Naming Projects In Eclipse (hierarchy)

Jan 27, 2014

Below I've attached a screenshot of how I've been naming my various java projects as I go through my current textbook. I'm not sure if I'm naming them correctly. I'm on chapter 5 of Introduction to Java Programming by Y. Daniel Liang and he is currently discussing methods and classes. I'm not sure what my projects would be considered (methods, classes, or something arbitrary like projects). Further, if I wrote a program, like loanCalculator215 for example, how could i call that in a different program, like primeNumbers?

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NetBeans IDE - Naming Java Projects

Jun 22, 2014

The naming conventions for coding Java applications are clear to me. I'm  wondering what the best practices are for naming Java projects e.g. when creating a new project in NetBeans IDE or in BitBucket?

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How To Add New Sub-hierarchy In XML

Apr 3, 2014

I have next xml stucture:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

So, I need to add new <people>...</people> stucture. I made next solution:
NodeList employees = doc.getElementsByTagName("people");
        Element emp = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < employees.getLength(); i++) {
            emp = (Element) employees.item(i);
            Element people = doc.createElement("people");

[Code] ....

Then I got
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Yes, I got the new person in my xml file, but it without

Where I did mistake in my algorithm?

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Constructors In Class Hierarchy?

Feb 9, 2014

I remember reading that a super() call to parent no-argument constructor is automatically inserted by compiler. So, if i have a chained hierarchy of classes (starting at top, with Object), will there be a chain of super() calls, going from bottom to top in the chain ? Will a super() call be inserted in child, if i provide a no-argument constructor for this class ?

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Extending Classes In Inheritance Hierarchy

Jan 4, 2015

I have a working program, except that it does not calculate the credit hours and the financial aid. When I enter an input, it works, until it should show the student name, credit hours and financial aid. the error i get from the command is "Hours invalid for false student". Here is the program i think i might have the problem.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public abstract class Student
//initialise variables
String name;
int creditHrs;

[Code] .....

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Projects To Use Different Data Structures?

Oct 27, 2014

I'm finishing my data structures class and looking for internships and trying to prepare myself for real world application of things I've learned. I'm trying to figure out what sort of project I can start or start over winter break that would use the new data structures I've learned (BSTs, Heaps, Hash Tables, etc). We have been implementing these from scratch but would I be using a library for these on the job? If so, should I implement them that way instead? I have a registrar project from my first data structures class where I used a linked list and then an array list to take care of the different students, classes, and instructors. Maybe I should clean that up and just use that?

how these data structures can be used in non-trivial situations and why I should use one over another. I just don't know a good place to start.

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Projects To Do While Reading Head First Java

Mar 24, 2015

I'm currently reading Head First Java and want to use the topics shown in the book while I read it to master them. What are some good projects that can be used to practice all the skills taught in the Head First Java book while I read it?

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No Java Source Files In Projects?

Apr 10, 2014

my course material is due for term 1 of my cert 4 programming course, but My lecture will not pass my java projects because there is no source files generated for them in the net beans project structure, tried building, cleaning and building, all i can think of?, tried IDE's 7.4 and 8.0 .

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How To Include Java File In All Projects

Mar 23, 2015

1) I have a file .java with some great functions, this functions i need use in all projects, then what is the easy by moment i start a project, and copy this file to project.. is possible have only 1 file with these utilities functions? (if yes how to declare or use in all projects?)

Note these utilities file i want use on JAVA desktop(swinf and javafx), on JSP webpages and in the futhurer on the mobile.
2) I have a JSP project in 1 .JSP file i have 8 Tabs (CSS tabs) when user click on tab1 i execute some jsp java code. and if user click on tab2 i execute a different JSP code, but my problem is, the JSP file is large large large, 1500 lines, my question is: is possible (similar in PHP) do an include?
   include tab1.jsp

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Naming Objects That Inherit

Apr 28, 2014

I'm making a program in which I'm required to create objects that represent employees. My instructions for the driver say to "Create a new Person [] called staff initialized to the following object - fred, barney, wilma, betty, wilma2." The information such as name, year hired, ID number, etc. is given.I couldn't figure out the syntax to give each employee a specific name, so I just wrote what I knew.

Person[] staff = new Person [5];
staff[0] = new FullTime ("Flintstone, Fred", 2005, "BR-1", 65000.12);
staff[1] = new Adjunct ("Rubble, Barney", 2006, "BR-2", 320, 48.55);
staff[2] = new FullTime ();
staff[3] = new Employee ("Rubble, Betty", 2011, "BR-4");
staff[4] = new FullTime ("Slate, Wilma", 2009, "BR-3", 48123.25);

It works for my methods to calculate things such as number of years of employment and print a paragraph about each employee. The problem is that giving each object a name is actually necessary, since I have to update the default [2] to have information given not in the Person type levels (It goes Person→Employee→Fulltime and Adjunct) but in the driver itself and then compare it to [4]. Wilma is supposed to be [2], and Wilma2 is supposed to be [4]. how to format these objects to have the distinct names (for the objects themselves, not just the string name) of the people?

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Java Naming Conventions

Jun 25, 2014

I want to know if a java class name can be declared as "pack1.ClassName". I know the naming conventions rules. I know that this kind of names are not supposed to be used. But I am just curious of whether Java accepts such kind of names also i want to know if $ClassName, _ClassName are valid for classname and are the being used anywhere in the application development.

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Generate JAR File To Distribute Having Multiple Projects

Jan 20, 2015

I have an application separated into three different projects - core, command line version and Web UI version.

Core contains all the business logic in several services classes. Command line version and Web UI version both uses the core project services.

Command line have main class which call services from core. Web UI version is Spring base application using same services from core.

Java Code:

- src
- Service Classes (code here use thirdParty jars and core_file.txt)
- lib
- thirdParty.jar
- core_file.txt mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

[Code] ....

Now I want to give two separate versions to client.

Command line version to run as service in Windows andUI version to deploy in their server.

With above structure I create the cmdline.jar but when I am trying to run with

Java Code: java -jar cmdline.jar mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception for the service classes in core. So my question is how to pack/generate jar for this kind of distribution?

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Naming Conventions For Java Packages

Mar 14, 2014

So I'm not entirely sure what to name my packages. Sometimes I have to many and it becomes overwhelming. Sometimes I don't have enough and I cannot keep my files organized. What is a good naming convention for Java packages?

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Naming Objects Depending Of Times A Loop Have Gone

Oct 4, 2014

I know the normal way of naming objects is

Pipe pipe1 = new Pipe

but I want the objects to be made inside a loop and named after how many times the loop have been gone through so I tried

Pipe pipe(numberOfTimes) = new Pipe

where numberOfTimes was a variable counting the loops. This is not working.I need the naming to be pipe1, pipe2, pipe3 etc depending on how many times the loop have been pased

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;
String morePipes = ("yes");
int dimRor;
int numberOfPipes = -1;


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Naming Fields - Longer / More Descriptive Names

Jun 1, 2014

Which is considered clearer and better for naming?

class SpeedAnimation {
//rate to increment frames at 0 speed
public float baseIncrementRate;
//additional rate to increment frames at, scaled by the speed
public float speedIncrementMultiplier;
//current fractional frame index
public float currentFrameIndex;
//give the upper and lower index bounds to animate between
public int startingIndex;
public int endingIndex;


class SpeedAnimation {
//rate to increment frames at 0 speed
public float base;
//additional rate to increment frames at, scaled by the speed
public float multiplier;
//current fractional frame index
public float index;
//give the upper and lower index bounds to animate between
public int start;
public int end;

I've always been really elaborate with my names, because I thought that being more descriptive is more precise and lowers the chance that names might clash with each other, but then I noticed that a lot of my code becomes really lengthy and tiring to read, ie.:

float speed = body.getVelocity().len();
float positionIncrement = (baseIncrementRate + speedIncrementMultiplier * speed) * deltaTime;
currentFrameIndex += positionIncrement;
currentFrameIndex = currentFrameIndex % (startingIndex+endingIndex-1) + startingIndex;

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Java Source Code File Naming With Access Modifiers

Feb 3, 2014

Why is this not valid in java:

Both uses public with the same class/interface name.
public class Test implements Test{
/// Some codes
public interface Test {
///Some methods

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Difference Between Eclipse And JDK?

Feb 27, 2014

I'm not sure if that's the right place to ask

But I am a bit confused:

I know that JDK means "Java Development Kit" , but isn't Eclipse the same thing? (so why it's called "IDE"?)

Or maybe Eclipse is a type of JDK?

Or actually JDK and Eclipse are 2 different things

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Run Program In Eclipse

Sep 10, 2014

I tried to run the program in eclipse(See Attachments 2 3 4) but I got the following errors(Attach 1), I have attached them as screen shots.


2. Mapper code

3. Reducer code

4. Driver

Since am new to java and hadoop, I want to know the procedure step by step in a brief this program and rest of the two statements successfully.

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Exporting Project In Eclipse?

Feb 10, 2015

i have programmed a game using JPanel and JFrame. My App is of this type (if this is relevant to the problem):

public class Main extends JPanel {
 private JFrame frame;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main();
} public Main() {
frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

[Code] ....

The problem is, When i export the file in eclipse as Runnable jar file,and run the exported file, it gives me a blank screen (white default) and nothing is running. Whereas, normal debugging of the game is working quite well.

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Cannot Open Jar File In Eclipse

Feb 27, 2015

i have an older file I was working on 2 months ago and when i try to open it in eclipse I get a message corruption error. I know this is not possible since I was just working on it a while back, and it's the same program version as what i am currently using..Or would I do a file import instead?

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Ordering System In Eclipse?

Jul 22, 2014

it gives me an error at the end class part some syntax error insert "}"..

* Course: IT110 - Introduction to Programming
* Filename:
* Purpose: Created a simple online ordering system for My Custom Shirts customers
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


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Allman Style For Eclipse

Jan 25, 2012

I just started Java programming bout 3wks ago and using jGrasp since then. But ive started using eclipse and just wondering if it can be set up to use allman style? I dont like having to use tab and backspace to get my brackets in line and neat. I decided to ask before i went snooping around the settings and mess something up since im not to familiar with it right now.

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How To Run SonarQube Server Using Eclipse

Nov 14, 2014

I'm installing sonarQube in Eclipse indigo, How to run SonarQube in Eclipse Projects and adding sonar plug in into Eclipse IDE.

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Push And Pull In Eclipse

Dec 9, 2014

I'm quite new in android programming and I've meet some problem in push and pull method. I have created 2 activity in my app 1 of them call Push_activity and Pull activity(Code are shown below). The String that I keyed in PushActivity have to "transfer" to the PullActivity when the button is pressed:


but1 = (Button)findViewById(;
tx = (TextView)findViewById(;
but1.setonclickListener(new onclickListener(){

[Code] ....

The app works fine when it started. When I press the button in PushActivity, it crashed and the error came from my textview in PullActivity.

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Exporting Program From Eclipse

Jan 11, 2014

I'm new to java programming and I've been trying to make my first program in eclipse for a while, and I finally managed to do that. Well my problem is that I want to be able to use my program without having to open eclipse and opening my program from there, is there any way to do that ?

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Lined Out Content In Eclipse

Aug 26, 2014

I am new to Java and Eclipse. What does lined-out lines mean?

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