Program For Calculating Circumference And Area Not Working

Jul 15, 2014

Here is the program I wrote for calculating the circumference of a circle.

//program that calculates the area and circumference of a circle
import java.util.Scanner; //program uses class scanner
public class circumference{
//main method begins execution of Java application
public static void main(String args[]){

[Code] .....

Even though my code compiles and runs without any errors, the program doesn't calculate the circumference.

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Calculating Area And Circumference Of A Circle

Apr 21, 2014

Here is the code that I wrote out:

//program that calculates the circumference and area of a circle

import java.util.Scanner;
public class circle{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
double r; //declares radius

[Code] .....

And here is what is displayed in the command prompt when I compile my code: error: cannot find symbol
r.input.nextdouble();//entered the radius
symbol: method nextdouble()
location: variable input of type Scanner
1 error

What am I doing wrong?

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Asking User To Put In Radius Of A Circle To Calculate Area / Diameter And Circumference

Mar 5, 2014

I am doing an assignment that is asking for the user to put in the radius of a circle and the program figures out the area, diameter and circumference. It is using 2 different java programs to accomplish this. One with the info on how to get area, diameter and circumference and one is the demo that runs the program. I keep getting errors on my demo.

// Circle Class
 public class Circle {
private double rad;
private double Pie;
private double area;
private double diameter;

[Code] .....

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Calculating Area With JOptionPane?

Sep 9, 2014

I am supposed to be doing a class assignment that calculates the area of a triangle and outputs with JOptionPane. I was able to fix some errors, but it's uncovering more errors.Here is my code:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Area {
public static void main (String [] args) {
double a, b, c; //Input sides of triangle
double x; //Perimeter of triangle
double area; //Area of triangle
StringTokenizer st;


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Getting Wrong Values When Calculating Perimeter And Area?

Mar 22, 2015

I've been given a school assignment that reads, "Rewrite the main class Geometry so it takes in the dimensions for the triangle and ellipse as user inputs and create a Triangle and an Ellipse class. Use the appropriate variable types, constants, variable names and computational formulas.

Triangle class will have a computePerimeter and a computeArea methods Ellipse class will have a computeArea method Create Report class

• Create a method createReport that takes the values returned from Triangle and Ellipse and combines them in the following message and displays it. Format the values so that they have 2 decimals.

“The triangle has a perimeter of [perimeter] with an area of [area] while the ellipse has an area of [area]”

• Create a method switchReport that takes the original string from createReport and changes the message to display using the available methods in the String class

“The ellipse has an area of [area] while the triangle has an area of [area] with a perimeter of [perimeter]”"

I've run into a problem when creating the createReport method. Everytime i run it i get incorrect values for the perimeter and area (namely i get zero every time).

my code is as follows:

public class Triangle
public double base;
public double height;
public double hypotenuse;
private double tArea;
private double perimeter;
  public Triangle()
base = 0;
height = 0;
hypotenuse = 0;


For the triangle class and

public class Report {
  Triangle tri2 = new Triangle();
Ellipse eli2 = new Ellipse();
  public Report() { 

public void createReport() {
System.out.println("The triangle has a perimeter of "+tri2.computePerimeter() +" with an area of " +tri2.computeTArea() +" while the ellipse has an area of " +eli2.computeEArea() );

for the report class.the Geometry class allows you to input values and if i skip the report and simply print the perimeter and area they are correct. However with the report class it simply gives me zeros.

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Calculating Area Of A Rectangle (height Multiply By Width)

Mar 19, 2014

I was suppose to create a simple Java program for calculating the area of a rectangle (height * width). Then check the user’s input, and make sure that they enter in a positive integer, and letting them try again if they enter in a negative number. (I'm not sure how to get them to try again.

I am suppose to use an "if" statements and indeterminate loops to achieve the solution. The program will have the following requirements:

1. Ask the user to enter in both a height and width (as an integer)
2. If the user enters in a negative number, display an error
3. If the user enters in a negative number, give them another chance to enter in the correct value
4. Calculate the area and display to the screen once two positive integers have been entered.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class RectangleAreaCalc
public static void main(String[] args)
int length;
int width;
int area;
[Code] ....

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Average Program - Divisible Numbers Not Calculating Correctly

May 21, 2015

For some reason, the averages aren't calculating correctly. I'm aware I need to convert to double if I'm dividing by an odd amount but that itself isn't the issue. It's just simple easy divisible numbers that are not being calculated correctly. For instance, (10 + 10 + 10 + 50) / 4 = should be 2 but I get 10.

Here is the code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Avg {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner inputGains = new Scanner(;
int userInput = inputGains.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Area Of Triangle Java Program?

Sep 2, 2014

I've been having trouble with this code for about a week and I've finally got it down to one error. Here is the code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Triangle {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner Console = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter the three lengths of your Triangle: ");
double a = console.nextDouble();

[Code] ....

And here is the error: error: class, interface, or enum expected
} // End class
1 error

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Program To Calculate Area Of Circle

Mar 11, 2015

I'm starting with my version of very basic program: calculating area of circle. And of course it doesn't get well. My question: what is wrong in this code?

public class circleAre{
double radious;
void putData(double radi){
radi = radious;

[Code] .....

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Creating Program For Area And Perimeter Of Triangle

Sep 1, 2014

import java.lang.Math;
public class triangle {
double area; double s;
public double findArea(double sideA, double sideB, double sideC);
s= 0.5 *(sideA + sideB + sideC);
area = Math.sqrt(s*(s-sideA)*(s-sideB)*(s-sideC));

[Code] ...

Errors I am getting: error: class, interface, or enum expected
import java.util.Scanner
^ error: class, interface, or enum expected
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

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GUI Program - Enter File Name And Display Text Area

Apr 14, 2014

I have to write a gui program where I can enter a file name and then it gets displayed in a text area when I click Open. Conceptually, I do not get this. I was thinking of appending the text file into a string or something, but I guess I'm confused on how it all works and how I can open the text file. Not asking for the code, but just a compass or something.

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Write Java Program That Calculates Area And Volume Of Cube?

Sep 10, 2014

Write a Java program that calculates the area and volume of a cube, sphere, cylinder, and regular tetrahedron. Your program should obtain the necessary input for each of the objects from the console and output the input, area, and volume of the object. Use appropriate messages to guide the user of your program.

Here what i did, i am not sure if this is what the assignment want, but this is the best method i could come up with

//Khang Le
import java.util.Scanner;
public class InputAreaVolume {
public static void main(String[] args) {


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FileHandling Program Is Not Working?

Apr 28, 2015

this is my progarm

import java.util.Random;
public class FileHandlingDemo {


As you can see my Intention is to save randoly generate Integer in the output file And this is not working but if I use Something like this

public class FileHandlingDemo {


it's working fine reading that from Input.txt and writing that data in output.txt file. but not in first case Both file are in working directory already created.Where is wrong?

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Inventory Program - CompareTo Not Working

Jul 16, 2014

My instructor gave me this code to use as my Array sort. I can not get this to work. I do not get any compile errors, the code just does not do anything.

Java Code:

package inventoryprogram4;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Inventoryprogram4
static GUI mainGUI = new GUI();
static String outText = "";

[Code] .....

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Working On A Contact List Program With A GUI

Nov 27, 2014

I am working on a contact list program with a GUI for a school project.I'm running into all kinds of issues when trying to update the JList in my GUI which displays the contacts.I think my issues are being caused by a lack of synchronization between the contact list that stores the data, and the contact list that is being displayed.I've tried all kinds of getters and setters, passing array indexes, passing array member objects etc.

General rundown of how I want the GUI/Code to work: When I select an object in the JLIst, the fields on the right should display that objects information.When the "Add Contact" button is created, a new blank contact should be created and added to the Contact List, and then displayed in the JList.When a field on the right side of the GUI is updated, the object in the contact list is updated simultaneously (using document listener), and therefore the JList would also be updated.

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Program Involving For Loop And If Statement Not Working

Oct 23, 2014

Alright so I'm trying to write a code that implements a for loop and if statements that displays any number from 100-200 if the number is divisible by either 5 or 6 in rows of ten numbers each row. If it is not divisible by that number then it should go back to the beginning of the loop until it reaches 200. My main problem is that it doesn't display anything. I don't get any errors or anything but every time I run the program it just displays nothing. Sample output is at the bottom of the code.
public class Exercise5_11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int count = 0;
int i = 100; 
//for (the numbers from 100 to 200)
for (i = 100; i>100 && i<200; i++){
[Code] ....

100 102 105 108 110 114 115 125 126 130
132 135 138 140 144 145 155 156 160 162
165 168 170 174 175 185 186 190 192 195
198 200

It is still wip of course so I was trying to just get it to display int i but it doesn't do anything and I'm not really sure why.

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Java UDP Client Server Program Not Working

Apr 18, 2014

I am currently writing two java classes (client and server). The client takes an input number form keyboard and sends it to the server. The server then multiplies this number by two and sends it back to the client. The numbers should also be printed to screen along the way, for example if I input the number 3 I should get

"From Client: 3" "From Server: 6"

They should continuously do this unless a negative number is received by the client, say for example the number -3 is sent to the server and it returns -6.

The code I have for the two classes so far is:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Client {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket();

[Code] .....

Currently, when I run the program all I get is an output of the number first entered. I am aware it requires a loop but I don't know where and what the condition should be.

Also if I wanted to adapt this so that it would take the integer from client and subtract two at the server and return to client who sends back to server to keep subtracting two unless it reaches a negative number at which point the client will terminate the program - how might I do this.

I do realise there needs to be a while loop in the above code, but I wanted to test it sent the number from client to server and its not doing it. All I get is a print screen of 'enter number' and then the number I enter.

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Working On A Program That Creates Array From A File

Feb 19, 2015

Working on a program that creates an array from a file, organizes it in various ways, and then prints the results. Right now I'm specifically having trouble with the printAry() method - when I try to run it, I receive a NullPointerException for the active line in printAry() (EDIT: line 102). Not sure which sections are important to this, so I will include the client class and most of the service. I realize that the amount of documentation I included is not necessary, but it is required for the class.

class Lab3StudentAryService
private int count;
private Lab3StudentData [] studentAry = new Lab3StudentData[50];

@param: none
@return: none
reads file and converts to array.
public void fillAry() //constructor
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


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Program Is Working But String Index Out Of Range Error

Sep 5, 2014

My Computer Programming teacher has given the class a problem that requires the use of var.charAt(), var.length() and while/for. Basically, the problem is that we have to create program that'll show a mirrored or reverse version of the entered word. Like for example, if your input is the word "Hello" (the quotation marks aren't included), the output will be "olleH".

Here's the code:

public class StringMirror
{public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
{BufferedReader scan = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
String enteredWord = "";
int lengthOfTheWord = 0;
int lengthOfTheWordMinusOneVersion = 0;


It is working, but the problem is that after the output, there's this error that says String index out of range: -1.

the program is working but I kind of wanted it to have no errors in the end.

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Java Program Which Would Display A Message Dialog Box Stopped Working

Mar 16, 2014

I have a java program which would display a message dialog box. The problem is it would stopped working before even displaying the message dialog box. This is my code.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class HelloDialog {
public static void main(String [] args) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello World!");

There is a pop-up window which would say "Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working." I am using textpad. What should I do with this?

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Pythagorean Theorem Program - Code Isn't Working When Written In OOP Style

Feb 11, 2014

I'm attempting to make a simple Pythagorean Theorem program (A squared + B squared = C squared) but am running into problems when I write it as object oriented. The darn thing works when written as a simple process, but that isn't Java now is it? Here's the simple:

public class PythagoreanTheorem extends ConsoleProgram {
public void run() {
println ("Finding C from A and B.");
double a1 = readDouble("Input A: ");
double b1 = readDouble("Input B: ");
double aSq = (a1*a1);
double bSq = (b1*b1);
double cSq = (aSq + bSq);
double c = Math.sqrt(cSq);
println ("C = " + c);


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Project Is Working On JFrame - But Not Working On JApplet

Apr 10, 2014

I am developing an application to share my client screen with server, it is working well on swing. But i want to develop as web application, i am trying to using applet. But i am facing the fallowing problem..,

1) The Applet screen also open and project also running well on server mechine. But unable to see the client screen on the server.

2) The problem may be to display the JDesktopPane or JInternalFrame.

My working Server Code extends withe JFrame..Java Code:

package remoteserver;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


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Calculating Pi In While Or Do While Loop

Oct 23, 2014

USING A WHILE OR A DO-WHILE LOOP write a program to compute PI using the following equation:

PI = 3 + 4/(2*3*4) - 4/(4*5*6) + 4/(6*7*8) - 4/(8*9*10) + ...

Allow the user to specify the number of terms (5 terms are shown) to use in the computation. Each time around the loop only one extra term should be added to the estimate for PI.

Alter your solution from part one so that the user is allowed to specify the precision required between 1 and 8 digits (i.e. the number of digits which are correct; e.g. to 5 digits PI is 3.14159), rather than the number of terms. The condition on the loop should be altered so that it continues until the required precision is obtained. Note that you need only submit this second version of the program (assuming you have it working).

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Calculating Sin(x) Without Using Math

Sep 14, 2014

I'm trying to calculate sin(x) without using Math.sin(x). The formula for sin(x) is: x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! ... I can't seem to get the coding for the alternating +/- right. Here's my program:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;
class Sin
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
int n, c, fact = 1, count = 1;
double x, sum = 0, sum_sin = 0, result;

[Code] ....

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Calculating Factorial Of Int Number

Mar 2, 2014

I'm working on some exercises and I'm having some problems with a method. I want to create a method to calculate the Factorial of an int number. I already wrote code that asks the user to input an int number and it calculates the Factorial, and it works fine

i.e.: if I input 5 it outputs

5! = 120

as it should. Here's the code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Factorial1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int number;
int total = 1;
[Code] ....

Now I want to make a method to re-use this code in other programs and I wrote this program:

public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
  public static int factorial(int x) {
int total = 0;

[Code] ....

But when I run this program it outputs 0 instead of 120. What is wrong with this code as it compiles just fine but doesn't work as intended.

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Calculating Factorials Using BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to calculate factorials using BlueJ. All of my factorials calculate correctly, I am just having an issue with something the instructor asked of us. She asked us to force the loop to stop when the user inputs "Calculate the factorial of 0", and not give any print.

So far I have my for loop with the correct conditions, I am just really confused as to how to make an if statement to stop the code when the input is 0.

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