Randomly Distribute People In Groups

Jan 18, 2014

I want to create a program that takes n number of people (String vector) and assigns them a random group number (int) the range from 1 to k. The number n is evenly divided by k.

I have created a program that associates every String with a random int number. There is however the problem that the random generator just gives a random number, but doesn't make an equal number of people for each group. Which means even if the numbers are random, some of the numbers happen to come up more times than others.

How can I write, to make sure that each number is generated the same amount of times?

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EJB / EE :: Use Asynchronous Annotation In Distribute Environment

Jul 18, 2014

Can we use EJB @Asynchronous annotation in distribute environment. I know we can use it but I want to know its Advisable or not. Because It's not advisable to manage user thread in Distribute environment like EJB container .Earlier if we want to make Asyn call then we use JMS. But now they added @Asynchronous annotation with Future Class to achieve the same result.

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JavaFX Adding Several Object Groups On Event

Jun 18, 2014

We are doing a Timeline project, So this is what i want to do:

Pressing a "New Event" button opens the New event window where you are supposed to write input in three fields, name, date, and information. There is also a button "Create" that when i press that button, i want to take all the input from the fields and save/send it to our database, and go back to the timeline GUI. With this, i want a new event object to be created(in this case i have done several shapes in a group) so basically a new group i want to be added. All the information is suppose to be taken from the database right after i create it.

I'm pretty stuck on how i should solve this, for the moment have a group called event that i add on the canvas. First thing that pops up in my head is a void method that draws the event, or maybe a temporary array.. P

package application;
import controllers.CreateEventController;
import application.EventPop;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;

[Code] ....

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Generate JAR File To Distribute Having Multiple Projects

Jan 20, 2015

I have an application separated into three different projects - core, command line version and Web UI version.

Core contains all the business logic in several services classes. Command line version and Web UI version both uses the core project services.

Command line have main class which call services from core. Web UI version is Spring base application using same services from core.

Java Code:

- src
- Service Classes (code here use thirdParty jars and core_file.txt)
- lib
- thirdParty.jar
- core_file.txt mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

[Code] ....

Now I want to give two separate versions to client.

Command line version to run as service in Windows andUI version to deploy in their server.

With above structure I create the cmdline.jar but when I am trying to run with

Java Code: java -jar cmdline.jar mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception for the service classes in core. So my question is how to pack/generate jar for this kind of distribution?

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Simple Form Of Doing Groups Of Expressions In One Line?

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to put all this in one line - new DefaultTableModel(0, INT HERE) - there is a way?

List<ArrayList>valores=new ArrayList();
ArrayList valorPrimeiro=valores.get(0);
int primeiroTam =((ArrayList)valorPrimeiro.get(0)).size()+1;
defaultTable=new DefaultTableModel(0, primeiroTam);

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Comparing First Name Of Two People

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to create an algorithm that compares the first names of two people, which goes ahead and cancels similar characters and then counts the remaining characters to give a 0 if the remaining characters are even and a 1 if the remaining characters odd.

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Java Program That Keeps Track Of People Names

Jan 13, 2015

I need to make a program that keeps track of peoples names, allows you to add a note to each name and preferably would reorganize whatever you put in by date or by spelling. (I suppose the phonebook application in cell phones is a good match, a supermarket's list of foods and prices would work as well).

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Display Name Of All People In ArrayList Containing Passed In Keyword

Dec 8, 2014

i need to write a method, that passes in an arraylist and a keyword,and display the name of all the people in the arrayList whose name contain the keyword (irrespective of uppercase or lowercase). how to write such a method ??

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Counter Set Up For 20 People But Only Counts 19 If Error Inputted In GenreType

Oct 15, 2014

This is a piece of a program I am trying to write,my only problem is when an incorrect input is entered in "genreType" it still counts as a loop and therefore I do not end up with 20 results I am looking for..I have tried multiple different ways but nothing seems to work for me.

package assignment_1;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Assignment_1 { 
public static void main(String[] args) {
int rockCounter=0;
int popCounter= 0;
int danceCounter= 0

[Code] ....

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Allowing A User To Enter X Number Of People Into Array

Feb 5, 2014

I am starting a program that is dealing with arrays. My issue, allowing a user to enter 'x' number of people into an array. How do I first allow them to enter the size of an array, and then enter strings (list) into that array. In addition to this, I need to specify the number of boxes of cookies sold by each person and keep a tally of the number of people selling cookies in each category (e.g. 1-10, 11-20...etc). Instead of having a number 100000, I want the user to enter that size, 'x'.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class cookie {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int x = 100;
double saleCount[] = new double [x];
String[] girlScout = new String[100000];

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Does Either Of These Randomly Generate Both 0 And 1?

Nov 22, 2014

"which code is best for randomly generating integer 0 or 1". Haven't gotten my grade back yet but in reading these during the test I didn't think any of these would kick out both of those numbers, but there was no "none of the above" option on the test.This is exactly how it appeared on the test:

A) (int)Math.random() + 1
B) (int)(Math.random() + 0.2)
C) (int)Math.random()
D) (int)(Math.random() + 0.8)
E) (int)(Math.random() + 0.5)

I've tried all of them in the cs lab 100 times each and none of them generated both numbers. 'A' kicked out 1 every time. 'B,D and E' kicked out 0.2, 0.8 and 0.5 respectively each time, and 'C' kicked out 0. Did I just not run them enough times for the result to change or am I right in thinking there's a glitch on the test?

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Randomly Generating A 0 Or 1

Nov 4, 2014

My random integer always seems to be zero.. I am at the ends of my wit.

package Exercises;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

* Heads or tails?
* That is what this is.
public class num14 {

[Code] ....

Attached File(s) : New Text Document.txt (2.59K)

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Randomly Generated Labyrinths

Dec 13, 2014

So i am making this game with randomly generated labyrinths and i get error in array. Here is the code:

import java.util.Random;
public class Labyrinth {
I've got lost in some things so my code might contain unnecessary code.

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Randomly Get Index Of Array

Jan 7, 2015

I created and an Array of integers how can I get randomly get/pick the index of each array element.

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Randomly Shuffling Cards

Apr 8, 2015

i'm trying to make a random card shuffler but the output would sometimes have same value multiple times. For example it might print out A5 at the fifth index then print out A5 again as the 32 index.

public class randomGenerateCards {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String temp;
String[] cards = new String[]
{ "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "A10", "A11",
"A12", "A13", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8",
"S9", "S10", "S11", "S12", "S13", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5",
"H6", "H7", "H8", "H9", "H10", "H11", "H12", "H13", "D1", "D2",
"D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12",


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Randomly Filling Tic Tac Toe Board

Oct 19, 2014

So I an assignment in Java to write a code which will randomly populate squares in a Tic Tac Toe Board. I pretty much have it I think, but I cannot get the 'O' to appear on the board, some squares will be blank. We were told to use the Random utility to generate the squares. I am attaching the .gif's which are used. Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class LandryTicTacToe extends JFrame
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8781512780135301721L;
private final int HEIGHT = 450;//Set value for Height
private final int WIDTH = 500;//Set value for Width
private static JButton [] button = new JButton[9];//Declare array of Buttons

[Code] .....


Instructions Given to me:

Display a frame that contains nine labels, arranged like a Tic Tac Toe board. A label may display an image icon for X, an image icon for O, or nothing. Display images randomly in each label. Use the Random class to generate 0, 1, or 2, which corresponds to displaying an X image, an O image, or nothing.

Attached image(s)

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How To Fill A String With Characters Randomly

Jul 5, 2014

I need to make a string filled with naughts and crosses like this one : "xxx ooo xox". There are 3 groups separated with a space. how to fill the string randomly ?

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Getting Enemies To Spawn Off Screen Randomly

Sep 22, 2014

I am making a game and i am trying to have enemies spawn slight off the screen and randomly each time the game is run. I can get them to spawn randomly but i cant seem to get them off the screen properly ( when i do they take too long to enter the screen).
here is the code

for(int b = 0; b < GamePanel.enemy_amount; b++){
GamePanel.enemy.add(new Enemy((int)(Math.random() * 4000),(int)(Math.random() * 200)));

here is the width and height of the JFrame

setSize(1200, 800);

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How To Make Animation Stop Randomly

Dec 28, 2014

I am trying to program a slot machine and as of now, I am trying to make my slots spin and randomly stop on one of the graphics. Right now, I am having difficultly making the animation/slot stop randomly.

Previously, I tried using a randomly set timer that would cancel the execution, but the image did not appear/stop on the screen.Right now, I am using a random generator and a while to say that if it is a certain number, then stop the image.Here's what I tried:

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class SlotGraphics
Console c;
int x = 200;
int y = -100;


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Randomly Fill 2D Array In Constructor

Dec 7, 2014

I must fill a 2d array randomly and then apply methods to the array. However i keep getting an out of bounds exception no matter what dimensions i use. I have a test and a class program.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
class SummerStats {
Random rand = new Random();

[Code] .....

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Images Changed Randomly Regulations

Sep 1, 2014

In my program I want to 2 images changed randomly regulations, but on frame appear only img4. What is wrong?

public class Yes extends JPanel {
Image img3 = new ImageIcon("Yes/Untitled3.png").getImage();
Image img4 = new ImageIcon("Yes/Untitled4.png").getImage();
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNum = rand.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Boolean Value (true Or False) Randomly Set?

Jun 15, 2014

I have the code and it works very well, but my professor wants us to use Junit testing to test our code. I've never used JUnit before, how it works. Is it possible to have a boolean value (true or false) randomly set?

Here is the code I need to test:

package musicalinstruments;
class MusicalInstrument {
public String name;
public boolean isPlaying;
public boolean isTuned;
public MusicalInstrument(){
isPlaying = false;
isTuned = false;


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Unable To Print Out Randomly Generated Array

Nov 19, 2014

i am trying to print out a randomly generated array, but i only get


i did some research and the "[" is for arrays, "I" is for the int and "@" is the hash. and the rest is some sort of hex. I need to override this in a way, but i can't seem to find out how.
this is my current code:

import java.util.Random;

public class Oppgave {
public static void main(String[] args){
int myint[] = fyll();
public static int[] fyll() {


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How To Access 4 Strings Randomly From String Array

Jun 13, 2014

Now I am trying to print the 4 string randomly from string array..where string contains no of words which are splitted from the file....

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Create Permutation Method Where J Is Chosen Randomly From 0 To I

Apr 16, 2015

I need figuring this problem out. It appears that I am attempting to generate a permutation of the string "ABCDEF" 720,000 times using this method:

In the second method, j is chosen randomly in the range from 0 to i (inclusive).

Once the permutations are generated, the program will proceed in counting the number of times each permutation occurs, calculating the chi square statistic of the situation, and creating the chi square distribution with 719 degrees of freedom, then outputting the statistic and the chi square probability of the permutations. The generatePermutation method is where all the magic happens. Only trouble, I can't figure out what I equals to. The times where I think I have i as a correct value only give me the program outputted as 1.0 probability every time. What it needs to be doing is outputting variable probability as a number always between 0 and 1, not 1 all the time. Here is my code:

package math3323assignment7;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ChiSquaredDistribution;
import com.google.common.collect.Multiset;
import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultiset;

[Code] ....

i is meant to step through the index of the array, but I can't figure out what i is.

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Randomly Throw Two Dice And Display Their Values

Mar 25, 2014

Dice are used in many games. One die can be thrown to randomly show a value from 1 through 6.

Design a Die class that can hold an integer data field for a value (from1 to 6).

Include a constructor that randomly assigns a value to a die object. Appendix D contains information on generating randomnumbers. To fully understand the process, you must learn more about Java classes and methods. However, for now, you can copy the following statement to generate a random number between 1 and 6 and assign it to a variable. Using this statement assumes you have assigned appropriate values to the static constants.

randomValue = ((int)(Math.random() * 100) % HIGHEST_DIE_VALUE +

Also include a method in the class to return a die's value. Save the class as


Write an application that randomly "throws" two dice and displays their values. After you read the chapter Making Decisions, you will be able to have the game determine the higher die. For now, just observe how the values change as you execute the program multiple times. Save the application as TwoDice.java.

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