Passing Array As Cmd Line Argument

Mar 10, 2014

Can we pass array as a cmd line argument as follows ?

>java TestRun file[], number
if yes, in the main(), how do we capture this array ?
public static void main(String [] args){
String [] files = args1 ;
// or will it be String [] files = args1[];

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Passing Object Argument To A Method - Unable To Call Methods On Argument

Feb 7, 2015

I am trying to pass an object of type Product p to my editProduct method, however trying to call p.getName(); doesn't work and throws a NullPointerException. The same kind of thing works for my displayRecord method (in a different class) and I can call .getName() on Product p, also passed as an argument to that method. Below is my editProduct class. The NullPointerExcepion is being thrown at line 61 (i.e., nameField.setText(p.getName());).

I don't know if I explained right, so here's a line thing of how the classes relate:

Search >>>(field.getText())>>> displayRecord(Product p) >>>editProduct(p)>>> EditProduct

And as a side note: adding the line p = new Product(); fixes it and successfully runs the class (including the Save and Quit parts) but obviously I want it to specifically refer to the Product I pass to the method.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

[Code] ....

I'm asking a question because I don't understand how Product p could possibly be null, because the argument is passed through my DisplayRecord class, which also takes a Product p argument and works. In that class, I have declared Product prod = p; and prod is what I am passing to editProduct.

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How To Search Array Elements Present Or Not Using Command Line Argument In Java

Mar 15, 2014

how to search array elements present or not using command line argument in java

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JSF :: Passing Argument Parameters Between Pages

Jul 19, 2014

So I have an application where the user logs in (using j_security_check). User is taken to a welcome page where user's name is displayed as a link. When clicking that link I would like to take the user to a page where the user is able to update the credentials (password, address, etc). In this way the user only has access to the link related to that specific user's credentials. I am trying the following structure:

The welcome page (adminindex.xhtml) is:

Welcome to admin <h:commandLink value="#{userb.loggedUser}" action="#{userb.selectedUser}"/>
<f:param name="userName" value="#{userb.userName}"/>

The user backing bean:

public String selectedUser() {
userName = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(userName);
return "UpdateUser";

[Code] ....

The last line of the stack suggests that a null PK value is being picked up by the FacesContext method in the backing bean. I'm confused because the userName string IS the primary key of the user table which is structured like this:

CREATE TABLE sha_users
( username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
, password VARCHAR(255) NULL
, PRIMARY KEY ( username ) );

I'm sure I'm getting the concept of how to pass query parameters...

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Passing A Null Argument To Overload Procedure

May 24, 2015

I am trying to create a class to read data from the JOptionPane. I am trying to create a general procedure and then be able to overload it using the rest. Basically I just want to call the procedure readString with options and without options while verifying that the user entered the correct information.

Java Code:
public class BankIO {
public static final Object[] mainMenu = {"1. Create Account", "2. Delete Account", "3. Update Account", "4. Display Information", "5. Quit"};
public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Banking Pro";


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JSF :: Passing Selected Hyperlink Value As Where Clause Argument In Query

Dec 28, 2013

I have a mySql table of PROJECTS, which I am displaying as a list in the index.xhtml. The projectid column contains hyperlinks. When they're clicked I would like the specific projectid row selected to be passed as the query argument into another jsf file (ListProjects.xhtml) which displays all the project values referring to the projectid selected in the index.xhtml. The named query is:

@NamedQuery(name = "Projects.findByProjectid", query = "SELECT p FROM Projects p WHERE p.projectid = :projectid")
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""

[Code] ....

I get the following stack trace. How to correctly pass the hyperlink parameters.

org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-000049 Unable to invoke public void com.manaar.beans.SelProjectMgtBean.init() on com.manaar.beans.SelProjectMgtBean@681859ae
at org.jboss.weld.injection.producer.DefaultLifecycleCallbackInvoker.invokeMethods(

[Code] ....

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Error In Command Line Argument

Mar 8, 2014

class A
public static void main(String a[]){

This is my code.... i got error......

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:a(wrong name: A)

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Access Integer Value From Command Line Argument?

Apr 3, 2014

I want to access integer value from command Line argument without changing body of main method.?

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Reading TXT File As Command Line Argument?

Apr 23, 2015

I'm having trouble with how to read a text file into my program so the words can be sorted alphabetically. Should I use something like a FileReader?

An example of what I'm trying to do is a .txt file that holds the statement "java is a simple object oriented and distributed and interpreted and robust and secure and dynamic."

The output should organize the words like so: and and and and distributed dynamic interpreted is java object oriented robust secure simple

Here's what I have:

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: java AscendingAlphabet"


I can never get it to read the file correctly, it just prints the "usage: java..." statement.

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Unable To Get GPA Of Student As Command Line Argument

Feb 15, 2015

I'm writing a Java program to get the gpa of a student as a command line argument. Then display the class of the degree according to some criteria. Here is my code. But it says "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException :0". How can I fix this?

public class Stgpa
public static void main(String[] args)
double gpa= Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
System.out.println("Class of the degree is: First Class Hons");
else if(3.6>gpa && gpa>=3.4)


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Pass A Command Line Argument Value With White Space In Between?

Feb 3, 2014

for example, I want to pass 'Hello Word.docx' and 'Winston' (both without quotes) as a command line argument as I execute the main method

Is it possible to pass 'Hello World.docx' as a whole word?

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Read Property File From Command Line Argument In Java

May 8, 2015

I want to read property file in java from command line argument,i.e. if i have some parameters which i have to use separately , i comment the parameters which i don't have to use that time , then uncomment when i have to use.

Is there and way to read the required parameters through command line arguments in java.

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JRE :: Rejecting Attempt To Specify Unsupported Characters In Command-line Argument

Oct 30, 2014

We are testing the newest release of JRE 1.6.0_85 (x86).  We are running into an issue when Java launches through IE 10.  We are seeing a command prompt window with the following message as soon as Java launches in IE 10:
Rejecting attempt to specify unsupported characters in command-line argument: -D
The window is labeled: C:Program Files (x86))Javajre6binjp2launcher.exe
The application using Java does launch and run correctly, but the command prompt window stays until the application is closed and Java is stopped.
If we add the URL for the website using java to our trusted sites in the local intranet zone and turn off protected mode for that zone, then the command prompt window does not display.  This does not happen with the previous version of JRE (1.6.0_81).  What has changed in this newest version?  We do not want to turn off protected mode.

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Read In Java Source Code File As Command Line Argument

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to complete this question. I understand the most of it but I haven't go a clue to read in the file name.

Full question: Implement a program that reads in a Java source code file and checks to see if it has balanced {}brackets. Your program should use a stack, implemented as a linked list, to check the brackets.

NOTE: you can use a reference called top which points to the head of the list. Your program should run as a command line program and should take a filename as an argument and print one of BALANCED or NOT BALANCED.

For example: c:> java checkBalanced "" BALANCED

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Pass Predefined Size Array As Argument

Jan 9, 2014

Is this possible in Java?

public void doSomething(int[4] year){

What I am trying to do is to get the person who is using the method to send a year in the format 1998 and so on.

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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String Type Array As Argument Of Main

Sep 29, 2014

I have learn that every function in java is treated as a normal function including main() except that execution of a program starts here. I tried to overload it.

But I am getting error while doing so via String type array as an argument of main.

class Hello
public static void main()
public static void main(String... s)
System.out.println("main from Hello");

[Code] .....

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Passing More Than One Array In A Method?

Nov 3, 2014

Can we pass more than one array in a method?

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Passing A Method And Searching Array

Apr 22, 2014

How to pass the methods listed below.

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor)

^ this method is suppose to search an array and find whatever you search (numerical or alphabetical)

I have this

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor) {
Main.handleSearchPerson(keyboard, searchFor);
ArrayList<Person> matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Person p : personList) {
boolean isAMatch = false;

[Code] .....

I am not sure if how i am searching the method is correct or how to pass that to another class to put it inside of a switch statement.

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Passing A Method And Searching Array

Apr 22, 2014

How to pass the methods listed below.

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor)

^ this method is suppose to search an array and find whatever you search (numerical or alphabetical)

i have this

public ArrayList<Person> findPerson(String searchFor) {
Main.handleSearchPerson(keyboard, searchFor);
ArrayList<Person> matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (Person p : personList) {
boolean isAMatch = false;
if (p.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase(searchFor)) {
isAMatch = true;

[Code] ....

I am not sure if how i am searching the method is correct or how to pass that to another class to put it inside of a switch statement.

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ASCII File - Passing Array As Parameter?

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to make a class definition file for an ASCII File.

Ultimately, I want to be able to add methods to allow the image produced by the file to be printed normally, then printed with various manipulations.

However, for some reason, whenever I try to run the program to test my normalPrint method, it terminates without printing anything.

I think this is because the array's values width and height are not within the scope of the method. I tried passing the array as a parameter for the method like so:

Java Code:

public void normalPrint(char [][] poop){
//method here
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But it gave me an error that stated

"The method normalPrint(char[][]) in the type asciiFile is not applicable for the arguments ()"

Class Definition:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class asciiFile {
int height;
int width;

[Code] .....

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Calculating Values And Passing From Two-dimensional Array

Jan 29, 2014

Long story short: The program takes user values (temperature) and converts them to the opposite (C >> F / F >> C)

I originally started this program with three separate arrays but then decided that it would be a good opportunity to use a two-dimensional array and one other.

The two-dimensional array has 2 rows, 10 columns. The second is a normal String array ...

Java Code:

String[][] myTemperatures = new String[2][9];
String inputAssembly[] = new String[9]; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I prompt the user for to enter temperature values, using a GUI and jbutton to distinguish F/C. Each time the user clicks 'continue', the values are stored into the two-dimensional array. One row holds the temperature, the other holds the C or F designation.

Java Code:

class ContinueButtonListener implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
input = view.getTempValue();

[Code] ....

This is where I am experiencing the trouble and I cannot seem to get the Debug to work properly here. When the two-dimensional array is full OR the user clicks 'calculate' instead of 'continue', the Calculate event is performed via an ActionListener.

Java Code:

class CalculateButtonListener implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String hold;
Double temp;

And I get a ton of errrors ...

Java Code:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "[Ljava.lang.String;@7441b1fd"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

[Code] ....

I imagine the issue lies within how I am handling the two-dimensional array in the CALCULATE event and/or converting the String[][] to String then parsing to an Integer.

Would this be better done is separate arrays (not using one two-dimensional, but storing 34C, 45F ... in one. I think this would be difficult for me to parse for conversions).

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How To Create A New Array For Each Numbers That Are Passing Through Condition

May 26, 2014

how to translate it into Java language due to lack of experience (2 weeks). My solution I've formed in my head is: create a new array for the numbers that are in improvement and then declare a "max" variable. Check which array's length is higher and print that length. What I don't know to do is: I don't know how to create a new array for each numbers that are passing through the condition.

Note: I couldn't find anything on internet about my problem so that's why I'm here.

My code is this one:

class MyClass {
static int progresie=0;
public static void longest_improvement(Integer[] grades) {
for(int i=0;i<grades.length-1;i++){
progresie ++;

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JUnit Test - Read From Text Line By Line And Save Words In FileOnTable

Nov 21, 2014

I have wrote this class who read from text line by line and save the words in fileOnTable.. Now i don't know what to read in ReadOffer to save the words in object offers and return this.. One more question.. What JUnit test can write for this code..?

package com.example.crazysellout.UserSide;

[Code] ....

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I/O / Streams :: Find Line Number In A File Using Multi Line String

May 5, 2014

My requirement is to find the line number using multiline string. Here I need to extract the string between FROM and where clause(from the below string) and need to find the line number in the file



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Floyd Triangle - Accept Line Number From User And Print Only That Particular Line

Sep 10, 2014

Write a program that accepts the line number from the user and prints only that particular line from the Floyd triangle.

Input: 2
Output: 2 3

Input: 3
Output: 4 5 6

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How To Make File Reader Object Move To Next Line If There Is No More Input On Line

Feb 18, 2015

How do I make the file reader object move to the next line if there is no more input on the line. Here is my text and output file as you can see that my text file column cuts off on the 2nd line after 70. I want to read that next line which is 100 into my labs variable however its reading it into my final exams variable. I'll also post the code but I didn't think it was necessary.


Labs Projects Tests Final Exams

[import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyGrades
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
int lab, project, test;
int finalExam;//Par and Player values


not sure if I code wrapped it correctly

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