of the previous options a, bc , d and / or e . (eg words stored in a txt file and answers retrieved from the api google translate)
g . etc. .

Examples of files and databases are attached to the project statement . You will need to add one or more external libraries to your project. Click here for details on adding external libraries to Netbeans .

3 - A user will be associated with the question score if he can translate the word correctly. The score for each question can be calculated based on the number of words / questions to be proposed .

Development : In this project you will need at least a class called Question to encapsulate the word and its translations and provide all necessary methods to manipulate the object type Question.

An interface called IParser to make extensible project. Any class that implements IParser is a parser file (XML , TXT , CSV , etc.). / Database. In your project there will be a single class that implements IParser and will be used to retrieve words and their translations.

Add the ability to store the questions and answers of the user on the hard disk. Make the class Serializable Question

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Word Counter Program With A Constructor

Mar 4, 2014

Create a WordCounter class with a constructor that takes a file name as a parameter. The class should have two fields: one for the file name and one for a HashMap to store word count information. The constructor should call a private method, countWords, that reads in the file and counts the word frequencies. The class should contain a get method for each field, as well as a print method that prints out the map in the following format:word:frequency. When printing, the map should be sorted by either the word order or frequency (Hint: see Collections.sort)You should include the sample text file on Blackboard

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WordCounter

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Creating Number To Word Program?

Apr 1, 2015

I was given the assignment of creating a number to word program for my first college java programming homework.

Here is what I have created so far :

import java.util.*;
public class PrintNumberInWord { // saved as ""
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number = 5;
Scanner sc = new Scanner (; {
System.out.println ("Enter a number");
System.out.println(" ");
if (number == 1) {

[Code] .....

The first lines were made for us so we could follow a guideline, however, no matter what I type the command prompt displays 5 to me, I know thats because 5 is defined in the beginning but backspacing 5 causes the program not to work at all, how can I get this program to work properly?

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Program To Count Character Word And Line From A File?

Dec 27, 2014

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
// TODO code application logic here
FileReader fr = new FileReader("gautam.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
  int line = 0;
int word = 0;
int character = 0;
String s;


how to count the character from file

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