Poker Hand Reader In Java

Oct 29, 2014

ive been working on a poker game in java but seem to have got stuck in my 3 of a kind. What I was trying to do was create a loop that would increment a counter every time time is more than 1 instance of a card, but even if the counter increments and I draw a 3 of a kind it still returns false.

private boolean ThreeOfKind(ArrayList<Card> sortedCards) {
Card previousCard = null;
for (Card c : sortedCards){
int kindcount = 0;


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Strings Representing Poker Hand - Splitting Up Array

Jun 9, 2014

The file has a 1000 strings that look like this.

KC 7H QC 6D 8H 6S 5S AH 7S 8C
9C JD 7C 6D TC 6H 6C JC 3D 3S
AS KD 3D JD 8H 7C 8C 5C QD 6C

Each represents a poker hand. The issue is each line has player one and player two. I am trying to split them up so I can figure out who won.

package pokerHandCalculator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class PokerCalculator {
ArrayList<String>pokerHands = new ArrayList<String>();
void readFile()

[Code] ....

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Going To NextLine In Java Buffered Reader

Jul 18, 2014

I have a text and I am reading each line in the text with the simple while loop:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(a.txt)));
string line = new String();
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){
//skip to next line
//continue something else..

My question is how do I skip to the next line ? Using; one could easily have done something like this:

LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(file, "UTF-8");
String line = it.nextLine(); //this goes to the next line..

How can this be done using BufferedReader ?

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Java IO File Reader / Writer

Feb 2, 2015

I've been working on a saving system for a game I'm working on using java IO writer and reader. When I tried exporting it (as a executable jar) to test I couldn't get it to work, when it worked before. If I had to guess it's the file location not being able to find the file. Which it just looks like :

FileReader end = new FileReader("Saves.txt");

I don't exactly know how to set it up to read the file. I'd tried giving it a look up but I don't know how to exactly word my problem.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Add Free Hand Drawing To ArrayList

Nov 6, 2014

I am buildning a paint application in java, where the user can choose from a combobox wheather he/she wants to draw a rectangle or by free hand. The objects are stored in an arrayList. The user can also choose in the menubar to go back one step, which means to remove the last drawn item from the arrayList and then loop through the arraylist to draw the remaining objects.

It works fine with rectangles. When I create a rectangle it creates only one rectangle, which I add to the arrayList.
My problem is with the free hand. When I draw by free hand (using mousePressed and mouseDragged) I add every "dot" of the line as an object. Which means that when I remove the last item in the arrayList it only removes one dot of the line, not the whole line.

I need to add the dots together as one line, but how can I do that?

if (e.getSource().equals(comboBox)) {
JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
if (cb.getSelectedItem().equals("Rectangle")) {
this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {

[Code] .....

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Is It Possible To Scan Logical Gates From Hand-drawn Image

May 12, 2015

I am thinking of a project for my university the teachers liked it but I am not sure if its even possible.I am trying to make an andriod app. What I want to do is take a picture of a hand drawn logic circuit (having the AND, OR, NOT ... gates) recognize the gates, and make a circuit in the moblie and run it on all possible inputs.

For this I will have to make a simulator on mobile, that I dont think is the hard part. The problem is how could recognize the gates from a picture. Example of logical circuit is attached ( assume its hand drawn )..I found out that theres a edge detection plugin in java but still I dont think its enought to recognize the gates. Please share any algorithm or any technique or tools that I can use to make this thing.

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How To Retrieve Information From Poker Sites

Apr 20, 2015

I am pretty new to java and where I should start. What I am trying to do, is to retrieve live information from poker sites as I play, typically my hand and the pot size. Is this possible? I know poker sites probably are very secure, but I can see those things (my hand, and the pot) anyway, I just want it to happen automatically. What I am trying to do, is to create a program that retrieves the information, and then calculate the odds of me winning.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Graphical Front End For A Poker Game?

Oct 19, 2014

basically I'm a good way through developing a Poker game which I've been developing just for fun(!?) and also to improve my skills, which it has done substantially. The logic involved with some of the hand comparisons and the evaluations of the winner is pretty complex.

Nonetheless, once I've finished the threaded timer to control the regulation of rising blind levels, and the betting mechanics for the Computer players I'll be looking to start creating the front end and this is where I'm a little confused.

Obviously for what I want, neither swing or AWT would be sufficient, so I guess the gap in my knowledge is how to integrate my back end code with a web front end. Is this possible? - What options exist for integration? just pure CSS / JS, or would Angular.js be viable? I'm looking to utilise some ready made images as graphics with maybe some minor animation effects.

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Android Eclipse Home Game Poker

Sep 1, 2014

I'm trying to create a Texas hold'em Poker application. A rough idea of it would be similar to those poker games on the playstore e.g. Zynga Poker, however it will be a simplified version, more of a home-based application, for a small group of friends. This way, we can get to play poker on the go with each other, like a private table on the go. Anyway, right now how do I get started?

1) How should I even start this project? Do I start the GUI for the application first? Start designing the applications with photoshop? I figured I need a skeletal guide to start and follow.

2) How do I connect all the players together to a table? I know I could use my phone as a Server, where the rest could connect to mine. But I'm not sure what I should research on. Also, as I'm working towards a "Portable, On the go Application". So I would like to work this more based on 3G/4G networks.

3) Database, I would like something to keep a record on the buy-in, winnings & losings so we can keep track of it. However, if the server was my phone. When I turn off the server, would the database be gone? Maybe I might be able to save it on a notepad in a folder on my phone? I think this is possible.

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Poker Game Evaluator - Sort 5 Cards In Decreasing Order

Nov 27, 2014

I am trying to sort the 5 cards in decreasing order and this is exactly what my professor gave us but it has errors.

int pos;
int max;
for (pos = 0; pos < hand.length; pos++){
max = pos;
for (int i = pos + 1; i < hand.length; i++){
if (hand[max] < hand[i]){
max = i;
if (max != pos){
int temp = hand[pos];
hand[pos] = hand[max];
hand[max] = temp;

Line 6 has an error with the < operator.
Line 11&13 says cannot convert from card to Int.
This method is passing in Card[] hand

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How Does A Buffer Reader Work

Mar 5, 2014

a buffer reader , how does it work and what is the code for it ?

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Convert Buffered Reader To Joptionpane?

Feb 16, 2015

I have to make an application called miles to meters that converts miles to meters that asks for user input through joption pane and the output can be eather system.out.println or joption pane, I found the code i need but it uses buffered reader for input not joption pane. Here is the source code

import java.util.*;
class MetersToMiles{
public static void main (String[] args)throws
// 1 meters = 0.00062137119 miles;

[Code] ....

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Manipulating Data From Buffered Reader

Nov 3, 2014

I've got a .csv file with some text and numeric data. I've used BufferedReader to successfully print the data to the console. Now I need to perform mathematical operations on the numerical data. How do I access the data from the BufferedReader in my calculation methods?

This is what my BufferedReader looks like:

ReadCVS obj=new ReadCVS();;
public void run(){
String csvFile = "myDataSet.csv";
BufferedReader buffread=null;
String row="";

[Code] .....

What I would like to be able to do is create some loops to calculate totals for some of the elements, but I'm not sure how to access the data from other methods (and potentially classes?).

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Reading Inputs Using Buffered Reader

Oct 13, 2014

I am trying to read the following input (which will be inputted by the user when run) using the BufferedReader approach:

*** * * * *** *** *** ***
* * * * * * * * *
* * * *** *** *** *** ***
* * * * * * * * *
*** * * *** *** *** ***

I am reading each line of the input one line at a time and incrementally storing four char positions into an array, so i am able to hold a vertical representation of each column. I.e. column 1 will be stored in array[0].

The problem with my code is that is does not read the last line of the input, it reads all the other inputs before it but just refuses to read the last line and execute the procedure of storing the characters.


public void defuseBomb(){
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String asciiLine = reader.readLine()+ " ";
int digit = (asciiLine.length())/4;
[Code] .....

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Buffered Reader Statement Not Working

Mar 12, 2015

String name="admin";
String fpass="";
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("D:Dairy MangamentNew1 Dairy ManagmentPassword.txt"));
fpass = in.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

[Code] ....

Its not comparing the user name and password..

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Reading Buffered-reader Character Wise?

Mar 12, 2014

what this code means?

public static String readBuffer(Reader reader, int limit) throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
int c =;
if (c == -1) {
return ((sb.length() > 0) ? sb.toString() : null);

[Code] ....

I am particularly confused with the below lines -

if (((char) c == '
') || ((char) c == '
')) {

This is how I am calling this code from my application -

BufferedReader bf = null;
StringBuffer stringBuff = new StringBuffer();
String ln = null;
while ((ln = readBuffer(bf, 2048)) != null) {

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Using Buffered Reader And Columns To Read In Two Strings?

Dec 8, 2014

I'm making a tree of contacts with people's names as one string and their numbers as another. I need to read that in from a .dat that is set up to have two columns, across from the names are the numbers, so i have to read that in, but I'm not sure how. Here is what I have:

Tree<String, String> tree = new Tree<String, String>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/Users/katedess/Desktop/animals.dat"));
String read;
while((read = br.readLine()) != null) {

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How To Make File Reader Object Move To Next Line If There Is No More Input On Line

Feb 18, 2015

How do I make the file reader object move to the next line if there is no more input on the line. Here is my text and output file as you can see that my text file column cuts off on the 2nd line after 70. I want to read that next line which is 100 into my labs variable however its reading it into my final exams variable. I'll also post the code but I didn't think it was necessary.


Labs Projects Tests Final Exams

[import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyGrades
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
int lab, project, test;
int finalExam;//Par and Player values


not sure if I code wrapped it correctly

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Applets :: Accessing Java Application Without Adding Site To Java Security

Sep 12, 2014

I have tried running the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab. But I get a sand box message as APPLICATION BLOCKED BY SECURITY SETTINGS. How to run the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab.

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Can Use Java Code From OpenScript Or APIs In Separate Java Program?

Oct 24, 2014

I want to develop a Java program that uses OpenScript APIs to test my applications. The OpenScript framework automatically creates the Java Code so I was thinking of either using this code or create my own using the APIs.
I tried both options using NetBeans but I'm getting errors everywhere starting with the library import. I'm pretty new to Java so I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things here. I pasted the code below from the OpenScript framework that want to use in a stand-alone file for your reference.,
import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic.api.*;
import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.browser.api.*;
import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.functionalTest.api.*;
import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.utilities.api.*;
import oracle.oats.scripting.modules.utilities.api.sql.*;

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Java Application With Several Classes All In Same Java File

Apr 9, 2015

I've written a java application with several classes all in the same .java file. It works just fine. Now, I've broken it up so that each class has its own .java file. Still works fine. My next step is to put those classes into a package, but I'm not about to get the program to run.The .java source files are all in /home/user/src

I've set the CLASSPATH to /home/user/src..All of the source files have "package com.myfirm.program" on the first line.I compiled the application with:

javac -d . (etc...)

the compiler created the directory: /home/user/src/com/myfirm/program and put all of the .class files in there.So how do I get the program to run? if I run from /home/usr/src

java File1

I get: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: File1 (wrong name: com/myfirm/program/Program)

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How To Call Java Methods From Different Java File

Apr 14, 2015

I create 2 files: 

In, How can i call method in ?

Should I put everything in same folder ??Should i do something like "import"Should i do something like create a package ...

I use Eclipse software

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What Is Difference Between Java SE And Java EE

Sep 19, 2014

The title of Question might seem old and previously asked.But I have a Question that what is difference between javaSE and Java EE.Although I knew what comes under JavaSE and What is under JavaEE.But My question is that.

What happens when we add PATH in our Environment Variable How does Eclipse or Other IDE use it?

Second Question is.

For Java SE we declare a Path Variable but for Java EE we do not add any library?(I know we add some jar file like for Servlet(Servlet-api.jar) and for EJB(Ejb.jar),But What is actaul difference?

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Odd Even Zero Java

Oct 23, 2014

creating a program that will output something like this:

Enter an Integer: 1405302(user inputted)

Your integer contains 2 even digit(s), 3 odd digit(s), and 2 zero(s).

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Using Java For Web

Dec 4, 2014

I know about coding in general, Java, C, Python, SQL etc. but I barely know anything about making code come together on the web. I have a vague idea about what things like libraries and frameworks are,I'm interested in making a web application with which relies on Java do to the data processing. The idea is that the user inputs some messages, clicks submit, the text is taken away and processed, and the results are displayed on the screen. I would like the UI to be smooth with a modern look and feel.

Also, I usually do programming on Windows but I could also use Linux, so if I'll come across any specific drawbacks using Windows.

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Specify WD Where Java App Is Located

Jan 9, 2015

How do I specify the Working directory where the Java app is located? It may be different on different machines.

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