Password Validation - Special Characters

Oct 30, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PassCode
public static final String SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = "$,#";
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ....

I'm having trouble with the code using char[]c, for the special characters. Every thing else seems to work correctly, expect for the special characters.

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JSP :: XML Tags - Special Characters

Nov 13, 2014

I have some XML tags in jsp like.

<esi:assign name="searchfor">'''someval like < or >'''</esi:assign> . Now on the basic of request param i want these tags should render with value < or > on the basis of what is inside tags. I applied the below code but didn't work. Any Idea.
<c:if test="${testval}" >
<esi:assign name="searchfor">'''>'''</esi:assign>
<c:if test="${testval}" >

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JSP :: Special Characters Not Included In Textbox?

Mar 29, 2014

<input type="text" name="test" class="form-control input-sm" maxlength="20"/>

This is my textbox can i include in my tetxbox that it will no accept special characters?

Can i configure it there? like maxlength="20" w/c is character limit is set to 20, not allowing special characters be configure like that , character="speical is not allowed" something like that?

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EJB / EE :: Validation For User / Email And Password Doesn't Works

Dec 23, 2014

I having problem on validating email and password whether does it belongs to a registered members or not. I'm using NetBeans and created a database, table name as members. I have done setting up connection pool and fill in data to my members table.This is my members table data.

1|1||what|Number 1
2|2||fire|Number 2

This is my index.jsp

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Library Application</title>


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Generate Two Characters To Keep In Password Dataset

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to take a password then generate two characters to keep in the password dataset. So far I have this going but keep having minor issues. For one how come it won't allow me to use List.length?


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Project{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Enter the password:");

[Code] .....

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How To Escape unwanted Special Characters In String Data While Converting Into XML Data

Mar 7, 2014

I'am trying to converting string data into xml data using xml beans and StringEscapeUtils.This is work fine but in one case it if the data contains special characters.
Code snippet
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
public class ParseXMLData { 
    public static XmlObject parseXML(String stringXML) {
        XmlObject xmlObject = null;

[Code] ....
success case
i/p------<aaa><bbb>This converts string to xml</bbb></aaa>
o/p---<aaa><bbb>This converts string to xml</bbb></aaa>
Failer case
i/p----<aaa><bbb>This fails if it contains < symbols</bbb></aaa>
expected o/p----<aaa><bbb>This fails if it contains < symbols</bbb></aaa>
Observed that it converts < to '<' but  as per xml rules, if data contains '< ' it fails. I want to convert staring and end tags to xml format and if data in b/w middle of starting and ending tags do'n need to convert it. How to do it.

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Setting Password And Username - Username Works But Getting Errors For Password?

Apr 4, 2015

username works perfectly, but when I enter password I get this error.

Java Code:

OKbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if(Usernametxt.getText().equals("Admin") &&
System.out.println("permition granted");
System.out.println("permition Rejected");


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Getting Password From Password Field

Aug 26, 2014

I am new to JAVA GUI programming and was wondering how you go about getting and testing if a password field text equals something. For example, if the password equals "password" then do something.

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Regex Special Character Checking

Oct 4, 2014

private static int getStrength(String pw) {
int strength = 0;
if(pw.length() >= 8){

[Code] .....

This function doesn't seem to work for me. I believe the issue lies in the special character matching. It seems like it always returns true and adds to the strength. But I only want it to add to strength if at least one the following are in the password: *, -, _, ^, !, %

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Web Services :: How To Use Special Character In URL Using REST Web Service

Mar 19, 2015 file name can contain special characters but when I passing this file name as a parameter in URL using REST.I am getting exception.

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Time Complexity (theta) For Loops With Special Case?

Sep 9, 2014

I can't able to find the theta for some type of code like.


How to find the theta for the above code.


and How to find number of steps or time complexity for inner loop if k=3 (odd)

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Cater For Multiple Special Events Of Life

Jan 15, 2014

My program has the following requirements.

Several kinds of celebration dates are displayed.

Say Marriage, a new baby is born and so on. Such special dates are not fixed to be once or twice.

Such that a person can have a marriage and a new born baby celebration or both. One of my thoughts was to used several (up to 3). JLabels and JDateChoosers, but it is quite limiting.

How should I design such a component so that it can accommodate several major events of life.

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Failure While Validating Special Form Of IPv6 Address

Jun 27, 2014

Facing problem with class while validating special form of IPv6 address.

Please check the following piece of code.

String ipv6 = "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:a1f:e403";
final Inet6Address i6 = (Inet6Address) InetAddress.getByName(ipv6);
catch(ClassCastException e){
System.out.println("Not a proper ip: "+e);

It is throwing ClassCastException.

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Can Static Method Return Instances Of Same Class In Special Case Where Everything Is Static?

Jun 27, 2014

From what i understand static methods should be called without creating an instance of the same class . If so why would they return an instance of the same class like in the following : public static Location locateLargest(double[][] a) , the Location class being the same class where the method is defined . I don't understand this , does it mean that every field and every method in the class must be static ? Meaning that you cannot have instances of the class because everything is static . Or it's just a mistake and the class Location cannot have a static method: public static Location locateLargest(double[][] a) ?

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Non-static Variable Special Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Mar 3, 2015

I am trying to add a field (called special) to a hibernate table. I am copying existing code (related to the NAME field) so I don't have to figure this out from scratch. I am getting the error

"[ERROR][213,38] error: non-static variable special cannot be referenced from a static context".

Line 213 is in public void mergeFrom, the actual line is "special = VoxFlowConfiguration.special;" I don't understand why Java thinks special is a "non-static" variable but it doesn't have a problem with the other variables (such as name, orderShow)

package com.voxware.impl.flow;
import com.voxware.asset.LiabilityType;
import com.voxware.flow.FlowConfiguration;
import com.voxware.flow.OrderFlow;
import com.voxware.flow.Step;
import com.voxware.i18n.LanguageCodes;
import com.voxware.impl.i18n.UTF8Control;
import com.voxware.impl.persistence.BaseEntity;
import com.voxware.impl.portal.VoxPortal;


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Do-while Input Validation

Oct 24, 2014

I need to write an input validation while using the do-while statement. I feel like most of it is good except that it gets stuck inside the brackets of the do statement. After I enter an input, it just keeps asking me over and over for an input. Then I have to make it s if you enter an input that is out of range, you have to keep entering an input until it is in range.

Java Code:

System.out.print("Please enter the amount of spaces the letters will shift... ");
shift = uInput.nextInt();
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Java Code: public class ShiftEncoderDecoderDriver
public static void main(String[] args)


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Adding Validation To A Constructor?

Nov 17, 2014

I want to add validation to some of the elements in my constructor.

Person(String idIn, String nameIn, ) { = idIn; = nameIn;

I want to be able to check that the data for the ID is limited to a certain collection of characters formatted in a certain. For example, I may wish to limit it to 5 lowercase letters or numbers, or a combination of both. How could I do this?

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Why Username Validation Not Working

Oct 24, 2014

I have a JSF page for changing login credentials and i preferred to use Java validations instead of JSF validations on the inputText. The password validation works fine but the username validation does not produce any output. This is my JSF form

HTML Code:

<p><strong>Please type your new username: </strong>
<h:inputText size="15" value="#{register.newUsername}"/></p>
<p><strong>Please type new your password: </strong>
<h:inputSecret size="15" value="#{register.newPassword}" /></p>
<p><strong>Please retype new your password: </strong>


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Time Input Validation

Nov 24, 2014

I am trying to validate user input of time. It seems that only part of it works. It will only accept hour 20-23 as valid.

void timeValidate() {
String value = "";
boolean bTryAgain = true;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

[Code] .....

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Date Validation Not Working

Mar 2, 2015

<%@ page import="org.springframework.web.context.WebApplica tionContext" %>
<%@ page import=" bApplicationContextUtils" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>

[Code] ....

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Error Handling / Validation In GUI

Feb 10, 2014

I have a GUI that prompts the user for information. When they click 'submit', a new customer gets created from a class like so ...

Java Code:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
Customer customer = new Customer(); // New customer object = view.getName();
customer.age = Integer.parseInt(view.getAge());
customer.ccn = view.getCCNumber(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
I am having difficulties validating my variables for nulls. For instance ...

Java Code:

public String getName() {
String name = null;
if (jtfFirstName.getText() == null || jtfLastName.getText() == null || !jtfFirstName.getText().matches("[a-zA-Z]+") || jtfLastName.getText().matches("[a-zA-Z]+")){ // Validate name fields
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "<html><i>Improper Input Detected.</i>


I can't seem to win with this. Whether the fields are filled in properly or not, I get the error message and the program continues to completion using the name "null".

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Data Validation Of XML File

Mar 23, 2015

I have an xml file whose data needs to be validated with 250+ rules, the size of the xml can range from 4MB to 50 MB. Have the following questions.
1. Where the Rules should be defined, as i would like them to dynamically controlled(instead of hard coding)
2.  Given the size of the data and input being xml, how should i approach this problem(considering the rules might change etc)
3.The names of the UI and XML tag names will be different, so when should the translation takes place
Following is the structure of the xml :

     //All the data like name, age, height, weight, blood group etc goes here
     <Name = 'Andrew' id = 7560>

[Code] ....

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Primary Key Validation In Java

May 29, 2014

How do you do validation in java for primary key  lets say the table got combination of two columns as primary key,how can i validate that if use enter already existing value...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: GUI Phone Number Validation

May 2, 2015

I am trying to validate the phone number with a method called isValidAddress and whenever it gets to that line of code in the while loop I get a lot of red line java exceptions. I am referring to lines 130-138

package pa4;

import ch9.Contact;
import ch9.SortPhoneList;
import pa4.pa4Delegate;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Page Validation Using Jquery Not Working?

Apr 8, 2014

I want to validate my JSF page using JQuery. I tried a piece of code. But it did not work. The foll is my code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""


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