Pong Game - Y Axis Collision Detection
Jan 28, 2014I have made a "Pong" game and how to check if the ball has hit the top or the bottom of a paddle, however I do know how to check if it has hit the left or right side:
Java Code:
if((BALL.getX() >= LEFT_BAT.getX() && BALL.getX() <= LEFT_BAT.getX() + LEFT_BAT.getWidth()
&& BALL.getY() >= LEFT_BAT.getY() && BALL.getY() <= LEFT_BAT.getY() + LEFT_BAT.getHeight())
&& (BALL.getX() >= RIGHT_BAT.getX() && BALL.getX() <= RIGHT_BAT.getX() + RIGHT_BAT.getWidth()
&& BALL.getY() >= RIGHT_BAT.getY() && BALL.getY() <= RIGHT_BAT.getY() + RIGHT_BAT.getHeight())){
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
It seems as though I would use the same code for checking the top or bottom.