Passing Object As Parameter - Combination Values Are All Zero

Mar 8, 2015

I have an object that has an instance of another object class as its parameter :

CombinationLock oneHundred = new CombinationLock(28,17,39);
Locker Mickey = new Locker(100, "Mickey", 3, oneHundred);

This is for a locker, which has a combination assigned to the student. Within the locker class I have the following constructor:

public Locker(int locker, String student, int numberOfBooks, CombinationLock combo) { = locker;
this.combo = combo;
this.student = student;
this.numberOfBooks = numberOfBooks;

combo is the private CombinationLocker object I created within the Locker class. Do I need to pass the combo object on to the CombinationLock class? For reason, I do not comprehend, the combination password from the main class is not passing through to the CombinationLock class, and the combination values are all zero.

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Passing Object As Parameter?

Aug 8, 2014

i want to pass an object of type Software to assign it to a computer from Computer class...

i should note that computer and software are arrays of objects thats the variable and method to set software in Computer class

private Software[] software;
public void setSoftware(Software software,int index){[index]=software;}

note: the user choses the a computer from a list and a software as will

for example the program will show the user 2 computers

0 for computer: apple, Model: mac mini, Speed: 2.8

1 for computer: sony, Model: vaio, Speed: 2.2

the user enters the index he wants then the program will show a list of software to add to the computer selected

the error I'm having is run time error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException and it points to these 2 lines


2. the method setSoftware

every thing is running correctly but this step above

Cch= the chosen computer index

Sch= the chosen Software index

why am i getting an error and how to fix it?

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Passing Parameter From Object Of Class B To Object Of Class C By Use Of Class A?

Dec 13, 2014

Assuming that we have two classes B and C which inherit from class A. What is the best way to pass a parameter from an object of class B to an object of class C by the use of class A without using static variable and without defining a get function in B?

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Passing A Map As Parameter

Apr 30, 2014

I'm using Java in BlueJ where I'm trying to write a class to store cycling club membership details in a map. I'm trying to pass a map as a parameter to a function that will iterate over the map and print out the member details. My code is:

public class CtcMembers
//instance variables
private Map<String, Set<String>> memberMap;
* Constructor for objects of class CtcMembers

[Code] ....

When I execute the following in the OU workspace:

CtcMembers c = new CtcMembers();

I can see a map populated with the expected details.

When I execute the following in the OU workspace:


I get the following error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashSet cannot be cast to java.lang.String
in CtcMembers.printMap(
in (OUWorkspace:1)

I wasn't aware I was trying to cast anything so this has got me baffled.

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Try Catch Passing Parameter

Oct 15, 2014

I'm asking if there is a way to pass parameter between try/catch block.

I have a method:
public void invia(OiStorto invioaca) throws Exception {      
         Long id=0L;
        try {
               //some code
     for (VElenpere elenpere : elenperes) {

[Code] ...

The method called in the for:

private void popolaScompiute(Long anno, InviaEOI inviaEOI0, _4IntegerType param, ElOpeIncType opereIncompiute,
            VElencoOpere elencoOpere,Long id) { 
        try {
          //some code
     for (OiOpera opere : oiOpere){
[Code] ....
And finally the method in which the error can occur (the method poputa is called for every id)
private void poputa(ElOpeIncType opereIncompiute, OpeIncType operaSingola, OiOpera opere) {
try {
//some code
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
            //return id;
So method invia call the method popolaScompiute, inside popolaScompiute there is an iteration through some id and for some id can occur an error; what i want is the getting the value of id in the first method invia, using the block try/catch. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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Create N Number Of Flows With Any Combination Of Values - Search Match

Apr 12, 2015

I have a requirement like to attach most suitable flow  to a request
Flows should be like below (eg:Flow1) .We can create n number of flows with any combination of values.

When I tried to create a request that have all the  features in the flow. And I have to attach the most suited flow to that request.

Suppose my request have the feature  Place = Place1 and company =Comp1 and Job=Job1 .here most suitable flow is Flow1.

So my question is how can I implement the logic in java for getting the most suitable match.

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JSP :: Passing Parameter To Imported File

May 14, 2014

I am trying to run an example in which I pass a parameter to imported file but its not working.

This is my header.jspf file which I will include in a jsp file.

<img >

And This is the JSP file contact.jsp

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<c:import url="header.jspf">
<c:param name="sub" value="We love to hear from our clients------------" />

Now this is JSP page content


When I hit the contact.jsp file , It does show me the image I have on header.jspf , but its not able to print the parameter that I am setting in <c:param>

So after showing image it just shows ${param.sub}. So EL is not translated properly.

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Passing A Boolean Parameter From One Method To Other

Jan 30, 2015

Java SE Runtime Environment build 1.8.0..This is part of the code:

public static int addAddress (String[] number, boolean[] front, double[] total) {
int num = 0;
double ffee = 0;
/*boolean value = false;*/

I have tried using the line of code commented out, /*boolean value = false;*/. However, another error is displayed. The compiler shows the following... error: incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to boolean[]
front[num]= defineFront(num, value);
Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output error...I know that boolean values are by default stored as false, once you create the array. However, I'm having trouble passing the variable to the method.

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ASCII File - Passing Array As Parameter?

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to make a class definition file for an ASCII File.

Ultimately, I want to be able to add methods to allow the image produced by the file to be printed normally, then printed with various manipulations.

However, for some reason, whenever I try to run the program to test my normalPrint method, it terminates without printing anything.

I think this is because the array's values width and height are not within the scope of the method. I tried passing the array as a parameter for the method like so:

Java Code:

public void normalPrint(char [][] poop){
//method here
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But it gave me an error that stated

"The method normalPrint(char[][]) in the type asciiFile is not applicable for the arguments ()"

Class Definition:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class asciiFile {
int height;
int width;

[Code] .....

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Passing Values To Different Methods?

Mar 1, 2015

I am trying to pass the values for UPPER_BOUND and LOWER_BOUND from the main method into the getValidNumber method. However, I'm not sure how to do this. The rest of the code is correct as far as I know, I just need to get the values for the bounds into the getValidNumber method. How would I do this? the notes in the main method explain what I need to do.

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner kb = new Scanner (;
final double LOWER_BOUND = 0;
final double UPPER_BOUND = 100;
//Call the getValidNumber method, passing it the values LOWER_BOUND and UPPER_BOUND.
//Take the returned value and store it in a variable called num.
//Print out the value of num (here in the main method)
[Code] .....

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Getting Values From One Class To Another Without Passing Into It

Feb 19, 2015

I am trying to get the username and password for one class and send them to another. However I cannot send them in the constructor because a database class is getting them and I need that constructor blank. However if I do not pass the class in the constructor I get a NULL error, even better when I do pass it in I seem to get a thread lock. I do try to do my own housekeeping and close the one frame before I open a new one but it doesn't work. I will do my best to show the design of the program.

program starts
Java Code: public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// connects to database and generates a GUI
new UserPromptScreen();


I have to pass in UserPromptScreen in for it to work. This will cause me issues later with my design.

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Passing Values To Methods?

Apr 30, 2014

I'm supposed to write a program that reads in 20 numbers stores them into a one dimensional array and then create a method that will calculate the average of the numbers in a separate method.

I've written a for loop in the main method that will take in the numbers but now I need to know how I can pass those values to a method that will calculate the average.

public class ConstructorHomework {
private static double average; //Declaring the Global Variable
//This Method Calculates The Average
public void avg(int x){
average = x/20;

[Code] .....

This is the main method an it contains the for loop that will take in 20 numbers

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
final int size = 20;
double[] array = new double[size];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
array[i] = input.nextDouble();

Here I was trying to create and object and use it to pass value to the method

ConstructorHomework a = new ConstructorHomework();
a.avg(); //Problem is that I don't know what to put in the brackets

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Passing Values And Objects

Oct 28, 2014

Whether I pass primitives or objects the original value does not change. Is this expected result?

Java Code:

public class Class {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int x=3;
Integer i=new Integer(3);

[Code] ......

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How To Input BigInteger Parameter Values Using JConsole

Jan 9, 2015

I am trying to test my JMX bean in JConsole.  How do I input BigInteger parameter values using JConsole? It appears to want a numeric value, but everything I have tried results in an IllegalArgumentException saying there is a ClassCastException.

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JSF :: Passing Values Between Views In Database

Oct 15, 2014

How to pass the value of a field in a database from one view to another. I currently have a list of members drawn from a database.

The members view is a list of members. From the list the user clicks view button to view a particular member. This is achieved by using a inputHidden tag with the value of the list of members in a data table.

<h:dataTable value="#{controllerBean.listAllMembers()}" var="mem">
<h:form id="inputForm">
<h:inputHidden id="idToken" value="#{}" />

in the RequestScoped bean I am able to use FacesContext to extract the value of idToken from the requestParameters and create the view for the particular member.

One field in the member view I would like to toggle - "Y" to "N" or vice versa via a commandButton. The issue is I can find no way of passing this single value back to the bean as is.

<td><h:outputText value="#{}" /></td>
<h:outputLabel value="To change toggle active button below" />
<h:inputHidden id="actToken" value="#{}"/>
//further down the view
<h:commandButton style="float: right" value="Toggle Active" action="#{controllerBean.toggleActive()}"/>

The issue is the value is displayed within the output text - how to pass the value into the inputHidden value.

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Method That Accept Object As A Parameter

Jan 3, 2015

I have a method that accepts as a parameter an object:

public void addClient(Client c){ }

Client is a class which has a constructor that has two String parameters:

public Cliente (String name, String lastname){ = name;
this.lastname = lastname;

In the main add a Client in this way:

addClient(new Cliente("first", "second"));

Now, i have an array of Client, so I would like to enter within this. Example:

public void addClient(Client c){
for (int i = 0; i<client.length ; i++) { // client is an array of Client object
client[i] = c; // Enter a c in the array, but does not work!
System.out.println("test "+clienti[i]); // print Client@15db9743

I have used the println for check if worked insertion, but the result shows no

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Calculating Values And Passing From Two-dimensional Array

Jan 29, 2014

Long story short: The program takes user values (temperature) and converts them to the opposite (C >> F / F >> C)

I originally started this program with three separate arrays but then decided that it would be a good opportunity to use a two-dimensional array and one other.

The two-dimensional array has 2 rows, 10 columns. The second is a normal String array ...

Java Code:

String[][] myTemperatures = new String[2][9];
String inputAssembly[] = new String[9]; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I prompt the user for to enter temperature values, using a GUI and jbutton to distinguish F/C. Each time the user clicks 'continue', the values are stored into the two-dimensional array. One row holds the temperature, the other holds the C or F designation.

Java Code:

class ContinueButtonListener implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
input = view.getTempValue();

[Code] ....

This is where I am experiencing the trouble and I cannot seem to get the Debug to work properly here. When the two-dimensional array is full OR the user clicks 'calculate' instead of 'continue', the Calculate event is performed via an ActionListener.

Java Code:

class CalculateButtonListener implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String hold;
Double temp;

And I get a ton of errrors ...

Java Code:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "[Ljava.lang.String;@7441b1fd"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

[Code] ....

I imagine the issue lies within how I am handling the two-dimensional array in the CALCULATE event and/or converting the String[][] to String then parsing to an Integer.

Would this be better done is separate arrays (not using one two-dimensional, but storing 34C, 45F ... in one. I think this would be difficult for me to parse for conversions).

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Parse Value Of Array Of Object Passed Through A Parameter

Oct 29, 2014

I'm working on a method that would parse the value of the array of object that I passed through a parameter. I would like to ask if making Object as a parameter is doable. Let's say I have a class Student and Teacher. I created a class the would handle the sched and name it class Schedule and extend this class to the Student and Teacher. Now I want to have a function that will accept an array of Schedule from either Student and Teacher, what ever object I will pass in the parameter. I know its easy to just make a method with a separate parameter of my classes but im looking for a more dynamic code.

class Student extends Schedule{
//variables here for student

class Teacher extends Schedule{
//variables here for teacher

private void parseObject(ArrayList<Object> objct){
Schedule temp = objct.get(0);
//there is no error in this part


Now when i will try to use the function and pass a data, it will not accept since my parameter should be an array of object. How would I twist dis one?

ArrayList<Student> temp_student = new Array....
parseObject(temp_student); // it will not accept my parameter, how would i make it as an object

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Passing A Graphics Object To 3 Other Classes?

Oct 5, 2014

Basically I am making a paddleball game, like i'm sure everyone does in learning Java. I'm supposed to use different classes for each component, i.e. one for the ball, one for the paddle, and one for the display, then finally one as a 'controller' to implement mouselistener and stuff.

However, I can't quite grasp how to implement the paintComponent method. I know I can only have it in one class extended from JPanel, and I have the syntax for creating an object which I understand is something like this:

public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ //this is the rectangle my game will be played on,
super.paintComponent(g); //a gray background to define boundaries for the ball
g.drawRect(0, 0, Frame.getHeight(), Frame.getWidth());

However what I don't understand is, how do I then pass this graphics object to the ball and paddle to let them draw themselves? I found something that described it like this here

class GamePanel extends JPanel {
Entity e=new Entity;
protected paintComponent(Graphics g) {

[Code] .....

What I don't get is, if I use this, where would I put the drawRect and stuff to make the other shapes I need? in their class, under the entity.Draw(g) method? or in the display class where it calls the graphic object in the first place?

Last, how can I have my controller class refresh the displays of each of these with the timer I have implemented? Is there a simple way to call one refresh command and have it refresh the drawing of both the paddle and ball simultaneously, or would I need to call a separate refresh command for each object?

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Passing Object Created In One Method To Another?

Oct 29, 2014

I am working on an independent project it is a simple little text based rpg that will run in a counsel window. I have an object for Character that is creating during a CreateCharacter method. I want the play to be able to enter a character that will open up a menu that displays things like the name and health and stuff of the character from the object created in CreateCharacter, but because I have it in a different class I don't know how to reference the object made in CreateCharacter.

I have it in 6 files

Character --- Object with getters/setters for things like name, age, race, class, ect
MainMenu --- Displays title and promts for new game and quit
CreateCharacter --- Walks through and sets all values in Character
Stats --- Keeps the players stats (health, attack, ect) in an array
Intro --- Beginning demo thing (not really important for this question)
Menu --- Displays all current user stats (Having issues with this one)

Example I have this in Menu

System.out.println("Name: " + ????.getName());

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How To Create Object To Be Null If Class Constructor Parameter Is Int

Mar 8, 2015

I have a class of Date with a constructor with 3 parameters in it. Those 3 parameters are int data type just to enter month, year, day.

I have another class called Author which has a constructor of Date diedDate; as a parameter passing to the Author constructor.

I was asked to call the Date parameter is null, call the default constructor but I thought for the Date parameter I could only enter something like 0,0,0 instead of typing in null, null, null because null is for String data type isn't it?

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Passing Values Into Constructors Using Main Or Static Method Functionality

Jan 24, 2014

I just kinda get stuck when it comes to passing values into constructors, using main method or static method functionality. In theory i kind of understand how it work but when i type it, it's totally different! I have to have a junit test too but i guess i could do that in the end.

I have attached the assignment. So, how to proceed with this:
public class Flight {
int flight_number, capacity, number_of_seats_left;
String origin, destination;
String departure_time;
double original_price;
[Code] ....

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Passing Values To Two Classes And Retrieving Values From Those Classes

Feb 14, 2015

I'm doing an aggregation exercise that's suppose to find the volume and surface area of a cylinder. What I'm trying to do is pass values from one class, to a second class, and that second class passes values to a third class.

This may be a clearer explanation: The first class is the main program which sends values to the second and third class. The second class is used do calculations for a circle (a pre-existing class from another assignment). The third class grabs the values that the second class calculated and calculates those values with the one that was passed from the first class to the third class. The first class then prints the outcome.

Problem is when the program gets to the third class, it just calculates the value from the first class with the default constructor from the second class. It's like the second class never received the values from the first class. I think I'm missing a step, but I don't what it is.

First Class:

package circle;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CylinderInput
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
//user defined variable


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JSF :: Passing Parameters From Normal List Object Without Using DataModel

Oct 9, 2014

How to use the id parameter in my documents entity to download documents from a list of documents. Normally I use ListDataModel and the getRowData method. I would like to know how to achieve the same thing using an ordinary List object.

My list of documents is called List<CountryDocs> selectedDocs;

<p:dataTable value="#{countryDocBean.selectedDocs}" var="docs">
<p:commandLink id="download" value="Download" ajax="false">
<p:fileDownload value="#{countryDocBean.downloadedFile}"

[Code] ....

Clicking on the download link calls the following method in my managed bean:

@ManagedBean(name = "countryDocBean")
public class CountryDocBean {
private List<CountryDocs> selectedDocs;
public StreamedContent getDownloadedFile() {

[Code] ....

Debugging shows the value for the id is 0 and this results in a NullPointerException. I've tried several methods for grabbing the document id in my backing bean, but no luck yet. I also read about the the ViewParams and ViewAction method but they caused validation errors to do with the <f:metadata> tags. I don't know how to obtain this value using a normal List object.

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Passing Object From JSP Page Through JSTL Into Controller Method

May 12, 2015

I need to pass advanced object into controller from JSP page, but I always get null result.It's a controller method:

Java Code:

@RequestMapping(value="admin-user-edit", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView editUser(@ModelAttribute(value="user") UsersEntity user)
if (null == user)System.out.println("User is null");
System.out.println("User name = " + user.getName() + " | Users id = " + user.getId());
ModelAndView view = new ModelAndView();
return view;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

And this is a JSP page snippet. I need to choose some user from user list and pass it to controller.

XML Code:

<c:forEach var="user" items="${user_list}">
<td><c:out value="${}" /></td>
<td><c:out value="${}" /></td>
<td><c:out value="${user.login}" /></td>
<td><c:out value="${user.status}" /></td>


I tried to pass it through HttpServletRequest argument but all the same.

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Passing Object Argument To A Method - Unable To Call Methods On Argument

Feb 7, 2015

I am trying to pass an object of type Product p to my editProduct method, however trying to call p.getName(); doesn't work and throws a NullPointerException. The same kind of thing works for my displayRecord method (in a different class) and I can call .getName() on Product p, also passed as an argument to that method. Below is my editProduct class. The NullPointerExcepion is being thrown at line 61 (i.e., nameField.setText(p.getName());).

I don't know if I explained right, so here's a line thing of how the classes relate:

Search >>>(field.getText())>>> displayRecord(Product p) >>>editProduct(p)>>> EditProduct

And as a side note: adding the line p = new Product(); fixes it and successfully runs the class (including the Save and Quit parts) but obviously I want it to specifically refer to the Product I pass to the method.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

[Code] ....

I'm asking a question because I don't understand how Product p could possibly be null, because the argument is passed through my DisplayRecord class, which also takes a Product p argument and works. In that class, I have declared Product prod = p; and prod is what I am passing to editProduct.

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