Phone Number Class - Int Cannot Be Converted To String

Apr 5, 2014

import java.util.*;
public class PhoneNumber {
private int areacode;
private int number;
private int ext;
PhoneNumber() {

[Code] .....

I just can't seem to get it completely correct. error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String
areacode = Integer.parseInt(str[0]);
^ error: cannot find symbol
for(i = 0; i < number.length; i++){
symbol: variable length

[Code] ......

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Phone Keypad Number As String

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to write a method that returns a number, given an uppercase letter as follows:

public static int getNumber(char uppercaseLetter)

The program is supposed to prompt the user to enter a phone number as a string. The input number may contain letters. The program translates a letter (upper- or lowercase) to a digit and leaves all other characters intact.

My code is below:

import java.util.*;
public class PhoneKeypad {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
String phNumber =;

[Code] ....

I am getting these errors:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate field name&signature in class file Chapter9/PhoneKeypad
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

[Code] ...

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Display Ten Digit Phone Number As Both String And Long

Feb 17, 2014

I'm trying to output a ten digit phone number as a string on one file, and write another program to write it as a long because I don't know what value I need to use in order to get the code to run properly on either one.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: GUI Phone Number Validation

May 2, 2015

I am trying to validate the phone number with a method called isValidAddress and whenever it gets to that line of code in the while loop I get a lot of red line java exceptions. I am referring to lines 130-138

package pa4;

import ch9.Contact;
import ch9.SortPhoneList;
import pa4.pa4Delegate;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

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Converting Letters To A Phone Number?

Oct 19, 2014

I had to write a program for class using the method definition "public static char getNumber(char upperCaseLetter)" It compiles and runs but wont print out my final answer.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Phone_0104730303 {
public static char getNumber(char upperCaseLetter)
char return_val = 0;


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Random Phone Number Generator

May 13, 2011

I am trying to make a phone number generator. I get the following error though when trying to compile.

my post

C:JAVA_PROGRAMMING_CODEcode1RandomPhoneNum>javac cannot find symbol
symbol : method toOctalString(int)
location: class RandomPhoneNum
strippedNum = toOctalString(num1);
1 error

Here is the code so far

import java.util.Random;
public class RandomPhoneNum
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("This app prints out a random phone number.");

[Code] ....

Also, how did you people know about octal base numbers? I would never have known that. What I can do to improve my math ability?

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Parsing Phone Number - For And While Loops

Apr 30, 2013

I am new to java, and now i have an assignment. I have to parse a phone number like this--> (656) 345 6544 to 6563456544. I've writen the following code that works great with a while loop. Now i would like to know how can i make it work with a for loop.

and the code is
public class Tema
  public static String removeChar(String str, int i) {
    String first= str.substring(0,i);

[Code] .....

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Match Phone Number To 7 Letter Words

Jul 25, 2014

I got a phone number problem. I get a list of phone numbers and a word file containing words, how could I need to see if I could match the phone number to 7 letter words, then see if I can match the first 3 numbers to 3 letter words and then the last 4 numbers to 4 number words. I figured all that out so far. The last part of this assignment is to see if I could match a combination of words together to match the phone numbers.

531 3259

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JAVA Program That Will Generate A Random Phone Number

Mar 12, 2014

Instruction: You work for a telemarketing company and you are required to write a JAVA program that will generate a random phone number. (talk about a real-world application)

-The phone number should consist of 10 digits
-The first 3 are the area code and should not begin with 0, 8 or 9
-The second 3 digits should not be greater than 742 and not less than 100.
-The last 4 digits can be any digits
-Print the number using the following format: "(xxx)-xxx-xxxx", this way it will look like a real phone number (use decimal formatting)

by this : Generating Random Numbers
Using arithmetic operations

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Incompatible Types - String Cannot Be Converted To Double

Nov 23, 2014

import java.lang.Math;
import static java.lang.Math.random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LineofCoordinates
public static void main( String[] args, String x, String random, String exit, String y, String y2, String x2)

[Code] ....

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Incompatible Types - Void Cannot Be Converted To String

Jul 26, 2014

I have coded three classes ,1 class containing the Main method. I have declared three private data fields in Staff class and two data fields in Address class. The problem is that I am assigning String type data field from the Staff and Address Class through the public set methods to String type array in a public void method in the Main class.

public static void main(String[] args){
// TODO code application logic here
System.out.println("Press 1 - 6 To Perform Any One Following Action ");
System.out.println("1. Insert New Contact ");
System.out.println("2. Delete Contact By Name ");
System.out.println("3. Replace Info From Contact ");
System.out.println("4. Search Contact By Name ");
System.out.println("5. Show All Contacts ");
System.out.println("6. Exit Program ");

[Code] ....

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Random Phone Number Generator - Include Dashes In The Output

Apr 11, 2011

I've been working on a personal project again in Unit 3 of my text book and this time they want me to make a random phone number generator. Here's the actual directions:

"Write an application that creates and prints a random phone number of the form XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Include the dashes in the output.

Do not let the first three digits contain an 8 or 9 (but don't be more restrictive than that), and make sure that the second set of three digits is not greater than 742.

Think through the easiest way to construct the phone number. Each digit does not have to be determined separately."

With this assignment I came across 2 problems:

1. What I tried was that since the first 3 numbers have to be a random number with no 8's or 9's I tried doing this algorithm:

int first0, first1, first2, second, third, random0;
first0 = generator.nextInt (999);
random0 = generator.nextInt (8);
first1 = first0.replace('8', random0);
first2 = first1.replace('9' random0);

The problem is that Java won't allow me to generate random numbers this way. Are there any easier ways of generating numbers that doesn't contain specific number (such as 8 or 9 in this case?)

2. I was thinking about this throughout the whole project and what if I generate a number such as 27 (less than 3 or 4 digit number) rather than 3 or 4 digit numbers? How would it show 0027 or 027 instead of 27 for the phone numbers?

import java.util.Random;
public class pp0303 {
public static void main (String[] args){
Random generator = new Random();
int first0, first1, first2, second, third, random0;

[Code] ....


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
Cannot invoke replace(char, int) on the primitive type int
Cannot invoke replace(char) on the primitive type int
Syntax error on token "random0", delete this token
at pp0303.main(

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Incompatible Types Error - String Cannot Be Converted To List

Jan 24, 2015

I am using netbeans and have an error that reads "incompatible types: String cannot be converted to List<String>"

List<List<String>> fileDArr;
fileDArr = new ArrayList<>();
Scanner tempStringScanner;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < FileDirectory.length; i++) {

[code] .....

I don't understand why I am receiving the error. I thought that .next() returned a String?

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Decimal Format Errors - String Cannot Be Converted To Double

Jun 19, 2014

I am working on a project that just calculates simple interest based upon a principal and a percent interest rate written as .xxxx from user.

I need the Loan amount and the final interest calculation to show up as a currency with commas in appropriate areas, the Rate to be expressed as instead of .xxxx

I keep getting this error when I compile: error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to double
principal = formatter.format(principal);
^ error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to double
rate = formatter.format(rate);
^ error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to double
totalInterest = formatter.format(totalInterest);
3 errors

Tool completed with exit code 1

And here is my code

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
// class declaration
public class InterestCalculator
// main method declaration

[Code] .....

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Web Services :: Telephone Book - Enter Phone Number / Correct Person With Name And Address Should Appear

Nov 30, 2014

Applications: Netbeans (8.0.1), Apache Tomcat

My Aim: Creation of a telephone book

How should it work:

I have a Database with Data of people (name, adress, phone number).

If a user enters a phone number (CLIENT) -> the correct person with the name and adress should appear.

I build up the infrastructure and now I'm at the point that I have to create a Webmethod for it. I just worked on projects like addition of two integers, hello "name", ... I think this example now is harder, BUT i can learn a lot!

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Accept String And Number Of Repetitions As Parameters And Print String Given Number Of Times

Oct 3, 2014

I'm having a hard time with this problem, this is what I have, but I can not use two integers, I have to use one integer and a string...

This is the question:

Write a method called printStrings that accepts a String and a number of repetitions as parameters and prints that String the given number of times. For example, the call:

printStrings("abc", 5);

will print the following output: abcabcabcabcabc

This is what I attempted:

public class printStringsproject {
public static void printStrings(int abc, int number) {
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
printStrings(1, 5);

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Create Class Employee Which Contains A String Variable Employee Number

Jul 13, 2014

I have searched for totalPay is always 0 and the responses are not related to my problem (that I can tell).This is a class assignment and I have other questions besides why the method is not working.

Here are the instructions: Create class Employee which contains a String variable Employee Number, a String variable Employee Name, an integer Hours Worked, and a double Pay Rate. Create get and set methods for each variable. Provide method "totalPay" which calculates and returns the total pay by multiplying the hours worked by pay rate. Use figure 8.12 as an example of an object with get and set methods.

Unlike other examples of this type question online this one has Employee Number as a String variable. The book is How to Program Early Objects by Deitel 9th edition.We have instructions to do only what she has told us too. At this point it is objects and getter and setter methods. It is only the beginning of week 2.


package test11;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


Essentially I cannot figure out how to get the method getTotalPay to be called by the Scanner and do the math. I also have this random bracket problem that showed up about an hour ago.

The concept I don't get is that if I omit this.employeeNumber =id; etc. I error all over the place. If I change it to this.employeeeNumber = employee Number Netbeans tells me it is assigning itself to itself, which I know. When I try to use id instead of employeeNumber I get errors all over. If i remove "this" from it the same happens. why in public class employee I have to change to those values (id, name, etc) in the construct and set them again? I don't see where or how they can be used, so why do i have to do it?

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I/O Arrays - Count Number Of Repetitiveness In String For The Number

May 19, 2014

//read the file
//make the numbers 1 string line
//count the number of repetitiveness in the string for the numbers
//display four lowest ones

import java.util.*;
public class Lottery2

[Code] ....

when I run it the array gets sorted but how do i keep the data in other words

what it is supposed to do is grab numbers from a file, and give me the lowest 4 numbers back. I know the numbers using the array but how do i pull out the lowest 4 and keep the data true no matter what numbers or how many of them are in the file.

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Class Method Which Take String And Returns A String In Reversed Version

Dec 16, 2014

i am trying to write a class method which will take in a string and returns a string which is the reversed version of that string. it compiles fine but when i try to run it it states Main method not found in class StringReverse,please define the main method as public static void main(String[]args). I am new to java and cannot figure out

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class StringReverse {
public String reverseString(String str){
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Please enter word");
char c = str.charAt(str.length()-1);
if(str.length() == 1) return Character.toString(c);
return c + reverseString(str.substring(0,str.length()-1));}}

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Boolean Cannot Be Converted To Int

Jun 11, 2014

I do not see a boolean trying to be converted into an int. Could my decompiler have caused this?

this.redStones[this.tabIDHover == i].drawSprite(6 + paddingX + ((client.clientSize >= 1) ? 2 : 0) - ((this.longTabs && client.clientSize >= 1) ? 240 : 0) + x, 261 + paddingY + ((this.longTabs && client.clientSize >= 1) ? 37 : 0) - ((client.clientSize == 0) ? 261 : 0));
this.redStones[this.tabIDHover == i + 8].drawSprite(6 + paddingX + ((client.clientSize >= 1) ? 2 : 0) + x, 298 + paddingY);

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Int Cannot Be Converted To Node

Nov 17, 2014

Is it possible to convert an int to a node[]?

Node[] expResult = new Node[2];
for(int i: expResult){
expResult[i] = i.;

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App That Declares A Class Person (String Name / Int Age) And Account Class?

Mar 31, 2014

I want to write an app that declares a class Person(String name, int age), and an Account class, Account(int code, double balance).But, additionally, every Person has at most 3 accounts, and each account has a Peron associated with it.

my code so far...

public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
private Account[] accounts;
private int numOfAccounts;
public Person(String name,int age){;


My problem is:When I make data input for a person, and additionally I want to read data for the account(s) that this rerson has, what code should I write to create a new Account object as account[numOfAccounts].And, what is the code to assign an owner to a new created Account object?

There exists a relationship between the two classes, but I cannot find the way to implement this relation....

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Array Of Integers - Cannot Be Converted To Int

Dec 18, 2014

I have a method that receives an array of integers and saves the ID of the user inside the array of integers and I keep getting the error: "int[] cannot be converted to int".Here is the code:

public boolean Borrow (String TitleOrAuthor,int id){
int count = 0;
int b1 = 0;
int BookCount [] = new int [b1];
for (int i=0;i<Bcount;i++){
for(int j=0;j<b1;j++){
BookCount [j]= Booklist[i].getCopies();
BookCount [j]= id;


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Incompatible Types / Void Cannot Be Converted To Int

Jul 29, 2014

package input;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Input {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int user;
user = JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter Your Age""); ERROR IS HERE
if(user <= 18) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "User is legit");
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "User is not legit");

I'm getting this error message :

incompatible types: void cannot be converted to int

unclosed string literal

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Gregorian Calendar Cannot Be Converted Into Double

Dec 7, 2014

I wrote this application but somehow in my CheckingAccount, I get an error saying GregorianCalander cannot be converted into double.

The line that gives me an error is "super(name, number, openDate, balance);"

package finalproject;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
public class CheckingAccount extends Account {
final SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyy/mm/dd");
CheckingAccount(String name, String number, GregorianCalendar openDate, double balance) {
super(name, number, openDate, balance);

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How To Make Password Converted Into Asterisk

Oct 11, 2014

package exercises;
import java.util.*;
public class Log_in_form {
static Scanner scan=new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String username="rosas";
String password="sandy";

[Code] .....

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