Print Array Asterisk Bar Chart

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to get this program to take 5 integers from a user and print a bar chart made of asterisks. The only way I've been able to access the values stored in the array is when my loops are nested, but this keeps my output from printing the way I would like it to.

It prints:
Enter a number:
Enter a number...and so on

I want it to take the values say(2,3,5,8,4) and do this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int[] barArray = new int[5];
for(int i =0; i < barArray.length; i++){
System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
barArray[i] = in.nextInt();
for(int j = 0; j < barArray[i]; j++){
System.out.print("* ");

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Saving Number Of Chart In Array To New Array

Jan 15, 2014

just started programming in Java. My goal in this part of code was to read out the first array, while saving the number of the chart in the array to a new array.

first question: is the code clean and the method correct?

2nd question: i get an error when i try to print the newInt Array for no apparent reason.

Java Code:

public class viereinsdiezweite {
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] newInt = new int[20];
int specialInt = 3;
int[] bigInt = new int[]


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Monthly Temperature Chart Of Two Places - Array / While Loops

May 29, 2014

I started taking a java programming class javascript eclipse The program says it wants a monthly temperature chart of two places..Declare an array of values for Blueville temperatures and another array for Orlando temperatures. Then, use what you have learned to produce a program to output the following table:

Blueville Monthly temperatures

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

3 3 5 10 16 20 24 23 16 10 5 3

Orlando Monthly Temperatures

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

14 16 12 23 24 25 27 30 25 22 17 15

The warmest month in Blueville is _______

The warmest month in Orlando is ________

The month with the greatest temperature spread is __________

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How To Use Asterisk Symbol For Answer

Oct 13, 2014

I am new to programing and I am making a dice game where I have to roll two dice and add the total together for each dice (2, 3, 4 ect.) I have all the program finished except one thing.

How would I use the * character that shows the total percentage each number was rolled. Each * will represent 1% of the total rolls. Instead of saying there were ( 4 ) 2's rolled i have to put ( **** ) 2's rolled.

2: ***
3: ******
4: *********

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How To Make Password Converted Into Asterisk

Oct 11, 2014

package exercises;
import java.util.*;
public class Log_in_form {
static Scanner scan=new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String username="rosas";
String password="sandy";

[Code] .....

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Stripes / Checkerboard And Double Diagonal (Asterisk Patterns)

Oct 2, 2014

I need to make a program that does stripes, checkerboard, and double diagonal. I can not get the stripes to work?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class AsciiArt {
public static void main(String[] args){
int pattern;
Scanner input=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Choose one of the following patterns by pressing the corresponding number");
System.out.println("1) Stripes");

[Code] ....

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Convert 2D Array To String Using ToString To Print Array

Apr 19, 2015

Trying to convert 2D array to String using toString() to be able to print the array but when I try to use it I just get the memory location

public class Forest
private int h;
private int w;
private double p = 0.7;
private int[][] f;
Forest(int w, int h)


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Convert Array Of Integers To Array Of Characters And Then Print It Out

Feb 13, 2014

I have double checked this code over and over and I just can't find the problem.

What I'm trying to do is take a file and input it into an 2D array.

Ultimately, I should convert the array of integers to an array of characters, then print it out. The file contains a set of ASCII values.

After printing it out, I should then create methods to manipulate the image produced.

Using 2D arrays is a requirement for this exercise.

I think that somehow I'm overcomplicating this and the solution is a lot more simple than I think, but I can't think of what to change.

The error I am getting is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 40
at main.main(

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws FileNotFoundException {
String[][] data = new String[22][40];

[Code] .....

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Simple Code In Java That Replace All Tabs User Input With Asterisk

Feb 13, 2015

I am creating a simple code in Java that replaces all tabs the user inputs with '*'. However, I am doing something wrong and I am not sure what. Here is what I have so far in Eclipse..

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class ReplacingTabs {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String s = "";
String s2 = "";
[Code] .....

There is an error with the s2 in the line String s2 = s.replace(' ','*');

I think I need to add String s2 to the loop but I am not sure how..

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New Method Array To String Or Just Print As Array?

Feb 20, 2014

I just tried to fill an array with some numbers, calculated by a other function.I just tried to print this array as array, but it doesnt work. Maybe its just about the main method.

public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int ggT(int a, int b) {
if(a>b) {
} else {
return a;

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Name / Zip Array Read And Print

Sep 22, 2014

Designed to store a first name (string), last name (string), and zip (int). Assume each line will contain two strings followed by integer each separated by tab. Then print.

I have my two class files (one for the individual and one for the array) and then my driver below. I think my only problem is my driver. I think I'm reading the data file wrong but not sure how exactly.

test in .txt file:


public class Person
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int zipCode;
public Person(String fName, String lName, int zCode)

[Code] ....

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How To Print All Numbers Of Array In Java

Jan 1, 2015

This is my code

package com.arraydemo;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class ArrayStructures {
public long[] theArray;
public int arraySize;
public ArrayStructures(int size)


and i am getting this output

! 1712 !2156|
! 1713 !4583|
! 1714 !3981|

[HENRY: 6000+ LINES DELETED -- Isn't it a bit ridiculous hard to read when you flood a post with thousands of output lines?]

! 4998 !3094|
! 4999 !836|

I am expecting Number to be print from Index ) but they are not printing ,why?

If I use arraysize like 2000 I am getting all number starting from 0 to 1999 .why?

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Print Duplicates Element Of Array

Apr 16, 2014

This code is not best way to find the duplicate elements in a given array. Any alternative method for an optimized code.

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
public class Find_Dupliicate_ArrayElement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] Array1 = {1, 9,8,1,2,8,9,7,10, -1, 1, 2, 3, 10, 8, -1};
// Store the array length
int size = Array1.length;
//Sort the array


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Print 2 Largest Number In Array

Apr 1, 2014

Thought process : Sort the array and print the last 2 element of any given array.

Note /| Should not use any inbuilt Array.sort()

Java Code:

//Write a code to print the 2 largest numbers from the given Array {2,8,10,5,9}

package arrays;
public class biggest2numbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] A = {2,8,10,5,9};
//Declaring 2 variable
int Max1,

[Code] .....

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Sort Array List Print?

Nov 23, 2014

I am having an issue trying to print different types of arrays using one method. Eclipse tells me to convert my print method for each array type:

change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<integer>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<Double>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<Character>)'
change method 'printList <e>' to 'printList(ArrayList<String>)'

I would like to accomplish printing all four different arrays using one print method. How to accomplish it or provide examples or links to examples?

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SortArrayList {
public static class Sort {


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Trying To Print Array Of Image Icons

Aug 23, 2014

I am simply trying to print out a deck of 54 playing cards. i have organized them in to two separate arrays the first array to place all the image icons the second array to hold the 54 Jlabels. I think my problem lies in the setLayout portion of the program . I also think my image icon path may be wrong?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class CardIconArray extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final public static int numberofcards=54;

[Code] ....

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How To Pass Array From Servlet To JSP And Print

Dec 12, 2014

I'm trying to pass an integer array,

int[] fibSequence;

From my Fibonacci servlet to a jsp page called "result" but when I pass the array in the redirect I get the following output:


I figured out that this is because the array is being converted to string before it is passed over and then converted again on the jsp page.

How I can pass the array over and print the contents, ie an array of integers?

This is how I'm sending the array in the result page:

resp.sendRedirect(("result.jsp?fibSequence=" + fibSequence));

And this is how its being retrieved and printed on the result.jsp page:

<%String[] fibSequence = request.getParameterValues("fibSequence");%>
<input type="text" name="fibNum" value="<%=java.util.Arrays.deepToString(fibSequence)%>" size="40px" style="font-size:30pt;height:60px">

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Searching Through Array / Find Name And Print

Oct 5, 2014

An array which contain a list of names. I let for a user input and I use that to search through the array. For example lets say the string name "Christian" is stored inside the names array and the user types in Chri, the program looks in the array and finds a name that contains Chri and prints them out. How do I go about doing this?

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Print Array Output On Different Lines

Nov 19, 2014

I've to read in an array of 1000 random numbers, and then my program sorts them depending on whether the user chooses bubblesort, selectionsort, etc...My code all works fine, my problem is with the actually output display. I have method that displays the content of the array that I call for the unsorted array, and for the sorted array. So at the moment the output to the user looks like:This program sorts an array of numbers by your choosing.

Array before sorting:
etc... for 1000 numbers

1. Bubble Sort
2. Selection Sort
3. Insertion Sort
4. Merge Sort
5. Quick Sort

Please enter your sort choice: 4

Array after sorting:
etc... for 1000 numbers

is there a way that I can display the unsorted and sorted array's content on various lines like so:

150 312 149 31 392 384 66
498 909 35 602 568 897 131
654 645 274 264 895 281 462
244 171 958 649 740 351 344

I just think it'll look nicer if I can do it like that.My display method looks like this:

//method to display array
public static int[] displayArray(int[] array){
//display array
for (int i =0; i < array.length; i++)


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Program Should Print Array As Output

Jul 11, 2014

Write a program to create an integer array of size 20. Then, the program should generate and insert random integers between 1 and 5, inclusive into the array. Next, the program should print the array as output.

A tremor is defined as a point of movement to and fro. To simulate it, the program will generate a random number between 0 and 19, which represents the location in the array (i.e. index number). Then, the 3 numbers to the left and right of this location should be reset to the value 0. If there isn't 3 numbers to the left and right you may assume a lesser number depending on the boundaries of the array.

Then, the final array should be printed as output. There is no user input for this program.Your program must include, at least, the following methods:

-insertNumbers, which will take as input one integer array and store the random numbers in it.
-createTremor, which will generate the random number as the location and return it.

A sample run of the program is shown below:

Sample output #1:
Array:1 2 2 3 1 5 4 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Random position: 5
Final Array:1 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

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Multiply Every Number In Array By 2 And Print It Out

Nov 2, 2014

My assignment is to write some code that will multiply every number in an array by 2 and print it out. This is using a site zyante which is a interactive online book kind of thing.

I have tried For (i=0; I < 8; i++) with like userVals = userVals * 2) }

And it doesn't like that so i'm guessing i am no where close to right. The chapter doesn't give me any example of doing anything close to this so i am completely lost on what i have to do.

This is the program :

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class NegativeToZero {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
final int NUM_ELEMENTS = 8; // Number of elements

[Code] .....

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Enter In Sales Amount And Then Get It To Display Asterisk Per 100 In Sales

Apr 3, 2014

public static void main (String []args)
Scanner numberin = new Scanner (;
double store [];


How would I get my program to display a * for every 100 dollars in sales that the user enters in so: for example the user enters in store 1: $ 400 in sales for the store I want it to display store 1:****

The first part of my code allows the user to enter in whatever values the stores have in sales. The Second half of the code starts at line 19 is my best guess on what I need to do I just am not sure how to get it to display what I need it to.

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Creating Method To Print Array Of Integers

May 7, 2014

I am trying to create a method that takes an array of integers and prints it out using System.out.print. I'm having trouble creating the right way to print it out since I cannot find a way to convert the int array to a string to print it out.
public static String printArray(int[] num){
for (int i=0; i<num.length;i++){
String msg = num[i];
return System.out.print(msg + " ");

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Unable To Print Out Randomly Generated Array

Nov 19, 2014

i am trying to print out a randomly generated array, but i only get


i did some research and the "[" is for arrays, "I" is for the int and "@" is the hash. and the rest is some sort of hex. I need to override this in a way, but i can't seem to find out how.
this is my current code:

import java.util.Random;

public class Oppgave {
public static void main(String[] args){
int myint[] = fyll();
public static int[] fyll() {


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Unable To Print Repeating Integers In Array

Aug 5, 2012

I have a problem where i have to write some code to read through an int array and print out the different integers and how many times they occur. For example:

if the array contained the numbers 1,4,2,3,5,4,4,7,5,4,3,6,8,6,4,

i would need the print to appear something like this

integer: 1, times: 1
integer: 4, times: 5
integer: 2, times: 1


as the array is read sequentialy from element 0 to the end. the program should find the integer value in the first element (increment a counter by 1) and then search all other elements to see if the integer reoccurs (counter++ for each time it reappears). obviously the counter would be the 'times' value in the second column.

My problem is i can get this accomplished yet i cant get the program to recognise when it has already registered an integer in a previous element and skip to the next element looking for a new integer. SO for each element in the array it prints the integer and then searches the entire array for the integer again and increments the counter accordingly. so in essence there is a line printed for each integer the number of times it actually occurs.

I simply wish to have my code to find an integer and the number of times it occurs. and then disregard the elements it has registered the previous integer in.

Also, keep in mind that i am NOT permitted to use any new data structures/arrays for storing/remembering values. I can only use int and double variables throughout.

what i have so far is this: with the array being customerID[] :

Java Code:

int num;
int counter;
for(int count = 0; count < customerID.length; count++)
counter = 0;
num = customerID[count];
for(int count2 = 0; count2 < customerID.length; count2++)


The output for the int array 1,1,3,0,3,2,0,4,1,3, looks something like this:

Integer: 1, Times: 3
Integer: 1, Times: 3
Integer: 3, Times: 3
Integer: 0, Times: 2
Integer: 3, Times: 3
Integer: 2, Times: 1


and as you can see lines are repeated for each time the same integer occurs in a new element. i just need my code to skip an element if the integer has been previously encounterd and recorded. i.e i need it to look more like this :

Integer: 1, Times: 3
Integer: 3, Times: 3
Integer: 0, Times: 2
Integer: 2, Times: 1
Integer: 4, Times: 1

with the first encountered integer being checked throughout the array and then moving to the next integer/element which is not the same as any previous.

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Union Is Not Working Well - It Print Only The Numbers In Array X

Oct 9, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Arrayunion {
* @param args


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